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Book online «BLOODWORTH 2: Darkest Drought by Tai Goodman (chapter books to read to 5 year olds .TXT) 📖». Author Tai Goodman

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enough Football." He lifted the remote, causing Tyler to butt in, "Whoa whoa, why?" 


"Look at the teams; The way they're scrambled. Whites on one side and the undesirables on the other. This wasn't like this days ago." Then the television shifted to another channel, and so did everyone else in the neighborhood. Then in the whole United States on everything with a screen and broadcast. Touchscreen devices, food machines, giant television screens.


There was a woman at a podium, standing behind it, preparing for a speech.

"What the fuck?"


Phoenix mashed the channel up button, several times. The television refused to change. "Hallo, Americans. Velcome to a new order, and this goes for those in Louisiana. Ever since zhe outbreak of zhe virus specimen, we locked down zhe state. We are releasing the lockdown today. As for the rest of you, listen close, and listen hard. 

Factories here will be producing for Germany now, and only 20 percent of your precious produce in the end of the day will belong to you. We vill also be imposing several new laws:


Undesirables vill now vork on zhe streets, with no pay. They won't have a choice to vork, anyvays. They have un automatic device on their heads that will control them and perform a certain task.


Shipping to other countries will be cut off until the quota is matched.


And security will be upgraded. Punishments will be more swift, more just, more VIOLENT. No more of these, shall you say, "flunky" security guards and soldiers. You will find out what I mean if you try to attack one. Have a nice day."


Phoenix switched off the television. "Great. Just fucking great. Guess Adolf Hitler is gonna have to wait." He walked into the garage, and pulled out a large piece of paper. Peter, Tyler, and Hans followed him in there. "Herr Phoenix," Hans questioned, "Vhat are you doing?"


"We're gonna eliminate that bitch. What were the three things she said?" he questioned, drawing three circles with a marker. Peter thought to himself for a minute. "Undesirables were gonna work in public... Umm... Something about our country's manufacturing being cut off... And security upgrades."


Phoenix scribbled the three things into each category. "Alright. How are we gonna stop all of this?" Phoenix questioned. Hans proposed, "Maybe we could send un message, to start. If zhat does not vork, we go to extreme measures." Phoenix heard the television come back on. He walked back inside to go sit down, but then saw a news report of a famous Nazi celebrity. 


"It is said that famous German frontman of Die roten Tulpen, Gunter Fruedich, is now entering Lafayette in Louisiana for a motivational speech. He will be performing it at 8:30 in course of charity at First Lafayette Park on Monday."



Chapter VIII: Speaking Out



"Gunter Fruedich. How's he a celebrity if nobody on this Earth has been alerted to his existence. And who is Die Rotor Toolhead. Never heard of that band, never wanted to listen to their freaking music."


Phoenix arrived on his motorcycle without his mask on. He left it on his kickstand. "First time I'm gonna leave my favorite hunk-of-junk. Hope nobody takes it." He headed off into the park, covered with banners with swastikas on it. There were so many people attending the speech. Trucks and food vans were parked everywhere. Phoenix stopped in the middle of the crowd to examine a food vehicle. Somebody ran over to him, and grabbed him. "WE'RE STILL INFECTED!"




Phoenix shoved him away, and security came to grapple him. The two guards hauled him away by his arms, as he announced, "WE ARE ALL STILL INFECTED!" Then one distinctly dressed man came over to him and asked, "You alvight, sir?" 

Phoenix brushed himself off and nodded. The man analyzed Phoenix's attire with his keen eyes. The fur-lined coat, and the grey undershirt with a few scuffs and tears. "You look awfully familiar. Have I seen you before?"


The man looked around and said, "I have an offer for you, since you vere mauled by that... Insane rat. Follow me to my trailer, I'm sure you're a big fan of my vork." Phoenix then recognized him right when he said that: The German man in a yellow suit was Gunter Fruedich. Phoenix followed him through the crowd, conversating with him..


"You are a fan of jazz, ja?"




"Do you know how to play un instrument?"




"Ooh. Ve could possibly use you onstage. One of mein guitarists is dealing with an alcohol problem." Phoenix shook his head right after he scoffed. "Surprised the Nazi soldiers haven't taken that guy away." 

The two arrived at a very thin trailer, with the door labeled: "FRUEDICH." Gunter opened the door for Phoenix, allowing him to walk inside. "Make yourself at home." 

The room was well cleaned, decorated with cushions and couches. Gunter shut the door and pressed a button on the wall, opening up a secret alcohol cabinet. "Vhat do you vant to drink? Killepitsch? Schwartzhog?"


"Nothing, really." 


Gunter cabinet and sat down adjacently from him on a very comfortable leather chair. "Your clothing is... Unique. Are you sure I haven't seen you before?" 

"I'm pretty sure."


Gunter opened a tablet in the wall, and revealed a touchscreen news application. He pulled the tablet out, and then flipped it around to show Phoenix a picture of.... Himself. As the "Masked Terror." Then Gunter unsheathed a knife and impaled Phoenix through his chest with it.

"DO YOU THINK I WOULD BE IMPRESSED AT YOUR HORRIBLE ACTING? Did you think my memory was that atrocious? I know who you are! And now that I have you pinned down, I shall call security." 

Gunter released the knife, backing away. He phoned security through a comms system on his wall, but stopped once he watched Phoenix get up, and remove the knife from his chest himself. 


Then Phoenix waved the knife around, examining it. "Alright, show-boy. Let's go onstage. What do you use to communicate with your bodyguards?" Phoenix asked. Gunter stood still for a second, and attempted to grab the knife. He failed, when Phoenix yanked it back. "AHT AHT AHT- You aren't getting this until you tell me."

Gunter sighed, and inserted the passcode to his suitcase. Opening it up, he revealed three sections of where earpieces were. Only one remained. "There." Phoenix snatched it and attached it to his ear. The earpiece then blinked a small bit of green. "Alright, asshole. Get on stage, and say EVERYTHING I tell you. And if I even see you talking to a security guard, I'll send you six feet under with your grandmother." Gunter groaned, then Phoenix stuck the knife underneath the overpass of Gunter's chin. "You got a problem, I can pronounce your ass dead right now."


Gunter walked out of his trailer with Phoenix on his trail. He stood onstage, and cleared his throat into the mic. "MHMM! May I have everybody's attention, bitte?" 

The crowd encompassed the vicinity of the stage. "The excruciatingly painful experience that we have had in the last two days, we have evolved from it. There is apparently NO sign of the Masked Terror, and I presume he was killed by someone as he probably turned into one of the freaks. BUT EXCLUDING THAT, we must suffice. Mrs. Anna Pultzei cannot be here right now. SO with that being said... Umm... Ugh... Fuck? Fuck the Nazis. Nazis are NOT in control of... This country... Anyone bowing down to them is a coward and a fool..."


The crowd then started booing at Gunter. Phoenix wielded his pistol and strapped on his mask. "Son of a bitch." Phoenix clicked the hammer on the pistol, and the screen on the side notified him he had 10 shots. "You got ten bullets, Phoenix. You can either kill ten people, or you can get creative." Security then approached Gunter onstage. Phoenix walked through the middle of the crowd, and every row he passed, each person knew who he was. The Masked Terror.

There were two guards ready to haul him away. Phoenix fired one shot, hitting the first guard in the throat. Then he shot the other guard in the face, with the bullet piercing his cheek in a big impact. More guards were approaching. "ACHTUNG!!" Phoenix picked up two empty folding chairs, blocking bullets as they came, one by one. Phoenix heaved himself onstage, and scooted behind the podium where Gunter was underneath. 

"Nice work!"


"Um... Danke schon?"


Phoenix pulled the hammer down and saw he had 8 bullets left. "But I can't let someone go who has seen my face." Phoenix shot Gunter in the head, and now seven bullets remain. Phoenix examined his surroundings. Wooden podium. Gunter's corpse. Guards approaching. Phoenix pulled the hammer back down, and switched ammunition types to Fragmentation. "I'm gonna send these fucks sky-high." Phoenix leaned to the right, and fired an explosive shot at three Nazis' feet. BOOM! A huge explosion left two Nazis' guts all over innocent people, blood dripping everywhere. One was left with one vertical half of his body charred. Phoenix analyzed him, and grabbed the two deceased Nazis' automatic rifles from his sides, holding both in an akimbo fashion. The Nazi heard two combat boots hit the ground, and march over to him. With his one good eye, the man focused on Phoenix slowly walking over to him. 


The Nazi wasn't normal, however. It was an American turned Nazi. "You... ffuuuck..." he mumbled with blood pouring out of his mouth onto the rug. "You don't sound like no Nazi. You an American, boy?" 

"What does it matter anymore.... this country needs straightening.. It's up to us to fuck up the queer... Up to us to destroy the undesirables..." The man kept turning over repeatedly, struggling in anger. "Sit still, not like you can even do shit."


More Nazis approached. Phoenix then changed his direction to the Nazis and fired about a quarter of a magazine from each gun on them. Both hit the ground on top of each other. 

"We were... losing the damned war... I had to do something... So I switched sides..." 


Phoenix nodded and noticed a badge on the Nazi's pocket, hanging there with a metal clip. He nudged it with the barrel of his left weapon. "You get that award for killing jews?" 

"I got it... for courage..." 


"Courage. So here's what's gonna happen: I'm gonna do something you might be scared of. And then we'll see how much that useless piece of scrap metal is worth." Phoenix stood up straight, and then stomped the man's skull into several pieces across the grass. "I just realized something. What is there even left of the military. All we are now are a bunch of bees in a hive with no queen." 

Phoenix walked down the red aisle, and strolled deep into the fair. A chef spotted Phoenix, but when the two made eye contact, the chef crouched down. All of a sudden... ZAP!


Phoenix was being electrocuted by a voltage source. "AAAHHHHH!" 

"Fight it. Find out who the fuck that is." While still being stunned, he turned around, and fired both rifles with the fingers cramping up. "Water's in our bodies. And it's a conductor for electricity. But it don't conduct no Nazi propaganda bullshit." Phoenix shot up a Nazi with a taser-attachment on the end of his barrel. The enemy fell to the ground on his back, crawling backwards. Then with confidence, Phoenix fired into the man's body, killing him.


"Put that fucker's lights out." Phoenix continued to head through the

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