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Book online «Mother's Remedies by Thomas Jefferson Ritter (fantasy books to read txt) 📖». Author Thomas Jefferson Ritter

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is slow. It usually takes a number of years before it is "ripe" for operation. They may remain in the same condition sometimes. In this kind of cataract both eyes are affected sooner or later, although one eye may be fully matured before the other is much changed.

The result of an operation depends upon the condition of the eye. The eye should be free from evidence of disease. "The anterior chamber should be of normal depth. The pupil should react to light. There should be a homogeneous (all alike) white or gray opacity immediately back of the pupil, with no shadow from the edge of the pupil (except in cases of sclerosis, already mentioned). A candle carried on all sides of the patient while the eye is fixed, should be properly located by him. The tension of the eyeball should be normal."

The operation is very frequently done and it is very successful. The patient should be ready and willing to place himself in the charge of the operator and do as he says.

SYMPATHETIC INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE.—(Sympathetic Ophthalmia.)—A condition in which the healthy eye becomes the seat of a destructive inflammation transferred from the other eye which has been the subject of a similar inflammation usually following a perforating injury of the eyeball. The injured eye is called the exciting eye; the other, the sympathetic eye.

This is a rare disease, but it may occur when one eye is injured or diseased and on the first indication of trouble in the injured eye the other eye should be closely watched for symptoms of sympathetic trouble so that if can be removed.

Symptoms in the Exciting Eye.—This is more or less congested and painful; when pressure is made upon the upper lid, it shows tenderness. The tension is not as strong; the pupil may be blocked with an exudate.

In the Sympathizing Eye.—There is an inflammation involving the choroid, ciliary body and iris. There is pain, tenderness, small blocked pupil and sight is poor.


Course.—It usually appears between the third week and the sixth month after the original injury. "The extreme limits are two weeks and twenty years." The sound eye is likely to be attacked when the exciting eye is in a state of active inflammation.

Treatment.—The "exciting eye" should be enucleated (taken out) before any signs of sympathetic inflammation appears in the healthy eye. If it has appeared, enucleation will be of no value; at all events if there is vision in the exciting eye, the operation should not be done then.

INFLAMMATION OF THE RETINA FROM BRIGHT'S DISEASE (Albuminuric Retinitis).—The retina is a very delicate structure and we are often able to diagnose Bright's disease from the peculiar effect it produces upon the retina.

Causes.—The cause is usually Bright's disease, (nephritis) and usually the chronic Interstitial variety. Pregnancy causes it sometimes. Interference of the vision, sight, is what the patient complains of. This may be very slight, when you consider the great changes occurring in the retina. Such patients are subject to attacks of temporary blindness of uremic origin. The vessels of the retina are swollen and tortuous. Bleeding and shining white patches are scattered through the back part of the eye and a peculiar arrangement of glistening white dots around the yellow spot. This disease shows itself late in Bright's disease and the patient is not likely to live more than two years after the appearance of this eye lesion.

Treatment.—It sometimes occurs during pregnancy. Then the question of inducing premature labor arises. There is no local treatment that can be of any use when it is caused by Bright's disease.

FITTING GLASSES.—This is done by lenses and prisms, etc.

Lens.—A lens is made of glass and prisms graded in strength, one surface curved, and has the power of refracting or changing the direction of the rays of light. A prism is wedge-shaped and bends rays of light towards its base. A great many people are troubled with their eyes, much more than years ago. We even see little children wearing glasses. It is unfortunate, but true, that even more children and grown people should wear them. Fitting glasses is an art in itself. It takes more ability to fit glasses well than it does to operate well. Poorly-fitted glasses are not only annoying to the wearer, but dangerous. Glasses rest the eyes, not tire them. When the eyes water and feel tired or strained, even after using them but little, glasses are needed. Headaches are frequently caused by the eye strain. When glasses are needed it does not pay to put off getting them and the person needing them should go to one competent to properly fit them. A great many eyes are hard to fit, and they need not only ability to fit them well, but time and attention must be given to fitting them properly.


SQUINT OR STRABISMUS.—Both lines of sight are not directed towards the same object of fixation.

Internal or Convergent Squint.—Where one eye is turned inward toward the nose.

External or Divergent Squint.—One eye turns outward toward the temple.
Squinting upward and downward are uncommon.

Causes of Convergent (Internal) Squint.—It generally appears between two and five years; at first periodically, later constantly. The patient is generally far-sighted.

Treatment.—Internal squint in very young children may be treated by covering the well eye and forcing the child to use the other. When the child is old enough, proper glasses should be worn. Operation can be done when needed and is generally successful.

External (Divergent) Squint.—This may appear at any age and is often associated with near-sightedness. An operation is necessary and the tendons on both sides must generally be cut and properly placed. Parents should always attend to a child who has this trouble. The operation is not difficult to perform and it will not only, as a rule, give the child good sight, but better looks. Parents who are able to have an operation or glasses fitted when needed, and who neglect their children, should be punished; they are guilty not only of neglect, but cruelty.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Inflammation of the Eye. 1. Chickweed a Relief for.— "The juice of chickweed is good for inflammation of the eyes, when dropped into them."

2. Inflammation of Eyes, Sassafras, Excellent Remedy for.—"Take sassafras bark and make into a tea. Apply this externally to the eyes, and it will be found very beneficial for this trouble." This is a very good remedy, on account of its oily soothing nature.

3. Inflammation of Eyes, Tried Remedy for.—

    Boric Acid 10 grams
    Camphor Water (not spirits) 1/2 ounce
    Water 1/2 ounce

Apply this with a soft cloth.

This trouble usually results from or is associated with constitutional disease and requires treatment for same, but the above wash is good for local applications. This prescription was given me by an oculist."

4. Inflammation of Eyes, Common Potato Will Cure.—"Scrape raw potato and apply to the temple until relieved." This helps to draw the blood away and relieves the inflammation.

5. Inflammation of Eyes, Milk Curd Relieves.—"Make a curd of sweet milk; that is, set it on the stove till it forms a curd; then add quite a little alum and wash eyes." The milk is very soothing and the alum acts as an astringent. Care should be taken in using this remedy that none of the mixture gets into the eyes.


6. Inflammation of Eyes, Wild Hairs Cause.—"A few years ago, I had trouble with my eyes. They felt as though there was something in them scratching the eye-ball. I went to an eye specialist, and he gave me two little vials of medicine to drop into my eyes six times a day. I doctored with him several months, and while the medicine reduced the inflammation largely, it did not relieve the scratching sensation in the eyes. Then I was away from home for about ten days and did not use the medicine, and when I returned my eyes were very much inflamed, and very painful. I visited the doctor again, and he said I had a little ulcer on the eyeball, and he pulled out several hairs or winkers from the eyelid. I asked him if wild hairs were the cause of the ulcer and he admitted they were. After a few days' more treatment by the doctor I learned of a neighbor who understood a little about wild hairs in the eyelid and had him examine my eyes. He pulled out more wild hairs, and my eyes got well. Ever since then, when my eyes begin to hurt me as though there was some foreign substance in them, I go to my neighbor and he pulls out the wild hairs, and that was the trouble with my eyes. My experience in obtaining this knowledge cost me twenty dollars in fees to the eye specialist, which I could have saved by going to my neighbor at first,"

MOTHERS' REMEDIES.—Sore Eyes. 1. Rose Leaves Rest.—"Steep rose leaves and apply often." Apply the leaves as a fomentation and relief will soon follow. This is very soothing and very easily applied.

2. Sore Eyes, Soothing Remedy for.—"Use a wash of borax and water. One-half teaspoonful to a cupful of water." This is very good.

3. Sore Eyes. Slippery Elm Excellent for.—"This is a very soothing dressing far the eyes. You can buy a small package of the slippery elm at any drug store, and prepare it by making a tea and using externally.

4. Sore Eyes, Common Remedy for.—"Use a wash night and morning of common table salt and water." This is often sold by druggists for 10 or 15 cents an ounce under a medical name.

5. Sore Eyes, Elder Berry Flowers Relieve.—"In a severe case of inflammation of the eyes apply a poultice of elderberry flowers; bathe the eyes with warm water and witch-hazel." This remedy was given by a mother who tried it a great many times and always had success.

6. Sore Eyes. Borax and Camphor Good Wash for.—"Borax one teaspoonful, spirits of camphor fifteen drops, distilled water one-half cupful. This makes a fine wash for sore eyes, and is perfectly harmless."


7. Sore Eyes, Tested Eye Wash for.—

    "Hydrastis (Golden Seal Root) 1/2 ounce
    Best Green Tea 1/2 ounce
    Sulphate of Zinc, Pulverized 1 dram

Steep the root and tea for a few minutes in a pint of boiling water; while cooling add the sulphate of zinc; when cold strain well and bottle. Use as an eye wash three times a day. In severe cases a poultice is useful, made of pulverized slippery elm and warm milk and water. All eye washes should be used with caution and especially those containing belladonna or caustic solutions,"

8. Sore Eyes, Borate of Soda and Camphor Water Relieves.—

    "Borate of Soda 2 grains
    Camphor Water (not spirits) 1 ounce

Mix, drop one or two drops in the eye four times a day.

Camphor water is made by allowing the gum to dissolve in water instead of alcohol, also saturate lint in this mixture and apply on the eyes."


The external ear is called auricle or pinna. It is an oval funnel-shaped organ. The canal leading in to the membrane (drum) is called the external auditory meatus. It extends inward about one and one-quarter inches and terminates in a membrane.

Membrane Tympani (drum) which separates the external ear from the tympanic cavity. To examine the drum, you must pull the ear backward and outward to make the canal straight.

Membrane Tympani (the drum) Membrane.—This is situated at the inner end of the canal and separates it from the tympanum or middle ear. It is placed like the membrane in the telephone. It is pearly gray in color. This membrane not only serves as a protection to the delicate structures within the tympanum, but also receives the sound vibrations from without and transmits them to the ossicular (bony) chain of the middle ear.

The Tympanum or Middle Ear.—This cavity just beyond the drum, which forms the greater part of its outer wall, is

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