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Book online «Mother's Remedies by Thomas Jefferson Ritter (fantasy books to read txt) 📖». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter

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  Lumbago 323
  Torticollis (Stiff or Wry Neck) 323
  Pleurodynia, Pain in the Chest Muscles, etc 323

  Diet for Rheumatism from a Head Nurse of
                   a Prominent Hospital 324
  May Take 324
  Must Not Take 324
  Treatment for Stiff Neck 324
  Mothers' Remedies for Stiff Neck 324
    1. Hot Salt and Oil of Sassafras 324
  Physicians' Treatment, Preventive 324
  Liniment 325
  Menthol Liniment for Lumbago 325
  Mothers' Remedies 325
    1. Vinegar and Salt for Weak Back 325
    2. Simple Remedy for Weak Back 325
    3. Good Liniment for Weak Back 325
    4. Chloroform Liniment for Lameness 325
    5. Plaintain Leaves and Cream for 325
  Mothers' Remedies for Rheumatism 325
    1. Salt Petre Good In Cases of 325
    2. Rochelle Salts for 325
    3. Flowers of Sulphur will Relieve Pain of 325
    4. Three Simple Ingredient Liniment for 326
    5. Sulphur Good for 326
    6. Horse Radish for 326
    7. Simple Remedy to Relieve pain of 326
    8. Liniment for Chronic 326
    9. Herb Remedy for 326
    10. Three Things that will Help 326
    11. Good Liniment for 326
    12. Camphor and Alcohol for 327
    13. Sweet Fern Tea Excellent for 327
    14. Well-known Celery Remedy for 327
    15. Flowers of Sulphur Relieves 327
    16. Poultice for 327
    17. Novel Relief for 327
    18. Snake Root and Lemons for 327
    19. Another Good Liniment for 328
   Mothers' Remedies (Unclassified) 680
    1. Mountain Leaf Tea for 680
    2. Beef Gall for 680
Mustard Leaves or Sinapisms 633, 635
Mustard (Medical Use) 673
Mustard Plaster 633, 634, 635
Mustard Poultice 633
Mustard Stupe 634
Myelitis 304
  Causes 304
  Symptoms 304
  Recovery 305
  Treatment 305
Myocarditis 345
Myxoedema 260
  Causes of Cretinism 260
  Symptoms 260
    (a) Cretinism 260
    (b) Myxoedema proper 261
  Operative Type 261
  Symptoms 261
  Treatment 261

Naevus 77
Nail, Enlarged 77
Nail, Inflammation of the 78
Nail Wound, Rusty 393
  Mothers' Remedies 394
    1. Iodoform and Vaselin Salve 394
    2. Turpentine Good 394
  Tincture of Myrrh for Fresh 394
Nasal Catarrh, Acute 10
Nasal Growths 8
Nasal Polypus 19
Nausea (Herb Remedies) 424, 433, 440
Neonatorum Ophthalmia 4
Nephritis, Acute 156
Nephritis, Chronic (Diffuse Desquamative) 158

Nephritis, Chronic Interstitial 159
  Causes 159
  Arteria-Sclerotic Form 159
  Symptoms 159
  Recovery 160
  Treatment 160
  Diet as Followed by a Prominent Hospital 160
  May Take

1 ... 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 ... 295
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