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kind because the patient is able to walk and thinks it foolish to remain quiet in bed. Walking and being around are likely to injure the bowels, and there is then more danger of bleeding from the bowels. A typhoid fever patient should always go to bed and remain there until he has fully recovered.

Digestive Symptoms.—The tongue is coated, white and moist at first, and in the second week it becomes red at the tip, and at the edges. Later it is dry, brown and cracked. The teeth and lips are covered with a brown material, called sordes.

Diarrhea.—In some cases constipation is prominent, in others diarrhea is a prominent symptom. Bloating is frequent, and an unfavorable symptom, when it is excessive. Bleeding from the bowel occurs usually between the end of the second and the beginning of the fourth week. A sudden feeling of collapse, and rapid fall of the temperature mark it. It is not always fatal.

Perforation of the bowel is usually shown by a sudden sharp pain coming in paroxysms generally localized in the right lower side. The death rate varies very much; in hospitals it is seven to eight per cent. Unfavorable symptoms are continued high fever, delirium and hemorrhage. Persons who are hard drinkers do badly and very many of them die.

TREATMENT. Prevention. Sanitary Care.—Do away with the causes. Keep your cellars clean; do not have them damp, filthy, and filled with decaying matter, as these all tend to weaken the system and make you more susceptible to the poison. In the country, no drainings should come near the wells or springs. Not all water that looks clear and nice is pure. The "out-houses" must be kept clean, and emptied at least twice each year. In the small cities, especially, the water should be boiled during the months when the supply is limited and the wells are low. If more attention was paid to our water supply to make certain that it was not contaminated, and to our foods, especially milk, and to keeping our cellars and drains in a good clean and dry condition, we would have little typhoid fever. Carelessness is the real cause of this terrible disease. The milk should be boiled as well as the water when there is an epidemic of typhoid.


Sanitary Care of the Household Articles.—Dishes must be isolated, washed, dried separately and boiled daily. Thermometers must be isolated, kept in a corrosive sublimate solution one to one thousand, which must be removed daily. Linen when soiled must be soaked in carbolic acid, one cup of carbolic acid to twenty of water, for two hours before being sent to the laundry. Stools must be thoroughly mixed with an equal amount of milk of lime and allowed to stand for one hour. Urine must be mixed with an equal amount of carbolic acid, one to twenty, and allowed to stand one hour. Bed pans, urinals, must be isolated and scalded after each time of using. Syringes and rectal tubes must be isolated, and the latter boiled after using. (See Nursing Department). Tubs should be scrubbed daily, canvasses changed daily and soaked in carbolic acid as the linen is. Hands must be scrubbed and disinfected after giving tubs or rubbing over typhoid fever patients. Blankets, mattresses, and pillows must be sterilized after use in steam sterilizer. I know some people have not all the necessary conveniences, especially in the country, but the greatest care must be taken. A professional nurse was once taking care of a very severe case of typhoid for me. I was continually cautioning her to be more careful of herself. She did not heed it, and finally took the disease and battled eight long weeks with it, before there was much improvement. Careful nursing and a well regulated diet are the essentials in a majority of cases. Put the patient in a well ventilated room, and confine him to the bed from the beginning, and have him remain there until well. The woven wire bed with soft hair mattress, upon which there are two folds of blanket, combines the two great qualities of a sick bed, smoothness and elasticity. A rubber cloth should be placed under the sheet. An intelligent nurse should be in charge; when this is impossible, the attending physician should write out special instructions, regarding diet, treatment of the discharges and of the bed linen.

Much of the above on typhoid is from the world-wide authority, Dr. Osler, and should be-followed in all cases if possible.

Diet and Nursing in Typhoid Fever.—Milk is the most suitable food. Three pints every twenty-four hours may be given when used alone, diluted with water or lime-water.

The stools will show if the milk is digested. Peptonized milk, if not distasteful, may be used. Curds are seen in the stools if too much milk is given and is undigested. Mutton or chicken broth or beef juice can be used; fresh vegetable juices can be added to these, instead of milk. The animal broths are not so good when diarrhea is present. Some patients will take whey, buttermilk, kumiss, when ordinary milk is distasteful. Thin barley gruel well strained is an excellent food for this disease. Eggs may be given, either beaten up in milk or better still, in the form of albumin water, This is prepared by straining the whites of eggs through a cloth and mixing them with an equal quantity of water, which may be flavored with lemon. Water can be given freely; iced tea, barley water, or lemonade may be used, and there is no objection to weak coffee or cocoa in moderate quantities. Feed the patient at stated intervals. In mild cases it is well not to arouse the patient at night. When there is stupor, the patient should be aroused for food at the regular intervals night and day. Do not give too much food. I once had a case in which I did not give more than one quart of liquid food in four weeks, as it distressed her. She made a good recovery on plenty of water.


Cold Sponging.—The water may be warm, cool, or ice cold, according to the height of the fever. A thorough sponge bath should take from fifteen to twenty minutes. The ice cold sponging is quite as formidable as the full cold bath, for which there is an unsuperable objection in private practice.

The Bath.—This should be given under the doctor's directions, and I will not describe it.

Medical Treatment.—Little medicine is used in hospital practice. Nursing is the important essential in typhoid fever.

Management of the Convalescent.—An authority writes, My custom has been not to allow solid food until the temperature has been normal for ten days. This is, I think, a safe rule, leaning perhaps to the side of extreme caution; but after all with eggs, milk toast, milk puddings, and jellies, the patient can take a fairly varied diet. You cannot wait too long before you give solid foods, particularly meats, They are especially dangerous. The patient may be allowed to sit up for a short time about the end of the first week of convalescence, and the period may be prolonged with a gradual return of strength. He should move about slowly, and when the weather is favorable should be in the open air as much as possible. Keep from all excitement. Constipation now should be treated with an enema. A noticeable diarrhea should restrict the diet to milk and the patient be confined to the bed. There are many who cannot have a professional nurse. Good nursing is necessary in typhoid fever. Any sensible person who is willing to follow directions can do well. But she must do as the doctor directs.

These are some things you need to do: Look out for bad symptoms; twitching of the tendons, grasping at imaginary things are bad symptoms. Inform the doctor and soon. Never allow the patient to sit up in bed. The stool must be passed lying flat and you must place the bed pan without the patient's aid. Bleeding may be started by the least exertion. I knew of one woman who lost her life through necessity of getting up and passing the stool sitting on a chamber. Bleeding came on suddenly, and before the doctor could get there she was nearly gone. Cough and sudden pain in the lungs need prompt attention. I dismissed a boy on one Wednesday as convalescent. That night it became suddenly cold and he became chilled. The mother sent for me the next day, and we pulled him through pneumonia. Suppose she had waited another day? She was not that kind of a mother. Your greatest trial will come in convalescence, when the patient is so hungry. Be careful or you will kill the patient by kindness. A minister I knew killed himself by going against the doctor's orders and eating a hearty dinner. The doctor was rather profane, and when he went to see the preacher, after the relapse caused by the dinner, he relieved his mind in no gentle manner. Again allow no visitors in the sick room or one adjacent. They are an abomination. Many people are killed by well-intentioned ignoramuses. Do not whisper; the Lord save the patient who has a whisperer for a nurse. I cannot urge too strongly proper nursing in this disease. It is an absolute necessity. A nurse to be successful must have good sense and also must obey all directions. A diet is a necessity in this disease. The patient must not move any more than is absolutely necessary for his comfort. He must never try to help move himself. The muscles of the abdomen must remain lax and quiet. The danger, I think, is in the bowels. The mucous covering in the interior is inflamed and ulcerated, and there is always some danger of the ulceration eating through the coating into the blood vessels, causing more or less bleeding and even eating the bowel enough to cause an opening (perforation) and the escape of the bowel contents into the abdominal cavity causing inflammation of the peritoneum (peritonitis) and almost certain death. Walking typhoid is dangerous for that reason. The food must be of such nature that it is all digested. It must not leave lumps to press upon the sore places in the bowels causing more trouble there and more diarrhea.


TYPHUS FEVER, (Filth Disease).—Typhus fever is an acute, infectious disease, characterized by a sudden onset, marked nervous symptoms, and spotted rash and fever ending quickly after two weeks. Also called jail, camp, hospital, or ship fever. Filth has a great deal to do with its production. There is no real characteristic symptom except the eruption.

Symptoms.—It generally lasts two weeks. Incubation period of twelve days or less, marked at times by slight weary feeling. The onset is usually sudden, by one chill or several, with high fever, headache, pain in back and legs, prostration, vomiting, and mild and active delirium. Pulse does not have the double beat, often there is bronchitis.

Eruption.—"This appears on the third to fifth day; the fever remaining high. During the second week all the symptoms increase and are weakening with marked delirium and coma vigil" (unconscious, delirious, but with the eyes open). When death occurs it usually comes at the end of the second week from exhaustion. Favorable cases terminate at this time by crisis; the prostration is extreme; but convalescence is rapid.


Fever.—Sudden onset to even 104 to 105 degrees; steady rise for four or five days with slight morning remissions; terminating by crisis on the twelfth to fourteenth day, falling in some cases below normal; in fatal cases there is a rapid rise to 108 or 109 degrees. The eruption appears on the abdomen on the third to fifth day.

Treatment like Typhoid.—Mortality, twelve to twenty per cent.

SMALLPOX or Variola.—Smallpox is an acute infectious disease. It has a sudden onset with a severe period of invasion which is followed by a falling of the fever, and then the eruption comes out. This eruption begins as a pimple, then a watery pimple (vesicle) which runs into the pus pimple (pustule) and then the crust or scab forms. The mucous membrane in contact with the air may also be affected. Almost all persons exposed, if not vaccinated, are almost invariably attacked. It is very contagious. It attacks all ages, but it is particularly fatal to young children.

Cause.—An unknown poison in the contents of the pustules or crusts in secretion and excretion, apparently, and in the exhalations of the lungs and skin; one attack does not always confer immunity for life. It is contagious from an early period. Direct contact does not seem to be necessary, for it can be carried by one who does not have it.

Symptoms.—Incubation lasts from

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