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while he was working as a bushman for
something like three shillings a day. He used to find these friendly little violets growing in certain places in the
woods, and something in the flower touched something akin to itself in the mind of Tyson, and he would sit on
the side of his bunk at night and wonder how flowers and vegetable life could be given an opportunity to express
itself in the desert land of Australia.
No doubt he realized that it would take a long time to save enough money to put irrigating ditches in the desert
lands, but his thought and feeling were sure it could be accomplished, and if it could be done, he could do it. If
there was a power within himself that was able to capture the idea, then there must be a responsive power within
the idea itself that could bring itself into a practical physical manifestation. He resolutely put aside all questions
as to the specific ways and means which would be employed in bringing his desire into physical manifestation,
and simply kept his thought centered upon the idea of making fences and seeing flowers and grass where none
Since the responsiveness of reproductive creative power is not limited to any local condition of mind, his
habitual meditation and mental picture set his ideas free to roam in an infinitude, and attract to themselves other
ideas of a kindred nature. Therefore, it was not necessary for Tyson to wait and see his ideas and desires fulfilled,
until he had saved from his three shillings a day enough money to irrigate the land, for his ideas found other
ideas in the financial world which were attuned in sympathy with themselves, and doors of finance were quickly
All charitable institutions are maintained upon the principle of the responsiveness of life. If this were not true, no
one would care to give, simply because another needed. The law of demand and supply, cause and effect, can
never be broken. Ideas attract to themselves kindred ideas. Sometimes they come from a flower, a book or out of
the invisible. You are sitting or walking, intent upon an idea not quite complete as to the ways and means of
fulfillment, and behold along comes another idea, from no one can tell where, and finds friendly lodging with
your idea, one idea attracting another, and so on until your desires are physical facts.
You may feel the necessity for an improvement in your finances, and wonder how this increase is to be brought
about, when there seems suddenly to come from within the idea that everything had its birth in thought, even
money, and your thoughts turn their course. You simply hold to the statement or affirmation that the best, and all
there is, is yours. Since you are able to capture ideas from the Infinite through the instrument of your intuition,
you let your mind rest upon that thought knowing full well that this very thought will respond to itself. Your
inhibition of the thought of doubt and feeling of anxiety enables the reassuring ideas to establish themselves and
attract to themselves "I can" and "I will" ideas, which gradually grow into physical form of the desire in mind.
In the conscious use of the universal power to reproduce your desires in physical form, three facts should be
borne in mind:
First - All space is filled with a creative power. Second - This creative power is amenable to suggestion. Third
- It can only work by deductive methods.
As Troward tells us, this last is an exceedingly important point, for it implies that the action of the ever-present
creative power is in no way limited by precedent. It works according to the essence of the spirit of the principle.
In other words, this universal power takes its creative direction from the word you give it. Once man realizes this
great truth, it becomes the most important of all his consideration with what character this sensitive reproductive
power is invested. It is the unvarying law of this creative life principle that "As a man thinketh in his heart so is
he." If you realize the truth that the only creative power can be to you only what you feel and think it to be, it is
willing and able to meet your demands.
Troward says, "If you think your thought is Powerful, then your Thought is Powerful." "As a man thinketh in his
heart, so is he" is the law of life, and the creative power can no more change this law than an ordinary mirror can
reflect back to you a different image than the object you hold before it. "As you think so are you" does not mean
"as you tell people you think" or "as you would wish the world to believe you think." It means your innermost
thoughts, that place where no one but you knows. "None can know the Father save the son" and "No one can
know the son but the Father."
Only the reproductive creative spirit of life knows what you think until your thoughts become physical facts and
manifest themselves in your body, your brain or your affairs. Then everyone with whom you come into contact
may know, because the Father, the intelligent creative energy which heareth in secret, hears your most secret
thoughts, rewards you openly, reproduces your thoughts in physical form. "As you think you know that is what
you become" should be kept in the background of your mind constantly. This is watching and praying without
ceasing, and when you are not feeling quite up to par to physically pray.
Chapter 16
Scientific Thinking - Positive Thought
Suggestions for Practical Application:
Try, through careful, positive, enthusiastic (though not strenuous) thought, to realize that the indescribable,
invisible substance of life fills all space; that its nature is intelligent, plastic, subjective substance.
Five o'clock in the morning is the best time to go into this sort of meditation. If you will retire early every night
for one month, before falling asleep impress firmly upon your subjective mind the affirmation "My Father is the
ruler of all the world, and is expressing His directing power through me," you will find that the substance of life
takes form in the moulds of your thoughts.
Do not accept the above suggestion simply because it is given to you. Think it over carefully until the impression
is made upon your own subconscious mind understandingly. Rise every morning, as was suggested before, at
five o'clock, sit in a quiet room in a straight-backed chair, and think out the affirmation of the previous evening,
and you will realize and be able to put into practice your princely power with the realization to some extent, at
least, that your mind really is a center through which all the creative energy and power there is taking form.
Scientific Prayer:
The Principle Underlying Scientific Prayer
In prayer for a change in condition, physical, mental or financial for yourself or another, bear in mind that the
fundamental necessity for the answer to prayer is the understanding of the scientific statement:
"Ask, BELIEVING YOU HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED and you shall receive"
This is not as difficult as it appears on the surface, once you realize that everything has its origin in the mind, and
that which you seek outwardly, you already possess. No one can think a thought in the future. Your thought of a
thing constitutes its origin.
The Thought Form of the Thing is already Yours as soon as you think it. Your steady recognition of this Thought
Possession causes the thought to concentrate, to condense, to project itself and to assume physical form.
To Get Rich Through Creation
The recognition or conception of new forces of wealth is the loftiest aspiration you can take into your heart, for it
assumes and implies the furtherance of all noble aims.
Items to be remembered about Prayer for Yourself or Another: Remember that that which you call treatment or
prayer is not, in any sense, hypnotism. It should never be your endeavor to take possession of the mind of
another. Remember that it should never be your intention to make yourself believe that which you know to be
untrue. You are simply thinking into God or First Cause with the understanding that -
"If a thing is true at all, there is a way in which it is true throughout the Universe." Remember that the Power of
Thought works by absolutely scientific principles. These principles are expressed in the language of the
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."
This statement contains a world of wisdom, but man's steady recognition and careful application of the statement
itself is required to bring it into practical use.
Remember that the principles involved in being as we think in our heart are elucidated and revealed by the law
"As you sow, you shall reap."
Remember that your Freedom to choose just what you will think, just what thought possession you will affirm
and claim constitutes God's gift to you.
It shows…
First Cause has endowed every man with the Power and Ability to bring into his personal environment whatever
he chooses. Cause and Effect in reference to Getting:
If you plant an ACORN, you get an OAK. If you sow a GRAIN OF CORN, you reap a stalk and MANY Kernels
of Corn. You always get the manifestation of that which you consciously or unconsciously AFFIRM and
CLAIM, habitually declare and expect, or in other words "AS YOU SOW"
Therefore, sow the seeds of I AM .... I OUGHT.... I CAN.... I WILL REALIZE that because you ARE you
OUGHT, that because you OUGHT, you CAN, that because you CAN, you DO.
The manifestation of this Truth, even in a small degree, gives you the indisputable understanding that
DOMINION IS YOUR CHARTER RIGHT You are an Heir of First Cause, endowed with all the power He has.
God has given you everything. ALL is yours, and you know that all you have to do is to reach out your mental
hand and take it.
This Formula may serve as a pattern to shape your own Prayer or Affirmation into God for the benefit of another
or yourself.
If for another, you speak the Christian name of the person you wish to help, then dismiss their personality
entirely from your consciousness.
Intensify your thought by meditating upon the fact that there is that in you which finds the way, which is the
Truth and is the Life.
You are affirming this fact, believing that since you are thinking this, it is already yours. Having lifted up your
feeling to the central idea of this meditation, you examine your own consciousness to see if there is ought which
is unlike God. If there is any feeling of fear, worry, malice, envy, hatred, or jealousy, turn back in your
meditation to Cleanse your Thought through the affirmation that God's Love and Purity fill all space including
your heart and soul. Reconcile your thought with the Love of God, always remembering that
You are made in the Image and Likeness of Love.
Keep this Cleansing thought in mind until you feel that you have freed your consciousness entirely of all
thoughts and feelings other than
Love and Unity with all Humanity
Then if denials do not disturb you, deny all that is unlike your desired manifestation. This
accomplished, you almost overlay your denial with the affirmative thought that: You are made in the Image and
Likeness of God and that you already have your desire fulfilled in its first, its original spiritual or thought-form.
Closing of Prayer:
Prayer as a method of thought is a deliberate use of the Law which gives you the Power of Dominion over
everything which tends
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