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Book online «Best Friends Forever? by Blue Moon (epub e reader .txt) 📖». Author Blue Moon

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front of them with my arms folded on my chest.

"Guys..." I began saying but none of them were even one bit aware of me being there.

"My cell phone is broken into pieces and you're asking me to chill out?! What is wrong with you?" Cole yelled.


"It's not my fault you leave your phone anywhere you wish." Brad replied, still oblivious of my presence.

"Listen..." I attempted again.

"It's my phone I can put it anywhere. You should see where you're walking." Cole stepped closer menacingly. I sighed rolling my eyes and raising my hands in exasperation.

"Guys shut the hell up!" I said, or yelled to put it the right way. Both of them looked at me startled before stepping away from each other.

"Scar..." Cole started, but this time I cut him off.

"Zip it. I'm letting you guys stay here doesn't mean you yell at six in the morning. I don't want you guys fighting at home. Do it outside."

"I'm sorry." They both said in unison.

"Better be." I said and pushed past them making my way to the dining room. Gordon was standing there whilst cooking breakfast for us. Didn't he try to stop these monkeys?

"Gordon, didn't you hear these two people yelling?" I asked, plopping on a chair while the guys did the same.

"I did miss, I even tried to stop them but they were too engrossed in each other to pay attention so I figured I'd leave them be." He chuckled. I smiled shaking my head.

"Why do you guys hate each other so much?" I asked.

"He stole my father."

"He stole my mother."

Both spoke together. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that my father and his mother got married and my father got pretty attached to him and his mother got pretty attached to me." Cole shrugged.

"Weird." I said while Gordon placed our breakfast on the table.








"You're stupid."

"You're a fucking asshole."

"You're a moron."

"You're dumb."

Do I need to mention they're arguing again? The only difference is that right now we all are seated in the living room watching a movie and it has been a week since they came here and we all have become sort of friends. As in me and Cole and me and Brad. Those two can't even tolerate each other in one room. God only knows how I'm handling them.

"Would you both just shut up?!" I yelled.

"I don't understand why you're letting him stay here. I mean, wasn't I enough?" Cole asked, pouting. The best thing about being with these two was that I could tell them anything and everything, they wouldn't even argue about stuff being girly. They kept me happy, even though they argued all the time threatening to kill each other, I was getting fond of them. I could even hug them and give them kisses whenever I wished, since they were of course, gay. And this seriously is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Cole, get into your room, now. I'll see you in an hour." I told him. My way of keeping them apart was to spend time with the both of them separately. When I was with Brad, we'd never talk about Cole. And when I was with Cole, we'd never talk about Brad. So this was how I maintained the balance.


"Should I kick your ass or you'll leave by yourself Coley-poo?" I said while Brad chuckled beside me.

"Actually I'd like it if you'd kick my ass scary witch." He winked and headed up to his room. I shook my head, chuckling. Yeah we had stupid nicknames for each other. Cole used 'scary witch' for me while Brad preferred calling me 'Scar'. 'Coley-poo' was my nickname for Cole whilefor Brad it was well, Brad. It was strange how we became so good friends in such a short while.

"Look at this video, its hilarious." Brad chuckled showing me his cell phone. I excitedly took it from him and looked at the video. Soon enough we were both in hysterics laughing our asses off. My stomach was aching at the video. It was hilarious. Click! I turned my face in the direction of the sound. Cole stood there with his camera and a goofy grin plastered on his face. He was passionate about photography. Cole's pictures were always intriguing. Brad scowled seeing Cole when he clicked another picture, this time of Brad scowling. I giggled and stuck my tongue out for another picture. Brad and I kept getting our pictures clicked for a while. All this while, none of these monkeys bickered like they always do. We all felt at ease.

"See, it's not that hard for you two to get along." I said as we all fell on the couch exhausted of all the laughing.

"Yeah but I still hate him." Brad replied.

"The feelings mutual man." Cole said and I shook my head chuckling, they're never gonna change.

"Monkeys." I muttered.

"Is anyone up for a pillow fight? I really feel like beating the shit out of Scar right now." Brad said. I cocked a brow.

"For the first time in my life dude, I agree with you." Cole smirked evilly and stood up. Even though I'm happy they're working together, I've to run because they're going to hit me. So I stood up to walk away when they were picking up pillows, but before I could go any further , two arms snaked around my waist stopping me. I turned giving them both a sheepish look which asked them to let me go and have mercy on me but, they just grinned evilly and pushed me back on the couch. A second later I felt the blows on my face sending my hair into a frenzy. Attempting to cover myself with my arms I put them in front of my face covering it but the pillows kept smashing into my face with force. I struggled to push them away but they wouldn't budge. When I had had enough, I stood up with force and picked up a pillow smashing both of them one by one. In a minutes time we all were laughing, sprawled on the floor whilst clutching out stomachs.

"Why don't you two have any boyfriends?" I asked, sitting up. For a second they gave me bewildered expressions and composed themselves. I found it weird, as if they were not expecting me to say the word 'boyfriends'.

"We only have one night stands, relationships are stupid." Cole breathed. I turned to look at Brad who was nodding before pinching the bridge of his nose for a second.

"So you guys are actually gay players?"

They chuckled and nodded.







"Let's go to a club tonight." Brad suggested when he got back from work. Cole worked as an intern with a photographer friend of his while Brad worked as a chef in a restaurant. Both of them were collecting money to buy their own places, until then, they were here.

"A club?" I asked.

"It's Saturday." He shrugged. Cole nodded, "That's a good idea."

"Did you just agree with him for the second time today Cole?" I said with a smirk while he rolled his eyes, opening the fridge to grab a coke.

"Go get changed Scary witch, we gotta go." He pushed me in the direction of my room. I gave him a look that said, do-I-have-to and he pushed me further ahead into the room, closing the door behind him. I trudged to my closet and opened it. I had been to clubs before but never had fun as such. Maybe I could tonight, after all I was going with my two best friends. I shrugged and pulled out red high waist shorts and a black halter top with a scarf and my favourite ankle length boots, before walking to the bathroom. Splashing my face with the cold water, I dried it and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I put on some light make up and slipped into the clothes and shoes before walking outside, letting my curly hair lose, which reached the small of my back. When I reached the living room, both the guys were sitting on the couches engrossed in their cell phones. Hearing the voice of my heels, their faces turned to look at me from head to toe. I chuckled when their eyes widened.

"Why the hell am I gay?" Cole whispered, standing up.

"Seriously, why?" Brad agreed and stood up as well. I put my arms into theirs and all three of us walked outside the front door.

"Scar, you look awesome." Brad said as we got into the car.

"I'm driving." Cole announced before I could thank Brad for his compliment.

"Everyone knows you suck at driving Cole." He said giving Cole a flat look.

"At least I'm better than you." Cole replied. I slapped a hand on my head.

"Get in the car, I'm driving." I grabbed the keys from Col's hands before they could stop me and slid into the driver's seat.

"Girls drive worse than guys Scary witch."

"Shut up and get in." I ordered and they obeyed before pouting.

"Where to?" I asked when Cole got into the passenger seat flashing a wicked grin to Brad who scoffed and slid into the backseat.

"Go anywhere you like. We just need to get drunk is all." Cole shrugged. I nodded and drove to a club which was somewhat close to my place. It had always been my favourite, since they had free vodka shots for girls on Saturdays. How cool right? Yeah I know I'm underage for drinking but who cares. We also had fake ids, who doesn't?

I pulled up at the club after ten minutes and stepped outside.

"Yo Scar long time no see." The bouncer, Stan said when we walked up to the entrance. Mostly many of the people there knew me, I used to go there with my 'friends' all the time.

"How are you Stan?" I asked him he just shrugged and flashed a toothy grin. Brad and Cole followed me inside with puzzled looks.

"I'm famous." I told them when the door opened and music came blasting from inside deafening my ears. Ouch.

"Let's go get some drinks." Cole yelled for us to hear properly. We nodded and pushed our way to the bar. People were dancing like maniacs, drunk their asses off. It was always a fun sight to see.

"Scar!" Jimmy beamed when he saw me. Jimmy was the bartender in the club,who knew me as well. I hi-fived him and he pushed a vodka shot in my direction. I grinned and took it from him.

"Jim these are my friends, Cole and Bradley." I told him. He smiled and shook hands with them before taking their orders for the drinks. I bobbed my head to the music swirling around in my chair. When the drinks arrived, the guys and I poured down the vodka into our mouths in one gulp, I cringed at the taste. I had done this before but it certainly burns my throat every time. I raised my index finger for one more and Jim got it for me and so did the guys. In fifteen minutes, we all were drunk.

"Let's dance!" I announced, giggling and dragged them both to the dance floor. We all danced between the crowd laughing at each other when we did something stupid like Cole threatening to kiss Brad in the middle of the club. Yeah, we had gone crazy. Pushing my way through the crowd, I climbed up to the small stage between the club before starting to dance on the song that was indeed making me deaf.

Everyone cheered as I swayed my body to the beats, becoming completely at ease. I had never had so much of fun in my life. Every time I came to clubs, I would drink moderately so I was pretty sober to drive back home myself but today I was totally drunk, without caring about anything. I was finally happy as I had amazing friends. I didn't notice when both of them joined me and we danced away struggling to keep standing straight since the stage was a bit small for

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