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Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series by Heather Ray (best classic books .txt) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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fueling that. Once again, while she did want to be with him, her strongest wish was that he'd be happy.

She would work to that goal, no matter what sacrifices she'd have to make.
Chapter Five

I'll be there to protect you
With an unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name
And I'll be there

Katherine trembled with cold as she trudged through the thick layer of snow that covered the ground of the ski resort. Even when covered by several layers of warm clothing, her lips quickly chapped and her nose and cheeks stung with the mountain winds.

Katherine had been in snow before, but she had never become used to it. The almost tropical weather of Surrey Hill, as well as Angel Grove, was the weather she was comfortable with.

She carried her heavy rented skiing equipment without giving any inkling to her discomfort. After all, when Billy had recommended a trip to the ski resort, she offered no complaint then, and she certainly wouldn't do it now.

When Billy decided to invite Tommy on this trip, he explained that the best thing they could do was take Tommy away from things associated with Kimberly. It was the best way to get him to take his mind off of her. And considering the fact that Kimberly was one of the first people he met after moving to Angel Grove, surely much of the city would be associated with her. The Youth Center, where he first saw her. The school, where he first met her. The park, where he first kissed her. Those memories, and all the memories that followed, took place in the locations in which he lived much of his life. So logically, going into an environment completely different from Angel Grove will spark less painful associations for Tommy.

Katherine found no flaw in Billy's logical psychoanalysis, and nowhere in the general area was more different from Angel Grove then their crisp new surroundings. And perhaps, the frigid mountain air would carry away Tommy's deeper thoughts, and let him enjoy the weekend.

So Katherine continued to smile warmly, despite her chapped lips and numbed nose, and managed to keep step beside Tommy and Billy.

"Guys," Tommy sighed after a long silence, as the group reached the slopes, "I... I just don't think it's such a good idea. I don't want to ruin your weekend."

"Come on, Tommy," Billy argued, "If anything will get your mind off Kimberly, it's a weekend away with your friends."

"Right," Katherine contributed surely.

"You guys ready to shred?" Billy asked.

Katherine scrunched her nose slightly. "Uh... I'm going to get some hot chocolate first... I'm not quite used to the cold yet."

"Okay, we'll see you at the top," Billy said, waving slightly.

"Cool. Have fun!" Katherine called, smiling cheerily as she walked towards the restaurant. Once she turned her back, she no longer needed to hold up cheerful appearances. Her smile quickly melted, and her lips trembled with cold.

"Please let this work," she whispered.

With all her being, she prayed that the trip would help pull Tommy out of the enclosure he erected around himself... and maybe let her in.

Chapter Six

I'll be there to comfort you
Build my world of dreams around you
I'm so glad that I found you
I'll be there with a love so strong
I'll be your strength
You know I'll keep holding on

As the pair of snowmobiles shredded through the soft powder, Katherine reflected on the whirlwind of events that packed their trip to the mountains.

Firstly, after a rather long silence, the Machine Empire was back in full swing. Not long after her arrival at the mountain, she spotted a group of Cogs headed for the slopes. Although she did her best to stop them, she didn't manage to prevent them from taking the warning sign off one of the dangerous cliffs on the monstrous slope the Widowmaker. As a consequence, a young and talented skier named Heather Thompson, whom Tommy and Billy had met in the inn, almost hurtled off the cliff completely unaware of the danger. Fortunately, Tommy managed to put together a human chain, and pulled her to safety.

And then... something happened.

Katherine wasn't there when Tommy first encountered the bright and energetic ski champion, but she wished she had been. She had wanted to pinpoint exactly what point Heather first became interested in Tommy... and just when he reciprocated that feeling.

She knew that something

had happened, for now, there was a glimmer of light in Tommy's gaze again. He was still hurting... that can't be denied... but at least there was hope in those dark chocolate pools of color.

Could it possibly be that Tommy really had feelings for Heather? True, Katherine couldn't deny that Heather had a lot to offer. She was beautiful, famous, athletic, and entirely friendly and likeable. But still... it all happened so quickly.

Too quickly.

Katherine wanted him to heal, but she was suspicious. He only received the infamous letter three days ago, and now he was ready to start all over?

She watched them from her position behind Billy on their snowmobile. She then caught Billy's eye as he glanced behind him, and gave her a knowing grin. He was clearly observing the same thing she was.

Heather's arms were gripping Tommy's waist quite

tightly. Her interest in him was as clear as day.

Katherine felt a twinge of jealousy. She hated that feeling, but it was always there, peaking up to the surface time and again.

She pushed the green-eyed monster in her heart aside, and tried her best to look at the situation from Tommy's perspective.

True, he's probably reacting to Heather's bold attention as a result of lowered self-esteem. He may be on the rebound, but that doesn't mean there isn't a genuine attraction there.

Katherine silently decided she's support him on this new romantic interest. Surely Heather could bring a smile to his face... even if she couldn't.

"Not bad, you guys," Heather giggled, as the two snowmobiles slowed to a halt, "You almost

beat us!"

"Hey Billy," Tommy commented, leaning on the handles of the snowmobile, "I thought you said you never drove one of these before."

"The snowmobile basically rides like the Waverunners back home." He then shrugged his shoulders. "It's easy once you get the hang of it."

"So," Heather said, a competitive smile lighting up her face, "ready for another race?"

Katherine kept her gaze on the couple. Both Heather and Tommy wore energetic smiles, and Heather's arms once again made themselves comfortable around Tommy's waist.

They'd make a good couple. They each had a powerful, winning spirit. They liked to compete. They liked the thrill of competition. They liked to live on the edge.

Their personalities matched nicely.

"Actually," Kat said finally, "I've got a bit of a chill. Do you mind if we headed back, Billy?"

Billy thought about it, casting a glance at Tommy and Heather before turning to Kat. "No problem. I getting hungry anyway."

"Uh, Tommy," Heather picked up, "there's something I'd love to show you, if you have time?"

Tommy frowned slightly. "I... I don't know. We sorta said we'd spend the rest of the day together..."

"Don't worry about it," Billy assured him, "We'll be all right."

"You sure?" Tommy asked.

Katherine smiled, waving him away. "Of course! Go!"

"Okay, cool," Tommy said, his gloved hands gripping the handles again, "I'll see you guys at the bottom of the hill!"

"Bye!" Heather called, as their snowmobile pulled away. Katherine kept her gaze on them, watching the machine disappear into the ivory white distance while they continued in another direction. She sighed quietly to herself, her body jostling slightly as the machine raced along the powder.

At least there's a bright side. At least he's smiling again.

Chapter Seven

If you should ever find someone new
I know she better be good to you
'Cause if she doesn't then I'll be there
Don't you know baby?

Kat gazed into the distance, watching the sun set over the high slopes. She tossled a lock of her straw-gold hair pensively, letting her mind wander at the beauty of the sunset.

True, she also wondered how Heather and Tommy were getting along. They had been gone for quite a while, it seemed.

"Heather seems like a nice girl," Billy commented, resting his mug on the table before them, "Maybe things will work out between Tommy and her." He paused, looking back at his silent companion. "Kat? Are you okay?"

Billy's words had fallen onto her ear as a gentle background sound to the complex thoughts swimming through her mind. She startled slightly at the direct address, dropping her twisted curl and sitting up straight.

"Sure... I'm fine," she assured him, turning away from the window, "What were you saying?"

"I was saying how I hope things will work out between Tommy and Heather," he repeated, folding his hands in his lap.

Katherine lowered her gaze, toying with her

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