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her cheeks, and she started to cry. “ Ma…” I mumbled.
“ I don’t know what happened Mayella… When we moved here I just… work. Work. Work. I am never home, and I don’t even talk to you anymore, im so sorry Mayella!” She said hysterically.
“ ugh..”
“ I was in work today and I was just sitting there and I realized I haven’t talked to you since we moved here to Cali, and I am never home. You must be so lonely, and I know you don’t make friends good because your kind of a loser, and oh Mayella!” She wailed.
“ Ma… I have friends,” I said baffled.
“ I know honey… But you sure have one hell of a personality,” She smiled. I stood their gawking at her. “ I love you Mayella!” She cried.
“ I…”
“ Oh Mayella I need to go back to work for a night shift, but I love you darling! You already lost your father, and I don’t want you to have to lose your mother too!” She said and then turned on her heel and ran out the door. I walked up to the window, and looked out and watched her car go down the driveway.
“ I never had both my parents in the first place… Never had…” I whispered. I took a step back from the window, and sighed. I walked downstairs into my room, and walked over to my closet, and searched for my bathing suit. Yes I know this sounds crazy, but I need to go swimming to clear my mind. Im so… Ugh…. I slipped on my bathing suit, and walked back upstairs, and grabbed a towel, and walked outside. It was about eleven at night…I sighed. I wonder where Tristan is. I stood at the edge of the pool, and dropped the towel out of my hands, and dived into the pool. I resurfaced and floated on my back, and took a deep breath. I closed my eyes, and memories of Wisconsin started to flood into my mind of my mom and dad…….
One Year ago.. ..
“ Dad?” I muttered walking into the house. All the lights where out, and at first I thought no one was home, but I saw my dad’s car in the garage. I walked into the front room, and I saw the TV on. I slowly walked into the front room, and saw him laying down on the couch watching TV. “ hey dad..” I whispered.
“ Hey La, I thought you were spending the night at Julia’s?” He asked sitting up from the couch, and when he turned around he saw me standing in the door way with a black eye forming, and my lip was busted. My shirt was ripped at the bottom, and I had bags underneath my eyes. my hair was a mess, and I leaned against the wall.
“ D- Dad..” I whispered.
“ Mayella..” he whispered standing up, and he started to walk towards me, and he stopped in front of me.
“Is she here?” I mumbled looking down. He touched my chin, and tilted my head up.
“ Baby girl.. No she isn’t here.. after you two got into a fight earlier she went to hang with some friends.. Mayella who did this to you?” He asked looking down at me. I felt tears build up in my eyes, and I sucked in a breath.
“ T- T- They..” I stopped because I was choking on my own cries. My knees started to shake, and I fell forward, and my dad wrapped his arms around me, and held me close to him.
“ It’s okay now Mayella. Im here, and I am always going to keep you safe.. forever and always..” he whispered into my ear.
“ D- Dad I shouldn’t of left after the fight.. I was stupid, and I, I ..” I stopped and closed my eyes, and remembered everything that happened and I felt a lump in my throat, and a scream escaped my lips, and I clutched onto him. “ Dad.. They..”
“ Tell me Mayella!” He cried holding me.
“ They..”
The back door slammed shut, and I moved my head, and water came onto my face, and I stood in the pool, and looked over at Tristan.
“ What are you doing out here?” he asked looking down at me.
“ Im, ugh,” My voice was hoarse, and I cleared it, and swallowed the lump in my throat from my memories. “ J- just thinking,” My voice faded.
“ Did everything go alright with Ryder?” he asked kneeling down at the edge of the pool.
“ Yeah,” My voice only came out above a whisper. I swam over by him, and he had his legs in the pool, and I brought myself out, and sat down next to him putting my legs beside him.
“ You sure?” He asked.
“ Um,” I stopped. Should I tell him Ryder is my boyfriend?
“ Just tell me Mayella,” he said sounding irritated.
“ You can call me May.”
“ I don’t want to call you May.”
“ Why?”
“ because you’re a Mayella in my eyes not a- OH! Stop getting off topic!” He hissed throwing his hands up in the air. I scrunched my face and sighed.
“ he my wubfriend,” I grumbled having my face in my hands.
“ Huh?”
“ He my brugfriend,” I said quickly.
“ What?”
“ BOYFRIEND!” I cried. He was quiet this time. I looked at him between my fingers, and he was looking away from me, and I could only see the side of his face, and his jaw was clenched. He nodded his head. “ Tristan,” I whispered, but he got up and left me their alone. I let out a sigh, and I wanted to scream. I jumped into the pool, and went underneath the water, and started to scream. Still under the water I sucked in a breath, and I started to cough. I came up chocking on water gasping for air, and I let out another yell hitting the water. “ Ugh, I want gills,” I wined falling back into the water. I looked over and I saw the neighbor looking at me from his yard like I was a crazy person. I groaned, and got out of the pool, and walked downstairs into my room. I looked around, and the front room was empty, and I walked past Tristan’s room and his door was shut. I sighed and went into my room, and stripped out of my clothes, and pulled on a random shirt that was on the floor, and some pj shorts. I laid in my bed, and I brought the shirt I was wearing up to my shirt, and it smelled like Tristan. I sat up, and looked my… this isn’t my shirt! Its Tristan’s. How the devil did I get it? I looked at the clock and it was one in the morning. God im going to be dead tomorrow during school. I groaned, and fell onto the bed, and laid on my side looking at the clock. I brought out my phone, and didn’t feel like talking, but I guess I could text someone. I opened my phone, and scrolled through my phone, and then the screen went… black. Wonderful. I sighed, and got out of bed, and walked over to my computer and turned it on, and signed onto yahoo chat. I looked around, and was about to close my computer but then it beeped. I looked at it and I had one new message.
ABoy- Hello.
My eyes glued to the screen, and my breath caught, and I felt tears, and I clenched my jaw. I unwilling brought my hands to the key pad and started to type.
CountryMay- What do you want?
ABoy- what you don’t want to talk to me? >;)
CountryMay- Screw you.
ABoy- Why so mean La?
I clenched my fist, and banged it against my computer desk my eyes never leaving the screen.
CountryMay- Don’t you call me that.
CountryMay- Aaron, why should I be nice to the person, that basically was the reason for the death of my father?
Chapter ten PART TWO-
I sat in my chair glaring at the screen, and I bit the inside of my lip studying the screen waiting for his reply. My fists where clenched, and I was on the edge of me chair. I let out a deep breath and looked down at my shaking hands. My hands were shaking from the anger that has boiled inside me. The computer beeped, and I kept my head down, but my eyes traveled up to see what he had said.
ABoy- La, you and I both know that is NOT true.
CountryMay- Stop f*cking calling me that!
ABoy- What can you do about it?
CountryMay- Sign off.
ABoy- Your just gonna run off again… I find that reasonable though, because you always seem to run away from life.
CountryMay- I’ve never run away before.
ABoy- Then why are you in Cali?
CountryMay- You think I came here by choice? I have never run away from anything. Not from my father’s death nor what you did to me.
ABoy- I don’t know what you’re talking about La…
CountryMay- Don’t you fucking dare Aaron. Don’t you even say crap like that because you KNOW exactly what you did. I can see right past your fake little charade you have, but everyone else is stupid enough not to.
ABoy- Your father believed you.
I sat their looking at the screen, and tears where falling down my cheeks, and I bit my lip trying to hold in my cries.
ABoy- Have nothing to say, do you?
CountryMay- YOU. RUINED. MY. LIFE.
I laid in my room, and reluctantly got out of bed, and dragged my feet down the hallway, and stalked down the stairs. I looked in the kitchen and saw my dad sitting at the table reading the paper.
“ Morning La,” he smiled.
“ Hm, morning,” I grumbled walking over to the fridge.
“ What are you doing today?” He asked happily. I took a swig from the orange juice and turned to look at him.
“ Dad, how in the world are you a morning person?” I muttered putting the orange juice back.
“ Because I know I wake up every morning to the greatest daughter in the world!”
“ Your so cheese,” I laughed shaking my head. I sat down next to me dad, and peered over to look at the paper. “ How could you read that? It’s so… boring….” He started to laugh, and looked at me rolling his eyes. “ What?” I scoffed.
“ My daughter…” he sighed folding up the newspaper.
“ What?!” I laughed.
“ I love you La,” he smiled.
“ Doesn’t everyone?” I smiled. He started laughing, and then I looked up and saw my mom stumbling into the kitchen.
“ morning dear,” My dad said.
“ Hmm…” She said going over to the coffee cup. “ Morning….” She muffled underneath her breath. I sat their looking at her, and she turned to me and gave me a weak smile, and I looked away from her giving her the cold shoulder. The past couple of weeks she has never been home, and when she is she doesn’t speak to me, and is always starting up a fight with my dad. I know she is my mother, and I love her and all but I can’t stand her. “ Im going to get my nails done in town, I’ll be back in a couple of hours,” She muttered and then walked out of the kitchen. She hasn’t been home lately, and I think
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