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Book online «A FLINTSTONE COMIC by Ren'e Allistar (best books to read fiction TXT) 📖». Author Ren'e Allistar

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he’d go back to Toxzar or wherever he’s from,” Barney said. Fred agreed.

“What could possibly possess them to say such hateful things about me?” Gazoo said as tears filled his eyes. His head hurt. “Well fine! I’ll leave without even saying one word to them!” he yelled now making his head pound even worse.

He was so mad after he disappeared he made a tree fall over onto Fred and Barney.

Gazoo popped into the living room, all packed, to see if they were around. He was awaiting Gazam’s new orders.

But when he saw Fred and Barney sitting on the sofa he disappeared. “Gazoo get back here!” Fred yelled. He had seen a green blur then nothing. So Gazoo appeared. Only his head.

“The rest of you, if you please,” said Fred. So Gazoo reappeared, all of him.

“We would like to have a word with you Gazoo,” Barney then said. So Gazoo floated over to him.

“I take it the game didn't go as you planned,” Gazoo now spoke. He had a feeling it didn't. That something had happened. Nothing ever went as it should of when he had to use his powers.

“What game? We never saw it because you gave us tickets for so far away, we had to sit in a park next doOR!” Fred now blew.

“Well,” sighed Gazoo now. “At least I tried.”

“Gazoo, we don’t think you should use those powers of yours. They just won't work right,” Barney told him. Gazoo started to cry. He just couldn't keep it inside anymore.

“Gee Gazoo, I, I, didn't mean,” Barney began.

“What’s wrong Gazoo?” Fred asked now concerned. This was not like the little man to get all bent out of shape over a stupid game again, like the last time. Surely he knew that yes, he and Barney could get mad and blow up, but they never really meant anything by it.

Then Fred got to thinking. At times he knew he could be too harsh. There was that other game incident that happened about a year ago and Wilma several times told him he was nothing but a grouch.

He didn't mean to be. It just happened sometimes. Barney noticed that Gazoo didn't look so good.

Gazoo sat sighing. He then told them it wasn't so much the game. That Gazam told him it wasn't working out and he had to leave.

“Gee Gazoo, we don’t want you to go. Your powers yes, but not you. Can’t Gazam zap you powerless or something? Then you could stay here,” Fred suggested.

“I wish it were that simple Fred but no, he is reassigning me elsewhere,” Gazoo told him.

Gazoo was so touched by their warmth this time around, but boy he sure didn't feel well. Barney told him he felt hot. Must be running a fever.

“I have a cold,” Gazoo told them.

“Well, you can stay inside tonight with Barney and me. Our wives are on some kind of mother, daughter retreat for the weekend, and Betty too went, taking Bam-Bam,” Fred told him.


Poor Gazoo. He just got worse and worse. His congestion was so awful. Fred gave him a pill to help his cold. It ended up knocking him out so strong that when Gazam contacted him on Fred’s TV, they couldn't get him to wake up.

“Uh, Gazam Sir,” Fred began.

“Who are you?” Gazam insisted.

“I‘m Fred Flintstone, the dumb-dumb Gazoo serves. He can’t come to the phone right now. He’s uh, sick with a cold. I gave him a pill to help, and it knocked him out,” Fred explained.

Gazam was a bit short fused. “Well, when Gazoo wakes up you tell him to contact Gazam at once,” he honked.

“Will do, your High uh person,” Fred said. Gazam signed off.

Gazoo’s cold was so severe that every time he sneezed now, something would appear in the house.

“Gazoo you’ve got to stop that. Our wives will be home by tomorrow night,” Fred whined.

“You’ve got to zap away all this stuff,” Barney honked.

“Our wives will have a fitI” Fred barked.

“I can’t,” Gazoo said. Gazoo’s powers were all messed up because of his cold. Fred and Barney had to haul all the stuff out.

They gave a garage sale. “Hey this was a good idea Barney. We’re raking in the dough,” Fred boomed as he held a wad of money in his hand. Gazoo sneezed and this couch appeared. He sneezed again and now was a matching lamp. Sneeze, a TV. Sneeze, a fur coat. Barney took the lamp and coat outside. But at the rate Gazoo was a sneezing, the house was going to be all full again soon.

“Barney, you have any cold pills left?” Fred asked. He was out. They had to get Gazoo’s nose quieted down. Barney didn't have any so he went to the drug store to get some.

“Better give more than the recommended dose. Our wives are going to be home in 4 hours,” Fred gripped.

So Barney gave Gazoo 2 pills instead of one. The bottle said children only one pill, adults 2, but Gazoo was so small that the first time they gave him only one pill, so now they decided to give 2.

Gazoo was still sneezing stuff into existence. Before the pills started to kick in, the last thing he sneezed was an elephant. Fred was hysterical. “Barney our wives will be here soon and I‘m stuck with a jumbo elephant in my living room!” Fred harped.

Dino was so scared of it he ran and hid under the bed. Gazoo began having side effects from the pills. His eyes turned all colors of the rainbow, and he began to float all around the house, spaced out. In a type of stupor. At least the sneezing stopped.

“Anyone care to buy an elephant?” Fred asked the people looking at his garage sale. He had sold most of the stuff in the last 4 hours, but the elephant he had no luck.

This man came into his house. He was a circus owner. He couldn't believe the sign he’d read outside, about Fred selling an elephant.

“Just so happens I need an elephant. Oh my, he’s a big one,” the man said.

“Oh? Er, you need an elephant you say?” Fred perked up.

“Yeah. How much you asking for it?” the man asked.

“Er, I’ve gotten several offers. How much you willing to give?” Fred asked.

Barney was afraid he’d screw up and they’d never sell it. “Fred just take what he offers,” he whispered.

“I’ll sell him to you,” Fred then replied coming to his senses.

Poor Gazoo, the pills wore off, and just as Fred had the house all cleared away, and all the previous stuff sold, Gazoo began to refill it with his sneezing again.

“Get him out of my house!” Fred hollered.

“Fred, where will he go? Gazoo’s so sick,” Barney protested.

“Maybe he needs a doctor or something,” Barney told him further. Just as he’d said it Gazoo passed out and fell at his feet.

“You take him to your house!” Fred insisted.

“Fine! I will!” Barney yelled back. He picked up the poor little alien and carried him away in a blanket he’d wrapped him up in.

“How am I going to get rid of all this stuff? Wilma will be here any second!” Fred hooped. A hippo upchucked on the carpet then. “Swell,” Fred complied.

“Fred Flintstone!” Wilma barked as soon as she entered the house. “You’d better have a good explanation Fred! And why are all these animals in my house? That hippo has ruined my mother’s good rug!” Wilma blew.

“I was having a petting zoo for the neighborhood kids. To make a little extra money on the side,” Fred lied.

“All this had better be gone when I get back from Mother’s! I’ll be staying there with Pebbles for a few day’s!” she said fed up. She then left.

Fred would have another garage sale tomorrow and he called the city zoo to see if they’d have any use in some extra animals. The zoo said sure, they always were needing extras.


“Barney, I, I n,need you to, to g-get me something from t, the s-ship,” Gazoo regained consciousness long enough to tell him, after Barney put the little guy to bed out in his garage.

It was dry and warm for him. “Your real sick huh Gazoo,” Barney replied.

“I, I’m afraid it, it’s Lora, Lorimec F-fever,” Gazoo told him.

“Lora-what?” Barney replied.

“Lorimec Fever. I, I’m a-afraid it’s very s-serious Barney. I, if you do, don’t g-get me the m, medicine for it, I- I could, be a g, goner,” Gazoo told him, his teeth chattering so bad from the awful chills he was having.

“I-if this fever doesn't break I, I’ll be p-pushing u, up daisies,” Gazoo said.

“Uh, what does your medicine look like, Gazoo?” Barney asked. But Gazoo was out cold again. “Gazoo!” Barney boomed.

Barney knew he had to hurry. He remembered where he and Fred had buried Gazoo’s ship. He drove out to where the site was and with a shovel, dug it up.

“Barney, Barney where are you going?” Betty wanted to know as he drove away.

Barney dug up the ship and looked inside. He noticed a medical kit. He read the information about Lorimec Fever inside. He then raced back to the garage with the kit.

Lorimec Fever was a type of bacteria. Barney filled a water bottle with very cold water and ice cubes and placed it over Gazoo’s forehead. “Come on Gazoo, wake up. I need to know how to give this to you,” he said shaking him.

He opened up his sick little eyes. He was wacky in the head because of the fever. “Where’s Galazera?” he asked.

“Who?” Barney replied.

“I saw her. What’s she doing here?” Gazoo asked. He began looking all around wildly.

“Who’s Galasareara?” Barney asked.

Gazoo would of laughed if he didn't feel so sick by the funny way that dumb human had pronounced his precious' name all wrong.

“Galazera is my wife,” Gazoo said.

“I didn't know you had a wife, Gazoo,” Barney told him.

“Barney, you get the medicine?” Gazoo asked snapping out of it a little. His fever was lower, for now, because of the cold ice cubes covering him.

“Right here,” Barney replied showing it.

“F-fill up the syringe w,with 10CCs of the medication,” Gazoo instructed.

So Barney did. Barney hoped Gazoo was in his right head good enough to tell him the right dose to give. He then gave the shot to Gazoo.

Gazoo then slept. His fever broke that night.

“How’s the little guy doing, Barney?” Fred asked as he entered the garage then.

“He should be ok now that I gave him some medicine he told me to get him out from his ship,” Barney replied.

“I didn't realize just how sick he was I guess,” Fred admitted frowning.

“Oh, you guess? He could of died Fred! A lot you did to help,” Barney let into him then.

“I’m sorry Barney,” Fred replied feeling like a first class heel.

“Yeah well, did you get rid of all the stuff?” Barney asked.

“I er, told Wilma a friend wanted me to try to sell his stuff because he had to move away in a hurry, and that he had a petting zoo,” Fred said then chuckled.

“Did she buy it?” Barney asked.

“No,” Fred laughed. “I had to haul the stuff off at the dump. At least the zoo was able to take the animals, but I had to pay them to haul them off,” Fred said. He laughed until he began to cry.


Gazoo improved but still didn't wake up. “You think he’s really alright Barney?” Fred asked.

“Yeah. It just took a lot out of him is all,” Barney replied.

“We’ll let him rest,” Fred said. He and Barney then went to work.


Gazoo woke up. Looked around. “Where am I?” he asked confused.

He zipped into the air. “I’m in a garage,” he spoke.

“Oh, I hope I didn't cause too much damage when I was sick,” he worried.


“Hi Gazoo,” Pebbles greeted happy to see him after he came out from Rubble's garage. They hugged. He grew sad remembering. He sure was going to miss this half pint that's for sure.



She was playing in the backyard. She was almost 4 now. She and Bam-Bam were

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