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Book online «The Buffalo Runners by Robert Michael Ballantyne (i can read book club .txt) 📖». Author Robert Michael Ballantyne

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La Certe.

"Very like. Yes; but did ever two shoes have the same mends in the same places of the netting, where it had been broken, and the same marks on the frames?"

"Never. It will go hard with Cloudbrow if this is true."

"It will go hard with him whether it is true or not," returned the woman; "for some of the friends of Perrin believe it to be true, and swear--"

The disappearance of Slowfoot's float at this moment stopped her swearing, and brought the conversation to an abrupt end. The landing of another goldeye prevented its resumption.

Having caught more than enough for a good supper, this easy-going pair leaned their rods against a tree, and ascended the bank towards their tent, which was an ordinary conical Indian wigwam, composed partly of leather and partly of birch-bark, with a curtain for a door and a hole in the top for a window; it also served for a chimney.

On the way they encountered one of the poor Swiss immigrants, who, having a wife and family, and having been unsuccessful in buffalo-hunting, and indeed in all other hunting, was in a state which bordered on starvation.

"You have been lucky," said the Switzer, eyeing La Certe's fish greedily.

"Sometimes luck comes to us--not often," answered the half-breed. "Have you caught any?"

"Yes, two small ones. Here they are. But what are these among three children and a wife? I know not how to fish," said the mountaineer disconsolately.

The fact was not surprising, for the poor man was a watchmaker by trade, and had never handled rod or gun till he was, as it were, cast adrift in Rupert's Land.

"I will sell you some of my fish," said La Certe, who on all occasions had a keen eye for a bargain.

"Good! I am ready to buy," said the poor fellow, "but I have not much to spend. Only last week I gave my silver watch for eight gallons of wheat. I meant it for seed, but my wife and children were starving, so we were have no seed and only five shillings to spare."

"Well, my friend," said La Certe, "fish is very scarce just now, but you may have five goldeyes for your five shillings."

"O! that is too much," remonstrated the Switzer.

"No, no," interrupted the half-breed, amiably, "by no means--but if you really think it too much fish for the money I will give you four goldeyes!"

"Come, you know I don't mean that," returned the other, with a cynical smile. "Make it six, and I will agree. And here is a pinch of snuff in to the bargain."

He pulled out a box as he spoke, and opened it.

"Ha!" said La Certe, helping himself. "I love snuff, and so does my wife. Do you not?"

Slowfoot answered, "Hee! hee!" and helped herself to as much as a good broad finger and thumb could grasp, after which she sneezed with violence.

"Now, behold! my friend--a-wheesht!" said La Certe, sneezing a bass accompaniment to Slowfoot's treble. "I will give you a catfish--a whole catfish for--a-wheesht!--for that box and snuff."

The Switzer shook his head.

"Nay," he said. "The snuff you may have, but the box was the gift of a friend, and I am loath to part with it. Besides, the box is of little real value."

"You may have the head of the catfish for the snuff, and the whole catfish for the box," said La Certe, with the firmness of a man who has irrevocably made up his mind--for there are none so firm of purpose as the weak and vacillating when they know they have got the whip-hand of any one! "And, behold! I will be liberal," he added. "You shall have another goldeye into the bargain--six goldeyes for the five shillings and a whole catfish for the box and snuff--voila!" The poor Switzer still hesitated.

"It is a great deal to give for so little," he said.

"That may be true," said the other, "but I would not see my family starve for the satisfaction of carrying a snuff-box and five shillings in my pocket."

This politic reference to the starving family decided the matter; the poor Switzer emptied his pockets with a sigh, received the fish, and went on his way, leaving La Certe and Slowfoot to return to their wigwam highly pleased with their bargain. As must have been noted by the reader long ere now, this like-minded couple did not possess a conscience between them--at least, if they did, it must at that time have been a singularly shrunken and mummified one, which they had managed to keep hidden away in some dark and exceedingly un-get-at-able chamber of the soul.

Commercially speaking, however, they had some ground for satisfaction; for at that time the ordinary price of a catfish, which is a little larger than a haddock, was threepence.

Awakening the juvenile La Certe to the blissful realisation that a good "square" meal was pending, Slowfoot ordered it to fill and light the pipe for the father, while she set about preparing the fish for supper.



Happening to hear of the bargain which we have just described, and being under the impression that it might be good for La Certe's spirit to receive a mild reproof, Mr Sutherland paid him a visit.

The Scotch Elder was, for a long time, the only man fitted to perform the duties of a minister to his countrymen in that out-of-the-world colony, and, being a true man of God, he could not hear of gross injustice, or heartless conduct, without some slight attempt to open the other's eyes to his sin.

It may well be understood that, in the nature of things and the state of the country, the solitary Elder's duties were by no means light or agreeable. Indeed he would have had no heart to cope with them and with the difficulties they entailed, had he not remembered that the battle was not his, but the Lord's, and that he was only an instrument in the all-powerful hand of the Spirit of God. His own weapons were the Word, Prayer, and the name of Jesus.

But it was not given to him to see much fruit of his visit to La Certe at that time. The half-breed, besides asserting himself to be a "Catholic," (by which he meant a Roman Catholic), and, therefore, in no way amenable to Sutherland's jurisdiction, received his remonstrances with philosophical arguments tending to prove that men were meant to make the best of circumstances as they found them, without any regard to principles--which, after all, were not very seriously held or practised by any one, he thought--especially in Red River.

As for Slowfoot, she listened with evident interest and curiosity to the strange teaching and exhortations of the Elder, but when appealed to for some sort of opinion on the various points touched, she replied with an imbecile "Hee! hee!" which was not encouraging.

However, the good man had sown the seed faithfully and kindly. The watering thereof and the sprouting were, he knew, in the hands of the Master.

Rising to take leave, the Elder put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a large clasp-knife.

"Why, that's my knife that I lost!" exclaimed La Certe in surprise; "where did you find it?"

"I found it on my table at home, where you left it that time you came to ask for some tobacco. Now, observe, if I did not seriously hold and practise the principle of honesty, I would have made the best of circumstances as I found them, and would have put the knife in my pocket instead of returning it to you."

La Certe laughed, and Slowfoot said, "Hee! hee!" while the juvenile La Certe availed itself of the opportunity to draw the pipe gently from its father's hand and have a whiff.

"I have a message to you from the Governor," continued the Elder, taking a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"For me!" exclaimed La Certe, in surprise.

"Yes. He heard that you are hard up just now, and that you are going up the river a considerable distance to hunt--is not that so?"

"Yes, that is true. We start off to-morrow."

"Well, then, he gave me this order for some supplies of powder and shot, twine and hooks, with some cloth, beads, and such like for Slowfoot."

"That is very good of the Governor--very considerate," said La Certe with a pleased look.

"Very good," said Sutherland. "Now, La Certe, suppose it true that men are meant to make the best of circumstances as they find them, and that I was a man without any regard to principle, I might have drawn these supplies from the store for you, and used them myself, and you would not have been a bit the wiser."

Again the half-breed laughed, and admitted the truth of the proposition, while Slowfoot expressed her belief, (whatever it was), in a more than usually emphatic "Hee! hee!"

Returning home from his apparently useless errand, Sutherland met Fred Jenkins with a gun on his shoulder. The seaman was accompanied by Archie Sinclair.

"Well, Jenkins," he said, heartily, "you must be like a fish out o' water in these regions. Don't you feel a longing, sometimes, for the roar of the gale and the smell o' the salt sea?"

"Can't say as I does, Mr Sutherland. I've bin used to accommodate myself to circumstances, dee see, ever since I was a small shaver; so nothin' comes exactly amiss to me--"

"O Fred! how can you tell thumpers like that?" interrupted the forward Archie. "Isn't Elise Morel a miss to you? and Elspie, and Jessie Davidson?"

"Clap a stopper on your mug, you young scape grace!" retorted the seaman, who had some doubt as to whether the boy's putting Elise Morel's name first was intentional or an accident. "As I was a-going to say, sir, I was always fond o' changes, an' the rollin' plains come to me as pleasant, though not quite so familiar, as the rollin' sea."

"That's a satisfactory state o' mind, anyhow," returned the Elder. "But where away now?--to cater for the pot, I dare say."

"Well, no, not exactly--though I've no objection to do that too in the by-goin'. But we've heard a report that a band o' Sioux are goin' to visit the Settlement, and as there's a lot o' their enemies, the Saulteaux, knocking about, I've bin sent to the fort by old McKay to see if they've heard about the Sioux comin', an' if there's likely to be a scrimmage, so as we may clear for action, d'ee see?"

"I see; and I hope there will be no need to clear for action. I'm glad to see Archie with you too," said Sutherland, "but surprised; for I don't remember when I saw him without Little Bill on his back or at his side."

"O, as to that, Little Bill has forsaken me," said Archie, "or I have forsaken him--I'm not sure which--since Dan Davidson's accident, for he does little else but sit at Dan's bedside, readin' to him or talking with him."

"The dear little fellow could not be better employed," remarked the Elder.

"The dear

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