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Book online «Animalia by Cristian Johnson (books for men to read .TXT) 📖». Author Cristian Johnson

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against an advanced mutant?” Monroe asks Chuck.

“Don’t worry if he can handle getting bombarded by other things then I’m sure he can handle this with ease,” Chuck says as he watches Chris pacing in a circle.

“Here's a hint, try to listen where it is!” Chuck yells at Chris.

Chris looks around as he taps his foot down to the ground erupting another attack from the mutant. The mole mutant erupts from the ground trying to grab his leg with its claws but Chris leaps with pain as he falls to the ground and looks at the ground as the mole man gets up from the ground and begins to slowly crawl to him. Even though the mutant can have bursts of speed underground its body and arms make it difficult to stand or to crawl on the topsoil easily. The mutant continues to crawl slowly at him as he struggles at the same time to get up on his crippled legs.


Chris with all his strength gets up as the invader strikes close to him Chris bares his teeth as he lunges with one of his claws scratching a bit of flesh off the mutant's nose. The mutant screams as Chris hops away from it. Chris is now just running away and upsetting the mutant constantly as it continues to follow him above ground.

“Boss are you sure Chris can take that mutant all on his own….We can go in and finish it off if he needs help you know..” Sam says to Chuck as he ignores him.

“Chuck just listen to him. Chris can’t just one up this creature all by himself…. Not only he can’t run, he is struggling to even get up and walk. I’m ending this right now…” Monroe says to him as he flaps his wings and flies off towards Chris.

Monroe’s shadow overlooks above Chris as he begins to divebomb the mutant and grab it from its back. The mutant squeals in anger as its arms and legs violently are released from Monore’s grips. He then simply drops the mole mutant back into a lake nearby. The mutant splashes to the water, despite the danger seeming it's over the mutant makes bubbles underwater and burrows through the dirt and digs furiously until it feels the presence of Chris.

“You didn’t have to go and save me Monroe...I think I would have handled it on my own.” Chris looks up as he says to Monroe.

“What are you kidding!? Do you too think you could have killed it before it killed you? You're just as stubborn as Chuck you know.” Monroe says to Chris as he flies off to Chuck who looks not so pleased as he helped Chris with his test.

“What I just told you Monroe.” Chuck says to Monroe with a mean and stern look.

Chris waddles slowly to the group as he watches as he feels tremors yet again come up from him.





Chapter 13: Electiones

A hideous mutant has been taking over a peaceful grove and it's time for Chris to kill it. Chris has to face his test as predator despite being crippled and now must fight not only for the trust of Chuck but for his life. Will Chris overcome his problems with his fate with destiny? Will Chuck finally see that his ambitions of helping Chris in an unnatural matter could end his life?


“Wait it can’t be….” Chris mutters to himself then he is launched into the sky by the mutant thrusting upwards from the ground. Up in the air he is attacked again, this time with the mutant's claws raking the side of his body.

The mole mutant rushes upwards trying to bite on but fails and eats clumps of dirt enter its mouth choking on it. Monroe and Sam look in fear as they see Chris lying on the ground. Chuck still looks at Chris unconscious on the ground, but does not integer it’s between the mutant and Chris.

Chris twitches for a moment and finally wakes up and sees the mole on the other side of the valley. He gathers all his strength to rise up and watches as the mole moves in for an attack. Stands his ground as he looks forward, the mole rushes at him. He takes a deep breath and thinks to himself. Even though he is scared right now he can still overcome this if he just tries hard enough. He stares as the horrendous creature runs to him screaming.

Chris with his healing leg hops to one side. As he leaps forward striking the creature's nose with its sickle claw. The claw gouges deep into the muscle and flesh hitting bone. Even though he has a good grip on the creature he must still make sure he can stay focused in the dire situation. He wobbles as the creature's head sways back and forth despite its making the pain worse for it. As the claw digs deep and slashes constantly against the mutants nose. Then looks down and bites onto the back of the mole creature grasping down he has another grip hold to release his claw from the nose. He lets go why, still being ragdolled as he clamps down he then suddenly lets go of the beast. With that the mole was sniffing the air violently and rubbing its nose, swatting it to the ground. Blood poured out from the nose as the mutant screams walking forward yet struggles to move as it is now blinded not of sight but of touch and scent too.

“GO FOR IT CHRIS!!” Chuck yells.

Chris looks back at the mutant so weak. The mole tries to escape for the ground but Chris refuses to let it go away. He stares at it once more and with all his strength he believes that he can run and not hop. He is not a useless predator. Getting through the pain Chris raises his injured leg up and down and runs and chases his prey. The prey of the fearsome mutant that now will not cause any more terror to anyone again. The mole begins to burrow its claws shimmying its body slowly as Chris arrives and leaps to its back. As the mole goes downwards to the ground Chris’s sickle claws both slash at the creature's sides. It’s skin cuts smooth as butter as muscle is torn open and blood gushes everywhere. The mutant's innards begin to spill to the dirt as the mutant stops crawling. Chris releases the mutant and looks at it panting fast. The mutant has fallen and Chuck and the gang look at Chris with shock and with great joy as they walk towards him. Monroe flys over the dead corpse keeping watch over the area as Sam and Chuck run over near Chris.

“Wow….that was some sick action you did there..I won’t lie it was pretty disgusting though.” Sam says to Chris wagging his tail.

“You know son, you disappointed me and then made me proud on the same day. I didn’t know you had it in you. Especially the fact you continued despite you was kicked in the teeth. I’m proud of you Chris you know that. Now I can really see that you are a top predator.” Chuck smiles upon Chris and nudges his head.

The gang then walks home as they walk back to the grotto. Cluadia awaits them as she is in shock to see Chris walking on his injured leg again.

“Aren't? You injured dear?” Claudia asks.

“Oh no biggie it was just a flesh wound and now I am fixed . It's so weird I can walk now easily…” Chris replies.

“Hey kid, we had a long day, maybe you should rest for a while and I will keep watch and you take a rest.” Chuck says to Chris.

“Not before you have some good food though dig in guys!” Monroe shouts as he waddles in with a full bill of fish in his mouth which Sam barks in excitement.

As the gang had their fill Chris then went to sleep as he felt great about what had happened today. He had killed a mutant, healed his fears and as well fixed his leg and can hunt like a normal predator once more again. When he closed his eyes rumors were heard around him.

“You have to tell him eventually Chuck….you can't just hide from him about who he is..” Monroe says to Chuck.

“Yeah….aren’t we gonna be here for him and now we are just gonna leave him now?!” Sam says in disappointment

“I always was fond of that child, yet your stubborn ways are just so inappropriate and rude towards Chris..” Claudia says to Chuck in disgust.

“Look, look I know it seems really upsetting we are moving again but we have to. Chris may have proven himself to be with us but I can tell he has a lot on his plate right now. He has friends and family..He has to be back with his kind.” Chucks to all of them.

“But but… boss he is one of us..” Sam whimpers back .

“Yes we have gotten close with him at some point. With you Sam was when you're talking with him, Monore you found him in a critical condition and brought him here with us for the first time. Claudia you helped him with his wounds and with his friends wounds when they were injured. It is in our code that we are not to stay in one area for a short while, while yet we are still helping others around us. Whether be patching them up or finding them food, or fighting battles that they can not do we continue so we can be heartful not in our hearts but of our minds. We must keep the insanity of what we are now of a society that has been becoming worse each day and now with us getting a gift of a present that gave us these bodies that give us power and strength that will help us continue on in our life. It is a hard thing to say and it is a hard thing to do but it is best if we just move on from Chris. He is a good kid and a great friend no doubt. We just can not cling on to him when we are so deep into the work we are doing right now. I really do wish Claudia, Sam, Monroe that it didn't have to be this way but that is how life is now.” Chuck says to everyone.

“No, that's not true Chuck, I do not know why but part of me is that you're hiding something deep inside. Nothing will change if he comes with us, yes we may be taking away from himn things that he had in the past but it does not really make any sense to me that we are just leaving so abruptly, we had a reason to leave most of the time. Most of the time is that we will not be called constantly and that we are treated like deities for what we do. We are shadows and the good Samaritans of this world and after just putting Chris into a large test and now it's all for nothing. I can’t believe what

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