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Book online «Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value by Harry Snyder (red novels .txt) 📖». Author Harry Snyder

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found in meats? 275. Why are legumes valuable crops in general farming and for the feeding of farm animals? 276. Give the general composition of beans. 277. How do beans compare in protein content with cereals? 278. How does the protein of beans differ from that of many other food materials? 279. To what extent are the nutrients of beans digested? 280. What influence does the combination of beans with other foods have upon digestibility? 281. What influence does removal of skins have upon digestibility? 282. In what part of the digestive tract are beans mainly digested? 283. How does the cost of the nutrients in beans compare with that of the nutrients in other foods? 284. How do string beans differ from green beans? 285. Give the general composition, digestibility, and nutritive value of peas. 286. What can you say of the use of copper sulphate in the preparation of canned peas? 287. What nutrients do peanuts contain in large amounts? 288. Give the general composition of nuts. 289. What are the characteristics of pistachio? 290. Give the general composition of the cocoanut. 291. What is cocoanut butter? 292. To what extent may nuts contribute to the nutritive value of a ration? CHAPTER VII Milk and Dairy Products

293. What can you say as to the importance of dairy products in the dietary? 294. Give the general composition of milk. 295. What compound in milk is most variable? 296. To what extent are the nutrients in milk digestible? 297. What influence does milk have upon the digestibility of other foods? 298. Why is cheese cured in cold storage? 299. How can the tendency of a milk diet to produce costiveness be overcome? 300. Why is it necessary to consider the sanitary condition of milk? 301. What factors influence the sanitary condition of milk? 302. What is certified milk? 303. What is pasteurized milk? 304. How can milk be pasteurized for family use? 305. What is tyrotoxicon? 306. What is its source in milk? 307. To what is the color of milk due? 308. To what extent is color associated with fat content? 309. What causes souring of milk? 310. What change occurs in the milk sugar? 311. What are the most favorable conditions for the souring of milk? 312. What are some of the preservatives used in milk. 313. What objection is urged against their use? 314. What is condensed milk? 315. What is buttermilk, and what dietetic value has it? 316. How does goats' milk differ from cows' milk? 317. What is koumiss, and how is it prepared? 318. What are the prepared milks? 319. How does human milk differ in composition from cows' milk? 320. Give the nutritive value of skim milk. 321. What content of fat should cream contain? 322. In what ways is milk adulterated? 323. How are these adulterations detected? 324. Give the general composition of butter. 325. What is the maximum amount of water that a butter may contain without being considered adulterated? 326. What can you say in regard to the digestibility of butter? 327. How is butter adulterated? 328. How does oleomargarine compare in digestibility and food value with butter? 329. What is the food value of butter? 330. How does cheese differ in composition from butter? 331. Give the general composition of cheese. 332. To what are the flavor and odor of cheese due? 333. Why is cheese ripened? 334. What chemical changes take place during ripening? 335. To what extent are the nutrients of cheese digested? 336. Why is cheese sometimes considered indigestible? 337. To what extent do the nutrients of different kinds of cheese vary in digestibility? 338. How does cheese compare in nutritive value and cost with meats? 339. What is cottage cheese? 340. What is Roquefort cheese? 341. Name four kinds of cheese, and say to what each owes its individuality. 342. How is cheese adulterated? 343. Why are dairy products in older agricultural regions generally cheaper than meats?

CHAPTER VIII Meats and Animal Food Products

344. Give the general composition of meats. 345. How do meats differ in chemical composition from vegetable foods? 346. What is the principal non-nitrogenous compound of meats, and what of vegetables? 347. Name the different classes of proteins in meats. 348. Which class is present in largest amounts? 349. To what extent are amid compounds present in meats? 350. What characteristics do amids impart to meats? 351. How are alkaloids produced in meats? 352. In what ways does the lean meat of different kinds of animals vary chemically and physically? 353. Give the general composition of beef. 354. What relationship exists between the fat and water content of beef? 355. How much refuse have meats? 356. In what forms are the ash elements (mineral matter) present in meats? 357. How does veal differ in composition from beef? 358. What general changes in composition occur as animals mature? 359. How do these compare with the changes that take place when plants ripen and seeds are produced? 360. How does mutton vary in composition from beef? 361. How does it compare in food value with beef? 362. How do lamb and mutton differ in composition? 363. To what extent do the various cuts differ in composition? 364. How do the more expensive cuts of lamb compare in nutritive value with the less expensive cuts? 365. How does pork differ in composition from other meats? 366. Give the general composition of ham. 367. Give the composition and nutritive value of bacon. 368. How does bacon compare in food value with other meats? 369. How does the character of the fat influence the composition and taste of the meat? 370. What influences the texture or toughness of meats? 371. How do cooked meats compare in composition with raw meats? 372. To what extent are nutrients lost in the boiling of meats? 373. What influence does the temperature of the water in which the meat is placed for cooking have upon the amount of nutrients extracted? 374. To what is the shrinking of meats in cooking due? 375. Of what does meat extract mainly consist? 376. To what do beef extracts owe their flavor? 377. What is their food value? 378. What is their dietetic value? 379. What is lard? 380. How does it differ in composition from other fats? 381. What is imparted to meats during the smoking process? 382. Why is saltpeter used in the preservation of meats? 383. Do vegetable foods contain nitrates and nitrites? 384. How does poultry resemble and how differ in composition from other meat? 385. Give the characteristics of sound poultry. 386. Give the general composition of fish. 387. How does the flesh of different kinds of fish vary in composition? 388. What influence does salting and preservation have upon composition? 389. How do fish and meat compare in digestibility? 390. How does the mineral matter and phosphate content of fish compare with that of other foods? 391. What are the main nutrients in oysters? 392. Give the general food value of oysters. 393. What is meant by the fattening of oysters? 394. What effect does the character of the water used in fattening have upon the sanitary value? 395. Give the general composition of the egg. 396. How do different parts of the egg differ in composition? 397. How does the egg differ in composition from the potato? 398. Is color an index to the composition of the egg? 399. What effect does cooking have upon the composition of the egg? 400. What factors influence the flavor of eggs? 401. How do different ways of cooking affect the digestibility? 402. Under what conditions can eggs be used economically in the dietary? 403. Why should eggs be purchased and sold by weight? 404. How do canned meats differ in composition from fresh meats? 405. How do the nutrients of canned meats compare in cost with those of fresh meat? 406. What are the advantages of canned meats over fresh meats? 407. What are some of the materials used in the preservation of meats?


408. How are the cereals milled? 409. What are the cereals most commonly used for food purposes? 410. Give the general composition of cereals as a class. 411. What are the main nutrients in corn preparations? 412. What influence does the more complete removal of the bran and germ of corn have upon its digestibility? 413. How does the cost of nutrients in corn compare with other foods? 414. Why is corn alone not suitable for bread-making purposes? 415. Why should corn be combined in a ration with foods mediumly rich in protein? 416. What change takes place in corn meal from long storage? 417. Give the characteristics and composition of oat preparations. 418. How does removal of the oat hull affect the composition of the product? 419. To what extent do the various oat preparations on the market differ in composition and food value? 420. Do oats contain any special alkaloidal or stimulating principle? 421. Why should oatmeal receive longer and more-thorough cooking than many other foods? 422. To what extent are the nutrients in oatmeal digested? 423. How do wheat preparations differ in general composition from corn and oat preparations? 424. What influence upon the composition of the wheat breakfast foods has partial or complete removal of the bran? 425. What is the effect upon their digestibility and nutritive value? 426. What are the special diabetic flours, and how are they prepared? 427. What are the wheat middlings breakfast foods, and how do they compare in digestibility and food value with bread? 428. How do they differ mechanically? 429. How does barley differ from wheat in general composition? 430. What is barley water, and what nutritive material does it contain? 431. What cereal does rice resemble in composition? 432. With what food materials should rice be combined to make a balanced ration? 433. What can you say as to comparative ease and completeness of digestibility of rice? 434. Why are cereals valuable in the ration? 435. In what way do they take a mechanical part in digestion? 436. What are predigested breakfast foods? 437. How would you determine the general nutritive value of a breakfast food, knowing the kind of cereal from which it was prepared? 438. To what extent are cereals modified or changed in composition by cooking? 439. To what extent are the nutrients of cereal foods digested and absorbed by the body? 440. To what extent do the cereals supply the body with mineral matter? 441. How does the phosphate content of cereals compare with that of meats and milk?

CHAPTER X Wheat Flour

442. Why is wheat flour especially adapted to bread-making purposes? 443. To what extent may wheat vary in protein content? 444. What are spring wheats? 445. What are winter wheats? 446. Give the general characteristics of each. 447. What are glutinous wheats? 448. What are starchy wheats? 449. Name the different proteids in wheat flour. 450. About how much starch does wheat flour contain? 451. What other carbohydrates are also present? 452. What is the roller process of flour milling? 453. What is meant by the first break? 454. How are the different products of the wheat kernel separated? 455. What is meant by middlings flour? 456. What is break flour? 457. What is patent flour? 458. Name the high grade flours. 459. Name the low grade flours. 460. How are the impurities removed from wheat flour? 461. What per cent of the wheat kernel is returned as flour? As offals? 462. What becomes of the wheat germ during milling? 463. What sized bolting cloths are used in milling? 464. What is graham flour? 465. How does it differ in mechanical and chemical composition from white flour? 466. What is entire wheat flour? 467. How does it differ in physical and chemical composition

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