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Book online «Broken by Maria Diaz (black authors fiction .TXT) 📖». Author Maria Diaz

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She yanked my hand and pulled me out. "Ok." I said. She moved up to stare sand through the doors back to the deck. "Ok so this is the deck. Most of the men......" She countinued on and on from almost two hours.


Alexandria spent the next hour showing me what she was suppose to do on the ship. Her job was simple. She had to sweep the floors and clean the dishes. It was different for me she said. "I don't know whats gunna happen to ya. I came on me own free will." She said as she brushed her hand over a dapple like cats back. I stared at her in horror. Who would ever want to spend their life on a ship! It was ridiculus! She looked back at me. "Is somethin the matter?" she asked as she carried on down the deck of the huge ship. "Yes!" i practicly yelled. I peaked a look and saw three grudgy men working on some contraption. "Keep it quiet!" Scolded the taller man. I was about to say something when Alexandria grabbed my hand and pulled to the front of the ship. "You can't do that!" she scolded softly. I put my hands on my hips "And why not! They have no right to tell me what to do!" I stomped my foot hard on the wooden ground. "Stop!" she said grabbing my arm. "You can't do that cause they will probably tell Master Johnathon now! Then your gunna get it!" She said quietly. I glared hard at her. "I don't care what he does! He isn't the boss of me!"
I parcticly yelled at her. She just stared at me. I heard footsteps and Alexandria ran and hid behind a curtain. One of the Three men had come up to me. "What did I tell yah!" he growled. "Nothin! Now leave me alone!" I said pushing him out of the way from the door. Before I could get fully out the door the man spun me around and pulled me over his shoulder. "Let me go!!!!" i yelled. I beat my hands on his back. He ignored it and continued walking up the deck. I screamed and yelled for him to put me down. He refused. I knew where he was going, I struggled more and more. I screamed again then went silent when i heard a familiar voice. "Enough!" yelled the male voice. The grudgy man yanked me off his shoulder and onto the ground. "Ow!" I said silently. I looked up to see Johnathon standing above me. Glaring. He stared above me. "What happened Dan." his voice was firm. The man shifted behind me. I just stared down. "Little missy here wouldn't stop yellin. tryed to get her to stop. She didn't listin. She got a little mouthy with me and tried to get away. Thought it was best you'd deal with her." He said. I felt everyones eyes on me. I heard small feet rushing to the door. I looked up to see Angela. Hurt and confusion in her eyes. "Johnathon whats......" she couldn't finish because he held up a hand
to silence her. I toke the dare and looked at Johnathon. He was staring right at me. "Men. Dismissed be back in 2 hours to ready to sea", all the men left on his command, "Angela go visit your mother. You have two hours to be back here. If your not, I will come look for you and you wont like it." He said in his firm voice. She shoke her head. "No. No. I'm staying here. Please Johnathon. Let me talk to her. Please!" She begged, clinging to his arm. He pulled her hand away. "No. She's had her chance. Now go." he said in a soft but firm voice. "Oh please Johnathon! Please!!!!" She didn't back down. Hs face went rigid, grabbing her by the arm he unlatched her to his shirt. He whispered something in her ear and she stared hard at Johnathon then me. Johnathon got impatiant and wacked her on the butt and she jumped and walked away with out looking again. I stared after her, but not before someone gripped my arm and pulled me into the room. "Owch!" I yelled. "Let me go!!" I jerked in his grip. It was hard as steal. He slammed the door closed and dropped me to the floor with a small barely unheard thud. I didn't look at him.He moved across the room and opened a cabniet. I toke that moment to crawl over to the door. I yanked at it. Locked. Dangit! I spun back around to see Johnathon right infront of me. I gasped as he grapped me and pulled me over to his chair. He sat down and threw me over his knees. My eyes widened. I knew from experience with my father what he was going to do."No!" I said struggling under his grip. "No! Please don't!!" I begged trying to wiggle away. "Be still! You had this coming! it will only get worse if you struggle!" He said in a calm but commanding voice. I threw my hands back and tried to hit him. "Stop that this instant!" He damanded grabbing my wrist and pinning them against my lower back. "Keep them there or I will beat you harder." He said
realeasing my hands, I didn't dare move them. He pulled the hem of my dress up to my waist. I couldn't take it, I moved my hands infront of me and tried to push away from me. He sighed. "I warned you!" He said grabbing something off the table, it sounded like wood sliding against wood. I struggled again. He wacked me hard on my bottom. i gave out a small whimper. "Be still!" He ordered again. I gripped his calf as the spanks came. I didn't scream, but whimper. The spanks went from low to high then to the sesitive spot where my thighs connected to my bottom which made me squeal. My grip tightened on his calf. Tears fell from my face as it continued. After about 10 more minutes of spnaks he stopped and I slumped over his knees. I shoke and sniffled. He pulled me off of his knees and on to the ground. I stayed where I was, kneeling infront of him. He toke my chin and lifted it to face him, I looked away, ashamed to look at him. "Look at me girl, before you get punished again." he warned. I jerked my eyes around and looked into his deep brown eyes. "If you ever do that again I will beat you senseless! Is that clear?" He ordered. I nodded. "Yessir." I mumbled. He reliased my chin, stood, and put the paddle away. I stared at the ground, to afraid to move. He strode across the room doing several things before walking up to me. I thought he was going to hit me again. I crawled away from the chair. He turned it and sat down. I pulled my knees up and tucked my chin in, ust staring at him. After a few mnutes he turned to me. I jumped. "Go sit in that chair over there until I am finished with my work." He ordered. I hesitated then walked off towards the chair. I began to sit down but jumped back up when the pain returned to my bottom. he just stared and turned back around.
he was just too strange.

Sailing out....Or not..

After what felt like forever my bottom stopped hurting and Johnathon stood from his chair. It stood infront of me. I pulled my legs up to my chest. He placed his hands on his hips. "can I trust you to behave?" he asked me with a firm voice. I just stared and after a few seconds I blinked. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to behave.. I wanted to go home! I just nodded. "With your voice." was all he said. I hesitated. "Yessir." I mumbled. He glared at me before going to the door and unlocking it. "Get up. And if you say anything out of tone you will reseve another punishment. Is that clear?" He said waiting. I nodded. "Yessir." He glared again and walked out of the room. I followed him around the deck passing Alexandra. "You ok?" she mouthed. I shook my head and ran up to Johnathon, catching up. "Robert!" yelled Johnathon to a skinny man tieing a rope. He stopped and stared up. "Yes Captian!" He said. "Where is Angela?! She should have been back by now." he barked over the noise. I somehow had wondered to looking over the side of the boat, almost falling. Johnathon grabbed my arm and pulled me back."Stay still!" He growled. I stayed where I was while he talked to the man and gripped my arm painfully. The man dropped the rope to someone on the ground ner the boat, wipeing his brow. "I don't know sir. Shde went off an hour ago and didn't come back yet." He said glanceing at me. I shrank behind Johnathon, not wanting to be realised. "Oh alright. Dont port off yet. I've got to go do somethings." He said giving him a look. robert nodded and went back to his work. "Come on." he growched. "Your coming with me to find my wife. And if you even try to act up or run away you will not live to see the next day." he growled as he manovered to the exit of the boat. He climbed the side as I watched. "Come here." he said gesturing me forward. I stepped closer to the edge and he grabbed me around the waist and carried me over the side of the boat. I followed him down the steps. He jerked me around to look at him. "Behave." he growled. I nodded and followed him.

Uh oh.....

Johnathon kept pearing to his side to make sure I was still there. I didn't dare leave from the spot next to him. I was to afraid to.
He came up to the long wooden post and toke the reins of a bay gelding that was tied there. He flicked a gold coin to a young boy about in his teens. He caught it eagerly and hugged it to himself. "I'll be back soon. You'll get the rest later." he said lifting me up into the saddle. The boy nodded and looked at me. I just looked away. My bottom burned and stung. He was in the saddle in seconds. Johnathon yanked the reins around and took off towards the town. "Don't get any ideas." He purred in my ear. I shivered. "Yes, Sir." I whispered. The horse was going so fast that I began to slip out of the saddle. I squealed and tried to ajust in the saddle. Johnathos stared down when I yelped. He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me up close and against him. I felt uncomfortable and tried to pull away, gripping his arm, but he jerked me backward. "What did I tell you." He growled at me. I whimpered softly and stayed put. His deathly grip never left my waist. I kept my head down as we rode through the town. I blushed as people
stared. I wish i knew where we were. I felt his gaze move from left to right then down to me and back again. With out clear thougth or reason of some sort Johnathon yanked the horse to a halt. I gasped at the action. He quickly dismounted and pulled me off. He tied the reins very tight around a pole and yanked me around to stare at him. "If you *dare* move, you will wish you didn't. Is that clear!" He growled. I nodded. "Yes, Sir." I said stareing at

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