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Book online «Evan by LadeeTai (popular ebook readers .txt) 📖». Author LadeeTai

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of with the towel I dried myself with. Brushing my teeth I stared at myself for a bit. Slight pudge of a stomach not to pudgy though, big breasts. (Thanks mom) clit piercing that was clearly visible. I told Robbie over the phone. After what seemed like fifteen minutes he said, “I don’t believe you, can I see it.” Needless to say he still doesn’t believe me. I looked at my ass, “nice”

I nodded. I slipped on a black thong, black leggings and a long sleeved soft green shirt. (My favorite color is green) along with brown boots. It was chilly outside. By now it was 6:45am and school started at 7:25. Applying mascara, a light green eye shadow and a small bit of pink lip gloss my make up was complete. Today I decided to wear just my nose and two huge golden hoop earrings (Way to go with outrageous jewelry). Grabbing my backpack I walked down the steps. My mom is usually sleep and does not get up till 8am. I made myself cereal. Once I had finished it was 7:02. I heard Robbie honking from outside. I went out the front door locking it. The air was cold and hit me in the face, the clear blue sky was beautiful but I wanted the heat of the car. I climbed into Robbie’s black impala and he pulled off once I had shut the door. School was about ten minutes away. Robbie drove over to Laurens as we talked. Less than three minutes later Lauren came out the house. I was too busy reading my phone to notice ,but I heard Robbie groan. I immediately looked up and saw that Lauren looked very pretty. She climbed in the back. ,”Hey Robbie, Hey Evvie.” She leaned over and hugged both of us. Robbie timidly hugged back as he pulled out of her drive way heading to school. ,”Evvie, please tell me you are going to Justin’s party with me?”, her cute wide eyes pleading and questioning. ,”We can go Laurie, and ahh! Shit stop that.” I said laughing. She squealed, “YES!”. Robbie just shook his head pulling into the school parking lot. ,”See you guys here at 3:00 Robbie spoke clearly before turning the car off and heading inside the school. Lauren and I stepped out the car almost as suddenly as Robbie left. My first class is math; I think there should be a law about having math to early in the day. First of all your tired and you are basically waking up instead of learning during the first hour. If you’re you not lucky enough to wake up, like me. You’re at a loss. Lauren tapped me,” I heard we have a substitute today, No Mr. Sanders today.” Lauren spoke evenly. As we strolled down the hallway in the direction of her locker. Lauren smiled at some body and returned a wave back. ,”Good.” I replied. Mr. Sanders was partially the reason why I wasn’t good in math. He was a middle age man, who had a “comb over” You know when your balding on the top and yet, you have enough hair at the sides to pull four strands up to cover the bald spot. Yup. It may not be the best reason but trust me; it’s enough of a reason. Lauren opened her locker taking out our math bath. An orange book that literally had four hundred pages complete with index. Lauren groaned shifting it from right arm to left arm as she closed her locker. ,”It would be so much easier if they could summarize everything.” Lauren said as we made our way to our first class. I chuckled. Lauren and I had two classes together; Math was our first hour than I’d see her in 5th hour once lunch was over. Lauren suddenly skidded over the lump that was lodged under the ugly purple and blue carpet that was in every classroom in the school. I hadn’t noticed quick enough to take action, so I ran smack into her back. The domino effect took its toll as she fell ;her purse flew up in the air upside down spewing out all of its contents. The big orange math book was so heavy it instantly hit the floor sliding across and toward the teacher. Lauren hit the floor and I fell on top of her my book bag somehow flew high enough to hit one of the lights and completely knock out the bulb. Lauren laughed hysterically along with me as I fell smack on top of her. That lump had been there every class for the past two months, how in the hell did we forget that? The teacher wide eyed stared speechless, as we laughed. ,”Nice going Lauren and Evan.” Somebody shouted form the back and the class up roared with laughter. This was definitely gonna be a long day.
I chewed the eraser on the end of pencil trying to melt into the carpet hoping Mrs. Wells wouldn’t call on me. I had this English class with Dylan and out of the corner of my eye I saw the smirk on his face growing to a full fledge smile. I could kill him if she somehow noticed me because of him. Suddenly; ,”Evan, Can you please give us the answer?” Mrs. Wells said her voice rising another octave on the last word . “You know I don’t know it..”

I thought to myself. Mrs. Wells; Green eyes, brown hair, tall and very chubby with pale skin. I sighed forgetting I had been chewing on my eraser. I choked swallowing some of it. ,”What was the question again?” I asked hoping the sheer annoyance in my voice would make her back down. Nope. She only walked closer to my desk. If only I could fall into the floor right now. ,” Miss Lake, I don’t like repeating myself. You need to pay attention. You don’t even have your book open.” And with that Mrs. Wells just shook her head and walked to the board to jot something down as she continued her lesson. I heard Amber Gray snicker behind me as she said ,”Wow! TOTAL bitch.” I started laughing until I realized she had said it loud enough for everyone to hear, including Mrs. Wells. “MISS LAKE, MISS GRAY. Office. NOW!” she snapped at both of us without turning around. I mumbled under my breath as Amber and I shrugged our backpacks on. Amber pushed the door opened and I followed.,” Wow, she is so stupid..UGH!” Amber said loud enough for the empty hall way to echo. I looked at her nodding in agreement. We had finally reached the office. Before I could turn the door knob, a guy with curly blue hair pulled the door open; almost knocking into me and Amber. I jumped back. ,”Sorry.” He said without looking up as he hurriedly walked out the doors of the school. I only shook my head letting amber go in first. We both slumped in the hard chair in front of the principles secretary. Katelyn; Pretty blonde lady with hazel eyes. She was shuffling through a couple folders in the cabinet situated next to her desk, folding a manila folder back she began typing something into the computer while jotting something down on the papers that were neatly stacked on top of the folder. ,”Amber, Evan. I’m tired of seeing you two. Every day, it’s the same thing. If I see you two one more time, I’m giving you both detention for one month. Who was it this time? You know what never mind, When the bell rings for 4th hour, I want you both out of here, I’m tired of seeing your faces.” She said without even looking up. She printed something out and handed Amber a piece of paper as she handed me one too. It was a behavior sheet;
Student Behavioral and Detention Slip

Student has failed to improve his/her behavior. She/He must abide by the consequence given or parent or guardian will be reached. Student- Evan Lake

, Has failed to do what was asked. Consequence(s) is/are as followed;

( A.) Detention

B. Call to parent/guardian C. Meeting with principle. D. Other__________________________
Student Signature_______________
Parent Signature ________________
Faculty/Teacher/Principle Signature________________
“Sign it, and if you keep it up, I will be sure to get those other signatures” Katelyn spoke with ease and authority somehow. Amber and I both signed handing back both papers as the bell rang shortly . Amber and I stepped out the office, entering the cafeteria now. We both separated waving good-byes to each other. I skimmed the caf looking for Lauren, Dylan, and Robbie. They never sat in the same spot. Giving up I stood in the lunch line. The lunch menu was tacked into the side of the wall. I decided on the chicken salad surprise.My eyes gazed back into the cafeteria; It was huge. It was fitting its full capacity of three-hundred and fifty students. All of the tables were a horrid brown color but at least they were sturdy. I normally got along with everyone except for a few. I’m not popular but most people knew me by nickname or name. I looked around for Lauren. I still didn’t see her. I looked up as I grabbed a tray asking the lunch lady for the chicken salad surprise. I saw nothing different about the salad. I shrugged finally deciding to sit by Justin. He was sitting with a couple cheerleaders and jocks. We all got along nicely except for Justin’s two groupies; Nina and Tiffany. Nina had slept with most of the jocks including Justin. Tiffany on the other hand was sleeping with Justin and pretending that Nina wasn’t sleeping with him too. Why Lauren liked him I didn’t know. I sat my tray down. ,”Hey Evvie, everyone said in unison excluding Tiffany and Nina. I smiled slapping high fives and giving hugs. ,”Hey have you guys seen Lauren?” I asked chewing on the chicken I had put in my mouth. ,”The hot Asian chick?” said Brent with a sparkle in his deep-sea blue eyes. ,”She’s Japanese, and yes, the hot chick.” I said with air quotes. ,”Awe, Laurie went to the nurse after you guys ate all that carpet.” Leah said giggling. Everybody laughed a little. ,”Wow, I hope I didn’t facture anything when I fell on her.” I twisted my mouth a little running a finger through my hair. ,”Evvie, you looked so hot with your long red hair, I don’t know why you cut it. Remember when everybody use to call you red instead of Evan.” Sarah spoke this time, she had been in the same grade as me since 2nd grade. ,”Wow, you remember that far back, that was years ago.” I said looking at her intently as I stuffed more chicken salad in my mouth. ,”Oh god, Evz I’m going to throw up if you keep eating that.”Justin said his eyes staring in horror and disgust at my chicken salad surprise. Sarah ignored his comment. ,”Yeah, how could you forget? You were the only girl in the class with fire engine red hair to your waist. ,”The surprise is pee with artificial flavoring.” I heard somebody behind me. I lean my head back and smiled at Lauren. ,”LAURIE!! You are okay! Yay!” Leah squealed pulling Lauren into a hug before I could. I saw Laurens eyes lock on Justin before she grabbed Leah in an embrace. I shook my head and looked at the salad again. ,”What’s the surprise.” I spoke to no one in particular as I eyed my salad. A lunch lady passing by called back, “We baked it today.” We all

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