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Book online «Changed by Lilly Hinz (best novels ever txt) 📖». Author Lilly Hinz

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see him out of the corner of my eye. I tried to look as attractive as possible, I had my legs crossed and was bobbing my foot, I was doodleing in my notebook and ocasionally flipped my hair a bit. Nothing fazed that look he had. After class was over, I hooked arms with him and we walked to our lockers, we have almost same last names so we were right next to each other. I'm Tanners, he's Taners, yup, and that would be how we met in the 2nd grade, ahhhhh good times. We got our stuff and we walked out to my car. he raized his eyebrows.
"Damn, I wish I HAD a car." I laughed and told him to get his ass in the car. We got in and we decided to got to the park. We walked to the playground and he pushed me on a swing.he was gently pushing me today, unlike when he twirls it around and lets go so I fly around in circles, so he must be daydreaming. While he pushed me and I swung away from him I turned upside down and let my hair fall out of the side pony I'd had it in today.I flew back towards him and pulled his pants down, he was wearin grouch boxers, we have matching pears. I started laughing really hard. His face turned red and he pulled his pants up. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe. He glared at me.
"Rhylz I am sooooo ganna' kick your ass!" I screamed and ran away from him into the field, I was more coordinated but he was faster. He grabbed me from behind and pulled me to the ground. I was laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. He looked at me with a big smile on his face.
I was still giggling and he started to tickle me.
"You know.......you should.......reallly...pay more ......attention.....when I'm around." I said between giggles.He stopped and pinned me down. He got really serious.
"Riley, I always pay attention when your around." I tried to lighten that subject, but I got lost in his dark blue eyes. I swallowed hard.
"We should probably go."
he nodded and helped me up.
I grabbed my shoes and we headed back to my car.
"So, You're wearing the boxers I got you huh."
"I couldn't find anything else that was clean."
"I can see that, you haven't cleaned your room in 5 years."
He smiled. "Yeah, I know, You did."
"I'm Sorry,but it was a sty."
"Hey don't bash the man cave."
"well I guess man cave is a good term considering it kind of is one, you never no what creepy crawly thing will be under the next thing you touch."
"Well then."
"Oh, nice come back, felt the burn." He stuck his tounge out at me as I slid into the car. I locked the doors so he couldn't get in. Damnet Rhylz, open the door. I put my feet up and pretend examine my nails. He pulls hard and I unlock the door, he flew onto his butt, and just sits there. He layed down on the Black Top and stared up at the sky.
"Wtf are you doing?' i ask.
"Waiting for you to appologize." I got out of the car and sat on him with a leg on both sides of his abs.
"Fine, I Riley Tanners, is sorry I pulled down your pants, and unlocked the door so you would fall down." He sat up.
"and what?" I said. He tapped his cheek. I rolled my eyes, but was secretly excited he wanted me to kiss him again. I kissed his cheeck and kept my lips there longer than the first time.
"apology accepted." Joshi said with a smile. We got in the car and we drove to my house. i kissed my mom on the cheeck and me and Joshi went up to my room.
"wow, your room changed just as much as you did!"
I layed on my new green bed spred. The pictures of me and Joshi were still all over the room though. Josh jumped on the bed and fell down next to me. He proped up on his elbow and played with my red feather earings, (remember those;) ) his fingers litely brushed my skin and my body got all tingly. I rolled over and mirrored his position. he pushed a strand of hair out of my face. I looked straight into his eyes. It seemed to happen in slow motion. Our bodies inching closer, our eye's slowly closing, our heads tilting, our hearts beating, and the sound of Joshis moms voice yelling for him just as our lips barley brushed. Joshi mushed his eyes tightly and sighed. He brushed another invisible hair off my face, and kissed my forehead. He got up and walked to the door. he turned around and gave me an appologizing smile. I smiled back.
"Pick you up at seven?" I said. Joshi smiled and looked down.
"Yeah, Riley, I'll see you tomarrow. he closed the door and I layed on my back and kicked my legs in victory.
"Hey, I forgot my..............." I smiled and looked at him in my frozen victory dance. he walked up to me and looked down into my eyes.
"I forgot this." he kissed me and it felt as if heaven had crashed down into my bed room. I put my arms around his neck, and he rested his on my hips, after his mom called again, we released each other. i bit my lip and smiled up at him. He kissed me once more lightly on the lips and on the forhead. He turned around and smiled back at me before he went for the door. As he turned again he stumbled and I held in a giggle and brought a hand to by mouth to cover my amuzment. I waved my fingers. And he started to walk backwards, his chest kind of puffed out a bit as he saluted me a goodbye. I giggled and he turned and left out my door. I repeted my victory dance about fifty thousand times and couldn't stop smiling all night.


I woke up today with a big smile still plastered across my face. I reached into my closet and pulled out my ensamble for the day. A turquoise v neck, just to where it's school apropriate. black short shorts, peacock feather earings and black converse. I got in my car barley able to stop jumping around in my seat. I pulled up to the house I knew as well as my own. I honked the horn, but joshi was already out the door. He came to the drivers side and looked through the window. He put his nose to the window and crossed his eyes. He puckered his lips up and put those to the windoe too. I rolled down my window.
"Joshi, you smeared my window!"
"Well, I guess we'll just have to wash your car after school." I smiled and looked at him strait in the eyes. He leaned into the window, and laid a soft kiss on my lips. I could feel his smile, and my head was dizzy with the pleasure I had been costantly waiting for sice the second grade. Joshi and I seperated and he got in the car. He grabbed my waist and pulled me into the middle seat, and gave me a quick peck. He smiled big and sighed. I brought my head to his shoulder and breathed in his sent. He always spelled like pancakes, it's kind of weird, but pancakes are my favorite food.
"I could definatly get used to this Rhylz."
"Mmmmm, me too I said." he put is arm around me.
"I guess we should go to school...."
I sighed and scooted over to my seat. Joshi watched me the whole way there. When we arrived I reached back to get my bag. Josh came to my side of the car. I did the leg thing again, but it was a lot easier with Joshi helping me. He pulled me up and quickly put his hands around my waist and pulled me so our torsos were touching. he was serious and looked me in the eyes.
"Hey, Riley?"
"Do you really like me? Or is this just something you had planned out?"
I put my hand on Josh's cheek.
"Joshi, I've liked you since the 2nd grade when Mrs.J was taking roll and instead of saying 'here' you yelled out monkey ass. I was laughing so hard when she called my name after yours that I fell out of my chair." I kissed him on the cheek to reasure him. We put our forheads together and our noses rubbed together. We let go of each other and realized everyone had been watching us. We walked up to everyone and two spastic blondes came up to me. They were smiling away. Joshi was talking to a group of guys that had come up to him
"OMG! It's only your second day, and you already got yourself a cutie!" the girl on my right said.
"How'd you do it?"
"Just don't try so hard, it scares guys away." This had been something Joshi had been annoyed with a few years ago. I smiled and turned back to Joshi. I slid my hand into his, and he looked at me and smiled. The guys were still talking and Josh interupted them.
"Hey guys I have to go, later." Joshi and me walked over to the corner of the school and sat down in the grass. He was behind me and I was leaning against him. He played with my hair and I traced designes on his foot. He brought his hands to my shoulders and rubbed my back.
"Mmmmmmmmmm...." I said as he got to my neck.
The bell rang and we both sighed. We linked hands, and walked over to the crowd of people shoving themselves through the doors. We walked to our lockers.
"I should hirer you to be my personal massuse."
"Ten kisses an hour, thats my price."
I put my hands around his neck and tillted my head.
"I dont know, if I'm kissing you so much, how will you every get to the job."
"Good Point he said, seven an hour.''
I smiled and kissed him on the cheek.
"That does sound better."
The warning bell rang and we grabbed our stuff and went to our classes.

I daydreamed through my first five hours, I had learned all this already, I was offered to skip a grade, but I wanted to stay with Josh, so turned them down. It was lunch now, and I waited for Josh at my locker. I was looking through our little bit of homework. Someone grabbed my butt from behind, and I screeched. Jeremy popped up in front of me, the culprit.
"I like what you've got. Maybe you and I could do something later."
"Yeah we could fill out your sexual harassment assesment."
"It's not harassment if you liked it."
"Well I didn't, and neither did Josh."
Josh came up behind him, and spun Jeremy around.
"What the hell do you think your doing?"
Joshi wasn't as strong as Jeremy, but he was faster. I didn't really know who would win in a fight, but if it came to that I would deffinatly root for Joshi, he was on the wrestling team.
"Just taking whats rightfully mine."
"What the hell is that suposed to mean!" joshi said with fury.
"It means I'm the hottest thing in the school, and she's the next hottest, it's only logical that she be with me." Jeremy said matter of factly.
"I wouldn't date you if you were the last person on earth!" I said.
"Well I think I
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