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World War 2

Adolf Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kamp while he was in Landsberg prison in 1924 and in the book he stated that there was a JewishFreemason plot to control the world. Back then a few people knew of this plot but today this plot is unfolding by the month as this book and others like it try to uncover. It is this same JewishFreemason, Illuminati group that destroyed Germany in World War 1 and 2 as well as the Jewish led Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the Genocide in the Ukraine known as the Holodomor. That is a total of about 130 million human beings massacred by this group.

The "Nazis" didn´t fight in WWII, it was the German people that fought WWII for their Fatherland. "Nazi" is a word invented by the Jews to demonize the great German people.

Hitler and his NSDAP party never called themselves Nazis. Nazi is a political label invented by a Marxist German Jew, Konrad Heiden who was a member of the Social Democratic Party as a means of belittling Hitler’s NSDAP party. NAZI was an imitation of the word SOZI which was the nickname of the Social Democratic Party during Hitler’s rise to power. So the term Nazi was spread by Jews among English speaking countries to make Hitler and his party seem more evil. But you can’t get much more evil than what the Communist Jews had done to large parts of Europe.

Hitler did not start World War 2 with the Poland invasion. Again invading one country, Poland is not starting a world war. The Jews went into Palestine in 1948 and chased out by gunpoint over 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, farms and land were they had lived for 2000 years and then Jews from all over the world moved into Palestine. But no war was started against the Jews to force them out and that is because of Jewish control in the Western World. Don’t forget parts of German land was stolen by the Allies and given to Poland and Czechoslovakia after WW1. Many times Hitler gave Poland the chance of negotiations for a road to be built to connect to the 2 million Germans in Danzig and Prussia which the Polish refused. Why did Britain and France declare war on Germany for its Poland invasion but they did not declare war on Russia who invaded Poland at the same time as Germany but from the east? It was because Russia was controlled by the Jews as was the Western World through its banks as we have already stated. Poland was used as a pretext to destroy Germany. Then at the end of the war America, Britain and France handed over the whole of Eastern Europe to Russia and Stalin and this included Poland and yet they had condemned Hitler and declared war against him for Germany’s invasion of Western Poland in 1939 which I might add was to take back territories (Danzig Corridor, Prussia) that was stolen from Germany with the Versailles Treaty after World War 1. This proves that they just wanted to destroy Germany after Hitler had resurrected it from the ashes of World War 1. If the Allies cared so much for Poland, so much that they declared war against Germany then why after the war did they gave Poland to Communist Russia. You have been lied to folks, it’s all just a big Jewish deception to destroy Germany. World War 2 was fought so that the Jewish bankers could again take control of Germany after Hitler removed them and it was fought so that Communism could take over most of Europe to which Hitler was trying to stop.

Communism threatens Germany

Hitler’s and the NSDAP party’s biggest threat and fear were always Communism. After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia were at least 40 million died at the hands of Communist Jews that is not surprising? In 1917 in Russia Jewish communism took a grip on the country with Lenin, Trotsky and his cohorts. Their hope was to spread this communism throughout the rest of Europe. In Germany Jewish communists Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht founded the "Spartacus League" which was later to become Germany’s communist party. In 1918-1919 the Communists took over Bavaria for a few days. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht and a group of other Jews took over the government for three days. In fact, when the Kaiser ended the war he fled to Holland because he thought the Communists were going to take over Germany as they did Russia and that he was going to meet the same fate as the Czar. So he fled to Holland for safety.

In 1919 Jewish-Hungarian communist Bela Kun staged a reign of terror in Hungary which lasted 6 months and then he staged a coup in Berlin. Bela Kun had fought with the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia in 1918 and he was an agent of Lenin. Bela Kun (1886–1939) was a Jew and a mass murderer. Bela Kun, with Lenin’s approval, executed around 50,000 White prisoners of war and civilians. They had surrendered after having been promised amnesty if they would surrender. While in control of the Crimea, he carried out a policy of mass arrests, executions and atrocities. In the process, between 60,000 and 70,000 inhabitants of the Crimea were shot.

“In Hungary Jews represented up to 95% of the leaders in the Bolshevik movement. . . . The legal status of the Jews was excellent in Hungary. For a long time there had been no legal restrictions. On the contrary, the Jews enjoyed a position that could tempt anti-Semites to speak of Jewish supremacy in the cultural and economic life of Hungary”, Writer I.O Levin.

“One million Hungarian women were raped by the Russian Bolshevik troops, usually led by Jewish commandants. Six hundred thousand prisoners of war, as well as 230,000 civilians, were dragged off to extermination camps in the Soviet Union. At the most modest estimate, 500,000 people were murdered by the Jews in the cells of Andrássy út, Budapest, in internment camps or in the open streets. All the characteristic features of biological class-warfare can be distinguished in this campaign of revenge. The Hungarian middle classes, the intellectuals and the national leaders had to be slain so that their places could be taken by another middle-class by the Jews! And, moreover, those who presided as judges in the revolutionary tribunals were almost all Jews”, - from Hungarian Louis Marschalko – ‘The World Conquerors’ 1958.

"In 1936 we proved by means of a whole series of astounding statistics that in Russia today more than 98% of the leading positions are occupied by Jews.... Who were the leaders in our Bavarian Workers Republic? Who were the leaders of the Spartacist Movement? Who were the real leaders and financiers of the Communist Party? Jews, every one of them. The position was the same in Hungary and in the Red parts of Spain." – Adolf Hitler, September 1937.

After the WW1 former senior officers in the German army began raising private armies called Freikorps. These were used to defend the German borders against the possibility of invasion from the Russian army and Communists. The communist takeover in Berlin was short lived as the Freikorps took back control of Berlin from the Communists. The Freikorps had saved Germany from the deadly fate that had befallen Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution. Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were captured and executed. Bela Kun was executed in the Russian Gulag’s in 1938.

Sarah Gordon, in her book (Hitler, Germans and the "Jewish Question") she goes on to say: "There has been a tendency to circumvent or simply ignore the significant role of Jewish intellectuals in the German Communist Party, and thereby seriously neglect one of the genuine and objective reasons for increased anti-Semitism during and after World War 1. The prominence of Jews in the revolution and early Weimar Republic is indisputable, and this was a very serious contributing cause for increased anti-Semitism in post-war years. It is clear then that the stereotype of Jews as socialists and communists led many Germans to distrust the Jewish minority as a whole and to brand Jews as enemies of the German nation."

“It can be asserted with almost mathematical certainty that, wherever Communist experiments were tried and armed risings organized at the time of the Revolution, Jews took the lead or added fuel to the flames. If these Jewish elements had had their way, Germany would have followed the example of Russia at that time, and Europe would have been delivered into the hands of Bolshevism. It can also be said with almost mathematical certainty that, wherever the interests of the German people were betrayed in this fight for existence, Jews had a hand in the game. The Jew Kurt Eisner, the Bavarian Minister President in Munich’, conducted his own foreign policy — against the Foreign Office in Berlin!” - From the book ‘The Jewish Domination of Weimar Germany’ by Eckhart Verlag.

"On one point there should be no doubt; we shall not let the Jews slit our gullets and not defend ourselves. Today in Berlin they may already be arranging their festival-dinners with the Jewish hangmen of Soviet Russia that they will never do here. They may today begin to set up the Cheka in Germany, they may give it free scope. We surrender to such a Jewish Commission never. We have the conviction, firm as a rock, that, if in this State seven million men are determined to stand by their 'No' to the very last, the evil spectre will collapse into nothingness in the rest of the Reich." - Hitler's Speeches, Baynes. Vol.1. the Institute of International Affairs. 1942

Jewish Influence in Germany

“Germany is today, with perhaps the possible exception of the United States, the most Jew-controlled country in the world, controlled within and from without”, - Henry Ford - founder of the Ford Motor Company, author ‘The International Jew-the World’s Foremost Problem’, 1920.

The Jewish influence on Germany in the 1920’s was enormous. When Jews are in charge of a business or corporation they only advance other Jews and push non-Jews out. For example in this way the Jews were able to take control of Germany’s financial institutions. Out of the 1500 members of the German stock exchange 1200 were Jewish, even though Jews were only 1% of the German population. They were in control of other areas to. In Berlin 23 out of 29 Theatre Managers were Jewish, they controlled most German newspapers, the movie industry and the banks. The figures were all similar in other professions such as doctors, dentists, lawyers and industry. In short, “the history of the Jews in Germany from 1870 to 1933 is probably the most glorious rise that has ever been achieved by any branch of the Jewish people”. Dr. Nahum Goldmann.

Almost 80% of department and chain store business in pre-war Germany were Jewish, 40% of wholesale textile firms, and 60% of the wholesale and retail clothing business. By 1895, 56% of German Jews were involved in commerce; correspondingly, only 10% of non-Jewish Germans were in this field. Jews were responsible for a great part of German culture.

“In 1931 41 firms of the 67 German film producers were in Jewish hands, — that is to say 61 per cent. Of 28 distributors 24 were Jewish, that is 86 per cent. During the same period 119 of the 144 film manuscripts were written by Jews (82 per cent). In 77 cases the staging was carried out by Jews (53 per cent). If one examines the names of the producers, directors and film stars which participated in those films which were enthusiastically praised by the press and which developed into box office successes, one will invariably discover that the great majority were Jewish. Amongst the producers and distributors we find: Pressburger and Rabinowitsch (Cine-Allianz), Heymann, Fallner and Somló, Levy or Cohn. The directors were: Oswald-Ornstein, Zelnik, Meinert, Neufeld or Schönfelder. The actors: Pallenberg, Siegried Arno, Fritz Walburg, Felix Bressart, Kurt Gerron, Grete Mosheim, Gitta Alpar, Rosa Valetti, etc. etc. The mentality typical of the entire Jewish film industry is displayed in its crudest form by the so-called “social and hygienic instruction films,” a type of film with which the German cinemas were veritably flooded during the years after the War. Officially they were intended to acquaint the masses with the dangers of abnormal sexual intercourse and debauch. They were based on a pseudo­ scientific foundation and under this mask Jewish capital speculated upon the primitive erotic desires and the lowest instincts of the public. Criminals, prostitutes and the pathologically abnormal were the heroes of this category of film. A choice of titles taken at random from the legion of such so-called “instructive” films will give the best idea

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