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Book online «Love Yourself! by Zartaj Shaikh (best romantic novels to read txt) 📖». Author Zartaj Shaikh

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and provides enough antioxidants and slow burning carbohydrates perfect for a run. Fluids! Part-1


Fluids form a huge part of our lives! Water is one of the basic fluids that we consume every single day of our lives. A new born baby consists of about 80% of water in their body; a normal adult has about 70% of water in their body. An elderly person has about 50% of water in their body. 90% of our cells are made up of water, 85% of the blood, 80% of brain and muscles and 25% of our bones are made up of water. 


Water boosts your immune system Makes you look and feel younger Keeps your kidney healthy Energizes Improves your skin Prevents headaches Improves circulation Gives Muscle Relief Improves digestion Detoxifies Also helps in weight loss Maintains your body's Ph levels Water is needed to survive in this world! Helps in controlling blood pressure. It is also a key to beautiful hair Helps you leave longer Helps prevent cavities!


Many a times we get headaches and the simple reason for these severe headaches is dehydration. So drinking enough water will surely cure your headache problems! Whenever you feel hungry between the meals it's a sign that you are dehydrated and that your body needs water. Our human body has wired ways of saying what it needs and we usually end up interpreting it wrong and just ruin everything. So when you feel Hungry between Meals just grab your water bottle and sip some water. If this doesn't ease your hunger then grab a fruit like an apple, orange, pineapple, watermelon, pear, cucumber, Muskmelon, papaya, berries, strawberries, Mango. The Next thing that people ask the most is how much water should one drink in a day?? Here is an image, a chart to how much water should one drink!-



Now it says at least 8-12 glasses but that doesn't mean that when you are done with your 12 glasses of water for the day you stop there!!! No you have to continue drinking water!!! Water needs differ everyday depending on the temperature, how much you are sweating, what you are eating!! Etc.


Now there is a method of drinking water!!! First thing in the morning after waking up is to drink water!! Drink water 30mins before your meal this will make you eat less, after you are done with eating don't drink water for next 45mins!! Have eaten something spicy?? Eat sweet! Just a bit! Or a teaspoon of full fat milk cream. This will ease the burning sensation in your mouth. Drink 2 hrs before and 2 hrs after workouts. A little in between your workout sessions. Well that's all for now!! I'll update about it further soon!!!


Weight gain habits to avoid


Habits can't be broken, they need to be replaced. Indulging in a chocolate cake once in a while or having a day on the couch with your chips or pakodas is not going to make you unfit, however doing it every single day, will! Here are some weight gain habits to look out for:


Lack of sleep may be making you fat. According to studies, partial sleep deprivation slows down your metabolism by 5-20% and alters your level of hunger hormones, making you hungrier all day and seriously bingeing the next.


Eating in the car. If you buy "easy to eat" meals like a burger or samosas on your way, you may end up eating your daily calorie quota in one hit. If you do travel long distances, plan ahead and carry a healthy meal and a bottle of water with you.


Eating in front of the TV. You should savor every bite, relishing the flavors and textures, not to mention be grateful for them. Eating in front of the TV makes you eat fast. The brain takes time to communicate that you are indeed satiated, so allow that to happen.


Food rut - eating the same thing day in and day out. Even if you think that you are eating healthy, you could be stuffing yourself with too much of the same thing on a daily basis, making it mundane and boring for one, which will tempt you to have frequent "pig-out" sessions with the foods you love.


Finishing everything on your plate and peer pressure. Some will probably slay me for saying this, but wasted food is wasted food, putting it all in your belly is not going to save a starving child. Serve yourself as much as you want to eat. Don't go for seconds. My mom too told me not to treat my stomach like a garbage bin. "Coffee shopping" or for some of us it is the "meet up for a drink". Many of us make it a habit to meet up with friends for coffee where the preferred flavor is hazelnut cream with a slice of a brownie. Need I say more? The equal fat habit is a few beers every night.


Some Lean Habits you could instill to replace some of the fat ones. Smell your food. Smell peppermint and smell each spoonful before you eat. It tricks your mind into believing you have eaten a little more than you have. When I wanted to shed 10 kilos in 3 months, I smelled chocolate whenever I had a craving.


Walk for an hour every day, instead of watching TV. If you have a treadmill or you can go to a gym, then you can multitask. If not, take your iPod and listen to music or audio-books while you walk those kilos away.


Practice one form of resistance training every day. I love Pilates, but if you prefer Yoga or weight training, go for it. The more lean muscle you build, the faster you will shed weight and gain definition. Meet up with friends you used to go for drinks or coffee with for a run or a yoga class instead.


Drink lots of water and herbal teas. This is a good way to replace mindless munching; you can even replace the nightly drink or juice with iced herbal tea served chilled with a slice of lime in a nice glass. Make everything look enticingly tempting.


Stock up on what I like to call "free-foods" and drinks like cucumbers, celery, lettuce and herbal teas. You can eat as much of those as you want. They probably burn up more calories munching them than they actually carry themselves.


What now? You need to have a reality check. I was once talking to a client who told me how healthy he was eating. After careful investigation, we discovered 8 slices of bread, be it they were brown, but who needs 8 slices a day, unless you are running a marathon. Where do you think it is going to store? So, for 2 days, list every single thing that you did and every morsel and drop that went into your mouth, the amount of liquids you consumed, if you are a smoker, the number of cigarettes. Even if they are things you consider healthy, like juice.


Write down also all the activities you did, the number of hours you slept or watched TV, if you went to the bathroom, if you went for a walk or jog or played a sport or got a massage. At the end of the 48 hours, get some help from a coach or a nutritionist. Identify the "fat-habits" and replace them with lean habits. Think of what a fit and healthy person would be doing daily and let that guide you as your list new habits. 

5 daily habits that are making you fat!


If you've been piling on excess kilos lately, you might have a reason to blame these few reasons —


Taking big bites: It is widely believed that people who take big bites while eating, consume more calories as compared to those who take smaller bites. So, when you take a bite, chew it properly so that it gives you the feeling of having eaten enough.


Not drinking enough water: People, who consume less water through the day, are susceptible to putting on weight than those who keep drinking water. This is because water flushes out the toxins in your body that makes you feel bloated.


Eating on larger plates: Those who eat off larger plates are believed to put on weight than those who eat off smaller plates. The bigger your plate is, the more food you will put in it. So, the best way to control your hunger is by eating on small plates.


Not getting enough rest: Well, weight gain is not restricted to eating habits alone. One may even pile on kilos if he/she does not get enough sleep. Did you know that your body burns fat even while you are sleeping? So, now you know what ought to be done.


Going out with unhealthy friends: Those who hang out with people who are used to eating and drinking unhealthy may also end up putting on weight, says studies. This is because you end up eating the same food that your friends order, since you do not have much of a choice.

Why breakfast is important?


How many times have you heard the adage, 'Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince

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