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a doctor must be in attendance. Cut, away all the dead tissue by using burning caustics, such as fuming nitric acid, solid zinc chloride, nitrate of silver, carbolic acid on the actual canker. Sometimes mild applications like sub nitrate of bismuth, chloride of potash or the following do well:—

    Sulphate of copper 2 drams
    Powdered cinchona 1/2 ounce
    Water enough to make 4 ounces

Mix and apply. Peroxide of hydrogen is good as a disinfectant or boric acid solution, etc., may be used. Keep up the patient's strength.

Fortunately this disease is rare. I have never seen a case in practice.

Salivation.—Stop the mercury, keep the bowels open and use the same antiseptic washes as directed for sore mouth.


Chlorate of Potash Solution, Soda Solutions, Boracic Acid Solutions.—Brush the ulcers with nitrate of silver sticks. Keep the mouth clean with hot water washes and some of the antiseptics put in the water as boric acid, soda, glycothymotine, listerine, etc.

ACUTE DYSPEPSIA.—(Acute Indigestion, Acute Gastritis). "Gaster" is the Greek for stomach; "itis" means inflammation,—thus acute inflammation of the stomach. It may be acute or chronic. When acute it may be called acute gastritis, acute gastric catarrh, acute dyspepsia or acute indigestion. When chronic it may be called chronic gastritis, chronic catarrh of the stomach, chronic dyspepsia or chronic indigestion.

Causes.—This is a very common complaint and is usually caused by eating foods that are hard to digest, which either themselves irritate the stomach, or remain undigested, decompose, and so excite an acute dyspepsia, or indigestion, or it may be caused by eating or taking in more than the stomach can digest. A frequent cause is eating decomposing food, particularly in hot weather. Alcohol is another great cause.

Symptoms.—In mild cases. Distress in the stomach, headache, weary feeling, thirst, nausea, belching of wind, sour food, and vomiting; the tongue is heavily coated and the saliva increased. In children there are loose bowels and colicky pains. It lasts rarely more than twenty-four hours. Vomiting usually relieves the patient.

Severe cases.—These may set in with a chill; fever 102 or 103. The tongue is much coated, breath foul and frequent vomiting, loss of appetite, great thirst, tenderness in region of the stomach; repeated vomiting of food at first, then of bile stained fluid with mucus; constipation or diarrhea. Attacks last one to five days.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.—1. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Mustard and Molasses for.—"Mustard is an excellent household remedy kept in every home. A tablespoonful of white mustard mingled with two ounces of molasses and then taken once a day will act gently on the bowels and is a beneficial remedy in dyspepsia." By acting upon the bowels it relieves the stomach of any food that may have caused a disturbance and relieves the dyspepsia.

2. Flatulent Dyspepsia, Wormwood tea for.—"Wormwood, one to two teaspoonfuls, water one pint. Make a tea and take from one to four teaspoonfuls daily." This is an old tried remedy and one that should be given a trial if affected with dyspepsia.

3. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Dry salt for.—"One-half teaspoon dry salt taken before each meal. Knew a gentleman who was nearly worn out with this trouble and entirely cured himself with this simple remedy." It is always well to give these simple remedies a fair trial, before resorting to strong drugs. Salt is a good stimulant.


4. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Chicken Gizzard Skin for.—"Four ounces good brandy, one-fourth pound of loaf sugar, one tablespoonful pulverized chicken gizzard skin, one teaspoonful Turkish rhubarb dried on paper stirring constantly; this prevents griping; the chicken gizzard skin is the lining of the gizzard which should be thoroughly cleaned and dried then pulverized. To prepare put brandy and sugar together (crush the sugar), light a paper and set fire to the brandy; let burn until sugar is dissolved, then add the gizzard skin and rhubarb, stir together and if too thick add a little water and boil up. Dose :—Infant, one-half teaspoonful every four hours; child, one teaspoonful every four hours; adult, one tablespoonful every four hours. Have used this remedy for a great many years and given it to a great many people who have worn out all other remedies."

5. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, an Excellent Tonic for.—

    "Tincture Gentian Compound 2 ounces
    Tincture Rhubarb 2 ounces
    Tincture Ginger 1/2 ounce
    Essence Peppermint 2 ounces
    Bicarbonate Soda 1/2 ounce
    Water to make 8 ounces


For acute cases of indigestion where the stomach and bowels are full and distended, or sour stomach, spitting up of food. This will often relieve at once and with continued use relieves entirely."

6. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Fruit Diet Cure for.—"Persons afflicted with this disease would find great relief if they would confine themselves to a diet of fruit only for several days." This gives the stomach an opportunity to rest up and get back to its natural state.

7. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Hickory Ashes for.—"Take a swallow of hickory limb ashes and water three times a day."

8. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Salt and water for.—"Drink sal and water before eating breakfast."

9. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Slippery Elm for.—"Chew slippery elm; it aids digestion."

10. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Cold Water for.—"A glass of cold water half hour before eating."

11. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Hot Water for.—"Sip a cup of boiling hot water before eating anything."

12. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Yolk of Egg and Salt for.—"A very simple but good remedy is the yolk of one egg, with a small quantity of common salt before breakfast. This treatment has been tried and known to cure in many cases."

13. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Lemon Remedy for.—"Drink a half glass of water into which has been put the juice of a lemon (no sugar) morning and evening. This is a fine remedy."


14. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Hops Excellent for.—"Pour one quart of boiling water over one-half ounce of hops, cover this over and allow the infusion to stand for fifteen minutes; the tea must then be strained off into another jug. A small cupful may be drank in the morning, which will create an appetite and also strengthen the digestive powers. It is an excellent medicinal drink." Hops does its work by the soothing and quieting action on the whole system, and should be taken regularly for some time.

15. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Tested Remedy for.—"A good digestive is made as follows:

    Tincture of Leptandrin 1 ounce
    Tincture of Hydrastis 1 ounce
    Tincture of Colombo 1 ounce
    Wine of Pepsin 1 ounce

Mix. Dose, two teaspoonfuls after each meal."

The leptandrin acts on the liver, the colombo is a bitter tonic and hydrastis is a good tonic for the stomach.

16. Indigestion or Dyspepsia, Chamomile Tonic for Aged Persons also for Children.—"Put about one-half ounce chamomile flowers into a jug, pour a pint of boiling water upon them, cover up the tea, and when it has stood about ten minutes pour it off from the flowers into another jug; sweeten with sugar or honey. A cupful in the morning will strengthen the digestive organs, a teacupful in which is stirred a large dessert spoonful of moist sugar and a little grated ginger is an excellent thing to give to aged persons a couple of hours before dinner," It is remarkable to see how this treatment aids the digestion, especially in chronic cases. It may also be given to fretful children in small doses.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT in mild cases of acute Dyspepsia.—These recover by themselves by giving the stomach rest, and taking a dose of castor oil. Hot water is good to help to clean out the stomach.

Treatment in severe forms.—Promote vomiting by drinking large amount of warm water. This cleans the stomach of the sour, foul, decomposing food. If warm water does not cause vomiting, give any simple emetic you may have at your hand, such as mustard, etc., one teaspoonful. If the stomach tastes very sour, take some baking soda; subnitrate of bismuth (ten grains) is good, if you have it. If the bowels are constipated you should take an enema (injection) or salts. Soda water can be drank freely. Rest the stomach for a day from food. For the thirst cracked ice is relished. As the patient is usually very thirsty the mouth should be rinsed frequently with cool water and some can be swallowed. As stated before for nausea and sour belching, baking soda or bismuth subnitrate can be used when there is much gas, sour belchings; crust coffee is very good. Burn the toast and make a hot coffee of it.


DIET.—Given us by the Lady Superior of one of the largest Catholic
Hospitals in Ohio.

May take—

Soups—Clear thin soups of beef, mutton or oysters.

Fish—Oysters raw, shad, cod, perch, bass, fresh mackerel.

Meats—Beef, mutton, chicken, lamb, tripe, tongue, calf's head, broiled chopped meat, sweetbread, game, tender steak.

Eggs—Boiled, poached, raw.

Farinaceous—Cracked wheat, hominy, rolled oats, rice, sago, tapioca, crackers, dry toast, stale bread, corn bread, whole wheat bread, graham bread, rice cakes.

Vegetables—Spinach, string beans, green peas, lettuce, cresses, celery, chicory, asparagus.

Desserts—Rice, tapioca or farina pudding, junket, custards, baked apples, apple snow, apple tapioca, ripe fruits—raw or stewed.

Drinks—One cup of milk and hot water equal parts, or one glass of pure cool water, sipped after eating, Panopepton or cracked ice.

Must Not Take—Rich soups or chowders, veal, pork, hashes, stews, turkey, potatoes, gravies, fried foods, liver, kidney; pickled, potted, corned or cured meats; salted, smoked or preserved fish; goose, duck, sausage, crabs, lobster, salmon, pies, pastry, candies, ice cream, cheese, nuts, ice water, malt or spirituous liquors.

CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA (Chronic Indigestion—Chronic Gastritis—Stomach Trouble).—A chronic digestive disorder characterized by increased secretion of mucus, changes in the gastric juice, weakening of the stomach muscles and diseased changes in the mucous membrane.

Causes.—The use of unsuitable and improperly prepared food, too much fat, starchy foods, New England pie, and hot meals, biscuits, cakes, etc., greasy gravies, too strong tea or coffee, and too much alcohol. Eating too much food, eating too fast, and eating between meals. Drinking of ice and cold water during or after meals. Chewing, especially, and smoking tobacco.


Symptoms.—Almost every bad feeling can be put under this head, both physical and mental. It has been coming on gradually for some time and the warnings have not been heeded; The appetite is variable, sometimes good and often poor. Among the early symptoms are feelings of distress or oppression after eating, and they may amount to actual pain; great or small. Sometimes feels sick at the stomach, belching of gas and bitter liquids and vomiting of food immediately after eating or some hours later. Stomach tender and painful to the touch. Stomach and abdomen are distended, especially after meals, with costive bowels or diarrhea. Feels weary, blue, tired, discouraged, poor sleep, bad dreams, bitter taste in the mouth, tongue coated especially on the back part, craves different things, much wind on the stomach, acid stomach, heavy feeling in the stomach, sometimes as if a stone lay there. Stomach feels weak, it is hard to sit up. Frequently must lie down after meals. Urine may have sand in it, Stomach feels full after eating only a little, must open up the clothes across the stomach. Persons are cross, irritable, discouraged, gloomy, nervous, generally look thin, haggard and sallow. The dreams are of horrid things, nightmare.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES, Stomach Trouble, Spice Poultice for,—1. "Take all kinds of ground spices and make a poultice. Heat whisky and wet the poultice with it, then apply to the stomach and bowels." This will always give relief. Wetting the poultice with whisky will be found very beneficial as it will retain the heat longer.

2. Stomach Trouble, Oil of Hemlock for,—"The Oil of Hemlock is a superior remedy in gastric irritation of the stomach. Dose:—One to two drops in sweetened water every ten or twenty minutes until relief is afforded, for an adult."

3. Cramps in Stomach, Ginger and Soda for.—"One teaspoonful of ginger stirred in half glass of hot water in which a half teaspoonful of baking soda has been dissolved." The ginger is very beneficial, as it warms up the stomach and thereby relieves the cramps, and

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