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Book online «Take Me Under by S.K Nuanes (great novels of all time .TXT) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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this little tramp out, shouldn't the dog catcher catch her?" Hannah said, smirking.
Dog catcher was Hannah's term for rapist.
Lucy didn't say anything she kept walking, Xavier rolled his eyes and said, "Come on little tramp get in."
Xavier stopped and got out and got in front of Lucy and blocked her path.
"Get out of my way." Lucy demanded.
Xavier shrugged and looked at Hannah who got out of the car and walked up to them Lucy turned around Hannah slapped Lucy leaving a red mark on her cheek.
Then Xavier grabbed Lucy shoulder turning her to face him, then he threw on the ground.
Xavier kicked her in the rib cage Hannah rolled her eyes and stepped over Lucy and kissed Xavier and wrapped her arms around him, he smiled and kissed Hannah.
"Hannah you little.." Lucy started.
Hannah cut Lucy off then said, "Shut up, we might been friends in the past but you are dead to me."
Xavier and Hannah got into his car and they drove off, Lucy stood up and she sighed and walked home.

The next day Lucy put on make up covering up the red mark and she felt a bruise on her rib cage, she sighed and put on a new shirt and a jacket and pants.
Jake was downstairs he had on his uniform he had a game today he looked at Lucy then said, "You ok?"
Lucy nodded and put on a fake smile, "Why wouldn't I be?"
Jake nodded and got his bag, Lucy followed her brother and they drove off to school.
At school, Jake got out of the car and walked to his friends Lucy sighed and grabbed her bag and walked down the hall, she looked around for the guy the other day.
In art Lucy sat alone, she looked up there was the guy from the other day he looked at her and knew he would be sitting with her since all the seats were filled.
He sat next to her he had a shirt from Hot Topic.
"What's your name?" Lucy asked, looking at the guy.
"I'm Damion Diamond." The guy said.
"I'm Lucy Jennson." Lucy said.

Chapter Three

"Damion Diamond?" Lucy asked.
Damion nodded then Lucy said, "Think I heard of your family a few times."
"Is that so?" Damion asked.
Lucy nodded then the teacher said, "Choose your partner, then one will draw the other one. No nude pictures."
"I guess I am stuck with you." Damion said, with a slight laugh.
Lucy looked at him and said, "When and where do you want to do the project?"
"Not my house." Damion said, shrugging and looking at her.
Lucy shrugged and said, "Not mine."
Damion shrugged, "I think I know a good place."
Lucy nodded and then said, "Where?"
Damion smirked, "If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise meet me in front of the school after 7th period."
At lunch Lucy looked around for a table to sit at, she took a table by the window, she looked outside and sighed she looked down at the disgusting food that school gave them.
She looked around, she didn't see the dog and the bitch.
Lucy saw Damion he walked in and scanned the room, looking for a empty spot he saw her and walked over to her and said, "Can I sit here?"
Lucy nodded he sat next to her, she couldn't help but look at his cloudy grey eye, the other one was blue what happened?
"So why are you sitting alone?" Damion asked.
Lucy shrugged, "I dont have many friends now, you could say."
"Find that hard to believe." Damion said, taking a sip of his water.
"Sure you would have friends?" Lucy asked, looking at Damion, she looked at his eyes was he blind?
Damion shrugged, "I keep my distance from people, and they keep staring at my eye, gets annoying."
Lucy looked at him then said, "Well it's cool, one blue eye and a different color eye, it's actually really cool."
Damion had no comment then said, "Come on let's ditch the rest of the day and start on the picture of you."
"So I am the model?" Lucy asked, unsure.
Damion nodded then said, "I hope that isn't a problem." He gave a small gentle warm smile.
"Well no, just no nude pictures. Waiting until I am married." Lucy said, getting up, Damion got up and walked with her.
He put on sunglasses once they got outside and walked to a bus stop.
"So where are we going?" Lucy asked.
Damion looked at her and said, "A place that I would go to a lot when I was little, its quiet not many people."

They arrived at a house, Damion opened a back door and lead Lucy down stairs, they went down to a basement, the lights were bright, there were mirrors and glass, some glass was stain glass, and was hanging from the ceiling, the floor was white, there was a love seat few rows down.
Damion walked over to the sitting area, Lucy laid on the love seat and looked around, "How did you find this place?"
"I was brought here, when I was little I always come here." Damion said, sitting in a chair and crossing his legs and pulling out a sketch book and a pencil.
Lucy posed on the love seat and looked at Damion he looked at her as he started to sketch her, Lucy watched him, each little expression.
Every moment, why did she want to know what's wrong with his eye, he had to be blind right?
"I feel like Jac drawing Rose, expect she isn't naked." Damion said, chuckling.
"I am not like Rose.' Lucy said, sighing and shrugging.
"You are very beautiful." Damion said, with a small smile.

Chapter Four

That night Lucy dreamt of Damion, he was amazing. Nothing else to say, he was the Prince Charming from the book, but every fairy tale has a villain...

Lucy scanned the hallways for Damion, she was hoping she could see those eyes through all the darkness of the hallways, and there he was.
She walked over to him, he turned to her and have a smile to her then said, "Hey Lucy."
"Hey, got the sketch done?" Lucy asked, fixing the strap on her bag.
Damion nodded and said, "Yeah."
"I feel like I should be helping." Lucy said, sighing and looking away, Damion gave a small smile then said, "The drawing couldn't be done without you."

Then in Student Prep which was more of a free period, Lucy sat reading a book for english, then a girl walked over to her, she had red hair, brown eyes, she had some eye liner on, she had boots on, with a red skinny jeans, she had on a white shirt with a necklace with feathers.
She looked at Lucy then said, "Hey, so you know Damion?"
Lucy looked at her and shrugged then said, "Yeah, I suppose."
"Look, I know I haven't talked to you much, but I would suggest not getting close to him." The girl said.
Lucy looked confused then said, "Why?"
"His girlfriend is protect of him." The girl said, rolling her eyes at the idea.
Lucy got up and put the book away, "Why? And who are you."
"Right I'm Page, but call me Peach." Peach said, shrugging.
Lucy looked at Peach then said, "So his girlfriend..."
"Well you need to check that out yourself, but just keep that in mind." Peach said, sighing.

Lucy put her books in her locker then closed it there was Damion he looked at her then said, "What's wrong?"
"Do you care?" Lucy sighed.
Damion got closer to her then said softly, "Yes, I can sense you're in pain."
"I'm alone, so I will deal with it alone like always." Lucy said, walking away.
Damion chased after her and gently grabbed her hand and said in a charming voice, "You dont have to be alone."
Lucy turned to him and looked into his eyes then sighed, "I should go."
"You might need to, doesn't mean you want to go." Damion said, pulling her closer to him.
She couldn't help but stare into his eye.
"Damion." A voice said.
They both let go and looked there was a girl with long brown hair, green eyes, she had on a black dress on and a blue necklace, with red flats.
"Oh hey Bridget." Damion said.
She hugged Damion and looked at him, "You ok?"
He nodded Bridget smiled then kissed him, Lucy heart shattered and she ran away from them Damion didn't even see.

She grabbed her pocket knife and stabbed her wrist over and over, blood dripped onto the bathroom floor.
"I should of known..." Lucy mumbled to herself.

Chapter Five

In Art Lucy refused to look at Damion or even talk to him, she promised herself she wouldn't fall for him, but it was to late she fell for him.
"Lucy what's wrong?" Damion asked, trying to get her to look at him.
Lucy got out her sketch book and started drawing anime, Damion sighed and took the book out of Lucy grasp.
"Give it back!" Lucy snapped, Damion looked at her and saw she was crying recently he placed the book down and looked at her then said, "Lucy, tell me."
His hand slowly approached hers she took it away and placed it on her leg then said, "Please don't hurt me."
"What do you mean?" Damion said, confused.
Lucy sighed and shook her head then said,

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