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for what a month and Amy already hates you.” Tears welded in my eyes,” So you have heard what she did to me?” He only nodded and sat down next to me. We sat there in silence a while then he broke the silence,” I’m Shane by the way. Don’t worry about that douche that’s dating her. You can do so much better.” I smiled and thought” You’re right, because you are ten times better”. Apparently I didn’t think that to myself because he began to chuckle,” Trust me everyone is better for you than me.” “ Oh yeah, like who?” I realized that we kept getting closer and closer until we began to kiss, all I could think was wow.
Beginning To Lose Everything

“Can you believe I’ve been going to school here for four years now”, I exclaim with excitement. My best friend Annie looked ten times more excited than I,” I know right and you’ve been dating Shane for the same exact time.” I couldn’t believe it my life at this school started out as crap and now I have the world’s greatest friend and even greater boyfriend. Looking around I noticed Shane was nowhere in sight,” Where is Shane? I haven’t seen him since last month.” “Oh he’s just doing some last minute things.” I look at her curiously,” Like what?” Annie was about to answer when someone cut her off,” Oh I was just getting my motorcycle license.” I scream with excitement,” Shane!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, what have you been doing for the past month?” He grew a little embarrassed,” I’ve been traveling to every museum in the country.” Annie and I looked at each other and burst into a laughing fit. Shane grew red,” It’s not funny!!” “ Sorry but it kind of is”, I reply.

We spent the next hour or so talking about what we did over the summer when Amy showed up,” Oh look it’s the rejects. I thought you guys would’ve run away after what happened last year.” I stand up and say,” A little cat fight isn’t enough to make me leave, Amy.” She got an evil glint in her eyes,” Ok, then I’ll do worse this year. Ashley I swear by next year you won’t be here anymore.” I gulped as she turned and walked away.

After that Annie and I walked toward our dorm to unpack, we sat in our dorm for a while playing our favorite game “Mortal Combat”. I finally gave up after losing 23 to 10, so we decided to go get something to eat. “Ashley did you notice that this mourning Amy was creepier than usual?” asked Annie. I reply,” Actually I did notice, what do think she’s going to do this year?” “I’m
not sure but I’d rather not think about it.”

When we walked in the cafeteria I immediately walked over to Shane,” Hey Shane.” I looks at me with genuine love in his eyes,” Hey I was wondering if you wanted to go on a trip with me, Annie you can come too.” I look at Annie and she shrugs,” Why not where are we going?” He begins to tell us all about when Amy walks by and begins to listen, no one but me noticed so I said,” Hey Amy, you can walk away now.” “Nah I’m good. That trip sounds fun.” Then she just walked away, Annie says,” Can this day get any weirder?” Shane didn’t seem to mind and kept talking. We agreed to meet up by Annie’s car at 2.

We all got in the car after an hour of debating with Annie to let Shane drive. “ I can’t believe I can’t drive my own car!” I reply from the front seat,” Sorry Annie but Shane is the only one who knows the way there.” She slumped back in her seat defeated and Shane chuckled. After about an hour of driving I began to notice we were being followed by a pink convertible,” Shane I think we are being followed.” He began to respond when the car slammed into Shane’s side and the last thing I saw was Amy’s face, then everything went black.

I woke up only to realize I was in my least favorite place in the world ,the hospital. Quickly I looked around for Shane and Annie, I saw Annie sleeping in the bed next to me but I still couldn’t find Shane. A nurse walked in and was glad to see me awake, I asked her,” Do you know where my other friend is?” l She looked confused at first but then she realized who I was talking about,” Oh Mr. Shane is in another room. He’s also in a coma, all three of you will have to stay here for a while in order to recover from your almost fatal injuries.” I grew sad,” Oh, well can I get up and go see Shane? I just need to see him for myself.” She agreed and brought me to his room, which was actually right next to Annie and I’s. I sat down in the chair next to his bed and grab his hand, I began to quietly sob in the fear of losing him.

All three of us have been in the hospital for about three weeks and Shane still hasn’t come out of his coma. Annie and I were watching TV when we noticed tons of people rushing towards Shane’s room. I quickly rushed to his room only to find out that Shane’s heart had stopped. I screamed and cried until someone grabbed me and brought me back to my room. The doctors told me that there was a surgery that would possibly work but they needed Annie and I’s approval. We quickly agreed and they rushed Shane to the ER. After hours of surgery the doctor came out and told me that Shane didn’t make it, I sat down and cried. Annie tried to comfort me but nothing would help. When I finally spoke the words I said were,” Why does everyone I love die in a car crash?” Annie looked sad,” Ashley, this wasn’t anybody’s fault.” I shook my head and said,” No. It is someone’s fault, and I know who. Annie right when we got hit I saw Amy in the driver’s seat of the car that hit us.” She gasped and called for the nurse.

When I finished telling the nurse what happened she quickly ran to call the police. The police were there in about five minutes and they were asking loads of questions. They finally left saying they were going to go question Amy. Annie looked at me,” How good of a liar do you think Amy can be?” I responded,” Normally she’s a 5 but for this I think she’s been working on a very good lie. So I have the feeling she’ll be able to get them to think that we were lying.” She looked sad,” Do you really think that?” Nodding I say,” She has a brother that is a cop, so yeah I have a feeling that he will help her out of this.”

Going Back

Annie and I were finally released from the hospital and were sent back to school. As soon as we got there I went searching for Amy. When I found her I was outraged,” Why?! What did killing Shane accomplish?!” Amy just smiles,” What are you talking about? I didn’t know Shane died.” I was fuming then Annie comes by,” Look Amy I understand the grudge you have with Ashley and me, but why bring Shane into this? Was it because you thought it would make Ashley leave, because trust me it won’t.” All she does is smile and I storm off toward our dorm.

The Pain Recedes

I was sad, angry, and worst day by day I seemed even more depressed. When I wasn’t in classes I was in my dorm trying to find ways to make the pain go away. I was walking toward my room when someone blocked my way,” Hi, aren’t you Ashley? I’m so sorry to hear about what happened to Shane.” Looking up I recognize her,” Yeah I’m still really upset about that, please don’t bring him up. You are Serenity, right?” She smiled,” Yeah that’s me, I know how much you must hurt. My brother died the same way, but I know a way for you to get rid of the pain.” Curious I ask,” How can I get rid of the pain?” All she did in response was grab my hand and led me toward her room.

When we got to her room she brought me a razor,” Uh what do you want me to do exactly?” Serenity chuckled,” Cut yourself with it, I know it sounds insane and I would’ve laughed in my face two years ago about this but it helps.” I look at her,” How does this get rid of the pain?” She shrugs,” With the pain from the cuts you don’t feel the pain of your loss.” “ Hasn’t people died from doing this to often?” Thinking she replied,” Only about 30percent, so you have a good 70percent chance.” The odds seemed good so I took the razor and cut.

Walking back to my dorm I felt great, my arms hurt but I still felt better. When I entered the room Annie was freaking out,” There you are!! What is all over your arm?!” I realized to late that my arm was still bleeding badly,” Uh sorry I

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