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/> 3-8/10 acres arable.
1-2/10 " hay.
6/10 " pasturage.

In 1864 these holdings, varying, therefore, from 5 to 14 acres, were converted into freeholds at about 2 l. per acre, repayable (as stated in the text) in fifteen years, with 10 per cent. interest.

Mr. White, our Minister at Bucarest, has favoured us with the following information on the same subject:--

The peasant heads of families who were endowed with land (in 1864) received freeholds:

In Wallachia 279,684, averaging 9.1 English acres.
" Moldavia 127,214 " 12.08 " "
406,898 holdings, average 10.6 "



The following works, all of which have been consulted in the preparation of this treatise, deal either with the past history or present condition of Roumania. The words italicised are those used in the notes appended to the text, where also references will be found to other books and official reports, of which the titles are given in full.

Almanach de Gotha . Justus Perthes, Gotha. 1882. 'Royaume de Roumanie,' pp. 898-907.

Annual Report of the Board of Trade , 1880.

Aurelian , Odobesco, and others (Commission princière). ' Notice sur la Roumanie.' Paris: A. Frank. 1867.

Aurelian , ' Terra Nostra .' Bucuresci, Tipografia Academiei Române. 1880.

Beaure et Mathorel . 'La Roumanie.' Calmann-Lévy, Paris. 1878.

Cantacuzene . 'Cenni sulla Romania.' (Roumanian Geographical Society.) 1875.

Carmen Sylva (the Queen of Roumania). 'Rumänische Dichtungen.' Leipzig: Friedrich. 1881.

Carra . 'Histoire de la Moldavie et de la Valachie.' Jassy. 1777. Consular Reports on Roumania (referred to specially in the text)--
Consul-General Green. May 1873.
Consul-General Vivian. October 1876.
Consul-General Sanderson. 1877.
Vice-Consul Bonham. 1878. Sold by King, King Street, Westminster.

Dierauer , Johannes. 'Beiträge zur Geschichte Trajan's.' Leipzig: Teubner. 1868.

Dion Cassius. 'Histoire Romaine' de, par E. Gros. Paris: Firmin Didot. 1867.

Engel . 'Geschichte der Moldau und Walachei' (in 'Allgemeine Weltgeschichte,' Band 49). Halle: Gebauer. 1801.

Felix , Doctor L. 'Miscarea Populatiunii Romaniei.' Bucuresci: Tipografia Academiei. 1880.

Fife-Cookson . 'With the Armies of the Balkans.' Cassell. 1880.

Filek von Wittinghausen. 'Das Königreich Rumänien.' Wien: Carl Gerold's Sohn. 1881.

Freeman , Edward A. 'Historical Essays.' Macmillan. 1879. 'General Sketch of European History.' Macmillan. 1877.

Gerando . A. de. 'Siebenbürgen und seine Bewohner.' Lorck, Leipzig. 1845.

Gibbon's 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.' Tegg's edition.

Hallam's 'Middle Ages.' Murray. 1860.

Hammer -Purgstall. 'Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches.' 4 vols. Hartleben, Pesth. 1834-1836.

Hauer , Franz Ritter von. 'Geologie Siebenbürgen's.'

Henke , Rudolf. 'Rumänien, Land und Volk.' Leipzig: Otto Wigand. 1877.

Kogalnitchan , M. de. 'Histoire de la Dacie, des Valaques Transdanubiens et de la Valacie.' Berlin: Behr. 1854.

Kunisch . 'Eine Fahrt nach dem Orient.' Berlin: Effert & Lindtner. 1869.

Lauriani , A. Treb. 'Schneller Ueberblick der Geschichte der Romänen.' Bukuresti: Buchdruckerei des National-Collegiums. 1846.

Lesage , A. 'Atlas Historique.' Paris: P. Didot aîné. 1823.

Merivale . 'The Romans under the Empire.' London: Longmans. 1852-1862.

Michelet . 'Légendes démocratiques du Nord.' Madame Rosetti, 1848. Paris: Garnier. 1854.

Neigebaur , J.F. 'Moldau und Walachei.' J.U. Kern, Breslau. 1854.

Obédénare , M.C. 'La Roumanie Economique.' Paris: Leroux. 1876.

Ozanne . 'Three Years in Roumania.' Chapman & Hall. 1878.

Paget . 'Hungary and Transylvania.' London: Murray. 1850.

Peters , Prof. K.F. 'Die Donau und ihr Gebiet.' Leipzig: Brockhaus. 1876.

Petermann's 'Mittheilungen.' Ergänzungsheft 4. Justus Perthes, Gotha.

Photino , Dionysius. [Greek: Historia tês palai Dakias]. Vienna: Svek. 1818.

Píc , Jos. Lad. 'Ueber die Abstammung der Rumänen.' Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1880.

Piranese . Engravings of Trajan's Column.

Quinet , Edgar, Oeuvres Complètes de. Tome vi., 'Les Roumains.' Pagnerre, Paris. 1857.

Raicewich . 'Bemerkungen über die Moldau und Wallachey.' Wien: Edeln von Kurzbeck. 1789.

Regnault . 'Histoire des Principantés Danubiennes. Paulin & Chevalier, Paris. 1855.

Reissenberger , Ludwig. 'Die bischöfliche Klosterkirche bei Kurtea d'Argyisch.' Wien: K.K. Hof-und Staatsdruckerei. 1860.

Roesler , Robt. 'Romianische Studien.' Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot. 1871.

Russo-Turkish War , Cassell's History of the. Cassell.

Russo-Turkish 'War Correspondence ' of the 'Daily News.' Macmillan. 1878.

Smith , William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography . Murray. Dictionary of Ancient Geography . Murray. 1872-1873.

Stanley . 'Rouman Anthology.' Hertford: Austin. 1856.

' Statistica din Romania .' Bucuresci: Tipografia Statululiu. 1880.

Tacitus , Bohn's.

Teutschländer , W. St. 'Michael der Tapfere.' Wien: Gräser. Bucarest: Sotschek. 1879.

Tocilesco . 'Dacia inainte de Romani.' Bucuresci: Tipografia Academiei Române. 1880.

Vaillant , J.A. 'La Românie.' Paris: A. Bertrand. 1845.

Wilkinson , W. 'An Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia,' London: Longmans. 1820.

Zallony , Marc. Philippe. 'Fassai sur les Phanariotes.' Marseille; Ant. Ricard. 1824.



cattle and sheep, 78, 79.
cereals, nature, growth, and trade in, 6, 11, 31, 70, 76, 77.
yield, and estimates of cost of growing, 76, 78.
cheese and dairy products, 79.
college (agricultural) of Ferestreu, 80-82.
education, agricultural, 80.
fanning, slovenly, 6, and note .
flowers and fruits, 11, 12.
implements of husbandry, 13, 75, 76.
labourers, wages of, 13.
landlordism in Roumania, 84, 85.
land reforms, comparison between Roumanian and Irish, 85, 86.
peasantry, character and condition of, 85, 86.
peasant proprietary, history of the, 82-84, and Appendix IV.
rotation of crops, 75.
soil, nature and capabilities of, 6, 17, 75, 79.
statistics of occupations, 87.

collections in the Academy at Bucarest, 42.
Constantine's bridge, 27.
Curtea d'Ardges, cathedral of, 27, 58-65.
its traditions and true history, 62-65.
Gothic remains in Roumania, 27.
Roman remains in Roumania, 26, 27.
roads in Roumania, Transylvania, and Bulgaria, 26.
Trajan's bridge, 23, 24.
road on the Danube, 23.
Tablet, 21, 23-25.


Bibliography (see Appendix V. 'List of Works').

Baasarab, Matthew, 201.
Neagu, 63, 64, 174.
Brancovano (Wallachia), 203, 206.
Bratiano, M., 223, 265, 266.
Cantemir (Moldavia), 204.
Charles I., prince and king, 16, 17, 233-52, 258-60 (see 'History').
Couza, Prince, 229-32 (see 'History').
Decebalus, 119 et seq.
Elisabeth, princess and queen, 55, 92.
marriage, 257.
personal description of, 260, 261.
verses by, 261 note .
Heliade, 221, 222, 223.
Hunniad, Johann Corvin von, 167-69.
Mavrocordato, Nicholas and Constantine, 208, 209.
Mavrogeni, Nicholas, 214, 215, 218.
Michael the Brave, 175, 176-98.
Mircea the Old, 164-67.
Rosetti, C.A., 223, 263-65.
Madame, 262, 263.
Serban II. (Cantacuzene), 64, 202, 203.
Stephen, called the Good, 170, 178.
Trajan, 122 et seq.
Vladimiresco, 219.
Ypsilanti, 219, 220.

Ferestreu, plants cultivated at, 80.
garden flowers and fruits of Roumania, 11, 12.
plants and trees of the plains, 6.
of the hills, 11.
of the mountains, 14.


Commerce and Manufactures:
building company, for public works, 56.
cereals, imports from Roumania into Great Britain, 81.
Danube, navigation of, 30.
tonnage of vessels entering, 30.
Danubian Commission, history of, 32-35.
flannel factories, 70.
flour mills, 70.
Galatz, trade at, 68-70.
Ibrail, trade at, 72.
maize, imports into England from Roumania, 31.
markets and exchanges, absence of, 55.
match factories, 70.
petroleum wells and distilleries, 14, 31.
railways, extension of, 71.
securities, Roumanian, &c., 270 note .
salt mines of Roumania, 14, 106.
saw mills, 70.
statistics of trade between Roumania and Great Britain, 70.
sugar factories, 70.


Education and Culture:
Academy, the, 41, 42.
its collections and appliances, 42-45.
agricultural college at Ferestreu, 80-82.
Asyle Hélène, girls' school, 92-94.
education in Roumania, 88-95.
compared with England, 89 note .
of youths abroad, 89-91, 95.
collegiate, 89.
other schools, 94, 95.
music, 52, 55, 97.
popular instruction and culture, want of, 55.
Savants--M, Aurelian, 80.
M. Bacologlu, 43.
M. Bernath, 19, 43.
M. Cogalniceanu, 55, 267.
Dr. Davila, 43, 92, 94, 238.
M. Hasdeu, 55, 99.
M. Jon Ghika, 165 note , 267, and Appendix IV.
M. Stourdza, 42.
M. Tocilesco, 27 note , 42.
societies, learned, 55.

dances, in their relation to the descent of the Roumanians, 97, 98.
language, in its relation to the descent of the Roumanians, 95-99.
authorities on, 99.
music and its relations to the people, 97.
peasantry, types of, 7.
Trajan's colonists and modern Roumanians, 132, 162.
Wallachs, the, and the Roumanians, 151-64, 164.


Geography (see also 'Topography' and 'Geology'):
boundaries of Roumania, 3.
configuration of the surface, 5.
dimensions, 4.
hills, zone of, 11.
Kazan Pass, the, 22.
lakes, 25.
mountains, zone of, 5, 14.
plains, zone of, 6.
rivers--the Danube, 20-25.
other rivers, 25.
Iron Gates, the, 22.
population, 4.
of cities, 39, 50, 51, 71.
summary of geographical characters, 28.

Geology and Mineralogy:
Balta Alba, mineral waters of, 25.
basin of the Danube, 17, 18.
Carpathians, slopes of, 18.
summits of, 18.
coal and lignite, 18.
copper and other minerals, 19.
iron, 18.
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