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That’s because they would already have at minimum, some type of working understanding of it, or maybe even a pre-existing working vaccine or cure.

“In Mexico, I was hoping to escape the mass lunacy sweeping the planet. But yesterday, the local police cordoned off the main square. Mexico has mandated a month-long "health emergency." Only "essential" businesses will remain open. Apparently "jobs" are not deemed essential, although the worker may think otherwise. Public spaces have been closed. Our town square -- the heart of every Mexican community -- was cordoned off by police. The church is its spiritual center. People genuflect as they pass. This is where the shops, restaurants and dozens of craft stalls are located. All depend on tourism. Hundreds have been deprived of their livelihood in this town alone. The blind beggar will not eat. The man with the accordion will get no tips. Even the stray dogs will suffer. This for 1,890 cases of what is little more than the seasonal flu. 634 recovered and 79 "deaths" in a country of almost 130 million people. Schools, restaurants and mines have shut down for the month. Borders have closed. This is a body blow to the Mexican economy which depends on tourism. Easter is an especially busy time for local tourism in this Catholic country. Multiply this scenario a few million times and envision it on a world scale. Apart from world wars, humanity has never been under such a threat. There is a hidden occult agenda for this massive overkill. There is no guarantee this bogus emergency will end May 1. A hoax can be maintained forever. Who has the power to send the whole world to their room? Only the world central banking cartel. The Rothschilds. Bill Gates is a cutout. His dad was their lawyer. So far we've been operating on the assumption that the virus "will fade away" (Bill Gates' words) in a month or two. However this scenario assumes that the Illuminati goal is simply monetary gain. They have a political agenda which is more important to them than money. They want total control. They want to leverage their monopoly over credit into a monopoly over everything. In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the central bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power." In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached. In a disturbing 90 minute interview, Celeste Bishop Solum, who worked for FEMA for 20 years says their goals are 1.) Test and register the DNA of every American which will prove a gold mine for the pharmaceutical industry. 2. Force Americans to accept a cocktail of vaccinations, some of which will sterilize them. 3. Inject Americans with serums containing nanoparticles which fuse with human tissue and allow them to control and monitor with a computer. This is linked to the introduction of 5G. Essentially Americans will need a certificate called the ID2020 if they want to regain their freedom of movement. Only these people will be allowed to attend mass events, like NFL games. Presumably only these people will be able to work and support their families” - by Henry Makow PhD author of several books including The Illuminati – the Cult that Hijacked the World.

The Global Elite which come in the form of the Federal Reserve bankers control the Big Pharmaceutical industry making billions of dollars a year from vaccines and drugs for chemotherapy which does not actually cure cancer but causes cancer.

As mentioned before these are some of the major Rothschild banks that own the Federal Reserve: Bank of America; JPMorgan Chase; Wells Fargo and Wachovia; Citibank; PNC Bank; Bank of New York Mellon; US Bank; HSBC Bank; Goldman Sachs. Other families who own the Federal Reserve include Rockefeller, Kuhn Loeb, Lehman, Goldman Sachs, Warburg, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif and most of them being Jewish.

Novartis International AG is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical company based in Basel, Switzerland, ranking number one in sales (57.9 billion US$). Novartis owns 33.3% of Roche. Roche is one of the top sellers of Oncology (cancer) drugs. Among its products Novartis produces vaccines and Chemotherapy drugs. Wells Fargo & Company owns over 7 million shares in Novartis as does Bank of America.

Dodge & Cox has by far and away the most shares in Novartis with over 40 million shares. But who has the most shares in Dodge & Cox? It is the same companies again. Bank of America has most shares in Dodge & Cox with 5 million, Wells Fargo & Co 3.7 million, Goldman Sachs 3.5 million, Bank of New York Mellon 2.5 million shares. All of these banks are part of the Federal Reserve.

AstraZeneca is a British–Swedish multinational pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical company. AstraZeneca acquired US Company, MedImmune for about $15.2 billion to gain flu vaccines and an anti-viral treatment for infants. In 2015 AstraZeneca also acquired ZS Pharma for $2.7 billion. In fact AstraZeneca has acquired over 15 other companies since it was formed in 1999. These companies make huge profits from selling these vaccines to governments. As of 2008, David Brennan was paid $1,574,144 for his role as chief executive officer (AstraZeneca). AstraZeneca manufactures Crestor which is one of the world's leading statins, with global sales of more than $5billion (£3.4billion). AstraZeneca made pre-tax profits in 2015 of £3.07 billion.

The main shareholders in AstraZeneca are Wells Fargo & Company, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Dodge & Cox and Bank of America. As you can see this is a recurring theme now.

Another pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline reported a 4 per cent rise in annual turnover to ÂŁ23.9billion. Profits jumped from ÂŁ3billion in 2014 to ÂŁ10.5billion in 2015. FMR LLC own over 20 million shares in GlaxoSmithKline worth nearly 1 billion. Fidelity Management & Research Company (FMR) is a US investment management company and has assets worth a whopping $2 trillion. Wells Fargo & Company owns just over 11 million shares worth nearly $500 million in GlaxoSmithKline

Other companies who own shares in GlaxoSmithKline include Bank of New York Mellon, Bank of America Corporation, Goldman Sachs group Inc., Royal Bank of Canada and JPMorgan Chase & co.

GlaxoSmithKline produces vaccines for HPV (Cervarix), Hepatitis A and B, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Flu, among many others.

If you or your child suffers harm or death due to a vaccine, then you cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine. You must sue the Government and try to obtain compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund, which is funded by taxes paid on vaccines. The global elite have got laws passed so that there pharmaceutical companies are not liable for vaccine injuries. We the tax payer have to pay for the injuries our children receive from their vaccines made in the labs of companies such as AstraZeneca, Novartis or GlaxoSmithKline.

Monsanto, the company behind genetically modified food is owned by various companies but the biggest shareholder is the Vanguard group which consists of, yes you guessed, Bank of America, JP Morgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Goldman Sachs etc. Also George Soros (Rothschild Zionist) own 500,000 shares in Monsanto as does Bill Gates. George Soros is the man who “broke the Bank of England” on Black Wednesday in 1992 and is one of the top thirty richest people in the world, and a political activist who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry, holds dual citizenship in Hungary and the United States, and self-proclaims as a philanthropist, while contributing massive funds to eugenics programs and population control through toxic food and toxic vaccines.

So who do you think will benefit from a forced vaccination for every person on earth?

Below the Testimony of a Russian ex-Military Intelligence Officer on the Coronavirus Depopulation Agenda

The Coronavirus Agenda is exposed in this revealing interview with an ex-Russian military intelligence officer. The interview shows this was recorded on March 25th, 2020. Vladimir Kvachkov (Russia) is a Colonel of the GRU (Military Intelligence Officer), a public figure, with a PhD in military science and leading researcher for the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies of the General Staff of the Armed Forces.

In the interview Kvachkov was asked, considering his expertise, what does he make of the coronavirus phenomenon? His reply was:

It’s exactly this perspective that you need to examine it from. Not from the public health perspective, nor epidemiology, etc. The coronavirus phenomenon that they falsely deem a pandemic needs to be examine from the perspective of global powers. Religious, political, financial, economic and national. The coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic – and let me tell you, there’s no pandemic, it’s all a lie – needs to be considered as a global, strategic special operation. This is exactly how you need to think of this thing. These are command and staff exercises of the world’s behind-the-scenes powers on controlling humanity. This is what the goal of this coronavirus is. I’ll repeat it once again. We have little faith in God and even less so in the existence of Satan, the enemy of the human race. So, the aim of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial powers is reducing the world’s population. It’s their idée fixe. They think there’s too many of us ordinary people in the world. There should be around 100 million of their kind and a maximum of 1 billion people on Earth to serve them. Then they’ll be living in abundance here on Earth. Because, us the people, the earthlings – there’s too many of us for the behind-the-scenes world powers. This is why the coronavirus and the financial crisis that has emerged almost immediately – they’re inextricably tied to one another. The aim is to stop people’s movement around the world, to curtail political freedoms. In political terms, it would be practically impossible to do all that. There are differences in constitutions. Whether they’re being implemented or not – that is a different question. However, there are some political rights that people are accustomed to and they believe they theirs to have forever. The first attempt to take away those rights from people happened on September 11th, 2001. Not many seem to remember that, after the so-called attack on WTC towers, Pentagon and White House in the USA, the global war on terrorism was declared. Let’s remember, in order to understand what the coronavirus is now, let’s analyze that first attempt – the declaration of war on humanity that was disguised as a war on terrorism. That was 19 years ago. The behind-the-scenes world powers created the events of September 11, 2001. Now they need another excuse for greater control and takeover of humanity. That’s how they came up with the coronavirus. Basically, to put it this way, that’s not a pandemic, not an epidemic. Even now, I literally looked at the data this morning, 300 people in the world die from it daily. You can imagine what kind of scale this is. Of course, I’m sorry about each person who dies, but 300 people across 7.5 billion people – that’s basically nothing. These command-and-staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes world powers have an aim to limit different political rights and make people afraid. The fools are already grabbing food in shops here. Millet, buckwheat, etc. The goal is to scare people. Once again, these are command-and-staff exercises of the behind-the-scenes Zionist and financial liberal world powers with the aim of limiting the political rights that people are basically accustomed to having, especially in Western Europe. That’s their second goal. The first goal is to reduce the population numbers on Earth. That’s their Satanic goal. The second, political goal of the behind-the-scenes world powers is to seize power. The third goal is related to finances and power over the economy.

It’s a complete financial bubble. It needs to be deflated. FRS, the Federal Reserve System, literally some days ago, that was in February, I think

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