The Darkness by Sabrina Royal (7 ebook reader .TXT) 📖

- Author: Sabrina Royal
Book online «The Darkness by Sabrina Royal (7 ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Sabrina Royal
Still driven with the intense power to get herself out, she continued to move down the road and passed many of stop signs. Police wasn't going to stop her. She knew nobody would stop her. Hell, the police was probably her enemies now and were taken over to the dark side. At this state of her life, you trust nobody. The only one you can trust is yourself and that was the only hero that was needed
Upon twenty more minutes of her ride, she felt a cold splash of water against her cheek. She angled her head upward and looked up to find that the sky was raining. Unlike normal rain, this was black. Acrylic black. The sky was raining darkness that made things much more complicated on this supposedly simple bike ride. Black Rain isn't normal water that washes away every lies and sins. This was hell's rain. She was in hell's territory now.
Turning her bike around, she looked for nearest shelter. Any place would do. If she had to fight, she will probably make it. or persish
. She never tried and the only time she actually had to fight was when her mother went insane and wanted murder her. The memory still rest fresh in her memories and tears start to form.
"I am all alone..." she whispered and slowly pulled up to an abandoned house. From what she took in from the sight, it looked quite haunted. The black rained didn't give her any comfort for it gave the feel of walking into a scene from a horror movie. The outside of the house was bricked and the windows seemed cracked, shingles were missing from the roof, dead gross grew the length of your ankles, and broken items laid on the lawn. It appeared that the zombies came through here and left from the sight of the broken window. This was a good sign because if they came by and left, she figured that they wouldn't come by a second time. She couldn't be sure but it was the only hope she had.
Making sure that nobody was around or that any strangers was unable to creep up behind her, her movements toward the house became quicker. The bike she rode on was pulled up the three broken steps that leaded to the door and she used her fingers to push the door open. Manners were gone in the new world. They did not exist. There was no need for her to be polite to people. If there were demons outside eating people, she sure as hell will not be courteous to people in this situation and she knew that people wouldn't be courteous to her. It was "One for All and None For You
" now.
She closed the door behind her and locked it with one of the dead bolts that was on the wooden door. She thought that this was probably a foolish idea for there could still be unwanted guest inside the house, but if push comes to shove, she will
shove. This being done, she inspected each area of the house. The living room looked abandoned and completely filthy. There were trash and newspaper alone the wall as well as sooth and ash that covered half the carpet from the fire place. Even the couch looked tattered and rats scrammed over the furniture. This room was clean from the zombies and she could clean it later if she wanted to.
Next, she moved toward the kitchen. The kitchen look like a disaster hit it as well. The cabinets were open and empty. The fridge also seem empty, if you did not count the rotten food that laid inside of it. When she had opened the fridge, she did not expect a wave of pungent smells to hit her in the face and making her bend over to throw up the toast that she only ate this morning.
As her eyes took in the sight of the disgusting puke, she realized that she haven't ate at all and she was quite famished. Stomach pains was now racking her body in a wave of vengeance and food consumed her only thoughts. Bri searched the remaining cabinets and found nothing. Collapsing was becoming possible each time her stomach growled and being powerless to defeat anybody that deemed her as a pray was most likely her future now.
"I must find food" she whined and hastily searched the cupboard. Inside, there were boxes that was full of canned fruits and vegetables. Seeing that alluring sigh almost made her peed in her pants from the happiness. In the past, Bri would be really picky about eating anything canned. Her mother normally go to the produce store and buy fresh vegetables for her to eat. Now, there were no more mother and no more food that can easily come across. Searching for food would be a daily part of life Dying didn't sound appealing since death was just another gateway of being a walking dead.
Using her finger tips, she popped the tab of the can peaches and hovered the item over her face. The delicious juice and peaches splashed down her dried mouth and she munched on the fruit. This was ambrosia in a can. This was heaven with no end. This small can that can easily be bought at any local dollar store. This was her happiness. Something so insignificant. If this was yesterday, she would had laughed at somebody saying that your heaven would be the most insignificant thing. To her, heaven was heaven. Heaven was in the bible. She would never had fathomed that heaven could be one single can.
Feeling full from eating three cans of peaches, Bri continue to investigate the surrounding areas. One of the room was a bedroom with forest green painted along the walls and a metal bed post with brown coverings. The bedroom looked to be the cleanest room in the house. It belong to an old man that lived here by him selves and he was prepared for a war because he was an Vietnam war's veteran. Knowledge of this was because of the pictures that dressed one of the walls in the room. In fact, he mysteriously had a lot of things in this room that she could used to defend herself. In the closet, there was a green duffle bag of semi-automatic & mamba pistols, revolvers, and a machine gun that came with over 200 bullets.
"He must had knew this was coming? So...where did he go?" she said and figured that maybe he was an old man who left in fear of his aging life. That could be the only answer of leaving such precious items in the house she thought or maybe he is a zombie
the small voice said in her head. She shoved it aside and wouldn't think about such things. It is highly possible that he probably was a zombie but thinking about that was only scared her. She sure he just left...right?
Walking to the last room, she slowly opened it and spotted that it was just a bathroom with a blue tub and a rusted looking toilet. This was more than enough to live in. She could do this. She felt tens time better and decided that it was time for her to rest. The journey has finally ended and she didn't need to be fill with desperations anymore. Dragging her tired feet back to the bedroom, she removed the blacken shirt and dirtied jeans she worn. Then flopped her lazy body on the bed, kicked off the converse, and felt better. Rolling around in the warm blankets let her realize just how cold she was. Even the blanket was a small gift from heaven she realized.
"It has all ended..." she said and cried herself to sleep to think about all the people she seen died today.
Moment later, she start to feel a breath over her face. This bothered her because the windows were shut and the condition wasn't turned on. Slowly opening one eye, she spotted a balding man with a thick neck looking down on her. Not being able to see in the dark wasn't helping. All that she could feel from this man was his eyes on her.
"I-I am so sorry! Don't hurt me!" she begged and trembled from the gaze of the old man. The old man continued to stare directly at her and a sense that something was not right tickled at her. Why was this old man not talking? He didn't lunged for her, abused her, or anything. He just stared at her.
"Hello?" she said and the sound caused the old man to raised his head. That is where the redness of his eyes were now in plain view. It wasn't clear in the beginning because of the darkness, but it was very much clear now. This man was a zombie!
Her feet scrambled back on the bed until she fell off of it and landed harshly onto her back. The pained caused her to stay down for quite a minute before rushing over to the closet and pulling out a revolver. Never having any use to shoot a gun not any talents, she figured that tonight would be a test trial.
The old man suddenly came aware of the area and bleak eyes turned toward the girl. After his eyes savored her body, an unhumanly expression appeared on his face and he swiped his hands through the air as to tell her he will captured her and destroyed her with his teeth.
"Don't you come near!" She said and cocked the gun with trembling hands at the man's face. The elder did not head her warning nor acknowledge it. The only thing he did was just walk with aggravating slowness toward her. His body was limped and the side of his neck seemed to be torn open from a huge bite mark. The only noise that was heard was the sound of bones popping as he moved his leg toward her. Soon he will be intimately close grabbed ahold of her body.
"NO!" She screamed at the thought of her flesh being ripped by this disgusting man. " NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! " She yelled repeatedly and shot the man over and over again until he was laying limp on the ground. Not even a single eyelash moved.
"I did it!" she said and slumped against the wall as to let out any tension that was holding up her body. "I killed a man. I killed someone. I actually done this... "
Anguish overwhelmed her and she prayed for the man to live happily in heaven now that mercy befallen on him.
"I guess this isn't bad. If the are dead, than they are not
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