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catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.’ — New England Journal of Medicine (21 May, 2020)

‘When a person is infectious with a virus it is estimated that they may shed one hundred billion virus particles a day — that works out at about ten million per breath. A mask won’t stop you putting these particles into the air around you. In fact, with a damp mask you’ll be blowing aerosols and larger particles sideways, directly at your socially distanced colleagues two metres away. And if wearing a mask tempts you to feel that you’re not going to infect anyone else, you may also be less likely to observe the two-metre rule. So does wearing a mask protect others if you’re infectious? There’s little direct evidence to say that it does, and quite a lot of straightforward reasoning to suggest it doesn’t.’

‘The point is: does any of what is out there add up to a watertight case for compelling people to wear masks in public or at work (outside a healthcare setting)? The threshold for compulsion must surely be higher than ‘maybe’ and ‘perhaps’. But if it really is the case that the threshold for regulatory compulsion is being approached, it should be a simple matter for our scientific advisors to present it to us and allow time for it to be critically discussed in relation to a real-world setting, before Government imposes measures upon us all. That other countries may have taken action says things about those countries’ attitudes to open scrutiny of evidence-based decision-making, and their populations’ attitudes to compliance and compulsion. It says nothing about the validity of the measures.’ — Dr. John Lee, former professor of pathology and NHS consultant pathologist (19 April, 2020)

‘Masks and respirators do not work. There have been extensive randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies, and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, which all show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like illnesses, or respiratory illnesses believed to be transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles.

‘Furthermore, the relevant known physics and biology, which I review, are such that masks and respirators should not work. It would be a paradox if masks and respirators worked, given what we know about viral respiratory diseases: The main transmission path is long-residence-time aerosol particles (<2.5μm), which are too fine to be blocked, and the minimum-infective-dose is smaller than one aerosol particle.

‘The present paper about masks illustrates the degree to which governments, the mainstream media, and institutional propagandists can decide to operate in a science vacuum, or select only incomplete science that serves their interests. Such recklessness is also certainly the case with the current global lockdown of over 1 billion people, an unprecedented experiment in medical and political history.’ — D. G. Rancourt, Ontario Civil Liberties Association, former tenured and Full Professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada (11 April, 2020)

Dehumanizing masks have sadly become a part of the new normal in many states and nations around the world. Many local and state governments are forcing people to wear them, and many businesses are dutifully toeing the official line and refusing entry to customers who don’t wear them. Apart from the obvious truth that widespread mask usage has a deliberately dehumanizing effect

It is a commonsense scientific fact that wearing a mask blocks your airways and therefore leads to both hypercapnia (an increase in and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body from breathing in exhaled air) and hypoxia (a lack of oxygen in the tissues). Symptoms of hypercapnia include dizziness, drowsiness, excessive fatigue, headaches, feeling disoriented, flushing of the skin and shortness of breath. Symptoms of hypoxia include anxiety, restlessness, confusion, changes in the color of skin, cough, rapid breathing, shortness of breath and sweating. Not surprisingly, both conditions are similar, since they are both characterized by a lack of oxygen. In addition, hypoxia has been shown to lead to impaired immunity in general, and to be a forerunner to serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. It is also the necessary precondition for the development of cancer.

The wearing of masks because of this coronavirus is actually worsening your health and making your body more susceptible to other illnesses. Would you wear a face mask to stop yourself from catching the flu?

“By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain. There is another danger to wearing these masks on a daily basis, especially if worn for several hours. When a person is infected with a respiratory virus, they will expel some of the virus with each breath. If they are wearing a mask, especially an N95 mask or other tightly fitting mask, they will be constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs and the nasal passages. A more recent study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask. Some had pre-existing headaches that were precipitated by the masks. All felt like the headaches affected their work performance. We know that people who have the worst reactions to the coronavirus have the highest concentrations of the virus early on. And this leads to the deadly cytokine storm in a selected number. It gets even more frightening. Newer evidence suggests that in some cases the virus can enter the brain. In most instances it enters the brain by way of the olfactory nerves (smell nerves), which connect directly with the area of the brain dealing with recent memory and memory consolidation. By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and travel into the brain”. — Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD - author of The Blaylock Wellness Report newsletter, is a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer.

This article titled ‘Navigating the Hysteria and Fear around Covid-19’ from As everyone must be aware by now, this 'pandemic' we've been watching in slow motion has been vastly exaggerated and met with exaggerated responses that are, however, all too real and cannot be undone. What's spreading uncontrollably around the world is secondarily a virus and primarily a lack of common sense, and actions that will leave the world as we know it in ruins unless we somehow manage to stop them. Much is happening every day, and it's all rather chaotic and confusing, especially anything that comes out of the mouths of government officials, echoed by the brain-dead androids in the media. So I want to do a short recapitulation of where we stand at this point.

SARS-CoV-2 is a virus the effects of which are not much different from many other coronaviruses, which are quite common, or from seasonal flu. While overreacting to its initial spread is somewhat understandable due to the many unknowns associated with it, it is perfectly clear now that it poses no more danger than the other viruses just mentioned. Most people don't get infected when exposed to it. Of those who get infected, most show mild or no symptoms. Of those who show symptoms, only a very small percentage dies. And the ones who die are almost exclusively people who are old and have underlying health problems, or, in other words, people who die from any infection. We've lived with such viruses forever. There is no reason to panic or to introduce destructive measures. The only significant difference between this virus and the others is its PR campaign.

From the evidence we've gathered in the last two months, SARS-CoV-2 on its own doesn't and can't cause all that much harm. It is only in combination with other factors that it becomes deadly. Most of the time, it does not translate into the 'disease' named COVID-19. One of its observed effects is decreased oxygenation of blood. This will not cause much trouble to a healthy person, but it will amplify any existing health problems. It will also have a stronger effect in combination with other factors like air pollution, which is why Wuhan and Northern Italy have been hit so hard. Much of the damage we see is due to the already poor health of many people, pollution, and stress. And stress is, of course, what the governments and the media have been creating 24/7 for months, clearly with no sense of real responsibility. Much of the suffering we've seen has been directly caused by this incompetent (or malicious?) response.

It has also been made clear by many experts that this virus came from a laboratory and not from Chinese people eating bad (or bat) things, as Western propaganda, completely devoid of any scientific basis or even just common sense, would have us believe. Among other reasons, if you find sequences from HIV in a coronavirus, you know they didn't get there by random mutations (unless you're as misinformed about microbiology as most people seem to be about SARS-CoV-2). Which one of the two labs that have been working on exactly this kind of stuff for years and are thus the most likely, if not only possible, culprits, i.e. Fort Detrick in Maryland or the lab in Wuhan is responsible for this 'leak', I leave for you to decide. But it should be remembered that they worked on this together, to a large extent, with Fauci pouring millions of dollars into it in both labs. And we know the security measures in Fort Detrick were so bad that it was closed in summer 2019 for that reason. I will let you ponder what light it casts on our situation that it almost certainly came from one of those and most definitely not from a Chinese market.

Many countries are also finding that they had cases of COVID-19 all the way back to at least November last year, long before the pandemic 'officially' started 'in China'. Doctors all over the world remember 'strange cases of the flu' or pneumonia from November-December. Testing for antibodies in people who were sick in that period of time are coming up positive for SARS-CoV-2. Some samples from autopsies from that time test positive too. So this virus appears to have been everywhere from China to Iran to Europe to the US at the end of 2019. Many of us who were sick back then and thought our symptoms were really strange for a regular flu are making the connection and realizing what it probably was that we had back then. And guess what? There was no lockdown, we recovered, and things went on as usual. Many of us, like me, didn't even go to see a doctor. The panic that came later was not started by the virus (which had already been around for months) but by the WHO, the governments they instructed, and the media that slavishly amplifies and repeats every government utterance on the topic.

Lockdown, physical distancing, and masks were introduced to 'flatten the curve' to avoid overwhelming hospitals. As most hospitals everywhere have been empty for the last 6 weeks, this goal has been achieved, and there is no more reason for any of these measures to continue. The measures do not and cannot stop the spread of a virus. They can, and do, however, destroy people's lives, both directly and indirectly, and will continue to do so for years. They are also violations of basic human rights and freedoms. We've been told that 9/11 happened because the terrorists 'envied our freedoms'. Well, they don't have to envy anymore. Our freedoms are gone. And if you believe it's only 'temporary', you haven't learned anything from history.

Countries without 'quarantine' (Sweden, Belarus, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan) have shown clearly that their results are no different from those of countries with 'quarantine'. (Note that 'quarantine' is a word for restricting the movement and rights

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