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Book online «Entitled by cama seeney (beach read book .txt) 📖». Author cama seeney

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C - Burpie

A - Front kick

R - Side lunge

L - Cross crunch

E - Lunge

T - Jump squat.


Everyone had finishes before me, but I felt okay my ankle and stomach burned with a fierceness I didn't know pain could posses. I landed with my arms in front of me after my jump squat, the day was already heating up I was regretting the jumper I was wearing, I didn't take it off I didn't want people knowing I had been pregnant it was my only weak spot. Wearing a jumper would help me sweat more anyway.


'Warm up is over. So I my leniency, I want Russian twists. REAL ones this time. Down, twist both ways and down.' I quickly sat on the floor doing a sit up and twisting as I hit the top. The sun shone in my eyes blinding me, the hard floor made me grateful of my extra padding even if I was swearing already.


'Up, to the floor. Twist you got it! Up, down, twist. Better. Again.' His echoed again deafened me, he walked up and down the line watching us, my stomached burned already but I refused to give in. Pain helped, it would help me get better.


He walked down the isle again correcting people 'burpies. Jump all the way up.' His voice was stern holding slight sarcasm. 'TUCK YOUR KNEES IN!' He screamed, his voice made me shiver and I jumped higher stretched my knees out further and got up quicker. He stood in front of me for a full minuet before nodding and moving on. I grinned flicking hair off my face, I couldn't help but be proud.


'Pushups and no I'm not sexist you will all do a full press up not the pansy ass version.' He walked passed me again, 'ass down, arms further apart, back straight.' He told me not looking, more expecting. I pushed my arms further apart, pushed all the way up and down. Ass down. 'Better.' He called. He called us to a stop after a few minuets. 'Stretch, partner up.' He shouted, I bent down touching my toes and smiling it had been soon long since I could. It was a sad lost smile but all the same, he would always be in my heart.


I pulled one knee up into my stomach holding it there and balancing and then repeating the process. I crossed my arm just under my chin and pushed with my other arm, I felt warm and ready for anything. Bring on the next milestone, I thought to myself drinking some of my water with a wirey smile covering my lips. I can and will do this, I thought to myself with fierce determination.


The kid from last night, jack... Green walked over to me smiling softly flashing the soft blue of his braces, 'want to partner up?' He asked, I shrugged still not knowing what we were going to do anyway. 'Don't even think about it jack, she's mine.' Alyce told me strutting over looking refreshed not gross and sweaty. I smiled at her and shrugged I didn't mind who trained me. Jack, Alyce together. New girl with Logan.' The trainer yelled, not voicing his opinion. Logan stood of to the side not really looking at anyone in particular, he sighed before walking over to me. My only wish was that the boy with the dark aura could teach me what ever it was I was suppose to learn.

Heal me


Silently we began our so called training, basically he would throw a punch I would try to block it using the different techniques he taught me. Ever punch he landed I remained silent, I felt the quick whiplash of the pain and then the dull numbing pain that came after but didn't voice my opinion on it.


As he threw yet another punch at my face, I took a step to the side bringing up the front of my arm pushing his own arm up and breaking his guard. I stood fearlessly awaiting his next move. He became angrier and angrier at my lack of expression, throwing harder and quicker punches. Not once however did I hit back. He landed yet another on the side of my jaw, this one made my eyes water. I smiled got back up and resumed training.


'What is wrong with you!' He screamed at me, I cocked my head not understanding 'you don't react you don't fight back!' He shouted at me again, all those around us remained still silently so. I shrugged unsure of his problem I looked at the trainer finding him waking towards us. 'After you block I want you to go on the defence. Do any combo you cab even kick him. You've learned to block now fight back.' Something boiling entered my veins, the heat spread through out me with each passing hit I felt it gathering and now I could unleash it.


Sighing Logan got back into place, this time throwing a punch at my abdomen. This time I used my wrist to block, turner my hand and. Grabbed his wrist in my hand I pulled him towards me and punched him with my right hand. It was the stronger of the two, he brought up his knee and kneed me in the stomach, I doubled over let go with my left hand and punched his open stomach and then stepped back a step blocking again.


Something deep inside me screamed survive, survive, survive. It was like a beat of the drum, one that I was living too. 'Halt. Very good Scarlet, again.'


He kept us fighting for another hour before he called lunch. I grinned, I was bruised but low on energy. We began running again, back to the house. I ran out of beat, even here I didn't fit in. I was okay with it though. 'You've lasted alot longer than most of us did. The first days tough, bets are you wont make it through weapons training. I think you will though.' Jack told me smiling confidently, I wondered how long the break was I was hungry it was boiling and I ran out of water half an hour ago. I looked at my watch, it took us half an hour to get up, eat breakfast and get there two hours training and a ten minuet run back - it was ten past nine. Alyce cause me looking at my watch 'the break ends at ten fifty minuets to eat, freshen up, digest and get there.' It would be silly to run on a full stomach, as you exercise you don't digest your food it just sits in your stomach.


We all entered the house, feet clattering randomly now as people rushed up stairs or to the bathroom. I walked into the dining room and picked up a bowl of pesto and pasta, broccoli - peppers and spinach was in it too. I ate the small amount quickly and grabbed a bottle of the pink coloured water. It tasted strange but I drank it all immediately. Alyce sat beside me speaking to people I didn't know, I tapped her only shoulder looked down at the bottle and raised my eyes brow. 'What's in it?' She asked understanding me I nodded and smiled again. It felt fake, I wasn't a happy smile I wasn't happy. 'No one knows really, we don't ever make lunch but I'm guessing energy tablets, vitamins you know healthy shit protein and all that.' She finished and drank all of hers too. I could already feel the energy spreading through my veins, I didn't know what was in it but I wanted more.


Instead though the nurse pointed at me and asked me to follow her, I got up sighing and followed her into her office / diagnosing room. She asked me to take off my tee shirt and shoe, I did so looking at the masses of bandages around my stomach, she unwound it slowly revealing four gruesome looking claw marks starting from directally under my left ribs to my right pubic / hip bone almost. They looked deep and the stitches looked irritated slightly but they looked to be a week or so old. Not days, I wanted to ask again how long had I been under? But once again couldn't.


She put some ointment on them and left them bandages less this time, my ankle had small cuts all over it, shallow and some deep. It was covered in small stitches and butter fly stitches. This one however looked much further healed. She got a pair of scissors and pulled the stitches taunt before cutting them and pulling them out. The feeling was strange my skin was actually attached to the material. It took some tugging and sharp pain. She finally got them free, I looked at my tee-shirt stomach as she began twisting my ankle testing its strength ect. My stomach was smaller yet again, less fat there. You could still see some of the low lying fat but with a tee-shirt and jumper you would have never of known.


She handed me another bottle of  the coppery tasting drink, this one looked more red than pink thought, higher concentration vitamins? I thought, I shrugged the idea off as she bandaged my foot again and put my sock on. I quickly changed again and walked back to the dining room. People were still lazing around chatting, I sighed and walked out into the front yard and took a seat out on the grass basking in the sun sipping my drink as the aching of my muscles lessened.

War games

I slowly led down and covered my face from the brightly shining sun, I liked the feeling of the warmth but it hurt my eyes a little. I sighed before placing my arm above my head, a little while later people began steadily coming out of the house, I jumped to my feet and jogged after Alyce who was once again in the front, she smiled when i caught her up a couple minuets later. We were jogging in the completely opposite direction this time, it wasn't long before a short long building came into sight it looked more like a warehouse than a cottage or anything, straight tin roof - simple white bricks. It looked as cold as the house though not as well maintained.


One by one students took their shoes off before entering, I untied my boots and did the same. The flooring looked more expensive than all of the materials used to make the

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