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Read books online » Horror » Cursed Blood Memories by Rhiannon 2002 (best romantic novels to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Cursed Blood Memories by Rhiannon 2002 (best romantic novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author Rhiannon 2002

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she died, blood pooled around her petite body, caught between a fight. My mind wandered back to my past, the horrors I’ve seen and the troubles that have arisen. One stood out, the day I was cursed with Blood Memories, the day I died, a day filled of so much loss and pain.



“Mummy” I yelled, running down the path my small feet pressing into the mud and leaving a soft trail behind me. I wrapped my tiny arms around her legs, holding onto them for dear life as my daddy chased me. My parents laughed, a sound filled with joy and happiness. I giggled as I saw a butterfly land of the grass in front of me. I chased after it my moves graceful and careful, the butterfly handed on my smooth hand, and gently touching my skin the butterfly found comfort in my presence. I giggled the sound ringing through the air as small body pranced around.  I wish I was still innocent. I wish I was the same person as I was that day. I wish for my parents and my innocence back. I heard my parents shout out to me, calling my name, as roars rang through the air like crashing waves. I shook my body tensing as it leapt for my parents cover. I was too late they were mixed in the blood path while dark and filthy wolves surround them in a circle. My parents shouted for me to run for cover. Sprinting I moved across the blood covered ground for the tree line. Frightened I watched from the shadows as the wolves turned to human and argued with my parents. With my advanced hearing I heard snippets of their conversation. “I want her, were is she” “You’ll never find her” “I want her power and I don’t care if you are dead, she will be mine”. My father’s voice came through our link, I heard his faint voice in my head. “Go to her, where the sun never shines, the birds never cry and the night sky always gleams. Her power will protect and hide you from the evil, but her curse will haunt you forever. To live you must go to her.” I ran for my life, like a wild beast was chasing me into the darkness, I fought through the pain and guilt. Blocking away all emotions I became like a being without a soul, a girl without a heart, I became a beast in the dark.



Jerking roughly out of the memories I became fully aware about my location and scared at the amount of people surrounding my hospital bed. Their eyes look like they saw a ghost or some die in front of their eyes. They nurses in gowns went to touch my head, but before they could I flinched away in horror, not wanting to be haunted by the site of another person’s death. I will always be haunted by the curse in which she cast upon me. I forgive her, it was her duty, and she had no choice. I was a pawn in their games, a wooden doll on the string. I let them play me, roll me over and over, drowning my mind in lies. I believed every word they said.


Publication Date: 06-04-2017

All Rights Reserved

To my favourite English teacher, Mrs Blacker. Thank you for pushing me into continuing with my book writing.

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