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My back was paying the price, along with my head, but it was done. My house had turned from a complete bomb site to the pristine condition I had left it in the prior morning. I glanced out into my living room to see Penny still occupied with the ceiling fan. That's one of my many secrets. If a baby gets bored, lay them down under a ceiling fan and they're hypnotized.

I rubbed my head in frustration. I didn't know what I was supposed to do about Tommy...or even Liam for that matter. Not that I was really considering talking to Liam. He was a dad. He's probably too busy for a girlfriend. Actually, he's probably still with Penny's mom.

Tommy was funny and actually pretty book smart. He had to be to keep his grades good for football, basketball, baseball, and lacrosse. I seriously had no idea how the kid did it. He was like a machine. I even heard that someone from the University of Michigan came to watch him play football last season. He'd be the first person to play division one football from Medford, Oregon.

But then again, there was stunts like last night he pulled...having a threesome in a bathroom. But then this morning he was sweet as could be. He acted like it was a normal thing to wrap his arms around my waist...to kiss me like I was the only girl he wanted to kiss.

And what's with this about Leann knowing that he liked me? If she would've told me, I would've done everything in my power to get him off of me and into her. The lies and decite just kept stacking up against her. She was like a compulsive liar or something. What else has she lied to me about? Was there ever any truth to the words that'd come out of her mouth?

She wasn't the only one to blame though. Even if she had slept with Ray, I should've have gotten with Tommy. Was I a terrible friend for doing that? Or was it justified? Or am I worse than her because I wasn't drunk? But she knew Tommy had feelings for me and never told me...

I couldn't stand anymore of this hard thinking. I started making hamburgers for dinner in a daze. I hadn't even been paying attention so I ended up with three times as much as I'd eat.

Hearing Penny start to get aggitated in the living room, I made a bottle and was feeding her a few minutes later. I'd just gotten her to go to sleep and was sitting down to eat my food before it got cold when a knock came at the door. I looked at the clock and realized it was time for Liam to pick Penny up. It took me longer than I had thought to clean up my house.

I jogged to the door and opened it, revealing a worn out looking Liam.

"Hey. Sorry if I'm a little late. The weather's crazy." he said, steppiung over the threshold. I glanced behind him and saw that it was raining like mad and the wind was whipping tree back and forth.

"It's fine. She's been good and I hadn't even realized the time."

We made our way to the living room where Penny was sleeping in the floor, her arm flung across her eyes. We both chuckled at her pose.

"You know...it's not really safe for you guys to be out on the road...and I just made some hamburgers for dinner. Do you want to stay a little? At least until the storm dies down?" I asked, looking at him through the corner of my eye.

He looked at Pennys sleeping form and then turned to smile at me.

"If it wouldn't be too much. I mean, I know you're probably tired..." he said, obviously refering to Tommys prescence early this morning.

"It's no trouble." I blushed, leading him to the kitchen where I had the plate of extra hamburgers cooling on the bar next to my plate.

All of a sudden, he started laughing.

"What?" I asked in confusin, "Are you a vegetarian or something?"

"No...I was just wondering...were you expecting me to eat dinner with you?" he chuckled.

I started laughing when I realized what he meant.

"No. I just spaced out when I was making them. I was just planning on eating them the next few nights."

We got Liams food around and we were currently practically breathing the food down.

"So...if you don't mind me asking..how old are you?" I questioned, glancing at him in curiosity.

He cleared his thoat a little before he replied.

"I'm 16."

"Woah. Props to you for sticking with Penny and her mom." I said, my eyebrows raised.

"Well...actually it's just me and Penny." he replied, looking at his empty plate.

"Where's Pennys mom?"

He looked up into my eyes and all I saw was pain. It actually broke my heart a little. whatever happened wasn't good at all.

"Never mind. That was very personal. You don't have to answer that." I mumbled looking away.

He was quiet for a moment before replying.

"Jessica, Pennys mom, is dead."



COME ON PEOPLE! Give me some teams! I LOVE teams! I wanna see what you all think of the guys!

His Varsity Jacket

It got really awkward after that and Liam and Penny left soon after. I cleaned up the kitchen and then flopped onto my couch.

Penny's mom was dead? She wasn't that old so this Jessica girl must've died very recently. Maybe it was childbirth. Liam did look like the type that'd be with a tiny cheerleader. Maybe her body couldn't handle the pregnancy.

Just then, there was a loud knocking at the door. Lillie started going wild, barking at the visitor. I shushed her and pushed her away from the door before opening it.

"Tommy? What are you doing here? I told you I'd call you?"

He looked at me sheepishly.

"Yeah, I know but I figured it'd be better if we talked in person. I won't stay late." he said giving me those big blue eyes.

God damn it.

"I guess." I replied and moved out of the way so he could come in.

I saw him studying the pictures in our, I mean MY, main hallway. There were photos of my parents and I in places like Rio and Cancun. There was a couple from when we toured Europe my sophomore year.

"Wow. You're very...worldly?" he said in awe

I chuckled.

"My dad travelled a lot for his job. I got to go along a few times."

We went into my livingroom and sat down.

What is up with all these guys trying to make me feel awkward today? Can't I have a nice, peaceful Sunday evening?

"Look. I know I went about this all wrong. Having sex with you was not the best idea to do before telling you that I've practically been in love with you since freshman year. But I figure that if we don't do it again until we actually feel ready to, maybe we can make it work." he suddenly said.

I was actually surprised at the last part. He wanted us to wait until we were ready. As in like a couple? Or just like friend with benifits who liked each other? What am I saying? Am I saying I like him? I feel like it's more like I'm attracted to him. But I've a;lways been attracted to him. Just like looks wise. But so is every other girl in school.

"Why didn't you try to talk to me after me and Ray broke up?" I asked.

"Because you were about ready to kill anyone except Emma and Leann that came near you. I wanted to wait till you were ready to move on from him. I guess it wasn't till last night that you finally realized you were better than he ever deserved."

I guess that's true. I was an absolute mess after Ray and I broke up. he was the schools 'bad boy' and I was the only thing that kept him from going off the seep end. We were complete opposites but he  knew everything about me. He was my dark night and I was his saving grace. I'm almost positive the only reason his parents never sent him to military school was because of me.

"I know I'm supposed to ask you out on a date and all that jazz but I can't risk losing you again. Would you...uhm...be my...I mean...would you..wear my varisty jacket?" he stuttered, the tips of his ears red.

I looked at him with confusion.

"Only players girlfriends wear their jackets." I told him.

He looked at me and nodded.

My eyes widened in realization. Tommy Hills was asking me to be his girlfriend. THE Tommy Hills. Like he said after our amazing sex, I'm the quiet girl. I'm not unpopular by any means. I just don't talk to a lot of people. But I'm cool with pretty much everyone. Tommy was very popular. He wasn't the most, but he was awfully close. And he was asking me out. I'm not shallow or anything but HELL YEAH. damn it Ireland! stop! Think this through!

"And it'll be a way to show Leann that you know about how she lied to you." he added.

That did it. My decision was made.

I leaned close to him with a smile and kissed him. This kiss was soft and he put his hand on my cheek.

"I promise you Ireland. I will treat you like the queen you are." he said after we pulled away from each other.

"When do i get your jacket?" I grinned.




Okay everyone! I figured out how to put the pictures IN the book :D so since a few people have already read the last chapters, this is just to inform them that there are pictures in ever chapter except "Hamburgers". That's only because I felt like Tommy (Played by Sean O'Donnell) played a more prominite role in this cahpter so his picture should be in this one! Good god that boy is HOT. YUM!!

COMMENT FAVORITE AND SPREAD THE WORD! I think maybe I'll post this book on Wattpad also...



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