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and we’re talking about immunization certifications and all kinds of stuff. There’s a lot of stuff developed.

Now the problem about this only one single Pfizer organization is this. They’re using nanoparticles, lipides, three or four lipides used. Lipoplex and Polyplex, and something else. I don’t remember.

The point is they put the Messenger RNA between lipides like a sandwich and that goes into the cell, penetrating the neighboring cell without any problem. It goes deep inside. OK, fine. It’s not supposed to reach the nucleus of the cell at all. It’s not supposed to reach the DNA or our human genome. It’s not supposed to.

But the problem — forget about human immune system right now even, I want to say something else. All that material that I just researched yesterday and found information — all have PEG, or PEGylated artificial synthetic material.

So, what is the PEGylated material all about? This material is practically plastic. But it’s not just plastic. This plastic is not biodegradable and will not degrade {break down} inside of your body.

And there’s more into it, the story line. It will affect your offspring more than you. How? Psychological affects, mostly paranoia, psychopathy’s of all kinds, and neurological effects for sure. So, we’ve built the next generation of children in the United States with such effects that it will be disastrous.

Well, it’s not happening. You know, we’re just looking at the local effects, a little boo-boo in there in the arm. So what?

I want to look not at the boo-boo in the arm and a little inflammation, or little edema. I want to look, two, three, five, six years from now. That’s what I like to look at.

So, forgive me if I say that — and I hope I cross some kind of ideas in your mind — but I call all of these vaccinations against COVID-19 biological weapon of mass destruction! And I call it 3-G, global genetic genocide. And this is coming not only to the United States, but the whole world.

Well, everybody estimates this and everybody estimates that but the truth is, with these kinds of vaccines untested properly, with revolutionary technology and side effects that we don’t even know, we can expect millions of people will be gone!

That is a dream of Bill Gates and eugenicists. He is sleeping and dreaming about this. The fewer human beings even better, less mouths to feed, less water to drink, less air to breathe. We’ve already put masks on ourselves so we’re not breathing too much. So good, good, good. OK.

And honestly, with this current vaccination campaign, we’ll all be guinea pigs. So, let’s see what happens in five, seven, 10 years from now. Do you think they’ll give us that much time? I think we’ll see this a lot sooner and a lot more aggressive.

And then they can blame as both Plan One plus Plan B. First, they vaccinate us. And then maybe something else happens, something else. Oh, a second pandemic comes but something different. You know what? It’s not SARS anymore, SARS-2. It’s not Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It looks like viruses. It’s probably mutated.

Every time a virus mutates, they tell the public it’s become more infectious, more deadly, and bad. Every single time. We’re not dealing any more in this wintertime with the SARS-2. It’s already mutated into something else that they have no name even. The name is actually just a sinister code for COVID cases. That’s what it’s all about.

People have adenoviruses and rhinoviruses, a little cold in their noses, and they immediately, what, justify it, that its COVID. Let’s do the test. Oh, I don’t have time for tests.

I need another hour to talk with you about the RT-PCR tests and all these antibody tests and BinaxNOW tests and all of that, special tests, because they’re all adjusted to specific messages. And not by us. They came from some special manufacturing companies.

So, tests, they are all fixed by the World Health Organization. The amplification of the PCR test is very high now, 42/45 amplifications. Everybody is positive with that test. Everybody. It should be 27/30 and no more. Do you think they did this by mistake? No. There’s no mistake in there of any kind.

Now this type of Communism is technocratic Communism. It’s a Communism with which to completely control you. But you don’t even need one million “snitches” all over the place like in the Soviet Union, sniffing around, OK? It’ll all be done by artificial intelligence. And unfortunately, yes, we’re at that level now, absolutely

Now, antibody tests. What has it shown to me? Nothing. That I was exposed at some time in the past with some kind of coronavirus. There are seven types of coronaviruses in the world, seven, which can affect humans, and about a few hundred, which can affect animals.

So, which one? A little fragmentation found that we built with an amplified piece {piece of genome} and, whoa, that’s a COVID right here.

It’s doesn’t even look like COVID. You know why? A secret that I will tell you. That’s not a secret. No isolate of the virus so far has been found in the world, a purified isolate of SARS-2 COVID virus. It’s does not exist, OK? It’s a bunch of stuff, formulations, fragmentations with an environmental mess inside. And that’s what they call COVID. Not the COVID, SARS-2 virus.

So, all of this testing is something else then. Remember that I told you in the beginning this is kind of strange for them. I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. And even if it’s actually done, it’s done by the Chinese laboratory, not by nature.

Another little secret, the coronavirus does not create any “waves” at all. They {virus} comes and they’re gone. Two examples, the 2003 SARS, came, gone, 10 months. MERS, Middle Eastern coronavirus, came, gone. I think this was 2012.

Now this one is special. It’s coming in waves. It’s just coming back and coming back. Do you know for how long?

We heard of the different versions {of this pandemic} from special people, yes. You know, all those special people there. Up to 10 years we’ll be stuck with these masks, up to 2030. You like this? You’ll like the mandatory masks on you for years? Because COVID will still be here.

So how do we stop this? How do we stop the mandates? And how do we escape from this and avoid getting immunized?

There is no escape, I’m sorry. I mean, I’ve made my peace. My wife and I, we have made our peace with God. I made my peace.

So, what this means, is it all hopeless? No. If we have God on our side, nothing is hopeless at all.


Dr. Igor Shepherd’s full video can be seen at:


Below three articles from Henry Makow, PhD - author of several books including The Illuminati – the Cult that Hijacked the World.

“Apart from world wars, humanity has never been under such a threat. There is a hidden occult agenda for this massive overkill. There is no guarantee this bogus emergency will end May 1. A hoax can be maintained forever. Who has the power to send the whole world to their room? Only the world central banking cartel, the Rothschilds. Bill Gates is a cutout. His dad was their lawyer. So far we've been operating on the assumption that the virus "will fade away" (Bill Gates' words) in a month or two. However, this scenario assumes that the Illuminati goal is simply monetary gain. They have a political agenda which is more important to them than money. They want total control. They want to leverage their monopoly over credit into a monopoly over everything. In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the central bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power." In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached. In a disturbing 90 minute interview, Celeste Bishop Solum, who worked for FEMA for 20 years says their goals are 1.) Test and register the DNA of every American which will prove a gold mine for the pharmaceutical industry. 2. Force Americans to accept a cocktail of vaccinations, some of which will sterilize them. 3. Inject Americans with serums containing nanoparticles which fuse with human tissue and allow them to control and monitor with a computer. This is linked to the introduction of 5G. Essentially Americans will need a certificate called the ID2020 if they want to regain their freedom of movement. Only these people will be allowed to attend mass events, like NFL games. Presumably only these people will be able to work and support their families” - by Henry Makow PhD author of several books including The Illuminati – the Cult that Hijacked the World.

“The Illuminati see humanity as "useless eaters”, squatters, weeds that need to be trimmed back. Their ideal is 100 million of "them" with "a billion of us to serve them." This is what they call "sustainable. The scamdemic is designed to advance the goals of Agenda 2030, nothing less than a government takeover of every nation on the planet. "The 17 points in the UN agenda are to be achieved through centralized government control and totalitarian mandates that are closely aligned with Communism." Closed parks are just a foretaste of what they have planned. Whole sections of the US have been cordoned off for their exclusive use. The Illuminati bankers have no intention of letting us return to "normal." They intend to reprise this virus to make permanent changes to the way we live. They intend to sicken us with vaccines and to brand us like cattle. They plan to introduce technological measures of surveillance and control already in use in China. Western civilization is in jeopardy. We are witnessing a Communist takeover modelled on Communist China. Clearly the World Health Organization is a Chinese Communist asset and its influence has spread like a cancer throughout the West. What should we do? The Illuminati agenda will press forward unless millions of people engage in civil disobedience. Wherever possible, we should defy the lockdown by ignoring "social distancing" and one-way aisles at supermarkets. Refusing to wear masks is a heroic act of resistance. They can't jail millions of people, and if they fine us, we will refuse to pay. We're not playing their stupid game. We need to eschew violence because that will only give them an excuse to ratchet up repression. However, if they try to enforce mandatory vaccinations, all bets are off. I believe that the Illuminati will reopen society within the next few weeks - only for a second wave and perhaps subsequent wave(s) of the Scamdemic to suddenly appear - which they will claim is causing mass casualties (hospitalizations and deaths) as a direct result. At that point - we will most likely see marital law, a dusk to dawn curfew, a complete ban on the use of cash, mass surveillance of social media, triangulation of all electronic communications, mandatory tracking apps, internal passports needed to venture within a country or perhaps city, and eventually vaccines (mandatory or coerced). Already near bankrupt businesses will reopen perhaps for a few weeks or a month - only to be totally crushed by a further wave(s). Most small and medium sized businesses today - across all sectors of the economy - will most likely no longer exist by the end of the year. Expect a second and perhaps further round of government bailouts and taxpayer wealth transfers to the elite (economic stimulus). After most of the world's population has been mandatorily or coercively vaccinated (which will most likely contain carcinogenic and/or sterility properties) and an

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