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only add to his sufferings, affect his nervous system and undermine his general vitality. Read carefully the nursing department in this book and you will gain some valuable hints and knowledge regarding the sick room.

GLANDERS.—This is an acute disease of the horse and occasionally of man. It is called "glanders" when the affection appears in the nostrils, and is called "farcy" when in the skin.

Causes.—The bacilli is usually introduced from infected horses through the nose, mouth and cheek, mucous membranes or skin abrasions (rubbing off of the skin). There are large or small lumps in the skin, mucous membrane of the nose and mouth.

Symptoms. Acute Glanders.—1. Incubation lasts from three to four days. There are signs of inflammation at the site of infection and general symptoms. In two or three days, small lumps appear on the mucous membrane of the nose, and ulcerate, with a discharge of mucus and pus. Sometimes these nodules die locally, and their discharge is then foul. The glands around the neck are enlarged. An eruption appears over the face and joints. Inflammation of the lungs may occur. Death may take place in eight to ten days.

2. Chronic Glanders.—This may last for months. It acts like chronic cold with ulcer in the nose. Some recover.

3. Acute Farcy.—The local and general signs are those of an infection, with necrosis (local death) at the site (in the skin) of inoculation; nodules, (lumps) known as "farcy buds" form along the lymphatics (glands) and form pus. There may be pus collections in the joints and muscles. Death often occurs in one to five days.

Chronic Farcy.—Tumors in the skin of the extremities, containing pus. The process is local, the inflammatory symptoms light, and the duration may be months or years.


Treatment of Glanders.—This disease does not often occur in man; it is an awful affliction. All infected horses must be killed, it is dangerous for man to be around one. If seen early, the wound should be cut out or burned out with caustics, and afterwards dressed like any wound. The "farcy buds" should be opened early. There is very little hope in acute cases of glanders. In chronic cases recovery is possible, but it will be after a long tedious time. There must be proper nourishing food and tonic medicines. Each case should be treated according to the indications. It is safe to say the parts should be thoroughly cut or scraped out and then treated with antiseptics and the general system built up, by tonics and stimulating remedies, if needed. As stated before, acute glanders and acute farcy are almost always fatal.

BIG-JAW OR LUMP-JAW. (Actinomycosis).—This is an infectious disease of cattle, less frequently of man, and it is caused by what is called the "ray fungus." This grows in the tissues and develops a mass with a secondary chronic inflammation.

This disease is widespread among cattle, and also occurs in the pig. In the ox it is called the "big jaw." The infection may be taken in with the food, and it locates itself often in the mouth or surroundings. Oats, barley, and rye may carry the germ to the animals. The fungus may be found even in decayed teeth.

Alimentary Canal Type.—The jaw has been affected in man. One side of the face is swollen or there may be a chronic enlargement of the jaw, which may look like a sarcoma (tumor). The tongue also is sometimes affected and shows small growths. It may also occur in the intestines and liver. There is at first a tumor (lump), and this finally suppurates.

In the Lungs.—They also can be affected. It is chronic here and there is cough, fever, wasting and an expectoration of mucus and pus, sometimes of a very bad odor (fetid). It sometimes acts like miliary tuberculosis of the lungs, and this is quite frequent in oxen. Other diseases of the lungs and bronchial affections occur and abscesses and cavities are formed that may be diagnosed during life.

Symptoms.—If in the jaw there may be toothache, difficulty of swallowing and of opening the jaw. The adjacent muscles may be hardened (indurated). A swelling appears at the angle of the jaw and this quickly passes into suppuration; later it opens first outside, then inside—into the mouth and discharges pus containing little yellow masses. It will extend down even into the bowels unless it is properly treated. Then there will be stomach disturbances and diarrhea. It may ulcerate through the bowels and cause peritonitis. The liver, spleen and ovaries may also become affected.

The Skin.—There may be chronic suppurating ulcers of the skin and the "ray fungus" can be found in them.

Diagnosis.—The "ray fungus" can be found. There is a wooden hardness of the tissues beyond the borders of the ulcers; there are the little yellow granules in the pus. The course is chronic. Mild cases recover in six to nine months or earlier, the mouth form being the most favorable.


Treatment.—Surgical. Remove the parts involved. Internally, iodide of potash in large doses is recommended. The food should be plenty and nourishing. In this case we must recommend you to a physician instead of the home treatments.

GONORRHEA (Urethritis).—This can be called an infectious inflammation of the urethra, caused by the gonococcus, a microbe or germ, causing a specific inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina.

Incubation.—The time that elapses between the exposure and development of the symptoms in the urethra is variable, extending from a few hours to twelve or fourteen days. In the great majority of cases, however, the disease appears during the first week. The patient notices a drop of milk-like fluid at the opening of the urethra, which is slight, red and puffed or turned out; a tickling sensation is often felt in this locality, and the next time urine is passed it is attended with a feeling of warmth at the end of the canal, or with actual scalding. After this the symptoms increase rapidly in number and severity, so that within forty-eight hours, or even sooner, the disease may be described as having passed its first or increasing stage, the characteristic phenomena of which are as follows:

Changes in the meatus (opening). There are redness, eversion (turning out), ulceration and eating away and often erosion of the lips of the opening of urethra. Sometimes, but rarely, so much swelling that the person can hardly pass the urine, which drops away. The other symptoms are too well-known by those who have had this disease to need a description.

Prognosis.—It is now considered more than a cold, and it is the cause of terrible sickness in both sexes, among the innocent as well as the guilty.

Treatment.—It may be cured perhaps in a short time, and yet no one can be certain of its absolute cure. This disease is better understood now, and the treatment is entirely different from formerly. The strong injections are now considered not only useless but dangerous to the future health of the patient. The best treatment is mild antiseptic injections, irrigation carefully done by an expert person; remaining quietly in bed, being careful to use food and drink that are not stimulating, keeping the bowels open by proper diet and mild laxatives and the urine mild by soothing diuretic remedies. Unfortunately those affected want quick work and they get it, frequently to their future sorrow. The following are good injections. Before each injection the urine should be passed and an injection of an antiseptic like listerine, etc., one dram to an ounce of boiled water, to cleanse the canal. You can use twice a day the following:

    Fluid Extract Hydrastis (colored) 1 dram
    Water 1 ounce

Use one dram of this for each injection. It stains the clothes so you must be careful. This is good and healing.


GONORRHEAL ARTHITIS. (Gonorrheal Rheumatism, Inflammation of the Joints).—This is more common in men than women. Occurring during, and at the end of or after inflammation of the urethra. It usually involves many joints, such as the temporal, maxillary and collar bone. The effusion in the joints is usually serious.

Symptoms.—Variable joint pains may be the only one. The attack may resemble an acute articular rheumatism of one joint, or a subacute rheumatism of one or more.

Sometimes there is a chronic one-jointed inflammation usually of the knee.
The tendon sheaths and bursae may be involved alone, or with the joints.
Gonorrheal septicemia may result from arthritis. This is protracted.
Iritis is a most frequent complication. The urethra source of the
infection must be cured.

Treatment.—Keep the joint quiet and you can use an ice cap for the pain. Tonic treatment with quinine, iron, and arsenic in chronic cases is needed. The joints should be kept at rest in acute cases. In chronic cases massage and slight motion. The tonics must be chosen for each individual case. One afflicted with this must be under treatment for a long time.

HIP JOINT DISEASE. (Morbus Coxarius).—This is more common in children than in adults.

Cause.—It is usually tubercular.

Symptoms. First stage.—It may be overlooked; slight lameness, a little stiffness is noticed at times. The muscles begin to dwindle.

Second stage.—Child limps very perceptibly, dwindling is more apparent.
Pain appears.

Treatment.—Absolute rest. Lying down treatment if begun early arrests this disease often. Build up the system. Splints and brace are needed sometimes.

KNEE JOINT DISEASE. (White Swelling).—This is simply a tuberculous knee.

Treatment.—Rest. Stop motion of the joint by some form of splint or plaster of Paris cast. Get a good physician at the beginning in these cases and you will save lots of after worry and blame for yourself. It does not pay to wait. These joint diseases will progress, and often treatment is begun months after trouble is seated. It ought to be criminal negligence and dealt with accordingly to neglect such diseases. Parents should never forget that they have endowed their children with such a constitution, and they should be glad and willing to correct it as far as they can.


LEPROSY. Definition.—Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease, caused by what is called the "Bacillus Leprae," and is characterized by the presence of tubercular nodules in the skin and mucous membranes (tubercular leprosy), or by changes in the nerves (anaesthetic leprosy). These forms are separate at first, but ultimately they are combined and there are disturbances of sensation in the characteristic tubercular form.

History.—Leprosy is supposed to have originated in the Orient, and to be as old as the records of history. It appears to have prevailed in Egypt even so far back as three or four thousand years before Christ. The Hebrew writers make many references to it, and it is no doubt described in Leviticus. The affection was also known both in India and China many centuries before the Christian era. The old Greek and Roman physicians were familiar with its manifestations, ancient Peruvian pottery represent on their pieces deformities suggestive of this disease. The disease prevailed extensively in Europe throughout the middle ages and the number of leper asylums has been estimated at, at least, 20,000. Its prevalence is now restricted in the lands where it still occurs while once it was prominent in the list of scourges of the old world.

It is now found in Norway and to a less extent in Sweden, in Bulgaria, Greece, Russia, Austro-Hungary and Italy, with much reduced percentage in middle Europe; it is the rarest of diseases in England where once it existed. In India, Java, and China, in Egypt, Algiers, and Southern Africa, in Australia and in both North and South America, including particularly Central America, Cuba, and the Antilles, it exists to a less extent. It has been recognized in the United States chiefly in New Orleans, San Francisco, (predominantly among the Chinese population of that city). The disease has steadily decreased among the latter colonists in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. Isolated cases have been recognized in almost every state, and leprous cases are presented at the public charities of New York, Philadelphia, Boston, etc. The estimated number of lepers a few years ago in the United States varied between two hundred and five hundred. It is represented as diminishing in frequency in the Hawaiian Islands, Porto Rico and the Philippines. In the Hawaiian Islands it spread rapidly after 1860, and strenuous attempts have been made to stamp it out by segregating all lepers on the island of Molokai. There were 1,152 lepers in that settlement in 1894. In British India, according to the leprosy commission,

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