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Book online «Deep Secrets by Selena (ready player one ebook .TXT) 📖». Author Selena

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"Why not?"
"Because! I don't know you, I don't know how bad your injury is, and people don't go around letting strangers stay with them."
"Why not?" She seemed genuinely perplexed by my answers.
"Good lord," I grumbled, and got to my feet. "Evidently you were on some sort of mission for your country, or else why would you have been in the woods." And then, it struck me, perhaps she wasn't purposely being difficult, maybe she had amnesia or something. I let out a slow sigh. "Whoever you are, you need to get back home. Wherever your home is."

The girl on the bed stared past me and out the window, as if seeing something in the far- off reaches of her mind. Her face bore an expression that was vaguely sad and weary.
"Home is whatever I am at the moment."
"That bump on your head must have caused some brain damage," I muttered, feeling frustrated. The girl look back at me. I pinned her with a hard, determined look. "If I can't get my cell phone to work or the Jeep, as soon as Allison arrives, we'll take you to the city. We'll drop you off at the first gas station, hospital, library, or whatever you'd like, and you can take it from there. Call whoever you want,but you are not staying here." My last words were firm. I walked to the door, but in a heartbeat, the girl got out of bed and held me against the wall. She looked pissed and I swear that I saw her eyes glow.

"Let me out of here!" My voice was no longer held in a calm tone it had moments earlier Now I was only afraid, wanting to flee. Even if I had to run town, then so be it. This girl was scaring the hell out of me.
"You will stay here. I will also stay here until I contact them." I pressed myself flat against the door, wishing I could blend in with the grain of the wood and escape this intimidating girl.
"Ok. Calm down."
The girl stepped back and said "Sit back down. Now!!" On trembling legs, I obeyed, sinking into the chair, my gaze fixed on the towering figure. She watched my every move.
"You aren't going to hurt me, are you?" I asked. I couldn't help the small catch in my voice. When I had come to this lone mountain hideaway, I had indeed wanted to turn my life around, though being held prisoner by some sort of fast lunatic wasn't what I'd had in mind!! My visitor appeared to have used up most of her energy, and slumped down onto the bed. Still those big eyes of hers never left mines, pinning me in place as tightly as any set of binding ropes.

"No. I don't intend to hurt you."
"Then what do you want?" My gaze darted around the room, looking for a way out. There was none.

She sighed, leaning her head back against the headboard and closing her eyes before looking at me again. "I do not wish for you to be frightened of me. I mean you no harm."
Her legs were stretched out on the bed, and she was only clothed in the torn dress. I again chastised myself for finding her body so distracting when she was holding me captive in my own home.

"How can you expect me not to be frightened? You're keeping me here against my will and using some sort of powers to do it." My next words came out in a strangled whisper.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?"


I bit my lower lip. I look away from the guy and looked around the room. should I trust him? I can't let my guard down. I look back at the guy. He did save my life. How do I know if he captured me? He can't be one of us. He just a human. A part of me want to tell him, but another part of me don't. If I don't tell him, he won't help me get back to the wolf pack. 'sigh' I guess I just have to trust him.

I smooth my hair out my face. "If I tell you, you will probably think that I am crazy." I said.
"No I won't." he said. I rose a eyebrow and stared at him. From the way he was looking at me, he looked like he might run.
"Fine... But you can't tell nobody about this."
"Like I said, I'm not going to hurt you. I just need your help."
"For what?"
I look down on at my hands. "I need you to help me get back to my wolf pack." I look back at the guy. He look at me like I was crazy.

"You got to be kidding me."
"I'm not. I'm telling you the truth."
"So you telling me that you have a wolf pack. You mean you have wolves as a pet."
I rolled my eyes. "No. When I say a wolf pack, I really mean a wolf pack."
"Are you telling me that you are a..a.."
"Yes. I'm a werewolf." The guys face start getting pale.
"I'm serious. Tell me the real truth."
"I am."
The guy stood up. "Werewolves are not real!"
"Calm down."
"How can I calm down, and you just told me that you are a werewolf." I stood up and slapped him in the face.
"Calm down."
The guy sat back down. "Sorry. I needed that slap." I felt so weak. I used too much energy. My legs gave up and I sat back down on the bed. I moved back to the head rest of the bed and leaned onto it. I look at the guy.
"So what?"
"Are you going to help me?"
"How do I know if your not lying to me?
"You want proof?"
"Of course I want proof."
I frowned. "Fine! I'll show you proof."

I closed my eyes and tried gather up enough energy. Even though I closed my eyes, I still didn't let down my guard. After I gathered enough energy, I stood up.

I felt sick, no I felt as if I'd been stabbed several times and left to die. Suddenly a sharp cold pain inflicted itself upon me. The bones in my body fell apart leaving me in agony, but it was worse. They were constantly shifting. I got used to shifting, so I got used to the pain. Suddenly advanced detail came into my sight, I could hear for miles. My face had become not mine, but a wolf's. Hair spurted all over my body, my fingernails grew into deadly weapons. My spine arched forcing me on to the ground. I let out a screech, then turned into a howl. My mind was not my own, it was that of a killing beast.


I stared at the girl in shock as I see her shift into a wolf. Her eyes was glowing. I stood up and moved back. When the transformation was done, she tracked my every move. I took another step back. She growled. She jumped toward me, landed on top of me, and she snapped her fangs at me. I turned my head to the side, so she won't bite at my face. Wow, she is so strong.

"Ok! Ok! Please don't kill me. I believe you! Now, change back! Please!" I yelled. My heart was beating so fast. The girl/ wolf growled, but she stepped back. I scoot back against the wall. Carefully, I stood up and slowly started walking to the door. She watched me as I kept moving and growled. I stopped when I heard someone knocking at the front door. The girl turned to the bedroom door and started howling.

"Shhh! I thought you didn't want to be caught? I'll get rid of them. Just calm down and don't make a sound." I said. She stop howling, but kept looking at the door. I went to the door, opened it, and left out the room. I closed the bedroom door, ran to the front door, and opened it. It was my older sister, Allison. Shoot! I forgot that she said she were coming over today. Allison is 25 years old with a 3 year old daughter, Katy. This time, she didn't have Katy with her. Allison smiled and brought in the groceries.

"Hi Kyle. You seem surprise to see me." she said. Allison took the groceries into the kitchen.

"Yeah. I wasn't expecting you to be here this early." I said as I followed her to the kitchen. Allison stopped unpacking the groceries and stared at me.
"Yesterday, I told you I was coming over and it is not early. It is 12:30 in the afternoon."
"Oh." Allison looked at me suspiciously, but shrugged her shoulders and start packing again. While Allison was unpacking the groceries, I would look back at my bedroom. After Allison was finished unpacking the groceries and put them away, she looked at me.

"Did you buy a dog?"
I tried to act as calmly as I can. "No. Why you ask?"
"When I knocked on your door, I heard howling from inside your house. So I was wondering..."
"Oh. I'm just watching over a dog for someone."
"Awww. That's so sweet of you Kyle. Is it a girl or a boy?"
"A girl."
"Can I see her?"
"No!" I said quickly. Allison rose a eyebrow at me.
"Why not?"
"She don't like strangers." I said the first thing that came into my mind, "If I let her out, she might bite."
"Oh. I don't want that. Well I have to pick up Katy from the babysitters."
"Ok. Tell her that I said 'hi'" I grabbed Allison's purse and gave it to her.
"Wow. You in a rush to get rid of me." I could see hurt in her eyes.
"Sorry. I have to take care of an errand."
Allison smiled. "Oh. Ok. Next time when I come, I'll bring Katy."
"I can't wait." I smiled back. I walked Allison to the door and hugged her.
"Bye Kyle." Allison walked to her car, got in, and drove off. I shut the door and went in front of my bedroom door. I hesitated as I grabbed the door knob. What if she was still in her wolf form? What if she going to attack me again? I guess I have to wait and see.

I slowly opened the door, trying to be careful. I didn't hear her growl or howling. 'sigh' I open

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