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of blood on the truck. But we are supposed to believe that the Nice truck ran over and killed 86 people and injured 434 with not a speck of blood to be seen on the truck. Somehow I don’t buy that.

Read the words of Scott Alexander who spent 24 years as a police officer and 15 as a detective. He describes the scene at Nice: “Having been in law enforcement for the past twenty-four years - and having spent fifteen of those years as a detective – I know what a real crime scene looks like ... and it looks nothing like what you have just witnessed. You cannot have more than one hundred mangled bodies dragged through a city street by a semi-truck without there also being trails of blood and body parts. It’s simply impossible”.

Look at the photos below. Where is all the blood? Why are people allowed to just sit around a crime scene? Where is the emergency services?

Had this been an actual event you would have had the Police and Emergency Services personnel caring for the wounded. However, there is a general lack of concern in rendering prompt emergency care. It’s just not believable.

There was no independent mobile phone coverage, no photos by people looking out from their balconies, as many would have been doing on Bastille Day.

It is not clear how the truck was able to breach the barriers to the promenade closed for pedestrians and spectators during the 14th July celebration.

According to eye-witnesses, it took the police and firemen about half an hour to get to the scene.

Also how is it possible that such a crowd is not ‘protected’ by patrolling police and military? And that in a country under effective Martial Law which was in place since the Bataclan Paris attacks?

By the way, did you know that Nice, France is blanket-covered by video surveillances? Nice actually has the most CCTV cameras per block in all of France! -- 915 public surveillance cameras. Why are there no city surveillance videos of the "mile long" assault?

There is CCTV cameras all along the route that the truck went along but all we have is Mr Gutjahr’s recording. The company in charge of all the CCTV cameras in Nice is a Jewish company called Nice systems and its headquarters are in Tel Aviv, Israel. No surprises there as an Israeli company also controlled the CCTV at the train stations on 7/7 London as well as the bus that blew up and the CCTV in the three airports on 9/11.

Also most of the people that went missing after the alleged Nice truck attack are either alive of have fake names and identities given to them. Missing individuals found alive and well include the couple John Torsrud and Heidi Niederer and the young adult Dylan Barbonia. A black girl named Lea was named by the Daily Mail as one of the victims but her real name was Adamara Ajuzie and she went on Instagram to protest that she was alive so this was simple identity-theft.

“Watch the Nice video were people are seen running down the street to avoid the truck. What you will learn is that all those people you saw running in the presstitute TV reports had no idea why they were running. The presstitutes created the impression that they were running away from the truck. However, as the interviews show, they were running because other people were running, because the police told them “terrorists, run,” and because they heard shots (apparently police firing blanks). Those interviewed reported, “You run with them even though you have no idea what you are running from. You can’t help it, you run with them.” None of those running away ever saw a truck. According to the foul-mouthed narrator, the film of the people running away was taken prior to the time the truck allegedly mowed down 185 people, killing 85 of them. The narrator appears to be correct if the time stamps on videos are correct. The narrator says the streets needed to be cleared for the crisis actors to put on their show that is used to control our minds about what happened. I have pointed out that a truck that hit 185 people, killing 85 of them would be covered in blood and that bodies would be splattered all over the street with blood everywhere. Yet, the photos and videos that we are shown show no such evidence. The stopped truck on which police are directing gunfire is as white as snow. Independently of the vast analysis online of the video evidence of the alleged “Nice attack,” I suspect the Nice “terror attack” for the same reason that the Pentagon attack is suspect. Despite all the contrary evidence against the official stories, the authorities refuse to release the video evidence that, if it shows what the authorities claim, would shut up the sceptics and prove the official story. When a government claims it has video evidence that proves its official story but refuses to release it, indeed, demands the destruction of the video evidence, we know for an absolute fact that the video evidence totally contradicts the official story. That is the only possible conclusion”, - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts- Former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan.

Why is France getting attacked? It all started after France said they were going to recognize Palestine as a state, then they started getting odd ‘terror’ events which are used to demonize Muslims. The same happened with Belgium after they started moving in the same direction.

In October 2014, France’s foreign minister said France would recognize a Palestinian state even if peace talks with Israel fails. In November 2015 we had the Paris attacks.

In Belgium the parties of the new centre right government agreed to recognize Palestine as a state. The Chamber of Representatives adopted a resolution in favor of this motion in 2015. Then we had the 2016 Brussels bombings.

Norway upgraded the Palestinian mission in Oslo to an embassy in December 2010, and Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store called for the creation of a Palestinian state within a year. Then we had the 2011 Norway attacks. The attacks in Norway were on the largest political youth organization, Workers’ Youth League, who were calling for a boycott of Israel in response to their crimes against humanity in Gaza. Many anti-Israel politicians of the future were killed off that day.

The most obvious suspect with the most to gain from such events is the CIA/Mossad. If it is them, they are trying to turn public opinion against Muslims, so there will be less pressure on the French government to help Palestine, and the New World Order can retain control.

This terror by truck also struck Berlin, December 2016 and Stockholm, Sweden April 2017 and I believe you will find it was the same organization behind all of these truck attacks with Mossad the main culprits and not Isis. Mossad’s motto is ‘By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt do war’.

Orlando Shooting

On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, allegedly killed 49 people and wounded 53 others. Some shooting that he must have been a Navy Seal or ex Delta Force for such accuracy, oh wait he was a security guard that explains it.

Let’s look at other anomalies with this shooting that makes me think it was another staged event by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security to keep people in fear of Muslims and the War on Terror.

No real bodies are shown to us and no blood.

No cell phone videos of the actual shooting. If there was really a few hundred people in this club you would think at least one person would have took a photo or video but there is not one.

There is little to no ambulances or footage of any actual professional rescue workers saving lives, we’re being asked to simply accept the event as real and move on.

The media kept showing us the same 3 or 4 almost staged victims being carried away.

The alleged Pulse nightclub shooter, Omar Mateen, has been, since 2007, an employee of the world's largest security firm, G4S, which does contract work for the US Government. Omar Mateen's father, Siddique Mir Mateen, is a top official in Afghanistan who has close ties to the US Government and the CIA.

Omar Mateen performed as an actor in The Big Fix (2012), a dramatized documentary about the BP oil spill. Omar Mateen's employer, the global security firm G4S, has confirmed that Omar Mateen appeared in The Big Fix.

Survivor Christopher Hansen, who is described by the media as the Pulse "hero", gave several interviews the following day "at the scene", but he was actually interviewed in a TV studio in front of a green screen. Christopher Hansen has been identified as an actor named Bjorn Jiskoot, Jr, who has performed in low-budget horror films.

The survivor Norman Casiano has been identified as an actor named Luis Burbano, whose acting website features head shots and his acting resume. He appeared in The Sacred (2009). Norman Casiano (Luis Burbano) said that he saw a bullet four inches long sticking out of a victim's leg. There are no small arms bullets that are four inches long.

Initially, Norman Casiano (Luis Burbano) claimed that he had been shot four times in the back, and that each bullet had gone "all the way through". Norman Casiano (Luis Burbano) said that he spent two days in the hospital, yet he was out of the hospital, looking fit as a fiddle, the day after the Orlando Pulse shooting incident, for his interview with Anderson Cooper.

Morris Herman is an independent journalist explains why he believes the Orlando shooting was not real: "Okay I should just begin and say that I don't believe it really happened. I don't believe there was really shooting and really killings. There is enough evidence to suggest this, or I should say a lack of evidence to suggest that it's believable”.

Boston Bombing

On April 15, 2013, during the Boston Marathon near the finish line at 666 Boylston Street, a bomb exploded at 2:49 p.m. EDT, killing three people and injuring 282 others.

Thirteen seconds after the first blast, at 3:02 p.m., a second bomb exploded 180 yards down from the first explosion, also on Boylston Street. The photo below was taken from the perspective of the first explosion site, showing the second blast down the block.

David Steele, a former Marine and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence says that most terrorists are false flag terrorists and were created by American security services. “Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”

Steele continues: “Boston bombing, for me, the truth teller was when the rabbis and the priests rushed to comfort the wounded and they were not allowed to get near any of the wounded. That, in intelligence, we call an indicator. And then you add to that the fact there were no, I mean no, wounded people taken to hospitals. And finally, you add to that the big to-do about the amputee. He turned out to be a hired actor for a company that specializes at putting

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