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Read books online » Horror » The Ruin by Charles Lankiwicz (novel24 txt) 📖

Book online «The Ruin by Charles Lankiwicz (novel24 txt) 📖». Author Charles Lankiwicz

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capture and deliver victims to them.”

Joan realized with a sick feeling that this is what had happened to the farmer in the other dimension, Jim had kidnaped him and delivered him for sacrifice.

“Is there any hope for my husband? Can he be helped from his condition?”

“It is not impossible but very unlikely. I can sense that the previous occupant of this house also came under evil influence. It is dangerous to read the Books Of Evil. For one can fall under their spell and be corrupted.”

“What can we do?”

Adam pulled out an object from his coat and held it out to show her. It fit the palm of his hand and was about the size of an egg, green with yellow veins flowing through it. It seemed to pulse as if alive with energy.

“This is an Arcet. Delivered to the right place at the right time it can close off a gate to the netherworld.”

“Will it help Jim?”

“One can only hope that with the beings influence gone, your husband will return to his normal self.”

“When do we start?”

“Tonight. The evil has just commenced and if we get it now it will be easier. Later, it may be impossible.”


That night they both stood outside the house.

“It is a good night for us. The moon is full and it will guide our way. Lead on Joan.”

She steped forward with Adam beside her. Thought ran through her mind of Jim, of Adam of the ruin. She felt as if she was walking in a dream. A bad dream that she could not wake up from.

Soon they were through the forest and into the barren zone. Tonight it seemed even more malignant than before, more oppressive and evil.

“This is a blasted land,” said Adam. “The evil here has settled into the ground and tainted the soil. Nothing will grow here until it has been cleansed.”

As they came to the ruin, it seemed to be charged with energy. There was a pulsating glow about it that made it almost alive.

“It is a remnant of the Ancient Evil Ones,” said Adam. “This dates back to an untold time, perhaps millions of years ago.”

“How could it have lasted so long. Surely the effects of time would have decayed it,” said Joan.

“It is not made of material that we have knowledge of and is not subject to decay.”

They came to the tunnel and Adam held up a hand, saying,”Those whorls on the wall are wards designed to both protect the portal and also to infect victims–to make them servants of the Evil One.”

“That must have been what happened to Jim,” said Joan.

Adam nodded and held his hands up, speaking an incantation of something that Joan could not understand.”

“They are harmless now but we must haste inside and open the portal.”

They entered and went down the tunnel. Joan noticed that the wall now seemed completely dormant, whereas before it had pulsed with a malignant energy. They came to the door, which stood stark in the light cast by Joan’s flashlight.

“A door to the netherworld,” said Adam. “It opens only to those that belong on the other side or those recruited. But I can open it.” With that, he spoke another incantation and Joan saw the portal open slowly at first then quickly.

A howling wind pushed at them, almost enough to bowl them over. The plant things seemed agitated and thunder cracked yellow slashes in the sky overhead. The blood red sea was also agitated and huge waves crashed on the beach and causeway.

“It senses our presence and tries to stop us. But we must reach the temple and get inside, so I can use the Arcet. You should stay here.”

“I will not abandon Jim!”

“Very well then. Let us go!”

They surged ahead through the grasping plants and buffeting wind. Joan almost fell but Adam grabbed her as they entered the causeway. Waves of foul smelling water lashed against it and they could see creatures just below the surface thrashing wildly. They stopped; it seemed impossible to go onwards. But Adam invoked a spell and the pressure subsided a little. Enough for them to go onward. Sweat shined on his face and he had a grim determined expression.

Now they reached the entrance and the uproar outside subsided a little but the walls her were agitated and threatened to tear at them. The whorls were much like those in the tunnel but much larger and more malignant looking.

Just ahead Joan could see the altar and Jim beside it. Overhead the Entity was swirling and lashing. Jim ran forward screeching attacking Adam. Adam, with the Arcet in his hand was unable to fight him.

Joan dashed at Jim yelling, “Jim stop! He’s trying to help you!”

She grabbed Jim by the arm and tried to pull him off Adam. But she didn’t have the strength. Overhead the Entity swirled closer, coming down at them, ready to engulf them. Joan made a decision.

She gouged at his eyes and bit his ear. Howling, Jim momentarily let go of Adam. She hated to do that but it was necessary.

Free of Jim, Adam rushed to the altar and placed the Arcet on it. Immediately a brilliant flash occurred blinding Joan. When she opened her eyes, the Entity was gone. Jim stood stock still, a bewildered look on his face. The temple began to shake as if in an earthquake.

“Quickly! We must leave–now!” shouted Adam.

They ran back towards the tunnel entrance, Joan leading a dazed Jim. Adam was casting spells to ward off the plants and the sea creatures. The wind was so powerful that it almost knocked them down. Joan felt a sense of hopelessness and she felt herself tiring, her breath coming fast in her lungs.

Then somehow they were at the tunnel and gate opening. It was closing of its own accord. Adam stretched his arms wide and made an incantation, his arms trembling.

“Run!” he said. “I cannot hold it back long!”

Then they were through the gate which slammed shut behind them with a clang that echoed through the tunnel. The tunnel was shaking and clods of earth were falling on them. Huge cracks began to appear in the walls.

“Hurry! We must get outside at once!” said Adam.

Joan ran forward, still dragging Jim, and felt dirt pelt her on the head and back. Then she was outside and feeling the cold night air.

Just as they were all out, the ruin gave a blue glow and shook as flashes of blue lightening burned through it. Then it was gone as if it had never existed. Even the tunnel was filled in.

Jim held his hand to his head and said, “ What happened? One minute I’m going through the tunnel and now I’m here.”

He looked at Adam and said, “Who are you?”

Adam said, “A friend.” He then looked at Jane and said, “I think it would be best if you just tried to forget what happened here and get on with your life. Treat it as a nightmare. The house should be alright to live in now if you desire to do so.”

With that Adam walked off and soon disappeared into the night. Jim looked at both him and Joan and said, “I think I deserve an explanation.”

Joan thought of what Adam had said and what had happened. Horrible as it was it now all seemed like a bad dream. A man had been killed but Jim was not responsible being under control of the Entity, and how would she explain this to anyone including Jim.

“Jim, honey, you fell down out here and were unconscious. That man was a passing stranger who tried to help. Let’s go back to the house and get some food, drink and rest.”

Adam watched them go as he stood in the trees. Another battle has been fought with the Other World but there will be more.


The End



















Text: Charles Lankiwicz
Images: Charles Lankiwicz
Cover: Charles Lankiwicz
Layout: Charles Lankiwicz
Publication Date: 01-15-2019

All Rights Reserved

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