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Read books online » Horror » The Halloween Riser by Nick Venom (books to read to increase intelligence .txt) 📖

Book online «The Halloween Riser by Nick Venom (books to read to increase intelligence .txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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but noticed nobody. His porch was very revealing and left little spots to hide aside from whenever the door was opened. A small hiding spot was created whenever the door fully extended and hit the wall to it's left creating a triangle of confusion. The neighbor looked around his porch and front lawn not looking at the hiding spot that he created. Fearing the safety of his family, Police officer Lo, drove his family to his parents. After attempting to stop Max from killing Allison, which failed but led to Max escaping injured. Lo waited patiently every day for Max to arrive and dish out his revenge. Two weeks and he hadn’t shown up. Lo walked into his home and closed the door not seeing Max hiding in the triangle of confusion.  


After the death of their parents, Hank and Grace Riser were relocated to their uncle’s house. Jake Riser lived the closest to their own house and was seemingly the target of Max’s frustrations after killing Toby. Jake planned to take the siblings to visit their relatives while also dispersing the paranoia of their father’s killer in the area. Logan, Jake’s older brother, was hosting a family reunion.


Lo waited in silence as he heard footsteps approach him. Lo carried his handgun. He hammered a bullet into the chamber. I have one chance to hit the bastard. This time it’ll be his head, Lo thought. Lo listened to the footsteps as they got closer. Five, six, seven, Lo counted in his head the number of steps Max took. Max stopped moving after taking fourteen steps. Lo started panicking and his hands trembled while waiting for Max to reveal himself. Lo was sitting down at an old coffee chair that let out a sigh every time he sat on it. It collected dust and started withering. Lo, a police officer without a lock of hair, wearing his uniform stood from the chair and waited. Lo watched every point waiting for Max. He heard sounds coming from outside of his right window. On the left was another window and in front of him was his television and behind it was the front door. His living room was quite small.

Lo closed in onto the window and with one hand he propped it open. He took a quick peek outside of the window when something jumped at him. He ducked and reared back. On the window stood a squirrel. Lo took in a death breath and laughed. “I wasn’t expecting a squirrel.” He said. Lo turned around to face Max. Max stood in front of him with an ax on hand.

The neighbors reported hearing screams coming from their neighbor’s house. The screams came from Lo, who was killed by a split-brain and bloodloss. Max left before being sighted.

The neighbors reported hearing screams coming from their neighbor’s house. The screams came from Marie Riser. Gunshots and bottles being smashed were also noticed. The front door was also smashed in and there was a pool of blood that police found out didn’t belong to Marie or Max. Instead, it belonged to a mentally challenged teen named Joyce Janet. The police chief picked up the reports and evidence, along with the notice of two teens disappearing, and declared a manhunt for Max and his accomplice. The East Emerald Forest Preserve was the main focus of the manhunt.

“You’re the police chief?” An FBI detective asked in his dark blue outfit. He held a case file under his right armpit. He stood in the police chief’s closed-off officer.

“Warren. You are?” The police chief responded.

"Hanson. Detective Hanson.” He took the case file out and opened it. “I’m here to investigate the case of Max Riser. Nicknamed “The Halloween Riser” correct?”


I see that you’ve pinpointed his location to the forest preserve. Oh, and he might have an accomplice. A young girl, Joyce Janet.” Hanson noted. He skimmed through the file and closed it with a loud sigh. “Have you found anything in the forest?”

“No, not yet,” Warren stated.

Then, I’ll start there-” He was interrupted by a loud crash sound and quick footsteps. An officer ran in, out of breath.

He scanned the face of the detective before spilling his intel. “We found a cabin burning in the woods. We’re checking out now for any evidence that’ll lead us to Max or Joyce.” Hanson looked at Warren and when both eyes met, ran out of the officer. They got into their cars and raced off with their lights on full display. This would be the only evidence they had.

Over the radio, another officer, this one a female, called in a report. “Police officer Lo is confirmed dead. A 10-62.”

Hanson turned towards Warren, who was driving. “That’s Toby Riser’s neighbor isn’t it.” Warren nodded. Silence filled the air as they passed Lo’s house and moved towards the forest preserve. Another one fell.

Joyce got a minivan and returned to pick up Max. She smiled through her scars and laughed as if they were two teens in love running away. Max got into the car and peeked into the backseats. In it were two people. They looked vaguely familiar. He noticed the nametag “Harry” on one of the bodies. He peeled his eyes off the bodies and onto the rearview mirror. A car followed behind them. It didn’t have the obvious police car color scheme of blue and white. It was a black F150 truck. “Oh,” Joyce said taking notice of the truck behind them. “Get ready,” She said with a devious smile. She slammed on the brakes and forcing the car behind them to swerve out of the way. The truck ran into a ditch that followed parallel to the road. Joyce got out of the car and ran towards the guy.
Max shook his head. “What's wrong with her? Does she think of this as a simple field trip?” He looked around. “We need to get to the reunion as soon as we can. Not stuck here while she exacts her fantasies.” He ranted. He looked at the rearview mirror on the driver’s side and watched as Joyce pummeled the guy into pieces using a wrench she got from his car. Joyce became rather dangerous. Max prepared for kills while Joyce did everything on a whim. It took Max years to kill Toby or the kids. Joyce, simply, ran into every fight with no weapons and hope. Hope that she’ll pick up a weapon during the fight.

Max waited for Joyce to return, her hands drenched in blood. I need to get rid of her. She’s a liability, he thought. He wasn’t wrong. Max used the shadows to his advantage and killed with silence while Joyce shouted and alerted her prey. Toby or Lo never saw Max coming, but Marie was given all the time in the world to prepare for Joyce. Max watched as another car appeared behind them. “Go!” Max shouted. Joyce slammed on the gas pedal, throwing them into the dashboard. The car caught it's full momentum and continued down the road while the car behind them stopped to check out the truck and report it to the police. Max sighed. On his belt was five daggers and his ax was under the seat. A shotgun was held in the glove department.


“Family Reunion! November 15th will see the family together again after the tragedy that fell Toby and his wife. Everybody is invited to come to mourn the death and celebrate life.” This was worded on a postcard sent by Logan Riser to his entire family. One, somehow, appearing for Max. “Can’t wait to see you there. Logan Riser”

The epic conclusion to The Halloween Riser franchise will arrive with the fourth installment, The Halloween Riser IV: Reunion. This short story concludes the storyline of The Halloween Riser and Joyce The Ripper. Infamous killers that devastated the East Emerald area.

Saga Future

1. The Halloween Riser IV: Reunion


January 2021


The conclusion to the infamous East Emerald killer and his apprentice's story.



2. The Halloween Riser V: Origins


January 2022


The beginning of the prequel duology focusing on the origins of the characters introduced in the saga.



3. The Halloween Riser VI: East Emerald


January 2023


The second story in the prequel duology that expands on the first crime that Max commits as well as looping to the beginning of the first installment in the series.


Publication Date: 03-06-2020

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