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example, „not a single person who was not previously ill, had died of the virus”, All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes or had a cardiovascular disease. The virus was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. Covid-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection“- Professor Klaus Puschel

In addition, Dr. Puschel explains: “In quite a few cases, we have also found that the current corona infection has nothing whatsoever to do with the fatal outcome because other causes of death are present, for example a brain haemorrhage or a heart attack. Corona in itself is a ‘not particularly dangerous viral disease’, says the forensic scientist.

The German virologist Hendrik Streeck is currently conducting a pilot study to determine the distribution and transmission routes of the Covid19 pathogen. In an interview he explains: “I took a closer look at the cases of 31 of the 40 people who died in the Heinsberg district – and was not very surprised that these people died. One of the deceased was older than 100 years, so even a common cold could have led to death.“

German immunologist and toxicologist, Professor Stefan Hockertz, explains in a radio interview that Covid19 is no more dangerous than influenza (the flu), but that it is simply observed much more closely. More dangerous than the virus is the fear and panic created by the media and the authoritarian reaction of many governments. Professor Hockertz also notes that most so-called corona deaths have in fact died of other causes while also testing positive for coronaviruses. Hockertz believes that up to ten times more people than reported already had Covid19 but noticed nothing or very little.

The Argentinean virologist and biochemist Pablo Goldschmidt explains that Covid19 is no more dangerous than a bad cold or the flu. It is even possible that the Covid19 virus circulated already in earlier years, but wasn’t discovered because no one was looking for it. Dr. Goldschmidt speaks of a global terror created by the media and politics. Every year, he says, three million newborns worldwide and 50,000 adults in the US alone die of pneumonia.

Professor Julian Nida-Ruemelin, former German Minister of State for Culture and Professor of Ethics, points out that Covid19 poses no risk to the healthy general population and that extreme measures such as curfews are therefore not justified.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) reports that, according to the latest data from China, 78% of new test-positive individuals show no symptoms. An Oxford epidemiologist said that these findings are very, very important. He added that if the results are representative, then we have to ask, ‘What the hell are we locking down for?’“

Dr. Andreas Sonnichsen, head of the Department of General and Family Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna and chairman of the Network for Evidence-Based Medicine, considers the measures imposed so far to be insane. The whole state is being paralyzed just to protect the few it could affect.

In a world first, the Swedish government has announced that it is going to officially distinguish between deaths ‘by’ and deaths ‘with’ the coronavirus, which should lead to a reduction in reported deaths. Meanwhile, for some reason, international pressure on Sweden to abandon its strategy is steadily increasing.

The Hamburg health authority now has test-positive deaths examined by forensic medicine in order to count only real corona deaths. As a result, the number of deaths has already been reduced by up to 50% compared to the official figures of the Robert Koch Institute.

In a interview, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, a world renowned expert in medical microbiology, says blaming the new coronavirus alone for deaths is wrong and dangerously misleading, as there are other more important factors at play, notably pre-existing health conditions and poor air quality in Chinese and Northern Italian cities. Professor Bhakdi describes the currently discussed or imposed measures as ‘grotesque’, ‘useless’, ‘self-destructive and a ‘collective suicide’ that will shorten the lifespan of the elderly and should not be accepted by society.

Why are the views of epidemiologists, doctors, scientists, analysts and health advisors who challenge the lockdown being ignored or censored by the media and by government? Why is the government not widening the circle of advisors to take into account these opposing perspectives that might bring an end to the misery that is a consequence of enforced quarantine? Off-Guardian has recorded these views here.



It is also worth following Swiss Propaganda Research for regular updates on emerging analysis and statistics that you will not always find in the mainstream media.


The Italian National Health Institute ISS has published a new report on test-positive deaths:

The median age is 80.5 years (79.5 for men, 83.7 for women).

10% of the deceased was over 90 years old; 90% of the deceased was over 70 years old.

At most 0.8% of the deceased had no pre-existing chronic illnesses.

Approximately 75% of the deceased had two or more pre-existing conditions, 50% had three more pre-existing conditions, in particular heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Five of the deceased were between 31 and 39 years old, all of them with serious pre-existing health conditions (e.g. cancer or heart disease).

The National Health Institute hasn’t yet determined what the patients examined ultimately died of and refers to them in general terms as Covid19-positive deaths.

Current test-positive death figures in Italy are still less than 50% of normal daily overall mortality in Italy, which is around 1800 deaths per day. Thus it is possible, perhaps even likely, that a large part of normal daily mortality now simply counts as Covid19 deaths (as they test positive). This is the point stressed by the President of the Italian Civil Protection Service.

Using data from the cruise ship Diamond Princess, Stanford Professor John Ioannidis showed that the age-corrected lethality of Covid19 is between 0.025% and 0.625%, i.e. in the range of a strong cold or the flu. Moreover, a Japanese study showed that of all the test-positive passengers, and despite the high average age, 48% remained completely symptom-free; even among the 80-89 year olds 48% remained symptom-free, while among the 70 to 79 year olds it was an astounding 60% that developed no symptoms at all. This again raises the question whether the pre-existing diseases are not perhaps a more important factor than the virus itself. The Italian example has shown that 99% of test-positive deaths had one or more pre-existing conditions, and even among these, only 12% of the death certificates mentioned Covid19 as a causal factor.

On March 20, Italy reported 627 nationwide test-positive deaths in one day. By comparison, normal overall mortality in Italy is about 1800 deaths per day. Since February 21, Italy has reported about 4000 test-positive deaths. Normal overall mortality during this time frame is up to 50,000 deaths. It is not yet known to what extent normal overall mortality has increased, or to what extent it has simply turned test-positive. Moreover, Italy and Europe have had a very mild flu season in 2019/2020 that has spared many otherwise vulnerable people.

According to the United Nations World Population Prospects report, approximately 7,452 people die every day in the United States. In other words, a person dies in the US approximately every 12 seconds. That is 220,000 people who die every month in the USA from all causes and as of writing in the 3 months since this Coronavirus outbreak 22,000 have died of Coronavirus in the USA but in these same 3 months about 660,000 will have died from all causes.

In the USA there has been 802, 590 cases as of 22nd April 2020. The US have tested over 4 million. That is double any other country, Germany is at 2 million. That gives us a 19.6% positive out of those who were tested for Covid 19. 64 million is a significant amount of people with Covid. But the numbers are similar to the flu. If you study numbers in 2017/18 the USA had 50-60 million with the flu and a similar death rate. There is always between 37,000 and 60,000 deaths in the US, every single year. But there is no talk of a "pandemic". No hiding in your home. No shutting down of businesses, no closing down of education, travel and sport. So why has this been done now for Covid-19?


In the U.K there are on average 42,000 deaths from all causes per month but in 3 months of 2020 February, March and April they say 10,000 have died allegedly of Covid-19 but in them 3 months about 120,000 will have died of all causes. Suppose the 10,000 was part of the 120,000 but they have just reassigned the 10,000 as dying from this new deadly disease even though most of them will have already had underlying health conditions such as cancer, heart or lung disease or any other respiratory illness.

Do you also count as a corona death if you are infected with the virus but die of something else? Yes, say Rudi Anschober and Bernhard Benka, members of the Corona Task Force (Austria) in the Ministry of Health. “There is a clear rule at present: Died with the corona virus or died from the corona virus both count for the statistics. No difference is made as to what the patient actually died of. In other words, a 90-year-old man who dies with a fracture of the femoral neck and becomes infected with corona in the hours prior to his death is also counted as corona death. To name but one example”.

Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia). Spanish football coach Francisco Garcia has passed away at the age of 21 after contracting coronavirus. The younger test-positive deceased almost always had severe pre-existing conditions. For example, Garcia the 21-year-old Spanish soccer coach had died test-positive, making international headlines. However, the doctors diagnosed an unrecognized leukemia, whose typical complications include severe pneumonia.

German doctor Dr. Bodo Schiffmann - A specialist in pathology comments on this as follows: “Who might think evil of it! Up to now, it has been a matter of course for pathologists to carry out autopsies with appropriate safety precautions even in the case of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, PRION diseases, etc. It is quite remarkable that in a disease that is killing thousands of patients all over the world and bringing the economy of entire countries to a virtual standstill, only very few autopsy findings are available (six patients from China). From the point of view of both the epidemic police and the scientific community, there should be a particularly high level of public interest in autopsy findings. However, the opposite is the case. Are you afraid of finding out the true causes of death of the positively tested deceased? Could it be that the numbers of corona deaths would then melt away like snow in the spring sun?

Dr. Annie Bukacek (above) is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. In the video linked below at Globalresearch, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.


Part of the transcript from the video by Dr Bukacek is below:

“At a time where telling the truth is considered a threat to the national security, we’re very blessed to have a pastor who tells us the truth. We are blessed beyond measure. …”

“The decision for unprecedented government-mandated lockdown has been based on the alleged death rate of COVID-19. Is this death rate based on truth? …”

“Are the reported deaths from COVID-19 truly deaths from COVID-19?

To address this question, we need to discuss death certificates since death certificates are the basic source of information about mortality. …”

“History-changing decisions

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