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Book online «Missing You by Samara Fitzgerald (different ereaders TXT) 📖». Author Samara Fitzgerald

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my knees and hugged him. As soon as I hugged his small, fragile body, I start crying even harder.

"You're alive. I missed you so much." I said. All of a sudden, I hear Justin trying to say something.

""He did this." Justin whimpered.

"What?" At first I didn't hear him.

"He did this to me." I stepped back and looked down at Justin's sweet face. His brown hair was damp and his face was wet from tears. I got up.

"Who did what to you?" I asked.

"He did this to me." Justin said again.

"Who Justin?" After that a dark figure stepped behind him and put its hands on Justin's shoulder.

"I can't tell." Justin said. He looked so frightened. After that, both of them disappeared.

"No, Justin. Who?" I yelled. After that, I start running.

"Justin...Justin..." I kept running. My chest starts to burn from being out of breath. That's when the howling started. The same howling of the wolf that I heard the night Justin died.


That is when I woke up. My heart is beating so fast. After my heart calmed down, I start crying. That was the worst dream I ever had. What was Justin talking about when he said that he did it? Who is HE? I am just stressed out. When I finally calmed down, I heard it again. Am I still dreaming? I pinched myself and from the yelp that came out of my mouth and the pain I felt, it showed that I wasn't dreaming. I listened closely and I am most positive that I did hear what I thought I heard... the howl. My heart starts beating real fast. A part of me wants to go out and check on it, but the other part of me is telling me to stay here. I know my answer so I got up and put on some sweats and my hoodie. I went downstairs and went out the back door in the kitchen, which leads to the woods where I heard the howl. Before I left, I grabbed a flashlight.


I start walking my way through the woods, the light from the flashlight helping me.  As I was walking through here, I was feeling so many emotions that I felt the last time I was in here five years ago. The howling kept going, but after a few minutes, it stopped. It was like it could sense that I was there and that is when I stopped walking.  I start getting scared and shivers were going down my spine. After a while, I start hearing rustles from the leaves. It was coming from behind me. My heart start racing as I turned around.

Who's out there?" I start getting alert. No one answered, so I kept walking toward where I heard the rustling.

Who’s out there?" I asked again. All of a sudden, someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth before I got to scream. The person turned me around and I saw it was Logan. Now I'm mad.

"If I uncover your mouth, would you keep quiet?" He asked. I shook my head yes. He looked at me suspiciously for a minute, but he finally uncovered my mouth. I gave him a smile, but then kneed him in his special manly place again. He bent over and groaned.

"What the???... are you crazy?!?!" He yelled at me.

"No. You the one who decided to grab me." I yelled back.

"Well excuse me. Next time I see a girl walking alone in dangerous woods, I would just leave her there and let whatever happens to her happens." He straightened up. I could tell he was getting real angry, but he took a deep breath and calmed down.

"What are you doing in here anyway? It's so dark out here; you don't know what could happen." He asked.

"It’s none of your business. Besides, what are YOU doing out here?"

"You answer me first?"

"Fine. I heard something and I wanted to check things out." I said.


"Yes. I can take care of myself." I snapped.

"You can?" He start moving closer to me. I swallowed hard.

"Yes..." I said as I stepped back a little. A smirk came to his face as he saw I was nervous.

"From anything?" Now he is right in front of me. My heart starts racing again.

"Yes...and anyone." I stuttered. He laughed a little.

"Now tell me why it is so hard to believe that."

"It's true." I snapped.

"Then why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not scared of you." I said.

"I never said you were." He brushed a strand of hair out of my face. My heart start beating faster as his blue eyes gazed into my eyes. He's right. He does scare me, but in a certain way. There is something mysterious about him that screams danger and mystery, but I can't help the fact that he still grabs my attention.


All of a sudden, I noticed that Logan didn't have a shirt on, so he was bare chest. He had a long, thin scar on the right side of his chest.  It looks so unusual, I wonder what happened. Before I knew it, I'm touching his chest where the scar is. His skin is so warm. I felt him tense up, but he relaxed. I looked back up into his eyes. That is when I heard rustle of leaves of someone coming. I could tell Logan heard it too because he looked alert. He looked back down at me.

"I..." Before he got to say anything, I hear a familiar voice call my name.

"Ebony." I turned around and Randy comes forward from the tree.

"Randy, what you doing here?"

"I saw you walking in here. Who were you talking to?" he asked.

"I..." I turned around and saw that Logan was gone.

"No one. I was talking to no one." I said. Randy looked confused, but it went away. I bet he thinks I'm weird now. I feel embarrassed.

"Well, what you doing out here?"

"I was going for a nice walk." I lied. I gave him a fake smile.

"At 1 o' clock in the morning?... Never mind. Let me walk you home."

"I'm fine Randy... fine." I did not want to start any debate because I knew Randy wouldn't leave it alone until I said okay. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me and we start walking back to my house. I looked behind me one last time to where Logan stood. Where did he go?

Chapter 6

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. All I could think about was, unfortunately, Logan. Last night, when we talked and that moment we had, I felt a connection. It was so weird because I never felt anything like this before. It was like we were in our own little world as soon as I looked him in his eyes. Everything was calm, but then Randy came and Logan left. I don't know where he went or how he left so quickly without getting caught by Randy. That is what brings more mystery to Logan. I never really noticed that I forgot about the wolf howls I heard last night. When Randy walked me back home, thank goodness mom and dad was still asleep. All I did was say thank you to Randy and we went our separate ways. I got back in bed, but I couldn't fall back to sleep. Now it is morning and my alarm clock went off on the scheduled time. I yawned and got out of bed. I took a shower and put on some skinny jeans and a lime green tank top with a light blue jean jacket. I didn't feel like messing with my hair so I put it into a ponytail. After I was done, I went downstairs and mom and dad was sitting at the table. I went to the fridge and took me out a bottle of apple juice.

"Ebony, you need to eat something. You look exhausted." mom said. Of course since I didn't get any sleep last night.

"I'm not hungry."

"Ebony, listen to your mother." Dad said. He wasn't even paying attention. He was too busy reading the newspaper. I didn't want to argue so I grabbed an apple from the bowl on the table, rinsed it off and took a bite.

"Happy now?"

"Yes." Mom smiled.

"Good. I'm leaving now." I grabbed my keys from the hook on the wall.

"Wait, I almost forgot. Someone needs a ride to school." mom said.

"Okay, I'll drive Randy to school." I said. Then, mom starts looking uncomfortable.

"What mom?"

"I wasn't talking about Randy." When she said that, there was a knock at the door. I knew right away who she was talking about.

"No. You didn't mean... No, you're kidding right?"

"Calm down Ebony. You are embarrassing yourself." mom said as she left the kitchen. I hear her opening up the door.

"Hello Logan. How are you?" mom said in her cheerful voice. Dad finally looked up from his newspaper and looked at me. He looked so confused.

"Wait, what is going on? Who is Logan?" I rolled my eyes. Dad really needs to be home more often.

"He's our new next door neighbor." I mumbled. Mom and Logan came into the kitchen. As soon as Logan comes in, he looks at me with a small smile on his face. I know he is enjoying this, torturing me.


Dad got up, a hard look on his face.

"So this is Logan?" He asked.

"Yes. He and his family just moved into the house next door." mom said. Dad face softened. No dad, look mean again. Then Logan will know to leave me alone. Then I just noticed that Logan is a little taller than dad, and dad is tall. Also, Logan does look like one of those fighting types so he might beat my dad in a fight, so there is no use.

"Hello sir."

"Have a safe drive to school." Dad hugged me and sat back down. I grabbed my backpack and walked out while Logan followed me. I walked out of the house to the garage and got in the car. I didn't say anything to him. Logan got in and as soon as he shut the door, I let everything out.

"You are full of it, you know that." I snapped at him. He looked taken back, as if he wasn't expecting that.

"What did I do now?"

"You already know. Going to my mom about getting a ride. What happened to your car?"

"It's acting up." He said. I just sighed and started the car. After that, I drove off.


I glanced over at Logan. He was looking out of the window. I felt my face heat up as Logan looked at my direction.

"You can take a picture if you want. I don't mind." He said.

"I don't know what you talking about." Man, he caught me. I feel so embarrassed.

"You don't have to hide it. I know you're into me. You showed it last night."

"Whatever. You can think that all you want. Have fantasies or whatever" I pulled up to the school and parked in the parking lot. I got out the car and Logan got out. When I locked the car, I turned around and jumped when I saw Logan was standing there. He smiled at me.

"Can you stop doing that?" I said in frustration. I tried walking past him, but he didn't move.

"Excuse me." He didn't even move out

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