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industry as a limiting and regulative force. It must see to it that
competition among the workers is kept within healthy limits, that
all children are given a chance to develop soundly, and that
wages are high enough for the goods produced to be consumed.
But it can exert a decisive influence through its regulative function
if--and there again you are right--its measures are framed in an
objective spirit by independent experts.

I would like to write to you at greater length, but cannot find the


It seems to be a universal fact that minorities--especially when the
individuals composing them are distinguished by physical peculiarities--are
treated by the majorities among whom they live as an inferior order of
beings. The tragedy of such a fate lies not merely in the unfair treatment
to which these minorities are automatically subjected in social and economic
matters, but also in the fact that under the suggestive influence of the
majority most of the victims themselves succumb to the same prejudice and
regard their brethren as inferior beings. This second and greater part of
the evil can be overcome by closer combination and by deliberate education
of the minority, whose spiritual liberation can thus be accomplished.

The efforts of the American negroes in this direction are deserving of
all commendation and assistance.

Observations on the Present Situation in Europe

The distinguishing feature of the present political situation of the
world, and in particular of Europe, seems to me to be this, that political.
development has failed, both materially and intellectually, to keep pace
with economic necessity, which has changed its character in a comparatively
short time. The interests of each country must be subordinated to the
interests of the wider community. The struggle for this new orientation of
political thought and feeling is a severe one, because it has the tradition
of centuries against it. But the survival of Europe depends on its
successful issue. It is my firm conviction that once the psychological
impediments are overcome the solution of the real problems will not be such
a terribly difficult matter. In order to create the right atmosphere, the
most essential thing is personal co-operation between men of like mind. May
our united efforts succeed in building a bridge of mutual trust between the

The Heirs of the Ages

Previous generations were able to look upon intellectual and cultural
progress as simply the inherited fruits of their forebears' labours, which
made life easier and more beautiful for them. But the calamities of our
times show us that this was a fatal illusion.

We see now that the greatest efforts are needed if this legacy of
humanity's is to prove a blessing and not a curse. For whereas formerly it
was enough for a man to have freed himself to some extent from personal
egotism to make him a valuable member of society, to-day he must also be
required to overcome national and class egotism. Only if he reaches those
heights can he contribute towards improving the lot of humanity.

As regards this most important need of the age the inhabitants of a
small State are better placed than those of a great Power, since the latter
are exposed, both in politics and economics, to the temptation to gain their
ends by brute force. The agreement between Holland and Belgium, which is the
only bright spot in European affairs during the last few years, encourages
one to hope that the small nations will play a leading part in the attempt
to liberate the world from the degrading yoke of militarism through the
renunciation of the individual country's unlimited right of


Germany 1933


As long as I have any choice, I will only stay in a country where
political liberty, toleration, and equality of all citizens before the law
are the rule. Political liberty implies liberty to express one's political
views orally and in writing, toleration, respect for any and every
individual opinion.

These conditions do not obtain in Germany at the present time. Those
who have done most for the cause of international understanding, among them
some of the leading artists, are being persecuted there.

Any social organism can become psychically distempered just as any
individual can, especially in times of difficulty. Nations usually survive
these distempers. I hope that healthy conditions will soon supervene in
Germany, and that in future her great men like Kant and Goethe will not
merely be commemorated from time to time, but that the principles which they
inculcated will also prevail in public life and in the general

March, 1933.

Correspondence with the Prussian Academy of Sciences

The following correspondence is here published for the first time in
its authentic and complete form. The version published in German newspapers
was for the most part incorrect, important sentences being omitted.

The Academy's declaration of April I, 1933, against Einstein.

The Prussian Academy of Sciences heard with indignation from the
newspapers of Albert Einstein's participation in atrocity-mongering in
France and America. It immediately demanded an explanation. In the meantime
Einstein has announced his withdrawal from the Academy, giving as his reason
that he cannot continue to serve the Prussian State under its present
Government. Being a Swiss citizen, he also, it seems, intends to resign the
Prussian nationality which he acquired in 1913 simply by becoming a full
member of the Academy.

The Prussian Academy of Sciences is particularly distressed by
Einstein's activities as an agitator in foreign countries, as it and its
members have always felt themselves bound by the closest ties to the
Prussian State and, while abstaining strictly from all political
partisanship, have alwa58 stressed and remained faithful to the national
idea. It has, therefore, no reason to regret Einstein's withdrawal.

Prof. Dr. Ernst Heymann, Perpetual Secretary. Le Coq, near Ostende,
April 5, 1933

To the Prussian Academy of Sciences,

I have received information from a thoroughly reliable source
that the Academy of Sciences has spoken in an official statement
of "Einstein's participation in atrocity-mongering in America and

I hereby declare that I have never taken any part in
atrocity-mongering, and I must add that I have seen nothing of
any such mongering anywhere. In general people have contented
themselves with reproducing and commenting on the official
statements and orders of responsible members of the German
Government, together with the programme for the annihilation of
the German Jews by economic methods.

The statements I have issued to the Press were concerned with
my intention to resign my position in the Academy and renounce
my Prussian citizenship; I gave as my reason for these steps that
I did not wish to live in a country where the individual does not
enjoy equality before the law and freedom to say and teach what
he likes.

Further, I described the present state of affairs in Germany as a
state of psychic distemper in the masses and also made some
remarks about its causes.

In a written document which I allowed the International League
for combating Anti-Semitism to make use of for the purpose of
enlisting support, and which was not intended for the Press at all,
I also called upon all sensible people, who are still faithful to the
ideals of a civilization in peril, to do their utmost to prevent this
mass-psychosis, which is exhibiting itself in such terrible
symptoms in Germany to-day, from spreading further.

It would have been an easy matter for the Academy to get hold
of a correct version of my words before issuing the sort of
statement about me that it has. The German Press has
reproduced a deliberately distorted version of my words, as
indeed was only to be expected with the Press muzzled as it is

I am ready to stand by every word I have published. In return, I
expect the Academy to communicate this statement of mine to
its members and also to the German public before which I have
been slandered, especially as it has itself had a hand in slandering
me before that public.

The Academy's Answer of April 11, 1933

The Academy would like to point out that its
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