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Powders, 69

Heart valves of baby, 87

Hemorrhage in cancer, 43

Hemorrhoids, 47
Bleeding, external, internal, pain from, 49
From constipation, 48
Retrodisplacements causing, 34
Treatment, 49

Herb remedies as drugs, 69

Heredity, inherited tendency to disease, 99
Tuberculosis, syphilis, 100

Home-making a study, 78

Homes, childless, 103
Girls not interested in parents' home, 135

Hot flashes during menopause, 30

Hymen, 18
Not injured by douche, 40
Opening in, 41
Unruptured in pregnancy, 154

Illegitimacy, 152

Immorality, due to low wages, effects of, 149
Among children, in country districts, in school,  123
Due to hooded clitoris,  41

Indigestion, 52

Inflammation causing dysmenorrhœa, 39

Inherited syphilis, 62

Intercourse, 75

Insemination, 74

Jealousy, 196

Kiss conveying contagion, 61

Knee chest position, 37
For constipation and hemorrhoids,  49

Labia majora and minora, 17

Labor, dry, 86
Duration of,  87
Pains, cause of,  85
Premature,  89

Lanugo, 84

Law regarding prevention of pregnancy, 109

Laxatives, 51

Leucorrhœa, 38
In young girls,  40

Life feeling, 84

Love, misunderstood, 132

Lumbago, backache in, 67

Lungs of newborn child, 87

Maidenhead, see Hymen.

Malignant tumor, 43

Marriage, education necessary for, 72
Fake marriages used to obtain white slaves,  168
False promises leading to immorality,  151
For convenience, natural,  116
Laws not adequate,  115
Relation,  71
Science of, successful and otherwise,  71
Social reasons for,  103

Massage, for constipation, 51

Mating, 73

Meatus urinarius, 17

Medical, fake advertisements, 67

Medicine, doubtful results from, 68
Patent,  45

Membrane, 86

Menstruation, absence of, 40
Bathing during,  27
Care during,  26
Color, odor,  29
Composition of flow,  28
Deficiency of,  40
Description of,  23
Duration of, frequency,  23, 28
Lassitude during,  27
Pain during,  27, 39
Phenomena common to,  27
Profuse flow,  28
Quantity, time between periods,  29
Sign of approach of period,  25
Source of flow,    16

Menopause, age, 29
Bowels in,  21
Breasts after,  31
Cancer at,  43
Care during, symptoms of approach,  30
Changes in body, nervous system,  30
Duration, diet,  31
End of child-bearing period,  23
Hot flashes during, necessity for examination,  30
Relaxation, rest, worry during,  31

Miscarriage, 89

Modesty, false, 134

Motherhood, accidental, a science, preparation for, 77
Fear regarding,  106
Natural desire of all women,  104

Mucous patches in syphilis, 61

Nerve trouble, due to syphilis, 62

A lack of control,  195
Due to hooded clitoris,  41
Overcoming,  197
Relation to intercourse,  76

Neuralgia, backache, 67
Causing dysmenorrhœa,  39

Ovary, description, function, position, 14
Tumor, see Tumor.

Oviduct, see Fallopian tube, 14

Ovum, 14
Relation to menstruation,    29
Division into portions, growth,    81
Passage from ovary to uterus, impregnation,    81
Size,    82

Passion or sex sense, 73

Parents' duty to daughters, 167
To sons,  171

Patent medicine, 45
Of doubtful benefit,    68

Pelvis, 11
Deformed in abortions,    91

Peritoneum, 16

Peritonitis, 16
From displacement and inflammation of womb,  37
From gonorrhœa,    58
From appendicitis,    59

Perineum, 18
Tearing during labor,  19, 87

Physiology of female organs, 11

Piles, see Hemorrhoids.

Placenta, 83

Position of fœtus in utero, 85

Pregnancy, absence of menstruation, 40
Among unmarried girls,  151

Fertilization before,  74
Prevention of,  109

Premature birth, labor, 89

Prostitution, result of, 155

Puberty, 23
Change in nervous system,  24
Hygiene during, school work during,  24
Premonitory symptoms, signs of approach,  24
Preparatory information, necessity for,  24

Public cup, 61

Pus tubes, see Fallopian tubes.

Race improvement, 111

Race suicide, education in relation to, 104
Not increased by knowledge of means of prevention,    113

Rectum, position in relation to womb, 11
In retrodisplacement,  34

Regulation of number of children, 111

Relaxation, 199

Rest, 200

Rheumatism, backache, 67
Dysmenorrhœa due to,  39

Sac, 85

Sanitary pads, 26

Self-abuse, 137
Hooded clitoris as a cause,  139
Mental,  139
Nervous system injured,  138
Treatment,  139

Self-confidence, 145

Self-control, 206

Semen, 74

Sex, education needed regarding, 72, 121
Fundamental end of, over-indulgence,  74
Instinct,  73
Instruction for children,  183
Organs formed fourth month,  83

Skin disease due to syphilis, 101

Sleep, sleeplessness, treatment, 200

Spermatozoon, 74
Death due to disease,  107
Union with ovum,  81
Size,  82

After one birth,  108
Due to abortions,  95
Due to gonorrhœa,  58
Due to indiscretions, in male,  107

Stomach trouble due to syphilis, 62

Syphilis, 61
Causing abortions,  90
Causing epilepsy, brain and skin lesions,  101
Contracted from wet nurse,  62
Conveyed by kiss, by public cup,  61
Inherited,  62, 100
Late symptoms,    62
Prevention in youth, treatment,    63

Tears of perineum, 19
Necessity for repair,    30
Relation to cancer,    43

Teas, laxative, 51

Tomboys, 133

Toxines from constipation, 48

Tubes, see Fallopian tubes.

Tumor, abdominal, caused by black plagues, 42
Absorption of, removal,    42
Causing dysmenorrhœa,    39
Hemorrhoidal,    34
Malignant,    43
Phantom,    43
Symptoms of, hemorrhage, pain in,    42

Ulcers in syphilis, 62

Umbilical cord, 83

Urethra, 17

Urination, frequent, caused by displacement, 35

Uterus, see Womb.

Vagina, description of, 13
Discharge from,    38
Infection from use of public towels,  60
Irritation of,  40
Orifice of,    17

Vein of cord, 83

Vernix caseosa, 85

Venereal diseases, 56

Vibrator for constipation, 51

Wet nurse in syphilis, 62

Womb, attachment, 13
Cancer of,  43
Congestion from tight clothing,  37
Contraction of mouth,  39
Inflammation from displacements,  37
Position, size, structure, shape,    11
Over work causing congestion,  38

Wild oats, sown by girls, 150

White slavery, 163

Women in business, 189

Worry, an abuse, 143

Youth, obtainable, 203

By E. B. Lowry, M.D.



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By E. B. Lowry, M.D.



This book contains the latest and best approved methods for the care of the mother and baby.

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