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Book online «Canada under British Rule by Sir John George Bourinot (story reading txt) 📖». Author Sir John George Bourinot

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highway into the Yukon district. The acceptance of this compromise would have made a common water of the Lynn Canal, and at the same time left to the United States the greater portion of the territory in dispute. When the commissioners of the United States refused this fair compromise, the Canadians offered to refer the whole question to arbitration in order to ascertain the true boundary under the Anglo-Russian treaty. They proposed that the arbitrators should be three jurists of repute: one chosen for Great Britain by the judicial committee of the privy council, one appointed by the president of the United States, and the third a high international authority to act as an umpire. The commissioners of the United States positively refused to agree to this proposition and suggested the appointment of six jurists, three to be appointed by Great Britain, and the others by the United States. The Canadian representatives were unable to agree to the amendment suggested by their American colleagues, on the ground that it did not "provide a tribunal which would necessarily, and in the possible event of differences of opinion, finally dispose of the question," They also refused to agree to other propositions of the United States as "a marked and important departure from the rules of the Venezuelan boundary reference." The commissioners of the United States were not only unwilling to agree to the selection of an impartial European umpire, but were desirous of the appointment of an American umpire--from the South American Republics--over whom the United States would have more or less influence. Under these circumstances the Canadian commissioners were unwilling to proceed to the determination of other questions (on which a conclusion had been nearly reached) "until the boundary question had been disposed of either by agreement or reference to arbitration." The commission adjourned until August in the same year, but the negotiations that took place in the interval between the governments of Great Britain and the United States on the question at issue were not sufficiently advanced to enable a meeting at the proposed date. In these circumstances a _modus vivendi_ was arranged between the United States and Canada, whose interests have been carefully guarded throughout the controversy by the government of the imperial state.

This review of Canada's relations with the United States and England for more than a century illustrates at once her weakness and her strength--her weakness in the days of provincial isolation and imperial indifference; her strength under the inspiring influences of federal union and of an imperial spirit which gives her due recognition in the councils of the empire. It may now be said that, in a limited sense, there is already a loose system of federation between Great Britain and her dependencies. The central government of Great Britain, as the guardian of the welfare of the whole empire, cooperates with the several governments of her colonial dependencies, and, by common consultation and arrangement, endeavours to come to such a determination as will be to the advantage of all the interests at stake. In other words, the conditions of the relations between Great Britain and Canada are such as to insure unity of policy so long as each government considers the interests of Great Britain and the dependency as identical, and keeps in view the obligations, welfare, and unity of the empire at large. Full consultation in all negotiations affecting Canada, representation in every arbitration and commission that may be the result of such negotiations, are the principles which, of late years, have been admitted by Great Britain in acknowledgement of the development of Canada and of her present position in the empire; and any departure from so sound a doctrine would be a serious injury to the imperial connection, and an insult to the ability of Canadians to take a part in the great councils of the world. The same mysterious Providence that has already divided the continent of North America, as far as Mexico, between Canada and the United States, and that in the past prevented their political fortunes from becoming one, still forces the Canadian communities with an irresistible power to press onward until they realise those high conceptions which some statesmen already imagine for them in a not very distant future. These conceptions are of a still closer union with the parent state, which shall increase their national responsibilities, and at the same time give the Dominion a recognised position in the central councils of the empire.



_Name._ _Name_
The Dominion of Canada The Commonwealth of Australia.

_How Constituted._ _How Constituted_
Of provinces. Of states.

_Seat of Government._ _Seat of Government_
At Ottawa until the Queen Within federal territory in
otherwise directs. New South Wales, at least 100
miles from Sydney

_Executive Power._ _Executive Power_
Vested in the Queen. Vested in the Queen.
Queen's representative, a Queen's representative, a
governor-general, appointed by governor-general, appointed by
the Queen in council. the Queen in council.

Salary of governor-general Not less than £10,000 paid
£10,000 sterling, paid by Dominion by the commonwealth, fixed by
government, alterable by parliament from time to time,
the parliament of Canada, but not diminished during tenure of
subject to the disallowance of a governor-general.
the crown, as in 1868, when
parliament passed a bill to reduce
this salary.

Ministers called by governor-general Same--only for "privy
to form a cabinet, first councillors" read "executive
sworn in as privy councillors, councillors"
hold office while they have the
confidence of the popular house
of parliament, in accordance with
the conventions, understandings,
and maxims of responsible or
parliamentary government.

Privy councillors hold, as the Executive councillors administer
crown may designate, certain such departments as
departments of state, not limited governor-general from time to
in name or number, but left to time establishes. Until other
the discretionary action of provision is made by parliament,
parliament. Such heads of number of such officers, who
departments must seek a new may sit in parliament, shall not
election on accepting these exceed seven.
office of emolument.

_Command of Military and _Command of Military and
Naval Forces_ Naval Forces_
Vested in the Queen. In the Queen's representative.

_Parliament_ _Parliament_
The Queen. The Queen.
Senate. Senate.
House of commons. House of representatives.
Session once at least every The same.
Privileges, immunities and Such as declared by the parliament
powers held by senate and house of the commonwealth,
of commons, such as are defined and, until declared, such as are
by act of the parliament of held by the commons' house of
Canada, but not to exceed those parliament of Great Britain at
enjoyed at the passing of such the date of the establishment of
act by the commons' house of the commonwealth.
parliament of Great Britain.


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