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Read books online » Horror » deadheads by jade swiler (top 100 books to read TXT) 📖

Book online «deadheads by jade swiler (top 100 books to read TXT) 📖». Author jade swiler

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got everything in and moved around and set in place. I sat in the living room with the others. Before grizzly could say anything, I spoke to my group.

“my mom and dad work for the government, they are working on a cure. We are going to stay here and survive until they do. There is a scientist named Grayson that is a bad guy, he is with a LT harris that is even worse. A camp has been set up by these guys an they are usinf humans as lab rats. “

Grizzly nodded and the others looked on in horror at the thought.

My dream was right, grizzly wanted us to sit tight and stay alive until he got back to us.

He left later that night and we settled in.

I was a little sorry my dream and now. hadn’t included seth and I being close, truth was I felt like seth didn’t even like me.

A few days later I woke to the sounds of rain falling on the windows near my bed. I got up and walked in to the living room and opened the door. The rain pelted down in heavy drops and I could barely see the wall around the station.

“can’t sleep?” Seth asked me from behind me.

“no, not really. You can’t either?” I asked.

Seth came and stood next to me and looked out over the storm.

“no. why do you think you were able to dream about all this?” seth asked me seriously.

“I don’t know but its different as well. In this one jess and rain died.” I said and turned towards him.

We looked at each other for a long time, at first I thought he would kiss me but he turned back to the storm and after minute, I did to.

“I know I don’t know you that well, I mean I remember you from when we were in school but I don’t really know you. What are you planning to do about harris?”


I had to think about that for a bit before I answered. If I could someway take him and Grayson out, sara would be okay and so would all those they had killed in the name of science. “well I’m thinking about killing him and Grayson to.” I stated quietly.

I meant it to. My dream had showed me how cruel they both were.

Seth nodded nd we parted ways to head to our rooms, he didn’t say anything to me abut what I wanted to do. I didn’t know if it was because he believed my dream, or just thought I was crazy. Either way I was going to start making plans.


The next morning I got up and made breakfast. The plan was to re-do deadhead blood on the walls then maybe take a walk to the house down the road and get the truck from my dream we had used to go to that clean town. I wanted that new bow and arror set. Swords were great from up close and personal but a bow was better when you had to take out one or two.

I had Emily watch sammy as seth and mark did the walls, I left and got the truck. I was going to go back to the station but decided to head to the town by myself.

The town was exactly like I dreamed, clean and closed up tight. No signs of deadheads. Still seemed strange but I was used to this place even if it was in a dream.


I opened the store with the Indian stuff and went to the back and got my bow and set of arrows. I heard a sound and saw an army truck was pulling in to the middle of town, 4 soldiers got out and started to look around. I ducked behind a display of shirts and kept quiet., hopefully they would move on soon.

But I gripped my sword tighter in my hand. They had guns, so I didn’t want to start a fight with them because I would loose.


I crawled to the store room and hunkered down in the boxes of extra stuff. It was dark in there and I figured I could hide easier. I heard the truck start up and leave. I waited for a mintue more and headed out. A man grabbed me from behind.

“well well well, I think I found me a new toy.” a husky voice said as his arm tightened around my neck a little more.

“come on, let her go. Its just a young girl.” I knew that voice! It was marcus from my dream.

I struggled harder and cried out .

“marcus help me!” I yelled.

Marcus looked confused and then raised his gun and shot the other guy in the head. The other 2 came running and marcus took my hand and pulled me away from the window. They were shooting at us!

“stay down jade, I am going to try to get a better angle on them.” marcus whispered to me.

I was in shock, he knew me!

“I dreamed about you.” he said as he looked in to my eyes then he was gone, he moved closer to the windows and took aim.


I didn’t know what was going to happen nw that I had found him but with mark and seth, Emily and sammy, I had almost come full circle on my dresm but also a better understanding on how to stay alive. I didn’t need to go looking for harris or anyone else for that matter, I just needed to stay safe and live with whatever the world was now.


Zombes, deadheads, whatever you wanted to call them were real. I still didn’t know if I was immune but I decided now to take any chances.

I looked towards marcus as the last army guy fell. It was time to go home to the station and keep my butt there from now on, maybe my parents would find a cure, maybe they wouldn’t. time and dreams would only tell.




























This is my first attempt at writing anything . I hope you liked it.















































Publication Date: 03-29-2014

All Rights Reserved

to my 3 children, haley, cory, may. thank you for putting up with me and teaching me about things that go bump in the night

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