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Book online «American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick by Isabel McIsaac (best large ereader TXT) 📖». Author Isabel McIsaac

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id="pgepubid00296">INDEX A Abdomen, 68 Abdominal binder, 68 Action of drugs, 200 Adenoids, 284 Aged, care of, 303 Ailments and emergencies, 257 Air, 72 Alcohol, 160 Appliances, bed cradles, 173 bedpans, 176 rubber utensils, 138 Applications, local, 220 cold, dry, 231 cold, moist, 235 hot, dry, 225 bricks, 226 flannel, 226 salt or sand, 226 water bags, 225 hot, moist, 227 fomentations, 229 poultices, 227 stupes, 229 Attendant, 127 B Bacteria, 1, 4, 5 bacilli, 5 coccus, 4 effects produced by, 3 entrance into the body, 9 food of, 2 immunity, 13 in food, 19 in water, 19 methods of study, 1 motion, 5 origin of communicable diseases, 3 parasites, 3, 8 saprophytes, 2 shape, 4 spirillum, 4 spores, 7 structure and development, 4 where found, 8 Bacteriology, 1 Baths, 42, 154 bed, 156 cleansing, 171 cold tub, 97, 171 daily, 24 foot, 165 mustard, 165 hot, 97 infant's, 78 sitz, 176 tub, 154 Bed cradles, 173 Bedmaking, 132 Bedpan, 176 Bed-rooms, care of, 84 Beds, 132 care of, 134 dimensions, 133 rubber pillow cases, 138 rubber sheets, 138 selection of, 132 wooden, 132 Bed sores, 169 Birth registration, 63 Blankets, 140 Bleeding, 272 Blindness, 33 Breast feeding, 73 Bruises, 276 Brush burn, 278 Burns, 277, 278 C Cancer, 111 Carriers, 17 Charts, 10, 246 Chickenpox, 236 Childhood, see Infancy, 60 Children, care of, 280 with adenoids, 284 with defective hearing, 285 with defective teeth, 286 with enlarged tonsils, 284 with eyestrain, 284 with incorrect posture, 286 with physical defects, 283 with predisposition to nervousness, 292 Chills, 270 Chronic patients, care of, 299 Circulars of information, 318 Department of Health, City of New York, 318 care of hair and scalp, 321 care of mouth and teeth, 318 care of nose, 320 diet of child twelfth to eighteenth month, 322 diet of child eighteenth to twenty-fourth month, 323 diet of child two to three years, 324 diet of child three to six years, 325 Cleaning room, 126 Cleanliness, personal, 41 Clothing, 47 disinfection of, 95 of infants, 68 Coccus, 4 Cold applications, 220 Cold, prevention of common, 241 Colic, 266 Compresses, cold, 232 Constipation, 52, 193, 266 Convalescents, care of, 294 Convulsions, 260 Counter irritants, 233 Croup, 271 D Degenerative diseases, 20, 24 Development of child, 64 Diaper, 69 Diarrhœa, 266 Diphtheria, 245 Disinfectants, 251 Disinfection, 248 Drainage, 40 Draughts, 32 Dust, effect upon health, 36 E Ear, disorders affecting, 268 Emergencies, 257 Enemata, 210 directions for giving, 210 for baby, 212 Environment, 29 Eruptive diseases, 236 Excreta, disinfection of, 249 Excretions, 52 Expectoration, 249 Eye, ailments, 267 compresses for, 232 foreign bodies in, 267 Eyestrain, 284 F Fainting, 259 Fatigue, 53, 106, 181 Feeding of infants, 73 Filtration of water, 50 Flies, as carriers of disease germs, 38 Floors, 120 Fomentations, 229 Food, 35, 48, 188 classification of, 48 for children, 78 for infants, 72 Foot bath, 165 Fumigation, 254 Furniture, 120 G Garbage, 37 Glossary, 326-330 Growth of child, 64 H Habits, 82 Hair, care of, 163 Handkerchiefs, 239 Hands, 11, 12, 43, 250 Headache, 257 Heat, application of, 220 exhaustion, 264 Heating, 54 Heredity, 27 Hiccough, 265 House, cleanliness of, 33 Humidity, 31 Hygiene, oral, 44 personal, 19, 28 I Immunity, 13 Infancy (and childhood), hygiene of, 60 air, fresh, 72 baths, 78 care of eyes, 80 of mouth, 81 of nostrils, 81 of genital organs, 81 clothing, 68 cry, significance of, 82 diet, 74 mother's milk, danger of substitutes, 72 water, 75 weaning, 75 excretions, 67 exercise, 83 growth and development, 64, 65 length at birth, 64 increase, 65 muscular development, 64 special senses, 66 speech, 66 teeth, 66 weight at birth, 64 increase, 65 habits, 82 mortality, 61 nursing bottles, 75 nipples, 75 play, 84 pulse, 96 respiration, 99 sleep, 70 toys, 85 Infection, 1, 43 Inflammation, 220 Inhalation, 213 Insects, 38, 270 Insect bites and stings, 270 Inunction, 214 Isolation, duration of, 247 Ivy poisoning, 270 K Kitchens, 34 L Light, 33, 124 Linen, 251 Lysol, 251 M Malaise, 106 Mattress, 135 care of, 136 Measles, 246 Medicines and remedies, 200 action of drugs, 200 amateur dosing, 202 enemata, 210 inhalation, 213 inunction, 214 patent remedies, 205 sprays and gargles, 213 suppositories, 209 Medicines, administration of, 206 Menstruation, profuse, 275 Mental condition, 104-112 Microorganisms, 9 Milk, 51 pasteurization, 51 Mouth, care of, 160 wash, 182 Mustard paste, 233 leaves, 233 N Nausea, 265 Nipple, bottle, 77 care of, 77 Non-communicable diseases, 20 Nosebleed, 274 P Pain, 105 Parasites, 3, 4, 8 Patent remedies, 205 Patient, care of, with communicable disease, 236 with colds and slight infections, 238 with more serious infections, 242 changing sheet, 147 changing, 146 lifting, 146 mouth, 160 moving, 152 Personal hygiene, 19 Pillows, 137 covers, 138, 140 Poisonous drugs, 215 Posture, 286 Poultices, 227, 228 Prenatal care, 62 Prickly heat, 269 Protozoa, 8 Public agencies, 107 Public sanitation, 19 Pulse, 96 Purification of water, 50 Q Quarantine, termination of, 252 R Records, 107 Recreation, 55 Rectum, 93 Respiration, 99 Rest, 53 Rooms, 27

S Saprophytes, 2 Scalds, 277 Scarlet fever, 246 Sewage, 39 Sheets, 137, 138, 142 Shock, 261 Sick-room, model, 118 Sleep, 55, 70 Sleeplessness, 258 Small-pox, 246 Special senses in sickness, 101 Spores, 7 Sprains, 275 Sprays and gargles, 213 Stimulants, in emergency work, 263 Stupes, 229 Styes, 267 Sunstroke, 264 Suppositories, 209 Symptoms, 88 T Teeth, 45, 160 defective, 286 treatment, 46 Temperature, 92 method of taking, 92 normal, 95 Temperature of baths, 79, 155 of house, 30, 124 sponging for, 177 variations, 114, 206 Thermometer, clinical, care of, 92 Tonsils, enlarged, 284 Tuberculosis, 27-107 U Urine, 103 V Vaccination, 13, 25 Ventilation, 29, 123 Vomiting, 265 W Water, 49 filtration, 50 Weaning, 75 Weight, 65 loss of, 64 Whooping cough, 246 Wounds, 272
Transcriber's Note:

Punctuation errors (e.g. missing period at end of sentence, missing quotation marks, etc.) and letters printed upside down have been corrected without note. Except where noted, inconsistencies in hyphenation, capitalization, and spelling (e.g. travelling and traveling) have not been changed. The original index had numerous errors, such as references to terms that do not appear in the text. Except where noted below, it has been left as printed.

The following corrections were made:

p. viii: Records, 105. to Records, 107. (under Chapter IV) p. ix: Care of the Patients with Communicable Diseases to Care of Patients with Communicable Diseases (under Chapter XII) p. ix: Care of liver, 251. to Care of linen, 251. (under Chapter XII) p. 15: innoculation to inoculation (Vaccination and inoculation have saved thousands of lives.) p. 16: principle to principal (principal causes which diminish resistance), to match cited text p. 37: gerns to germs (through which disease germs) p. 40: From "The Human Mechanism." to From "The Human Mechanism." (to match format of other captions) p. 41: perferably to preferably (preferably, chloride of lime.) p. 77: runnnig to running (thoroughly cleansed under running water) p. 82: symptons to symptoms (other symptoms of distress) p. 96: thay to they (taken together they are) p. 108: 8:30 to 8:30 a.m. p. 111: develope to develop (may develop into cancer) p. 115: missing degree symbol added (At noon his temperature was 101°) p. 132: illnes to illness (unless his illness is slight)
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