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emotion by walking nearly a mile without saying a word. He was stunned. He had supported himself up till now by the thought that, frightful as the expense of entertaining Jill as a guest might be, the outlay was a good sporting speculation if she intended buying house-property in the neighbourhood. The realization that he was down to the extent of a week’s breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, with nothing to show for it, appalled him. There had been a black morning some years before when Mr. Mariner had given a waiter a ten-dollar bill in mistake for a one. As he had felt then, on discovering his error when it was too late to retrieve it, so did he feel now.

“Twenty dollars!” he exclaimed, at the end of the mile.

“Twenty dollars,” said Jill,

“But your father was a rich man.” Mr. Mariner’s voice was high and plaintive. “He made a fortune over here before he went to England.”

“It’s all gone. I got nipped,” said Jill, who was finding a certain amount of humor in the situation, “in Amalgamated Dyes.”

“Amalgamated Dyes?”

“They’re something,” explained Jill, “that people get nipped in.”

Mr Mariner digested this.

“You speculated?” he gasped.


“You shouldn’t have been allowed to do it,” said Mr Mariner warmly. “Major Selby—your uncle ought to have known better than to allow you.”

“Yes, oughtn’t he,” said Jill demurely.

There was another silence, lasting for about a quarter of a mile.

“Well, it’s a bad business,” said Mr Mariner.

“Yes,” said Jill. “I’ve felt that myself.”

The result of this conversation was to effect a change in the atmosphere of Sandringham. The alteration in the demeanor of people of parsimonious habit, when they discover that the guest they are entertaining is a pauper and not, as they had supposed, an heiress, is subtle but well-marked. In most cases, more well-marked than subtle. Nothing was actually said, but there are thoughts that are almost as audible as words. A certain suspense seemed to creep into the air, as happens when a situation has been reached which is too poignant to last. Greek Tragedy affects the reader with the same sense of over-hanging doom. Things, we feel, cannot go on as they are.

That night, after dinner, Mrs Mariner asked Jill to read to her.

“Print tries my eyes so, dear,” said Mrs Mariner. It was a small thing, but it had the significance of that little cloud that arose out of the sea like a man’s hand. Jill appreciated the portent. She was, she perceived, to make herself useful.

“Of course I will,” she said cordially. “What would you me to read?”

She hated reading aloud. It always made her throat sore, and her eye skipped to the end of each page and took the interest out of it long before the proper time. But she proceeded bravely, for her conscience was troubling her. Her sympathy was divided equally between these unfortunate people who had been saddled with an undesired visitor and herself who had been placed in a position at which every independent nerve in her rebelled. Even as a child she had loathed being under obligations to strangers or those whom she did not love.

“Thank you, dear,” said Mrs Mariner, when Jill’s voice had roughened to a weary croak. “You read so well.” She wrestled ineffectually with her handkerchief against the cold in the head from which she always suffered. “It would be nice if you would do it every night, don’t you think? You have no idea how tired print makes my eyes.”

On the following morning after breakfast, at the hour when she had hitherto gone house-hunting with Mr Mariner, the child Tibby, of whom up till now she had seen little except at meals, presented himself to her, coated and shod for the open and regarding her with a dull and phlegmatic gaze.

“Ma says will you please take me for a nice walk!”

Jill’s heart sank. She loved children, but Tibby was not an ingratiating child. He was a Mr Mariner in little. He had the family gloom. It puzzled Jill sometimes why this branch of the family should look on life with so jaundiced an eye. She remembered her father as a cheerful man, alive to the small humors of life.

“All right, Tibby. Where shall we go?”

“Ma says we must keep on the roads and I mustn’t slide.”

Jill was thoughtful during the walk. Tibby, who was no conversationalist, gave her every opportunity for meditation. She perceived that in the space of a few hours she had sunk in the social scale. If there was any difference between her position and that of a paid nurse and companion, it lay in the fact that she was not paid. She looked about her at the grim countryside, gave a thought to the chill gloom of the house to which she was about to return, and her heart sank.

Nearing home, Tibby vouchsafed his first independent observation.

“The hired man’s quit!”

“Has he?”

“Yep. Quit this morning.”

It had begun to snow. They turned and made their way back to the house. The information she had received did not cause Jill any great apprehension. It was hardly likely that her new duties would include the stoking of the furnace. That and cooking appeared to be the only acts about the house which were outside her present sphere of usefulness.

“He killed a rat once in the wood-shed with an axe,” said Tibby chattily. “Yessir! Chopped it right in half, and it bled!”

“Look at the pretty snow falling on the trees,” said Jill faintly.

At breakfast next morning, Mrs Mariner having sneezed, made a suggestion.

“Tibby, darling, wouldn’t it be nice if you and cousin Jill played a game of pretending you were pioneers in the Far West?”

“What’s a pioneer?” enquired Tibby, pausing in the middle of an act of violence on a plate of oatmeal.

“The pioneers were the early settlers in this country, dear. You have read about them in your history book. They endured a great many hardships, for life was very rough for them, with no railroads or anything. I think it would be a nice game to play this morning.”

Tibby looked at Jill. There was doubt in his eye. Jill returned his gaze sympathetically. One thought was in both their minds.

“There is a string to this!” said Tibby’s eye.

“Exactly what I think!” said Jill’s.

Mrs Mariner sneezed again.

“You would have lots of fun,” she said.

“What’ud we do?” asked Tibby cautiously. He had been this way before. Only last Summer, on his mother’s suggestion that he should pretend he was a ship-wrecked sailor on a desert island, he had perspired through a whole afternoon cutting the grass in front of the house to make a ship-wrecked sailor’s simple bed.

“I know,” said Jill. “We’ll pretend we’re pioneers stormbound in their log cabin in the woods, and the wolves are howling outside, and they daren’t go out, so they make a lovely big fire and sit in front of it and read.”

“And eat candy,” suggested Tibby, warming to the idea.

“And eat candy,” agreed Jill.

Mrs Mariner frowned.

“I was going to suggest,” she said frostily, “that you shovelled the snow away from the front steps!”

“Splendid!” said Jill. “Oh, but I forgot. I want to go to the village first.”

“There will be plenty of time to do it when you get back.”

“All right. I’ll do it when I get back.”

It was a quarter of an hour’s walk to the village. Jill stopped at the post-office.

“Could you tell me,” she asked, “when the next train is to New York?”

“There’s one at ten-ten,” said the woman, behind the window. “You’ll have to hurry.”

“I’ll hurry!” said Jill.


Doctors, laying down the law in their usual confident way, tell us that the vitality of the human body is at its lowest at two o’clock in the morning: and that it is then, as a consequence, that the mind is least able to contemplate the present with equanimity, the future with fortitude, and the past without regret. Every thinking man, however, knows that this is not so. The true zero hour, desolate, gloom-ridden, and specter-haunted, occurs immediately before dinner while we are waiting for that cocktail. It is then that, stripped for a brief moment of our armor of complacency and self-esteem, we see ourselves as we are,—frightful chumps in a world where nothing goes right; a gray world in which, hoping to click, we merely get the raspberry; where, animated by the best intentions, we nevertheless succeed in perpetrating the scaliest bloomers and landing our loved ones neck-deep in the gumbo.

So reflected Freddie Rooke, that priceless old bean, sitting disconsolately in an arm-chair at the Drones Club about two weeks after Jill’s departure from England, waiting for his friend Algy Martyn to trickle in and give him dinner.

Surveying Freddie, as he droops on his spine in the yielding leather, one is conscious of one’s limitations as a writer. Gloom like his calls for the pen of a master. Zola could have tackled it nicely. Gorky might have made a stab at it. Dostoievsky would have handled it with relish. But for oneself the thing is too vast. One cannot wangle it. It intimidates. It would have been bad enough in any case, for Algy Martyn was late as usual and it always gave Freddie the pip to have to wait for dinner: but what made it worse was the fact that the Drones was not one of Freddie’s clubs and so, until the blighter Algy arrived, it was impossible for him to get his cocktail. There he sat, surrounded by happy, laughing young men, each grasping a glass of the good old mixture-as-before, absolutely unable to connect. Some of them, casual acquaintances, had nodded to him, waved, and gone on lowering the juice,—a spectacle which made Freddie feel much as the wounded soldier would have felt if Sir Philip Sidney, instead of offering him the cup of water, had placed it to his own lips and drained it with a careless “Cheerio!” No wonder Freddie experienced the sort of abysmal soul-sadness which afflicts one of Tolstoi’s Russian peasants when, after putting in a heavy day’s work strangling his father, beating his wife, and dropping the baby into the city reservoir, he turns to the cupboard, only to find the vodka-bottle empty.

Freddie gave himself up to despondency: and, as always in these days when he was mournful, he thought of Jill. Jill’s sad case was a continual source of mental anguish to him. From the first he had blamed himself for the breaking-off of her engagement with Derek. If he had not sent the message to Derek from the police-station, the latter would never have known about their arrest, and all would have been well. And now, a few days ago, had come the news of her financial disaster, with its attendant complications.

It had descended on Freddie like a thunderbolt through the medium of Ronny Devereux.

“I say,” Ronny had said, “have you heard the latest? Your pal, Underhill, has broken off his engagement with Jill Mariner.”

“I know; rather rotten, what!”

“Rotten? I should say so! It isn’t done. I mean to say, chap can’t chuck a girl just because she’s lost her money. Simply isn’t on the board, old man!”

“Lost her money? What do you mean?”

Ronny was surprised. Hadn’t Freddie heard? Yes, absolute fact. He had it from the best authority. Didn’t know how it had happened and all that, but Jill Mariner had gone completely bust; Underhill had given her the miss-in-baulk; and the poor girl had legged it, no one knew where. Oh, Freddie had met her and she had told him she was going to America? Well, then, legged it to America. But the point was that the swine Underhill had handed her the mitten just because she was broke, and that was what Ronny thought so bally rotten. Broker a girl is, Ronny meant to say, more a fellow should stick to her.

“But—” Freddie rushed to his hero’s defence. “But it wasn’t that at all. Something quite different. I mean, Derek didn’t even know Jill had lost her money. He broke the engagement because …” Freddie stopped short. He didn’t want everybody to know of that rotten arrest business, as they infallibly would if he confided in Ronny Devereux. Sort of thing he would never hear the last of. “He broke it off because of something quite different.”

“Oh, yes!” said Ronny skeptically.

“But he did, really!”

Ronny shook his head.

“Don’t you believe it, old son. Don’t you believe it. Stands to reason it must have been because the poor girl was broke. You wouldn’t have done it and I wouldn’t have done it, but Underhill did, and that’s all there is to it. I mean, a tick’s a tick, and there’s nothing more to say. Well, I know he’s been a pal of yours, Freddie, but, next time I meet him, by Jove,

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