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Book online «The Illuminati and the Deception of History by Terence Smart (best way to read books .TXT) 📖». Author Terence Smart

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is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America. We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo. However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control. We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it. All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.

"We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication. This, we fear, is a sign of a coming pogrom that will take place in America soon. The American public has realized that we are in control, which is a fatal mistake on our part. This nation could never be the land of the free as long as it is the land of the Jew. (This is a concept most patriots cannot understand. Patriots have spent untold man-hours fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media, Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the Jew now uses against the detestable 'goyim'. The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it.) This is the revelation that will be our undoing”.

"The American people have been easily ruled through our propaganda that the pen is mightier than the sword. We virtually get away with murder, and all the goy do is to talk about it, which is ineffective since we, the masters of propaganda, always publish a contradicting account. If the Aryan would review history and apply those lessons of the past, then the pen will be thrown down in disgust and the sword wielded in the heat of passion. (A recurrence to history would edify our minds and show us that the European countries solved their Jewish problem only by use of force.) Thus far, we have escaped the sword, when the only reprisal is some periodical of no repute, or some pamphlet with limited circulation. Their pen is no match for ours, but our constant fear is that they may open their eyes and learn that no change was ever brought about with a pen. History has been written in blood, not with ink. No letter, editorial or book has ever rallied the people or stopped tyranny. We understand this principle and are continually propagandizing the people to write letters to the President, to Congress and to their local media. We are safe to continually exploit, intimidate and disenfranchise the white American as long as they are preoccupied with the illusion of educating the masses through printed material. Woe be unto us if they ever see the futility of it, lay down the pen and employ the sword”.

“Anyway, the Jews at that time had a very wise Rabbi leader, a world leader, and his advice was respected throughout the world. He said that the Jews must pretend to become Christians and bide their time and make real sacrifices if necessary. We have always been ready to sacrifice a few thousand Jews in exchange for world leadership. (This was the plan of the Jews who instigated WW II. Some Jews were sacrificed so that the "persecution" propaganda could continue.) It is a small price and there is nothing wrong with that. I was taught that we Jews must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, and even the judges, unless they were Jews. We should become doctors and teachers and leaders in all the churches -- and this goal has almost been fully accomplished. I said it before and I'll say it now -- that we will have complete, I say complete control, throughout the entire world possibly before I die. We are very successful in keeping you gentiles confused. We create confusion. (The word Babylon in Hebrew is Babel and means confusion. The Jews are masters at confusion because they are the ringleaders of the system known as "Mystery Babylon.") You're not stupid White. You know that the Jews are successful because of our unity. We die for one another if necessary. We generously finance our own, so it is understandable how we govern not only in this country. We direct American foreign affairs. We are the super government of the world. Is that enough?”

Below is a part of the interview were Walter White asks Rosenthal about the alleged Holocaust of World War 2.

Walter White. There are two or three questions among my notes here Mr. Rosenthal which have yet to be answered and one is quite important.

Rosenthal. What is that?

Walter White. The story about the six million Jews supposedly cremated or murdered by the Nazis.

Rosenthal. What about it?

Walter White. Do you know who or what Jewish organization created that big lie?

Rosenthal. No, I don't know anything about its authenticity. I don't think it's too important anyway.

Walter White. Mr. Rosenthal, you know better than that, What about the younger generation who is growing up believing this big lie? And you say it's not important!!

Rosenthal. It was an outgrowth of the war and we all know that Hitler hated the Jews so someone, somewhere, thought of exaggerating the number. We know that many, many Jews were killed by the Nazis.

Walter White. I'm sure you know that when World War II broke out there were less than a quarter of a million Jews in ALL of Germany. Many thousands had already left Germany.

Rosenthal. So what? As I said before, the Jewish people are the cleverest people in the world. So somebody thought up a big number and perhaps it grew until now the number of Jews killed is six million. We have control of the news media and that is the great difference. Otherwise your people could tell YOUR big lie.

Walter White. And when this whole sordid story becomes known, the result will be an aroused citizenry -- an angry citizenry who will want to destroy you.

Rosenthal. How? I ask you how? YOU can't reach the people. We have it all under such control that no one -- no one or no-body can reach the people unless it is done through our media control. (Who has had control of the mass media in the 20th century? -- Chairman of ABC pp Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS -- James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS -- David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC -- Fred Silverman, President of PBS -- Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time -- Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News & World Report -- Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones -- Warren H. Phillips, Editor of Newsweek -- Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide -- Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times -- Sulzberger family, TV program producer -- Norman Lear -- these and more all are Jews!!) We have it sewed up!! We have infected your churches completely and we now control the school system in the United States. It is a reality that we have complete control of organized Christianity. Almost anywhere -- completely.

“That is why we have the control today. One of the reasons. Your people did not believe that it was possible for any people or race to accomplish what we have within a couple of hundred years. The gentile is stupid. WE are intelligent. I am going to be a very important person in and around Washington and soon. I intend to become nationally prominent. You are going to hear and read about me in the future. I'm young and have had the guts to tell you more than any other Jew would ever dare to tell you -- at least publicly. I've stuck my neck out White. Some of what I have told you is part of the inner, invisible world of Jewry”.

“Anyone who does not know that the organized Jew is the instigator of World Communism, of International Zionism, and is in a conspiracy to destroy Christian civilization, is too naive and too ignorant to deal with the problems we face. The Christ-hating Jew who conspires against our Christian Heritage, enjoys nothing better than the conservative who protects the Jew and will talk about everything dangerous to our country except the Hidden Hand of the Jew conspirators, the root of all evil which threatens Christian civilization. Mr. Rosenthal had stated publicly that the Jews will completely dominate throughout the entire world -- and that they control every facet of political life in America and every aspect of the communication media”, Interviewee Walter White

Although you have seen a few quotes from the Rosenthal interview in this book, the full interview can be read at:



Rosenthal, in exposing certain aspects of the ‘inner invisible world of Jewry’, revealed the modes and tactics Jews have used in destroying Christian civilization and covertly attaining control over our lives and governments. The result has been a ‘hidden tyranny’ upon us.

“The American people had better wake up in GREAT NUMBERS and see that these Khazars commonly known as Zionist/Jews have taken our government over and are destroying America from the inside out. While they use the media to keep the racism going they are taking this country down because the average American is too focused on the wrong things. Whenever these Zionist want to take over a nation they pretend to come in peace and gain the trust of the people and they chip away at the morals of the nation with sex, drugs and violence. They weaken their opponent through these means. Americans are so afraid of being called anti-Semitic they refuse to speak up and out on this matter. Our congress is a Zionist controlled club and nothing more. Every member who has dared to speak against them has been destroyed politically and some even set up or killed. Blacks and Whites still fighting over skin color differences while these Zionist plan to destroy both. Wake up people before it is everlasting too late”. Youtube comment on a Benjamin Freedman WW1 Youtube video. Very wise words from this Youtuber.

“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy.... and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. in this new organisation of humanity (new world order -author) the "children of Israel" will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.... the governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews.... it will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands”. (Baruch Levy in a letter to Karl Marx (Jewish), quoted by salluste, "Henry Heine et Karl Marx; les origines secretes du bolchevisme" la revue de Paris, June 1 1928, pp 567-589).

“The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave.” - Rabbi Emmanuel Rabbinovich, speech delivered at a special conference of European rabbis in Budapest, January 12, 1952

The following was written by retired Major General George Van Horn Moseley. He was Deputy Chief of Staff under General MacArthur from 1930 to 1933. A copy of this letter can be found in the book The “Jewish Threat” by Bendersky.

“What prevents America from being first today? Let me be frank and point out the enemy who would themselves be first in America today, and that is the Jewish nation, a nation within a nation. If you will investigate, as I have – crime, graft, filthy publications and unsavoury movies, the liquor and drug traffic, the red light district, white slave traffic and War – you will arrive head on against a pack of Jews in control. I am not going to take your time to discuss in this letter the age old problem of the Jew, but if you are interested, you can get all the evidence concerning his plans for world domination from the writings of Jews, themselves. You do not have to rely on the statement of any Gentile. Suffice it to say, however, that they have been driven out of every country in which they have been domiciled, and for good reason, and eventually they will be driven out of the U.S.A. The Jew may tell you that there are only some four and a half million of them in the United States. The fact is, there are over thirteen million of them in the United States today. Formerly I felt sorry for the Member of Congress who could not face this problem frankly on account of

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