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Book online «Turn of Fate by Juniper Lee (novel24 txt) 📖». Author Juniper Lee

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down at my sleeping sister, then at Kelly, then back at the nurse. Her terror filled gaze is directed at me. I know she notices the similarities in Kelly and Joy's looks. Their black hair and blue eyes are convincing of blood relation, while my blond hair and green eyes are not.
"No," I say, taking a step back and gripping Joy tighter.
"Make it easy on yourself," Kelly says, convincing the nurse, not me. "Just give me back my sister and there won't be a problem. If you don't, she'll be forced to call the cops."
"This is my sister," I yell. "You can't have her!"
The nurse hits the buttons on her phone. Kelly lunges forward, but I dodge her. I sling Joy over my shoulder, pull out my knife, and slice Kelly's arm. Dazed, she stumbles back, giving me enough time to reposition Joy and run out of the tent. Once outside, I turn in a circle, trying to locate the exit. I can't see it.
"There's an armed teenage girl here. She has a kidnapped child and is headed for the exit."
Now I know I can't leave. By the time I find the exit, the police will be here and catch me on my way out. Where can I go to get away from Kelly?
I head for what I think is the back of the park. A thousand thoughts rattle my brain. I have no idea what to do, where I'm going, or how to stop Kelly.
My adrenaline is pumping faster than ever, but Joy is starting to feel heavy. Everything together is too much. I can't think straight. What do I do?
The pink barrette Joy put in my hair this morning falls into the dirt. Without thinking, I lean over to pick it up. In that split second someone kicks me to the ground and pulls Joy from me. I try to stand, but the person, who I know is Kelly, places her foot on my back. She pulls my knife from my back pocket. Then, she takes off running.
I grab the barrette, push myself up and sprint after her. She turns corners quickly, making me dizzy. I feel blood drip down my temple from a gash in my forehead. Still, I manage to follow her to the edge of the carnival. When I reach the Ferris wheel, I realize I have lost her.
"Crap," I spit. I reach up to my head to stop the blood flow, but before I can, my arm is wrenched behind my back.
"Miss me?" Kelly laughs into my ear. She shoves me forward, closer to the giant wheel.
I don't scream. No one would help me anyway. I try to kick Kelly's legs, but she dodges me and forces me into one of the gondolas.
As she locks me into the seat, she explains, "You almost had it, you know? You could have made it away. But I always win." She pulls out the knife she stole from me. "It would have been easier if you had just drunk the cocoa with your sister, but I still won."
"You haven't won anything!" I exclaim, lunging forward, but finding the bar jammed into place.
With a final smile, Kelly drags my knife down my arm. "An eye for an eye." Then she hits a button on the control panel and sends me halfway up the height of the wheel.
My arm screams in pain. My heart screams in defeat. I watch helplessly as Kelly picks up the still drugged Joy from the ground. She carries her like a rag doll, making me sick to my stomach. I look away.
Then I see them. A large circle of armed police officers is closing in on Kelly. My heart leaps at the realization. The nurse's call did go through. Now, they think Kelly is me, holding Joy and armed with a knife. How fortunate, since she's the real kidnapper anyway.
I see one officer speak into his walkie-talkie. Simultaneously, all the officers run forward, guns raised. Even from my height, I hear them command Kelly to drop her weapon and release Joy.
Though I wish I could see the defeat in her face and congratulate the officers for saving my sister, I can't. Unless I can find a way to get out of this seat, I will be stuck here until the carnies reopen the ride in the morning.
Panic builds in me. Blood trickles from my head and my arm. I have to get down, but how? I run my fingers over the lap bar; lean out and look at the lock that keeps it in place. Then I remember my other knife.
I pull the concealed blade out from inside my shirt and flip it open. The ride rocks as I lean out and try to pick the lock, making me nauseous. The blood drips more rapidly from my arm the harder I rattle the lock.
Finally, I hear a satisfying click. I lift the bar up. Now what? I have to get down to the ground, but how?
I notice the zigzag pattern of bars and supports around me. One of the bars angles downward and hits another bar about halfway to the ground. Quickly, I pull my belt off and hook it over the bar, wrapping it around my wrists.
Before I have time to second guess my decision, I push off the seat and hang down from the belt, sliding towards the ground. The rush only lasts a second. Then, the belt hits the end of the bar and I am thrown to the ground. I hear my leg crack and my world goes black.


I have to blink several times before my surroundings come into focus. White walls, white sheets, bright white lights in the gray-white ceiling.
"The hospital," I breathe, knowing I must have succeeded.
"Chase!" I hear two voices screech in unison.
I feel both mom's and Joy's arms surround me. Happiness and warmth flood through me.
"You're safe," I tell Joy. I pull the pink barrette from my hair and clip it into hers. "I love you."
"I love you too," she says, squeezing me tighter.
Mom pulls away. "The police searched the area around the carnival. They found your letter to me in your car. You must have forgotten to leave it at the house. When you jumped from the Ferris wheel, they took both you and Kelly into custody, not knowing who the real kidnapper was. But with your letter and Joy's testimony, they released you to this hospital and took Kelly to jail." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "Your leg is broken and they stitched your arm up, but you'll heal fast. I still can't believe you risked all that to save Joy."
I feel fatigue wash over me. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask. "I love her and I want to keep her safe. I know you would have done anything to keep her safe if you had known."
The look in mom's eyes tells me she feels guilty, but I ignore it. The pain in my arm and leg is intense now that my nerves have completely woken up. All I care about is that Joy is safe and Kelly won't be able to hurt her anymore. With that satisfaction, I allow myself to drift back to sleep.


Text: Juniper Lee
Publication Date: 08-24-2012

All Rights Reserved

To Mrs. Quinn, Who hasn't read this yet, but will soon, and will edit it to perfection.

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