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Book online «Us by Arianna Joseph (reading tree .TXT) 📖». Author Arianna Joseph

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saddening but if he wanted to act like nothing happened between them, she was ok with it. But two could play the game. Arelie didn’t even spare Trystan a glance now. She even tries not to fill her mind up with crazy ideas and visions. But maybe once or twice, she’d see him take a glance at her.

Whenever he did this she’d turn the other way, ignoring him. Rejecting anything he had to offer her.

“Maybe I should just check up on you, just to help the entire world.” Arelie gave Tori a half smile.

“No. Seriously, I’m not going to forget that experience. It wasn’t comforting to know someone was in my house.” searching for me, but Elie didn’t add the last part. Tori didn’t know the intruder was looking for her, Elie hadn’t told her. Tori looked down at her watch, she sighed for a long time.

“I have to go. I’m heading to New York this weekend, won’t be back until next week Wednesday night.” Tori gave Elie a frown. “I was hoping we could get together after that, if you’re not doing anything.”

Elie shrugged. “That’s fine. How about next week . . . Saturday?” Tori nodded, after giving her a farewell hug, Arelie started on to her car. She pulled out her iPod and put her earphones in her ear. She unlocked her car; she locked the doors and started her car.

She plugged her iPod to her speaker system, and put the volume on high. She started to back out when she saw her father. Elie pulled out her phone when it buzzed.

The neighborhood park. I’ll be waiting.

Had it been her father that texted her? What the hell was he doing in Florida? Arelie shivered with dislike. Ben O’Neil was a wanted man for murdering her mother. He was dangerous. Arelie kept repeating the thought in her head as she started for her neighborhood. On her way home she saw Trystan with another guy, the guy handed Trystan a load of cash and a bag, then ran. Elie shook her head, and kept driving.

She didn’t have time for Trystan right now, she had her own problems. When she got to the neighborhood park she parked right in front of it. She tried to think this over in her head; was this a good idea? Coming here to see her wanted father?

She made her decision when she took the keys out of the ignition, and got out of her car. She slid her phone in her pocket. She walked through the park, watching warily for her father. She sat down at a bench. She’d been waiting almost an hour when she heard his voice;

“I’ve been searching for you, darling.” Her father’s voice crooned, a cold shiver slid down her spine. Arelie turned around, she faced her father. Other than the barely noticeable bags under his eyes and the few gray hairs on his head, he looked the same.

“Father.” Arelie’s voice sounded out, cold and distanced.

“So loving,” Ben mocked, “You look like your mother, but you’re just another me.”

“I’m nothing like you.” Elie disagreed.

“Ah, but you are, love.” Ben’s voice assured, in a soothing tone. Elie decided to jump the gun.

“Why are you here?” Elie asked.

“Why else? To see my daughter. I’m taking you home, Elie.” Ben smiled.

“There is no home for us, for you. I’m not going anywhere with you. I suggest you leave.” Elie said hoarsely.

Ben’s smile turned cold. “But we don’t have to go back. We could make our place elsewhere. We could start over, you and me. I’m not old, darling, you’re not too young . . .” Ben trailed with a sensual smile. Elie moved back to bump into the bench.

“You’re disgusting!” Elie’s voice was laced with fear.

“Come with me, love, come to your father.” Ben lured.

“Get away from me! Get out of here! I don’t want to see you ever again!” Elie ordered. Ben’s smile left his face. He advanced on her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. He put his mouth to her ear.

“You can’t make me go away, Elie, we’re family, you and I, we’re blood. I’ll be back, always. Next time . . . well, you’ll see.” Ben kissed her below her ear. Looking at her the whole time, he left, disappearing in the patch of woods. Elie let out her breath, she held her throat, her body felt shattered, and pain was starting everywhere.

She kept her balance, without looking back she ran to her car. All she was focused on was getting inside. A family was walking the sidewalk, their two children riding their scooters, Elie clutched at the steering wheel. She couldn’t believe what had conspired between her and her father. It was an unending nightmare.

Elie had no doubt that it was her father who broke in the other night. It would be something he’d do.

Elie started her car. She couldn’t go home. Bea wasn’t there yet, wouldn’t be there until Sunday. Did Bea know Ben was here? Elie thought.

No, she couldn’t. She wasn’t even here! And if she did know, she’d have already contacted the police. Elie thought of the places to go. Being outside didn’t help at all.

The library. It would be quiet; no one would start a commotion at the library. With that decision, Elie headed to the library. When she got there, she wanted to bang her head against her window. Sitting on the bench, with another girl was no other than Trystan. Elie groaned.

Maybe if she got out of there quickly, he wouldn’t see her. With that hope in mind, Elie started backing up, but before she could drive away, Trystan saw her. He said something quickly to the girl, who nodded. He started getting up. Elie put her car in drive.

“Arelie.” Trystan’s voice boomed from the outside. With four long strides, he made it to her car. Before she could lock it he opened the passenger door, and stepped inside. He seated himself on the seat and gave her a hard look that told her he wasn’t happy. She gave him back his hard look, not putting up with his sullen mood.

“I don’t remember inviting you in my car,” Arelie hissed.

“Well now you don’t have to worry about it.” Trystan’s said calmly, Elie glared at him.

“Get out.” She commanded.

“Drive or I will.” Arelie hesitated. She didn’t doubt his words. With another glare towards him, she started driving. Not at all happy with the situation at hand, she brooded, not looking at Trystan. When she got to the stop light, she finally spared him a glance, and found that he had never taken his eyes off of her. Unnerved she looked away.

“What do you want?” she stated.

“Why are you ignoring me?” he asked, ignoring her question.

“Why were you ignoring me?” she said, ignoring his question. He stared at her, his stare made Elie feel intimidated.

“I never ignored you.” He said; his voice low. Elie snorted.

“Yeah, sure you didn’t.” Elie said with heavy sarcasm. “So the past two days now, you haven’t ignored me.”

“I was busy, did you ever think of that?” he asked softly.

“Is that your excuse? You couldn’t at least drop by to make sure I was ok?” she whispered brokenly.

“I knew you were; I have my resources. And that was my reason. I’ve never given excuses. Excuses are for cowards and liars.” He stated stiffly. Elie spared him a moment’s glance. The man was stubborn.

“You know,” she said, after a while. “It doesn’t assure a girl that you have stalker’s following her.”

He made a half smile, he looked to the road. They sat there in silence; Trystan brooded for a while before looking back at Arelie.

“Are you?” he asked. She raised a brow at him, questioningly. “Are you ok?”

She smiled at him, one that made him feel really special. “At least you care.” She said.

“What made you think I didn’t care?” he inquired.

“Nothing.” She shook her head, “It’s just . . . some people need reassurance. Have you ever heard that before?” Trystan shrugged.

When they had finally made it back at her house, Trystan jumped out and looked up at her. Elie smiled, and assured him, “No one’s home. My aunt’s coming back in a few days.” Trystan nodded and followed her to her door, once they got inside, Trystan turned; he closed the door and locked it. Elie gave him a half smile.

“Learned my lesson.” She promised. He gave her a look that showed her he didn’t think so. They passed through the kitchen, Elie caught Trystan gaze and blushed as she realized that he was remembering the night they had first kissed. Elie looked away. “Do you want a sandwich?” she gave him a sorry smile. “I’m afraid that’s all I know how to make.”

He grinned. “Why not?”

She started making her famous turkey sandwich, she felt Trystan’s stare at the back of her head. She ignored the heat coiling in the pit of her stomach. She finally turned around to face him; she grabbed two plates and set them at the bar. She put the two sandwiches on the plates, she open the fridge and glanced at him.

“Soda or orange juice – most pulp.” She gave him a lazy smile. He sat back and pretended to contemplate the decision.

“Orange juice.” He decided. She glanced back at him.

“Really? Trystan Levi – rumored to be in gang – chooses orange juice over soda?” she asked incredulously. He only smiled and shrugged. She grabbed the carton of orange juice, and placed it on the counter. She grabbed two glasses and set them before Trystan. After she hopped into a seat next to him, she started on her sandwich. Trystan took a few minutes to see her devour her sandwich.

She drank her orange juice and licked the pulp away from her lips in a slow motion that Trystan started to ache. She caught him staring and gave him a curious expression.

“You don’t want your food?” she asked, he looked back at his sandwich and wanted to tell her what he really wanted, but decided against it. He took a bite out of his sandwich and smiled. “Is it good?” she asked.

“No.”  he said, and watched her face fall, “It’s great.” It took her a moment to process his words, after she finally understood his “joke” she gave him a hard punch. But he didn’t budge, didn’t even move! He smiled and took a gulp of his orange juice. The orange juice left a pulpy mustache on Trystan’s face.

Elie broke into a wide grin. Trystan lifted a brow. She continued to smile at him, in obvious amusement. Seeing his impatience with whatever she found funny, she grabbed a napkin and scooted closer to him. He watched her every move.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and felt male heat emanate through his t-shirt. She took the napkin and wiped at his upper lip, her index finger patting away the pulp.

Trystan watched as Arelie wiped away the pulp on his lip she was staring at his lips and then at his eyes. Trystan desperately wanted to take her in his arms, and kiss her until she didn’t know who she was. Damn, already her eyes were clouding with passion.

“Trystan . . .” she murmured.

Her next words were cut off. He couldn’t help himself, she looked so beautiful sitting there, just sitting there, that he had to kiss her. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t even know Arelie well enough. She could be a cheater, or a liar, or a . . . or worse. But for some odd reason, Trystan refused to believe it. Arelie was too . . . too innocent to know anything! God help him, but he was falling for her. Hard.

All Arelie felt was Trystan’s hard, demanding lips on hers. He had his arms circled around her waist and he had pulled her onto his lap. She moaned into his mouth, and plunged her hands into his hair, pulling him close.

They stayed that way, wrapped in each other’s

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