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Book online «The Life of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France by Charles Duke Yonge (reading books for 5 year olds txt) 📖». Author Charles Duke Yonge

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their falsehood.

[14] Goncourt, p. 388, quoting _La Quotidienne_ of October 17th, 18th.

[15] The depositions which the little king had been compelled to sign contained accusations of his aunt as well as of his mother.

[16] As we shall see in the close of the letter, she did not regard those priests who had taken the oath imposed by the Assembly, but which the Pope had condemned, as any longer priests.


Abbe De Mandoux; De Sabran; De Sieyes; De Vermond. Abolition of titles of honour. Addresses presented from Paris and from the States of Languedoc. Adelaide, Princess, intrigues of; afflicted with the small-pox; flight of. Admiral de Coligny; d'Orvilliers; du Chaffault; Keppel; Rodney. Ailesbury, Lady. Alliance formed with the United States; with Russia and Prussia; with Spain. American war, the. Anglomania in Paris. _Anglomanie_, a name given to English fashions. Anti-Austrian feeling in Paris. Antoinette, Marie. See _Marie Antoinette_. Arbitrary powers of the sovereign of France. Archbishop Lomenie de Brienne. Archduke Maximilian visits his sister. Arpay-de-Duc, where the king's aunts were detained. Arnould, Mademoiselle. Arrest of Cardinal Rohan. Assassination of Gustavus III. of Sweden. Assembly, parties in the, "the Right," "the Left," and "the Plain,"; abolishes all privileges August 4th, 1789; disorders in the; tyranny of the; meeting of the new. Austria, antagonistic feeling against; Emperor Joseph of, visits France _incognito_; writes to his sister, the Queen of France, on European politics; Austria, Maria Teresa, Empress of; death of Joseph II., Emperor of; influence of, in France, causes jealousy; remonstrating by the Emperor Leopold with the French Government; Death of Leopold; war declared against. Autun, Bishop of. Axel de Fersen, Count.

Bagatelle, a house belonging to the Comte d'Artois, which was built in sixty days. Bailli de Suffrein. Bailly, M., and the National Guard; effrontery of. "Baker," a name given to the king. Balbi, Countess de. Balloons introduced into France by Montgolfier. Banquet at the Hotel de Ville on account of the birth of the dauphin. Barbaroux, M. "Barber of Seville," play of the. Barnave, M. and the Constitutionalists; gives advice to the queen. Baron de Batz; de Besenval; de Breteuil. Baroness de Stael. Barri, Countess du, jealous of Marie Antoinette; sent to a convent. Bastile, attack on the, 1789; and murder of the governor; anniversary of the capture of. Battle of Brandywine. Batz, Baron de. Bavaria, affairs in; at the death of the elector 1777. Beauharnais, General. Beaulieu, Marshal. Beaumarchais, M. Beauty of Marie Antoinette. Beauvau, M. de, and the Opposition. Bertrand, M.. Besenval, Baron de; and the Reveillon riot. Birth of Duc d'Angouleme; of the Princess Marie-Therese Charlotte (Madame Royale); of the dauphin, son of Marie Antoinette. Bishop Lamourette; Talleyrand. Body-guard, ball given by the; and the Versailles mob; protecting the court. Boehmer, the court jeweler. Boille, Marquis de; flies from France. Boutourlin's, M., attacks on M. Necker. Brandywine, Battle of. Breteuil, Baron de; appointed prime minister; and foreign intervention. Breton Club. Brienne, Lomenie de, Archbishop of Toulouse. Brissac, Duc de. Brissot, M.. Broglie, Marshal de. Brunier, M.. Brunoy, entertainment given at. Brunswick, Duke of. Brunswick, Prince Ferdinand of. Burke's description of the beauty of the queen. Buzot, M..

Calonne, M. de; dismissed from the office of finance minister. Campan, Madame de. Cap, red, of liberty. Cape St. Vincent. Capet, name given to the queen before the trial. Cardinal de Rohan. Carlisle, Lord, receiving a challenge from La Fayette in 1778. Carnival of 1777. Castle of Gaillon. Chaffault, Admiral du. Challenge sent by Marquis de La Fayette to Lord Carlisle. Chalons, and the reception of the king on his arrest. Champs de Mars, fete in the, in celebration of the anniversary of the capture of the Bastile. Chantilly, festivities at. Charity shown by Louis XVI. and the queen during the winter of 1788-9. Charleston, capture of. Chartres, Duc de and Duc d'Orleans recalled from banishment; and the Comte d'Artois establish horse-racing; displays cowardice as rear-admiral; refused marriage with Madame Royale; and the red cap of liberty. Chevalier d'Assas, story of the. Chinon, M. de. Choiseul, Duc de; dismissal of; recall from banishment. Choisy, private parties at. Clergy, oppression of the. Clery, M., refused audience with the queen. Clinton, Sir Harry. Clootz, Anacharsis, heads a deputation. Clostercamp, the scene of the heroism displayed by the Chevalier d'Assas. Clotilde, Princess, marriage of the. Clubs, political, springing up at Paris. Coigny, Duc de. Coligny, Admiral de, and Count de Mirabeau. Compiegne. Comte d'Artois; de la Marck; de Mercy; Condorcet, Marquis de. Constitution, completing the, by the Assembly; acceptance of the, by the king. Constitutional guard, dissolution of the. Constitutionalists, or "the Plain". Conti, Prince de. Cordeliers, the. Cortey, M.. Count d'Estaing; de Fersen; d'Hervilly; de Grasse; de Luxembourg; de Maurepas; de Mirabeau; de Narbonne; de Roche-Aymer; de Rosenberg; de Stedingk; de St. Priest; de Vaudreuil; Esterhazy. Countess de Balbi; du Barri; de Grammont; de Monnier; de la Mothe; de Noailles; de Polignac; de Provence. "Coupe-tetes," the. Court supper-parties. Couthon, M. Craufurd, Mr.

D'Agoust, Marquis. D'Aiguillon, Duc. Dames de la Halle. D'Angouleme, Duc, birth of. D'Artois, Comte, marriage of the; and; the Duc de Chartres establish horse-racing; his character; shielding the Duc de Chartres; watching at the queen's bedside during her illness; shows contempt for the commercial orders; flees from Paris; misconduct of the; refuses to return to France. D'Assas, Chevalier, story of the. Dauphin, proposal of marriage of Marie Antoinette to the; early education of the; introduction to; married at Versailles, Mary 16th, 1770; letter from Maria Teresa to the; admiration of the, for his wife; and the Count de Provence, characters of the; birth of the, son of Louis XVI.; death of the, son of Louis XVI., June 4th, 1789, and succeeded by his brother; and M. Bertrand. Deane, Silas. Death of Francis, Emperor of Germany; of Louis XV.; of Voltaire; of Cardinal de Rohan, at Ettenheim; of Princess Sophie, daughter of the queen; of the Dauphin, son of Louis XVI., June 4th, 1789; of Joseph II., Emperor of Austria; of Count de Mirabeau; of Leopold, Emperor of Austria. Debt, the queen finds herself in. Declaration of Pilnitz. Defeat of De Grasse by Admiral Rodney. Degraves, M. De Launay, M., governor of the Bastile, death of. Des Huttes, M. D'Espremesnil, Duval. De Stael, Baroness. D'Estaing, Count. Destruction of the Spanish squadron by the British at Cape St. Vincent De Varicourt, M. D'Hervilly, Count. D'Huillier, M. Disorders in the Assembly. Dissolution of the Constitutional Guard. Distress and discontent in France in 1771; general, caused by the severity of the winter of 1788-89. D'Oberkirch, Madame Donkey-riding; horse-riding. D'Orleans, Duc, and the Duc de Chartres recalled from banishment; and the Archduke Maximilian; shows hostility to the queen; and the presidency of the club "Les Enrages"; and the Reveillon riot; and the Versailles mob; leaves France for England; and the red cap. D'Ormesson, M. D'Orvilliers, Admiral. Duc d'Aiguillon; d'Angouleme; de Brissac; de Chartres; de Choisseu; de Coigny; de la Feuillade; de Maine; de la Vauguyon; de Liancourt; d'Orleans; de Richelieu. Dugazon, Madame. Duke of Brunswick; of Normandy; Paul of Russia; of Tarouka. Dumont, M. Dumouriez, General, character of; and the queen; resigns his position as minister, and takes command of the army. Duportail, M. Duranton, M. Durepaire, M. Durfort, Marquis de. Duverney, Paris.

Education, the queen's views of. Emigrant princes, misconduct of the. Emigration from France repugnant to Louis XVI. Emperor Francis of Germany; Joseph of Austria; Leopold of Austria. Empress Catherine, of Russia; Maria Teresa, of Austria. Encore, the first. Epigram of Metastasio. Ermenonville, the burial-place of Rousseau. Escape from prison by the Countess de la Mothe; the royal family preparing to; arrested at Varennes and brought back. Esterhazy, Count. Etiquette, strictness of court; relaxation of. Ettenheim, Cardinal de Rohan dies at. Execution of M. de Favras. Expenses, court, retrenchment in. Expostulation of the Emperor Maximilian with his sister.

Factious conduct of the princes of the blood. Fall of Turgot. Favras, M. de, execution of. Feast of the Federation. Federation, Feast of the. Ferdinand, Duke, of Brunswick. Fersen, Count Axel de. Feudal system, the, in France and its need of reform. Feuillade's, Duc de la, statue of Louis XIV. Feuillants, les. Figaro, the Marriage of, the play of. Fire at the Hotel Dieu; at the Palace of Justice. Fire-works, explosion of, at Paris. First impressions of the French Court. Flanders, the regiment of, arrives at Versailles. Fleurieu, M. Fleury, Joly de. Flight from Paris decided on. Fontainebleau, the peasant at; grand review at. Fontanges, M., de. Forgeries of the Queen's name committed. Fouquier, Tinville. France and Germany, feelings in, regarding Marie Antoinette's marriage; distress and discontent in. Francis, Emperor of Germany, death of. Frost, severe, ant the Seine frozen over.

Gaillon, Castle of. Gambling, court. Garden-parties given at the Trianon. General Beauharnais; Dumouriez. General rejoicings. Gensonne, M. Germany, death of Francis, emperor of; and France, feelings in regarding Marie Antoinette's marriage. Gibraltar, siege of. Gifts of Le Joyeuse Avenement and La Ceinture de la Reine renounced. Girondins, rise of the; fall of the. Gluck appointed to teach the harpsichord; visits Paris. Goethe. Goldsmith's prediction of a French revolution. Grains, war of the. Grammont, Countess de. Grasse, Count de. Gaudet, M. Guimenee, Princess de. Guines, Duc de. Gustavus III., King of Sweden, at the French court.

Horse-racing by Comte d' Artois. Hotel de Ville, banquet at the, on account of the birth of the dauphin; storming of the, by the insurgents, July 1789. Hotel Dieu, great fire at. Hughes, Sir E., fights with M. de Suffrein. Hunting-field, Marie Antoinette in the. Huttes, M. des.

Illuminations in Paris at the birth of the dauphin. Income, settlement of. Indictment drawn up against the queen. Inscription on a snow pyramid erected in gratitude by the Parisians for the charity they received from their queen in the winter of 1788-'89. Insolence shown to the queen by a virago. Insurgents, the, under Santerre. Insurrection in Paris, July, 1789; of June 20th 1792; of August 5th, 1792. Intrigues formed against Marie Antoinette; of Madame Adelaide. "Iphigenie," opera of.

Jacobin Club, the. Jarjayes, Madame de. Jason and Medea, tapestry representing the history of. Jealousy shown by the queen's favorites; of the Countess du Barri; of the aunts; of Austrian influence. Jewelry and Boehmer, the court jeweler. Josephine Louise, Princess of Savoy, married to
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