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Book online «Goodbye Cheese state and Hello Cali by Missy (best reads of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Missy

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AND DIDN’T FUDGING TELL ME!” I screamed. “THAT LITTLE SECRETIVE WITCH! THAT LITTLE MOFO!” i was going off on a rampage. Tristan wrapped his arms around me.
“ What you don’t want to be my sister?” he asked.
“ I don’t want a new father,” I said tears slipping out of my eyes. my body felt so weak and I was so tired I just let the world slip away and I passed out.
Chapter seven-
My eyes fluttered open, and I went to go sit up, but a pair of arms held me down. I looked down and saw someone had their arms wrapped around me right under my breast. I turned my head, and saw Tristan fast asleep. I let out a sigh, and looked around and realized we were in his room. I tried getting myself out of his grasp, but the more that I moved he tightened his grip onto me.
“ Come on Tristan,” I sighed.
“ grhf….” I heard him mumble into my back. I rolled my eyes, and turned around and he had is arms know wrapped around me waist, and I looked at his sleeping face. His eyes opened and he looked at me, and smiled, but then he had this look in his eyes. “ Morning,” he whispered. I let out a laugh shaking my head.
“ Hey Tristan you think you can do something for me?” I asked.
“ Sure,” he smiled. I lifted the sheets, and pointed to his arms that where around me. “ let. Me go!” I laughed. He let out a chuckle, and unwrapped his arms from me, and laid onto his back.
“ Ready for day two?” he asked.
“ Day two?” I muttered sitting up.
“ School! Duh…” He said throwing the blanket over himself.
“ Oh whoopee! School!” I said fist pumping my hand in their air. Tristan looked at me from under the blankets.
“ Your weird….”
“ I know,” I smiled walking out of his room. I opened my door, and walked into my room, and stripped out of my clothes, and walked over to my closet, and put on a pair of black ripped jeans, a slipknot shirt, and put my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my converse, and put on a little eyeliner and mascara, and opened my door, and ran into Tristan.
“ Don’t you look lovely,” he said shaking his head, and walking into the kitchen.
“ Model freakin’ materia’,” I said laughing.
“ You talk funny…”
“ And you be lookin’ funny,” I retorted. He rolled his eyes. “ you keep rolling your eyes like that they gonna get stuck up in yo head,” I said sticking my tongue out at him.
“ And you’re gonna get your tongue cut off if you keep doing that!”
I looked at him, and flicked him off mouthing fuck you.
“ My pleasure,” he said walking up to me. I brought my hand up and pushed him away.
“ Your discussing,” I groaned.
“ You told me too!”
“ Shut up!” I said running up the stairs. I heard him laughing behind me, and I rolled my eyes. I walked upstairs, and had the sudden craving for an apple… I like really want an apple. Tristan was walking past me, and I ran up to him, and screamed, “ DO WE HAVE APPLES?!” He jumped back putting his hands over his ears, and mumbling a curse. He was looking at me and his eyes where budging.
“ What the hell Mayella…” He mumbled shaking his head at me. he walked over to the fridge and pulled out a apple, and left. I ran to the fridge but saw not even one apple.
“ Tristan where are the apples!!!!” I screamed.
“ I have the last one!” He sung closing the front door. I turned on my heel and grabbed my book bag and hauled ass after him. He was at the bottom of the stairs, when I jumped down wrapping my arms onto his shoulders. He stumbled forward tripping over his own feet and falling. I grabbed the apple out of his hands and took a big bite.
“ Are you! Nuts?” he yelled standing up. I shrugged my shoulder eating my apple, and started to walk off to school.
“ You don’t want a ride?” He asked.
“ I don’t trust you!” I said still walking. A car came driving past me and I saw it was Tristan’s.
“ Why?” he sobbed.
“ After what you did yesterday at school….” I growled. “ im not even going to come near you.”
“ I said I was sorry!” he waved him off with my hand, and I heard him sigh and then his car took off. I let out a laugh because I won. I continued to walk, and then I heard a car slowing down next to me. I looked over and saw Ryder.
“ hey,” he smiled rolling down the window.
“ Hi,” I said stopping.
“ need a ride?”
“ Im alright,” I said looking down the street. He let out a laugh shaking his head.
“ Just get in the car…..” He sighed eyeing me down. I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms under my breast.
“ And if I don’t…” I said testing him.
“ Then ill drag you in!” He said back quickly.
“ You wouldn’t…”
“ Wanna bet?”
We eyes one another… Ryder has never seemed like the type to do something like that. He always gives me my space and is sweet- OH HELL NO! I was hauled over Ryder’s shoulders and he threw me into the car, and then shut the door. I sat their flabbergasted. He got into the car and started to drive off.
“ You… You just abducted me!” I gasped. He rolled his eyes…. I sat their gaping at him.
“ like what you see huh?” he laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“ You just like Tristan,” I grumbled.
“ I am not,” he said back flatly. I looked at him, and he was looking at the road, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened a little.
“ yeah I know,” I said looking out the window. I heard him chuckle and I looked over at him, and he was smiling at me. “ Creepy smile…” I muttered. He shook his head.
“ You hurt me Mayella Lynch… You hurt me,” he smirked. I bit my lip to hold back my laughter, and I just shook my head. We pulled up to the school parking lot, and I got out of the car, and my eyes met with Tristan and his jaw was clenched and he just looked completely f*cking pissed….like he looked scary! I cocked an eyebrow at him, and he just looked at me, and then at the car, and towards Ryder and his eyes met mine again…. Was he… jealous? What the hell… of course not. Then I felt someone’s hand around my waist and I looked up and saw Ryder. I did a faint smile, and we walked towards the school.
“ Mayella…” Someone said. I stopped walking and saw Tristan looking at me intently.
“ Oh, hey,” I said.
“ Can I talk to you?” he asked through clenched teeth. I nodded my head, and turned to Ryder, and he smiled and then he did something not even I expected… he kissed my cheek and then left. I stood their shocked and I felt my face boiling up. I turned around and oh damn! I thought he was going to turn into the incredible hulk!!!!!
“ Ugh… Tristan…” I said losing my voice. “ A- Are you okay?”
“ Why are you with…” He pointed towards Ryder. “ That.” He spat out.
“ Well…. He saw me walking and drove me to school that’s all.”
“ I offered to drive you.”
“ And I declined….”
“ Mayella…” he sighed.
“ I don’t see what the big deal is?” I said cocking an eyebrow.
“ He had his arm around you, and kissed your… cheek,” he said I saw the veins popping out of his neck.
“ We are just friends,” I said shaking my head. Tristan looked at me, and then just shook his head and walked away. I stood their dumbfounded.
“ Guys are so… confusing,” I muttered turning to walk into the school, and ran into something… no rather someone. I looked up and saw the devil himself…. Rain… I glared at him, and he smirked at me.
“ Hola chicka,” he said putting his arm around my shoulder and we walked into he building…
“ What is today touch Mayella day or something?” I growled prying his off of me. he let out a laugh.
“ Ah ha I saw that today with Ryderrr… funny Shiz,” he laughed.
“ I don’t see what was funny?”
“ well the way Ryder had his arm around you and kissed your cheek…. It was just so darn cute, and especially when you blushed redder then a tomato!” he said pinching my cheek. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.
“ Ah shut up why don’ yuh?” I said shaking my head. I looked at the clock on the wall and I had two minutes to get to class… damnit I forgot my books in my locker. “ I gotta go,” I said turning around and running towards my locker. I forgot my art book… GAH! I ran towards my locker and put in my combination… 4, 24, and 22… it opened. Wow the first try too… SUCCESS! I grabbed my arm book, and slammed my locker shot and ran towards class. I was about to turn the corner when I saw rain and Tristan standing in the halls talking to one another.
“ F*ck man,” Tristan groaned.
“ I saw…” Rain laughed.
“ That… Was not funny….” Tristan growled.
“ Your reaction was pricelessss buddddddy boyyyyyy!”
“ I hate you.”
“ Psh whatever….. so can I ask you something?” Rain asked.
“ What?” Tristan asked sounding annoyed.
“ You like someone don’t you…”
“ how do you know?”
“ Dude we have been friends forever… I can tell because of the look in your eyes.”
“ You can read me like a book and that is NOT a good thing…”
Tristan let out a laugh.
“ Who do you like?” Rain asked.
“ I like-,”
A sneeze escaped my lips, and I took a step back. My eyes widened and I mentally slapped myself. SHIT! I heard walking coming towards me and I turned on my heel, and ran towards the closest door, and flew in there, and shut it behind me breathing heavily. I stood there with my back up against the door and I kept my eyes shut. I heard the bell ring…. LATE FOR CLASS… WHOOPEY! I hit my head with my hand. Im so stupid… stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I was just about to find out who Tristan likes and then I! I go and sneeze… im an idiot. Stupid sneeze… I groaned, and turned around and opened the door, and peered out into the hall, and saw no one was there, and I bolted to art. My classes kind of just flew past and the next thing I knew it was time for lunch. I walked into the lunch room, and sat over by Zoe. She smiled at me, and I sat down next to her.
“ how has your day been?” she asked.
“ GGGreat,” I muttered. She let out a laugh. I put my head down onto the table, but felt something cold on my head. I shot back up and touched my forehead, and something… slimy and gooey. I looked at my hand and it was flipping Jell-O….
“ Um May,
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