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FRCD(C) Centre for Advanced Dental Research and Care, Mount Sinai Hospital, and Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada -

Everything that the general public have not been told about vaccines. The information in the video below is kept from the general public. Parents should watch the video below about children and vaccines.


If you look at the swine flu scandal in 2009 governments around the world rushed out Big Pharma’s swine flu vaccines that actually cause narcolepsy in thousands of people and many of them where children. What terrible adverse reactions will children get from the unneeded covid vaccine?

Below is a report about this from 2013.

Swine flu vaccine can trigger narcolepsy; UK government concedes (2013)

Review of fresh evidence finds jab given to 6 million people in Britain can occasionally cause sleep disorder

The government is to reverse its stance on the safety of a swine flu vaccine given to 6 million people in Britain and accept that on rare occasions the jab can trigger the devastating sleep disorder narcolepsy.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has contacted people turned down for compensation last year to explain that, after a review of fresh evidence, it now accepts the vaccine can cause the condition.


Children must not be vaccinated for COVID-19

For nearly all children under 20 years of age, the risks from getting COVID-19 are exceedingly small, and for children the risk of death is basically near zero — it’s the closest to zero we can get to. So the cost-benefit argument against using an essentially untested vaccine is heavily in favor of risk and virtually no benefit.


Dr. Simone Gold of America’s Frontline Doctors shared information about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines and talked about the massive disinformation campaign that has taken over America and the rest of the world.



Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will


COVID – Bioethics, Eugenics and “Death Panels”: “A Warning”

Watch Professor’s Dolores Cahill Red Alert Warning On Risky COVID Vaccines

“COVID-19 jab is not a vaccine; it’s a cellular modification technology that causes a self-creating auto-immune disease similar to AIDS” (Video)

Head Merck sales person was killed by Big Pharma company Merck because of this video:

Can You Trust Big Pharma’s Gene Therapy Vaccine?

Synthetic mRNA COVID Vaccines: A Risk-Benefit Analysis

COVID-19 mRNA “Vaccines” Are “Gene Therapy” mRNA 'Vaccines' Fulfill None of the Criteria for a Vaccine By Dr. Joseph Mercola

How COVID-19 Vaccine Can Destroy Your Immune System

10 Things You Need to Know about the Experimental COVID Vaccines

31 Reasons Why I Won’t Take the Vaccine

The following list was created by Israeli Rabbi Chananya Weissman.

Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong. It is Not a “New Virus”. “The Fairy Tale of No Immunity” by Beda M Stadler who is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus.






Other Vaccine Injuries

“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good. The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway." – Dr. JAnthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)

"Children younger than 14 are three times more likely to die or suffer adverse reactions after receiving hepatitis B vaccines than to catch the disease." Source: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Many people believe every vaccine the World Health Organization recommends not only works, but is 100% safe and effective all of the time. Even if some vaccines work some of the time, are they worth the health risk? That is the ultimate question. Let us look in a bit more detail about how vaccines can cause so much suffering.

In response to vaccine injuries, in 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) (USA) was passed. This program has awarded approximately $3.4 billion to individuals and families who have suffered vaccine injury and death. If vaccines are so safe why is all this money getting awarded for vaccine injuries? It is known that only 1% of the people who have had adverse reactions have reported it to the authorities.

The U.K Government paid out ÂŁ3.5m to patients left disabled by vaccinations between 1997 and 2005. Any claimant who is successful in their claim has received a tax-free lump sum of ÂŁ100,000. Thirty-five such payments have been made, the Department of Work and Pensions have said, but could not reveal which vaccines were involved in the claims. It was also revealed that a total of 917 payments have been made since the Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme was introduced in 1979. Many thousands more claims are likely to have been made under the scheme but were unsuccessful.

The Department of Justice (USA) issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines. In the report from the period 2/16/2015 through 5/15/2015 there was 163 cases of injury and death from reactions to vaccines and this was just over a 3 month period.

Four of those settlements were for deaths linked to vaccines, with three deaths related to the flu shot, and one death for the Hepatitis B shot, typically given to new-borns. 74 of the cases were for injuries and deaths due to the flu shot. 20 of the vaccine injuries in the report were adverse reactions to the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) vaccine. These reports are never reported in the controlled mainstream media. Eighteen babies and toddlers died following childhood vaccinations (2001-2004) in just four years, a secret Government report (UK) revealed in 2006. Four deaths were linked to suspected adverse reactions to the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) triple jab. Six fatalities followed meningitis C vaccinations between 2001 and 2003. The deaths of seven other babies were linked to combined vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough.

As of September 1, 2015 there had been 11,052 serious adverse events reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) (USA) in connection with Hepatitis B containing vaccines since 1990. Over 38% of those serious Hepatitis B vaccine-related adverse events occurring in children under 3 years old. Of these Hepatitis B-vaccine related adverse event reports to VAERS 1,086 were deaths, with 75% of the deaths occurring in children under three years of age.

Patients who suffered brain damage as a result of taking a swine flu vaccine received multi-million-pound pay-outs from the UK government. The government is expected to receive a bill of approximately ÂŁ60 million, with each of the 60 victims expected to receive about ÂŁ1 million each. The lawyer who represented many of the claimants, told the Sunday Times: "There has never been a case like this before. The victims of this vaccine have an incurable and lifelong condition and will require extensive medication."

Although GlaxoSmithKline created the Vaccine it did not pay any damages out, you did, the government, the taxpayer. The International bankers who mostly own these pharmaceutical companies have made laws so they are exempt from paying any damages for vaccine injuries.

A 12-year-old boy has been awarded ÂŁ120,000 by a court (2015) that agreed he had been left severely disabled by narcolepsy triggered by the swine flu vaccine, following a three-year battle in which the government had claimed that his illness was not serious enough to merit payment. Narcolepsy is a rare but serious neurological disorder that affects about 31,000 people in Britain. It can cause sleep disruptions, including night terrors and hallucinations, and extreme drowsiness during the daytime.

The ruling is expected to lead to as many as 100 other families of people affected by the sleeping disorder after receiving the vaccine. The narcolepsy was triggered by the Pandemrix vaccine, made by GlaxoSmithKline, which was given to around 6 million people in Britain as part of a national vaccination scheme rolled out during the 2009-10 swine flu pandemic.

Despite a 2011 warning from the European Medicines Agency against using the vaccine on those under 20 and a study indicating a 13-fold heightened risk of narcolepsy in vaccinated children, GSK has refused to acknowledge a link. But across Europe, more than 800 children are so far known to have been made ill by the swine flu vaccine. That’s 800 children who will never have a normal life again just because of a needless vaccine. No one is accountable for these injuries. Suppose it was your child, how would you feel?

How is that not a crime against children?



Boy awarded compensation for vaccine injury

A 13-year-old boy was recently awarded compensation in the United States Court of Federal Claims Vaccine Court, for injuries (now in a wheelchair) he sustained after being administered the hepatitis A and varicella vaccinations in 2009. In November 2014, HHS (Health and Human Services) conceded that the vaccination caused the boy’s injuries. In 2009 the doctor informed the boy’s parents that he was due to receive the hepatitis A and varicella vaccinations. His parents complied with the doctor’s order and the boy received the vaccinations.

About 14 days later, the boy began to experience excruciating pain shooting through his body along with tingling, numbness and paralysis of his limbs. After extensive testing and many invasive procedures, he was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. Transverse myelitis is a rare, immune-mediated syndrome in which the spinal cord becomes inflamed. Transverse myelitis is a disease with lifelong effects which can include pain; stiffness; painful muscle spasms; partial or total paralysis of arms, legs, or both; sexual dysfunction; and very commonly, depression and anxiety, due to the stress of living with chronic pain.

Hundreds of cases of Transverse myelitis were diagnosed after the smallpox and rabies vaccines were given in the 1920s. Vaccines are a primary cause of transverse myelitis, Hepatitis B vaccines, measles-mumpsrubella (MMR) vaccines, and diphtheria-tetanus (Tdap) vaccines have been implicated in causing cases of transverse myelitis.

So as you can see vaccines are not as safe as you have been led to believe. I am sure that all the parents whose children have been injured by a vaccine wish they had never seen a vaccine in their life. Now their lives have been damaged forever.

“For many years, I’ve been puzzled by the bland and apparently baseless insistence by public health regulators and members of the press that it is safe to inject mercury—one of the world’s most neurotoxic elements—into young children and pregnant women. Thimerosal is immensely toxic to brain tissue and should not be injected into children” Robert F. Kennedy Jr

MMR stands for measles, mumps and rubella. These are three different diseases which are caused by three different viruses. The vaccines given to immunize against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) are all combined into one injection - the MMR vaccine.

For starters, children are not born with autism. It appears during infancy or childhood, and is brought on by an overload of neurotoxins either consumed, injected or ingested. In fact, the recent autism spectrum disorder (ASD) spike over the past two decades in the USA directly coincides with the vaccine schedule increase, by quantity and frequency.

Is there a case regarding thimerosal (a vaccine additive which contains as much as 50 percent mercury) and its link to cases of autism in children. Dr. Brian Hooker, a PhD scientist whose son developed autism after being injected with a thimerosal-laced vaccine, took it upon himself to force the CDC to reveal what it knew about the dangers of thimerosal.

After 10 years of submitting more than 100 FOIA requests, Dr. Hooker was able to obtain documents clearly showing that the CDC was well aware of the connection between thimerosal and the incidence of autism and other disorders.

According to Hooker, the data on over 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997, which was analyzed by CDC epidemiologist Thomas Verstraeten, MD, 'proves unequivocally that in 2000, CDC officials were informed internally of the very high risk of autism, non-organic sleep disorder and speech disorder associated with Thimerosal exposure."

Since as far back as 2002, the CDC has been covering up a link between autism and the MMR vaccine.

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