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a poorly-planned schedule. Set aside some “me-time”. Do not forget to laugh or smile every day. This includes making sure you get enough hours of sleep in a day.

Take some Breathers

From time to time, do take some breathers. Breathers are brief pauses, rests, or getaways that are designed to cool you off or unwind you. The length of the breather depends on the level of stress. A more stressful situation no doubt requires a similarly longer breather, and vice versa.

Express your feelings instead of bottling them up.

If something or someone is bothering you, be more assertive, and communicate your concerns in an open and respectful way. If you’ve got an exam to study for and your chatty roommate just got home, say upfront that you only have five minutes to talk. If you don’t voice your feelings, resentment will build and the stress will increase.

Enroll for Guidance and Counselling

If the symptoms and the severity of the stress persist even after taking the intervention measures we have delineated above, you should now enroll for guidance and counseling. The guidance and counselor will no doubt take you through every step of the journey and help to reverse the effects.

Meditation for Beginners -  Featuring Dan Harris and  Sharon Salzberg

Find a quiet place to meditate. Sit in a comfortable position, with a cross-legged posture. It's important to have a straight back. Partially close your eyes and think about your breathing. Breathe through your nostrils naturally, and feel the breath as you breathe in and out. Your distracting thoughts will gradually fall away, although this might take practice. Do this each day for about ten to fifteen minutes.

Relax & De-Stress With These Daily Free Meditations

Check Back Each Day at Noon for New Meditations

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Here's what we've offered so far on the Free Daily Meditations Page day-by-day.

Start a stress journal

A stress journal can help you identify the regular stress causes in your life and the way you deal with them. Each time you feel stressed, keep track of it in your journal. As you keep a daily log, you will begin to see patterns and common themes.

Write down:

What caused your stress (make a guess if you’re unsure)

Wrong Ways to Cope with Stress

People cope with stress in various ways, without realizing that some of these ways may be actually unhealthy, and cause them more harm in the long run. Avoid these stress-coping ways.

Smoking, which is bound to cause other health problems Drinking too much alcohol Binge on junk food Becoming a couch potato and doing nothing but watching television all-day Becoming an introvert and shutting everyone out, including your family Medication, which can lead to addiction Violence and antagonism, driving everyone away

There are better, productive and healthier ways to cope with stress. You can do it, as long as you put your mind to it. You are your own stress manager.

Overall, stress is not a deadly phenomenon. However, it has the impact of degenerating into depression if not mitigated in time. That is why we emphasize the need to put in place appropriate intervention measures as soon as you detect the rise of stress. A careful reading of our discussions above will no doubt provide the necessary guidance.

Roger & Keywebco


“The best results come from people working together to learn…because everyone has different viewpoints, experience, and ideas.” - Roger Keyserling


Who Is the Man Behind Keywebco?

I'm Roger Keyserling and my life’s story began in NYC back in 1966 with limited sight at birth. I really don’t remember much of NYC since I was just a small child when I lived there. I have, however, been back there numerous times, so the majority of my memories of the Big Apple are from later in life.


About My Family

My mother and father worked for the Federal Jobs division of the Social Security Administration until they retired. My sister is a graduate of Trinity University of San Antonio, TX. I really enjoyed living so close to her when I was working there. Now, she’s working for Social Services in New Orleans. To this day, my parents are very active in a variety of projects. In fact, my father was recently a special guest on a radio show.


My Many Likes


I like classical music, i.e. Chopin, Handel, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky.

I also like numerous types of contemporary music.


I like reading mainly topics involving astrophysics and science.

I especially like reading research documents.


I like movies like Star Wars but also appreciate classic dramas and historical fiction.


I have a special love for classic cartoons in black and white like Felix the Cat, Betty Boop, and Popeye. In fact, I even named my dog Betty Boop.


Coast-to-Coast Moves

After attending kindergarten in New York, my family moved back to my mother's hometown of Odessa, Missouri. I ended up being one year younger than the other students in first grade. That was OK though since I was really busy both at school and with outside activities. My school activities included band, debate, drama, journalism, and photography. I was already an enterprising young man and sold cards, jewelry, Merlite jewelry, and seeds, Burpee seeds, during study hall.

My after school activities included being a member of Eagle Scouts, going on Explorer hikes, being a member of the Kansas City Ballet for a short time, attending the Kathy and Rick Murphy Dance Studio, and being a member of Youth Community Betterment. I also went on a Mid-America Orchestra Group European tour where I played with clarinet, the oboe, and the saxophone.


In 1984, I graduated from High School and then attended Northwest Missouri State University as a psychology major. After that, I decided to opt-in to a Missouri Department of Mental Health training program to start working in state facilities. I graduated after working at Saint Joseph State Hospital with multiple licenses. I continued on at St. Joseph’s for several years. Since then, the hospital has been converted to a prison. They do, however, still have a museum filled with memorabilia from when it was a state facility. It’s called the Glore Psychiatric Museum. Please note that some exhibits may not be suitable for young children.


I moved to Orlando for a short period of time and then to San Diego, CA. I worked there at the Shelby Fine Arts Gallery and sold limited edition lithographs. Today, the name has been changed to The Aristocrat Gallery. One of my favorite jobs was working in thrift stores where I bought boots, coats, dresses, gowns, and all kinds of clothing and resold them. I would also purchase knickknacks and other items that I sold at flea markets. One memorable thrift store where I worked was Family Thrift Stores.


I later moved to Kansas City, MO, and worked at the Revco Drug Company. At the same time, I also sold art and furniture privately in consignment shops. Next, I moved to San Antonio, TX, and took several corporate jobs, working at a number of small companies where the jobs were good, although quite varied. I moved to Tampa for a short time to work at a variety of other corporate jobs and also helped a close friend to set up a new business.


One day, I received a call from an old friend who lived in San Antonio. He and I both loved collecting vintage cars and the two of us often visited an Austin classic car club. At the time, I was driving a Lincoln Mark 3 and his family had a large local car dealership. He suggested that we could start a vintage limo service and I liked the idea so much that right away I moved back to San Antonio. Unfortunately, the idea wasn’t successful and I ended up working at several other jobs. During that time, I also kept buying and selling merchandise but not online as of yet.


Major Changes in San Antonio

For starters, I founded Keyhole Production Studios, which actually started as a strip-a-gram company but not for long. The “performers” involved weren’t quite used to working for a non-trashy business like mine. In addition, I rapidly learned how much they were paying in commissions, while dealing with scheduling issues, etc. On the other side of the coin were bar and club owners as well as special events. The people involved were continually upset about the unprofessional operations in the business.

So, I devised a method for doing real professional shows and my company became an instant hit with everyone due to the professional choreography, lighting, pyrotechnics, sets, theme costumes, and so much more. My prior experience in the theater was a big help and I was able to assist the set technicians with tasks like setting up backdrops. And, all my years of reselling items like clothing, I knew exactly how to go about taking care of the costumes. In addition, I had plenty of contacts for getting them custom made. One other advantage was that I had the innate ability to attract all of the top performers from all over the state of Texas as well as from out-of-state. With my company, not only were they no longer getting gouged by their promoters but they also didn’t have any of the other issues that they had to deal with before with other companies.


On the other side of the equation, the club-owners started flocking to me and booking shows. Since I was both creative and organized, I only had to do a few shows that included good choreography and performances, great lighting, and nice music. Before long, my company had 150 employees as well as shows and tours booked in more than 26 states but mainly in Louisiana and Texas.

Everything was going well for several fantastic years and I was really happy. The money that I was making meant to do everything with my business that I wanted, including marketing and growing rapidly. I had even landed a major contract where I would be touring just about every state in the country. I was making plenty of money and had a beautiful home.

I also had a beautiful 300ZX Nissan, which I loved. However, one night while at a gas station, a crook showed up, shot me, and stole my car. The bullet to my neck resulted in my dying three times and then coming back. For a very long time, I was completely out of commission and couldn’t breathe without tubes. Eventually, I healed and could finally breathe unassisted but bye-bye wealth.


There was a valuable lesson to be learned from being shot. Not only did I lose my wealth, died several times, and was incapacitated for quite a while but I also discovered that my business was so complex that it required my complete attention and really couldn't be handled by anyone else. And, when you add to that the fact that I was so young and had not properly planned the business to run without me, it was the downfall of my company.

Without proper medical coverage, all of those medical expenses had to be paid, and, believe me, it was a lot. So, the lesson is to make sure you always have adequate insurance coverage as well as a backup plan for keeping your company running if something happens to you.


To this date, I suffer from PTSD

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