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Book online «The Truth about Germany and the World Wars by Terence Smart (recommended reading txt) 📖». Author Terence Smart

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(Jewish) was the author of ‘The Destruction of the European Jews’ and he was widely considered to be the world's preeminent scholar of the Holocaust. At the trial Zundels lawyer Douglas Christie questioned Hilberg, Christie said to Hilberg ‘can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi occupied territory’, and Hilberg replied ‘I am at a loss’. ‘You are at a loss because you can’t’, Christie replied. At the trial Hilberg agreed with Zundels lawyer Christie that there is no autopsy reports indicating that even one person died from poisonous gas in gas chambers. Because Hilberg could not produce any evidence that any Jews were gassed in gas chambers he decided not to appear for the prosecution at the 1988 Zundel re-trial.

At the 1988 re-trial Zundel was found guilty and sentenced to 9 months in prison. On appeal, Canada's Supreme Court threw out the 1988 conviction, declaring on August 27, 1992, that the archaic "false news" law under which Zundel had been tried and convicted was a violation of the country's Charter of Rights.

But the Jews would exact revenge on him for this. This is what Zundel then went through.

Canadian government refused to renew his passport and began mercilessly restricting his movements.

Charged and imprisoned for over a year in Canada for disseminating "false news".

The Canadian government then went all out in their efforts to destroy, isolate and financially bankrupt Zundel. He was forced to deplete his entire life savings fighting a series of contrived "thought crime" charges.

When Zundel married his third wife Ingrid and moved to the United States, they were living happily in Tennessee when one day the U.S. immigration officers came to their door and hauled Ernst away. This despite the fact that he had gotten a social security card, had been granted permission to work, etc. They deported him in handcuffs to Canada without even giving him any sort of hearing or allowing him to see a judge.

They took him to Canada, despite the fact that he was a German citizen by birth. Canada promptly arrested him and put him in prison for TWO YEARS. Labelled a terrorist in a secret Canadian star chamber court, the man who had never even had a speeding ticket and consistently preached non-violence, was incarcerated for two years on a “Security certificate,” under abominable conditions of solitary confinement, while fed wretched food, observed 24 hours a day with lights never turned off, denied proper writing and reading materials, and confined in a remote, high security facility. Zundel was held in Canada not because his views are unpopular, or because he was a "security risk." He was in prison there because Jewish groups wanted him there, and because he promoted views that the Jewish-Zionist lobby considers harmful to its interests.

After being locked in the Canadian dungeon for two years, he was transported to his native Germany via a private chartered jet with only him and the guards on the plane. He had handcuffs and leg irons on the entire time. Once in Germany, he was held in a German prison for FIVE MORE YEARS! Just as Jewish groups had been demanding. He was then released in 2010 with a 3-year probation term. This just shows the power that the Zionist Jews have.

Prosecution of Zundel included having his home in Canada bombed and later burnt to the ground by Jews which caused $400,000 in damages. A group calling itself the "Jewish Armed Resistance Movement" claimed responsibility for the crime. According to the Toronto Sun newspaper, this shadowy group had ties to the Jewish Defense League (JDL). In the arson attack on his home he lost 30+ years’ worth of scholarly research archives, prevented from getting his passport renewed, repeatedly charged with bogus crimes, eventually being imprisoned for many years, and much more. He survived three assassination attempts, including by arson and pipe bomb.

What was Zundels crime? He did not harm one human being. He researched the Holocaust and cast doubt on whether it happened or not. You see countries like Canada and the U.S.A claim they are democratic and have freedom of speech but it’s a lie. You are free to say anything about other races or nationalities but you are not free to say anything against the Holocaust or Israel and that is because these countries are ruled by Zionist Jews. If these countries were controlled by Christians then what happened to Zundel would never have happened. The only sustained and institutionalized effort in Canada to imprison Zundel came from the Jewish Lobby groups, the Canadian Jewish Congress, the Canadian Holocaust Remembrance Association, and the League for Human Rights of B'nai B'rith.

Below the great truth-seeker Ernst Zundel. http://www.zundelsite.org

Germany has lost a great patriot and the world has lost a great truth-seeker because Ernst Zundel passed away in August 2017 aged 78 at his family home in Germany's Black Forest region. He was never allowed to return to the USA or Canada even though his wife lived in the USA.

People everywhere should be questioning the Jewish Holocaust narrative. Why would the Jews need to lobby governments to pass laws which jail people for questioning these events if everything happened as they said?

Why have German judges, whose independence is constitutionally guaranteed, gone along with that? Why have state prosecutors, who should represent the federal government, indeed the German state, represented the interests of Israel and the Jews instead? For that is what they have done in these trials.

Historian Germar Rudolf writes "One of the important characteristics of evil is that it forbids questioning and it taboos or punishes the candid search for answers." "By prohibiting a person to ask questions and to search for answers it is denying that which makes us human. For the capacity to doubt and to search for answers to pressing problems is one of the most important attributes that distinguishes humans from animals."

There has been many others who have put their lives, reputation and freedom on the line to bring truth to the world. Many of these peaceful people have been terrorised and attacked by the Jews or Jewish Lobby groups in the process.

Attorney Sylvia Stolz made it her mission to show up the Government of Germany and stated in court during Ernst Zundels trial that Germany is a vassal state of Israel and does not serve the interests of the German people. In a separate trial, she was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison. Her licence to practice law was revoked for 5 years. Stolz was accused again with Holocaust thought crimes and has to attend a German court in January 2018. Monika Schaefer (59) travelled from her home in Canada to Germany to witness the trial of Stolz but she was promptly arrested in the courtroom on behalf of the Jews. The reason she was arrested was because Monika Schaefer had made a Youtube video titled ‘Sorry mom I was wrong about the Holocaust’. The Jewish lobby in Canada tipped of the German authorities that Schaefer would be entering Germany and of course it is against the law in Germany to deny the alleged Holocaust and she was arrested and maybe incarcerated for 5 years alongside murderers and rapists and terrorists because she is a threat to uncovering Jewish lies. This is a total injustice, were is democracy, were is the freedom of speech. European governments need to stand up to these Jews and remove these evil Holocaust laws that do nothing but sustain Jewish lies. People are being imprisoned for thought crimes, not for hurting anyone or committing a real crime but for believing a certain event did not happen the way we have been told it happened over 70 years ago.

The editor of the website Northerntruthseeker.com states the following which is absolutely true and not only applies to Canada but to nearly every country in Europe:

“The saying that "truth does not need laws for its support, only lies do" is very telling when it comes to this "holocaust" and it’s supposed "facts"..... This again shows how the entire "trial" of these two most innocent individuals in Germany is indeed a farce and a real travesty of real justice..... But the simple truth here, is that the German so called 'system of law' is stuck and cannot admit that they are wrong here. Therefore, Monika and Alfred will indeed be found "guilty" of their 'charges' no matter what defense they present.... It truly is a Kangaroo court and shows how Germany has fallen under the yoke of criminal Jewish control. And one fact cannot be overlooked in that farcical 'trial' in Germany, which is the absolute lack of any support from the criminal Trudeau regime in Ottawa for these two innocent people... They are Canadians are they not? So where in the hell is the Canadian government in coming forward to support them and to call on the German government to release them immediately? This absolutely flies in the face of that freak Justin Trudeau when he claims that his government will support all Canadians no matter their race, creed, etc, etc... So where are you, Justin you freak when it comes to Monika and Alfred Schaefer languishing illegally in jail in Germany? What this proves is how the Jews do control Canada and how Justin Trudeau is nothing more than a Jew sock puppet”

Another person who was sent to prison because she said that Auschwitz was a labour camp and not an extermination camp was 89 year old German grandmother Ursula Haverbeck. This is insane. The courageous and brave Mrs Haverbeck has been called all kinds of vile crap by the Jews and their pathetic lobby groups. Below 89 year old Ursula Haverbeck is being escorted to prison by two policeman (May 2018). Ursula Haverbeck has been incarcerated in the prison Bielefeld-Senne which is about 100km north east of Dortmund. She has been incarcerated for not believing in a certain historical event which supposedly happened over 75 years ago. How long will this go on? Will they still be sending people to prison in another 100 or 200 years for not believing in this non-event of a holocaust? So Ursula Haverbeck is in prison while thousands of migrants roam Germany committing untold crimes and hundreds of rapes against German woman.

“Just by watching a few videos of Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer speaking from their respective hearts, we can sense, with absolute certainty, that these are two of the warmest, sweetest and most charming older German ladies that you’ll ever come across — the gentle type who would welcome a stranger into their impeccable homes for coffee, strudel and conversation. These adorable women each represent the very antithesis of the Frumpy Frau, that nasty, frigid, bossy Bolshevik bull-dyke currently presiding over the slow torture-murder of Marxified Germany. As is expected in this upside-down world of ours, while Mamma Merkel roams free to wreak havoc and cause more rapes and deaths of Germans at the hands of her sainted and untouchable Turd World “migrants,” Ursula (89) and Monika (60’s) — with the gleeful approval of Jews all over the world — are condemned to waste away a few years in German prisons for their thought crime of Holocaust Denial. Boy-oh-boy, the “usual suspects” sure do make it difficult for decent people of good will not to “hate” them, don’t they?” – Mike King, Author ‘The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught about WW2’.

As philosopher Voltaire once said “If you wish to know who rules over you, first find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

“Human Rights Tribunals: Most Americans have no idea of the treachery of Human “Rights” Tribunals. In a regular Court of Law, a) the defendant is innocent until proven guilty, b) the defendant is allowed to know the charges against him, c) the defendant has the right to face his accuser, d) the defendant’s attorney has the right to cross-examine the witness/accuser, and e) TRUTH is a defence. In other words, if the defendant is accused by the State of lying and the defendant can prove that he has, indeed, told the TRUTH, he is exonerated – he is NOT guilty. This is the way it should be. However, in a Human “Rights” Tribunal, the defendant, in actuality, has NO rights: a) he must somehow prove his innocence, rather than being presumed innocent until proven guilty by the State, b) secret witnesses are allowed to give secret testimony and the defendant has no right to know the charges against him. (How can anyone defend himself against unknown charges?) C) the secret witnesses can remain secret and the accused has no right to know the identity of these “witnesses”, d) obviously, if the witnesses are not obligated to reveal their identity and are not obligated to appear in court, they have not been sworn to tell the truth, and never have to testify under oath, nor can they be cross-examined

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