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Read books online » Horror » Vacation by Petter Prené (life changing books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Vacation by Petter Prené (life changing books .TXT) 📖». Author Petter Prené

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played football and listened to “cooler music”. I kinda left Marcus behind and went with Fredrik. Marcus then followed me. I knew that he didn’t like Fredrik but he just wanted to be with me. I regret what I did and now I couldn’t get rid of Fredrik. Fredrik became even more annoying in High school when we met Alina.


Look at this view! - Said Marcus Oh shit, that’s really cool!

You could see the beach and all the visitors! This really was a great Vacation.

Chapter V

In the evening, Marcus and I went downstairs to check on Fredrik and Alina.


- Room 69, room 69 where are you.. Here it is! - I said.


But when I were about to to knock on the door we heard something coming from the room. It sounded a little like Chewbacca mixed with a vacuum cleaner.


- Maaaaaybe we shouldn’t go in there - I said

- Yeah, I once walked in on my sister.. It wasn’t a nice sight.. - Said Marcus.


I wondered why he agreed to that tho. He didn’t seem to be interested in Alina at all. Last time we spoke about her in private he called her a slut. He had even called her that when with her. He just never gave a fuck about annyone’s feelings. Not that I like Alina. She’s a selfish little brat. She always bullies her little brother and call her parents slaves in front of them. Pure shit if you ask me.


The next day, we decided to go out. We met in the lobby.


- Where do you girls wanna go? - Fredrik said

- I don’t know.. like the mall? - Said Marcus

- Yeah! Let’s go shopping! - Said Alina.

I already knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to check out that Halloween attraction once and for all.


- What do you say, Jordan? - Fredrik asked

- I think we should check out that Halloween attraction! - I said

- Really? - Marcus said

- Oh, look! Little fatty is scared! - Fredrik said

- Stop it, jerk!

I interrupted them.

- Guys! Guys! Stop fighting! I just wanna know why they promote their place so much! But if you don’t wanna go, I’m fine with that.

- Well.. I’m on. - Said Fredrik

- Me too - Said Alina

We turned our heads to Marcus.

- Okay then! Fine! - He finally said

- Fantastic! I’ll order a cab - Fredrik said.


We arrived at the Halloween attraction. I were a little shocked. It looked just like it did in my dream! It was an old abandoned hospital in the middle of nowhere. I just stood there. totally frozen. And then, out of nowhere, I felt a wet cloth pressed against my face and I passed out.

Chapter VI

I woke up, the world was shaking. I shook my head and realised that I was moving. I sat in a wheelchair, going through a dark corridor. My hands were stuck on the chair. Every door had a number. As I passed number 66, I heard a voice.


- Here we are, young man - Someone said.


I quickly turned around.


- What? Who are you? - I asked

- I? I’m just your doctor, Young man


I froze when I saw the “doctor”. His face was pale and he only had one eye. His other eyehole had nothing in it but flies which had laid eggs in there.


- Why do you look so scared, young man?

- Where’re my friends? - I asked

- They are safe. They will be sent to the operating rooms they need, just like you

- What are you doing to us?!


By this moment I thought it was a prank, it was a Halloween attraction after all.


- Don’t look so scared, Young man. You will meet them in heaven where.. where we will ALL BE FRIENDS!


He started to laugh uncontrollably and after a while he started to cry. Not really cry but a faint sobbing.


- Okay. Whatever this is, it’s not funny! I didn’t come here to be scared! It’s May for God’s sake! - I finally said.


The “Doctor” looked down on me.


- But you came to a Halloween attraction didn’t you?


He had a point.


“Here we are”. He opened the door with the number 88 on it. “Operation room number 88” - He said.


The room was dark. It had an operation table, a bed and some other stuff. The lamp in the ceiling was flickering. He put me in the corner of the room.


- Hold still, Young man. This will be quick.

He unlocked my arm, held it tight.

- What the fuck is this? What are you doing to me?

- Shhh, shhh. Just a little operation..

- What on my hand? What are you doing to it!?


I tried to pull my hand away.


- YES! There’s a problem with your hand! Your middle finger is longer than your index finger and your ring finger, you see. Roland doesn’t like that, Roland thinks it’s ugly!

- What the fuck?! Let it go!


He slapped me. I panicked. What was this place? Was it full of these people or is it just this nut job? And where were the others? Were they being treated the same way? Or did they just leave me? No! Marcus would never do that to me! Or maybe he would?



He put on an operation mask. “Don’t wanna get an infection” He said and laughed.

He then proceeded to pick up a pair of scissors. He took my hand and started to cut my finger. I screamed. I had never felt so much pain in my entire life. The blood was pouring out of my finger. I tried to think of something positive. I thought of the cookies that I used to eat when with Marcus.


- It’s done! - He said. Now we just wait for the blood to stop pouring out!

- Wha...wha.. What the FUCK?! I’m gonna bleed out, you crazy fuck!

- Yes, yes, we all will someday but even in death, you will be beautiful for little Roland to look at…


I saw how he laid my arm back on the chair. I was in shock. He was going to lai the scissors back on the table when they slipped out of his hand and landed on the floor.


- Oh! A little too bloody maybe..


And I took my chance. I kicked him between his legs as  he bended down.


- OW! Roland hurt! Roland ANGRY!


He charged against me. I lifted my hand and struck him in the face. He fell backwards and the keys to the chair’s locks fell out of his pocket, just in range of my foot. I lifted the keys with my feet and gave it to my hand. I unlocked my second hand and I was free from the wheelchair. I stood up.




I took up the scissors and rammed them right into his neck! He stepped back as he choked on the sharp blades. A knife that he had in his coat was now reachable. I took it and rammed it into his neck.


He fell to the floor. He wasn‘t moving. He was dead. My mind started to come back. I tried to think. Where are the others? I must find them! I got a piece of paper from a paper roll on the floor and tied it to my middle finger.

Chapter VII

I ran down the dark corridor trying to find help. I reached the front door and tried to open it. It didn’t open.


- Fuck! - I said

But then, I heard a faint scream coming from inside the building. “It must be Alina!” - I thought. I ran into the dark with the flickering lamps as my only light. The scream got louder and louder, clearer and clearer. I soon found her. She sat in a wheelchair with a blanket over her legs.


- Alaina! Are you okay? - I asked

- Jordan? Oh my God, Thank you!


- What did they do to you, Alina?

- He..he..

She started to cry and pointed on her legs. I removed the blanket and took a few steps back from fear. Her legs had been twisted around, not her feet tho, they were still in the right way.

- He did this.. - She whimpered

“He” had separated her legs with her body and feet and twisted them around! Probably for the same reason that Roland wanted to cut my middle finger off before.


- Where are the others? - I asked

- I don’t know! - She answered

- I’m gonna get you out of here!


I grabbed her wheelchair and exited the room. I started to look for the main exit.


- Now we just have to find Marcus and Fredrik!

- No! He was the one who did it! Marcus did that.. to my legs! I always hated him!

- What? No! it can’t be!


“Hey! Where are you taking Lady-wrong-legs?!” - A voice said behind us. I turned my head and saw Marcus!


- Marcus! What the fuck!? - I said to him

- You take Lady-wrong-legs, Marcus will be very angry!


They had done something to him! I didn’t know who but someone! I started to run for the main exit!



Chapter IX
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